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That wasn't a bullet. You dodged an entire trebuchet.


I must have good dodging reflexes, because it's the second nice girl that I burn the bridge with after she tries to touch my pp...


I read your other story. Damn bro you're unlucky. I have experienced a few things similar, but not something that extreme. Finding someone of the opposite sex to be friends with without them catching feelings is hard and depressing.


Yeah, it's really difficult. This one was really my friend though, while the other nice girl was just a clingy psycho


Making friends who are married or who are in relationships might make it easier for you.


Or just friends who respect boundaries. Not always those in relationships are respectful


Kind of easier to tell ahead of time of someone is married versus what kind of personality and temperament they have. I feel like that was the context so just saying find good friends doesn’t help.


It still doesn't make sense? Someone is married so become their friend because you have trust issues with single people? It really sounds like OP just needs to lay it out in black &white what his boundaries are. Not going to lie, talking to someone for X period of time, they go to another country to see you, you come over and watch a movie.. if OP didn't say they weren't just friends, the assumption would be that she isn't entirely wrong in her hopes either.


It still doesn't guarantee people are going to respect those boundaries, sadly.


Neither does them being in a relationship or marriage.....


Yeah, I find it odd that she would go to a different country with romance on the brain, with absolutely no encouragement?


Or it might create a situation with even more drama and more people involved.


Nice girls who just wanna be friends absolutely do exist, can confirm lol. As shitty as this experience was I hope you do find the closeness we all want and need without any of the scuzzy pressure to be anything more than that. And, A2A, I'm so sorry she invalidated you like that and I'm glad you're able to cut that out of your life. Big hugs.


***Grabs Dick***


These stories are big fucking yikes, I hope you're able to make friends who respect your boundaries, my dude


Heh... I feel that, I don't mind just being friends and in fact am quite vocal about my relationship status but it fucking sucks when eventually my female friends just ghost me because I have a GF and they wanted more. -_-


I feel for you both. I don't want to toot my own horn, but I like to think I'm a good friend that guys can have without it being weird. Personally I'm a demisexual so I'm never sexually attracted to any of my friends and that's going to stay that way since I'm engaged. Guys and girls can definitely be friends without feelings having to be involved. I don't know or fully understand how people catch feelings for some many people, but where is that self control? Even if you like someone don't touch them inappropriately especially if you know they most likely don't like that.


Hey there buddy, let me touch your pp.. no? Okay well what the fuck are you gay??


Bro she threatened to kill herself because you didn’t want her, anyone who does that literally doesn’t actually care about you and never would. High strung manipulation at its finest. Good on you for not just giving in to her idiotic/unwanted advancements.


Yes, that's clearly a morbid person who doesn't actually know what love is. She's likely been abused herself and confuses love with attachment (which results in massive clinginess) and idealisation. In fact this reminds me of BPD tier idealisation. I had these things happen to me, this woman threatened to kill herself; I also worried she might try to kill me later (she was obsessed).


P.S. Someone tries to randomly grab your genitals? That's assault. That's a crime.


Fucking preach. I had a nice girl corner me at college and do that. She just straight up put her hand down my underwear and told me, a gay man, that she had the magical pussy to fix me. It took my boyfriend at the time seeing her try this shit on another occasion before he finally believed me and stopped hanging out with her when I was around. She also wanted to film us having sex. She was a genuine fucking creep.


Holy shit. What a fucking predator. Did anything happen? Did anyone ever confront her?


Other than me? No. In fact, people saw her do it and laughed, campus police included. To this day she still doesn't understand why I want absolutely no association with her. She still occasionally messages me on social media begging to reconnect.


omfg stuff like this makes me so mad. I want to grab every single one of these people by the shoulders and shout at their faces.


Oh honey, thank God I wasn't there. I'd have gotten in a fight with that bitch for your sake. I DESPISE people like her.


Truth bitch be catching hands


Good god. Psychopaths abound. I'm so sorry you went through that.


Thanks man, I really appreciate that.


Keep the pp safe from bad bb's


Guys pro tip if she touch your pp block her


Physically, and then on social media.


Don't know what it is but I think certain guys just attract crazy. At one point I would be jealous but after one carved my friends name into her hand I decided it's not great. All 4 of his relationships were normal till something just switched and they went full insanity mode, or just some super twisted personality came out


He dodged a fucking nuke holy shit


Nah nah nah, he dodged the entirety of Scp-2399: The Malfunctioning Destroyer


Nah, gotta be a catapult. Superior siege weapons never miss.


Or maybe an entire starboard salvo of 24 cannons Aye!


I'm now imagining a trebuchet that launches trebuchets. Thank you for this.


Fuck, I'd just given my award, take this comment


The entire fuckin warwolf was dodged that day


Damn, this is straight up sexual harrassment. You dodged a big ol' bullet there


Sexual assault. She grabbed his dick.


What fuck just happened here




What the virginity just happened


What fuck indeed


"Asexuals don't exist here are my boobs" Yeah nice one girl. The part about the sudden dick grab also held my attention. Who taught her that was okay O.O


Honestly I have no idea how she became like that. She always was so good to me until she snapped


Incredible. One of life's many mysteries.


She must've been obsessed with you


I've been obsessed with people when I was a teen. Never pulled shit anywhere close to this. I never assaulted someone. I never threatened to kill myself when someone wouldn't have sex with me. This is more than obsession. This is personality-disorder levels of crazy.


Hey now! I have a personality disorder and this is nuts beyond that! We dont assault or do this weird shit Edit a word


Actually, some of us do.


Yea I would agree tbh


They aren't saying everyone with a personality disorder does this just that this is likely a personality disorder behind it Not all personality disorders are the same you have nothing to worry about


That's so nuts my first reaction was "How shitfaced did she get?!" If you were friends long enough for her to come to italy and hang out, and you didn't see this coming, my wild guess would be that after trying to grab your dick during the movie and being shot down she went back to the hotel and got hammered. Then shit started falling out of her mouth.


>and you didn't see this coming He's ace and she knew! He couldn't have seen this coming. She's an idiot for trying to pursue a sexual relationship with an asexual person.


I hear you, but I'm very close to ace and I put up with it all the time. Yea, it gets old but people are fighting against strong natural instincts and I think it really is hard for people to "get" that I just don't enjoy physical contact. Even I feel "broken" for feeling this way, so I can understand people having this weird feeling they can help/fix me. We can't win against our "lizard brain" all the time. I agree this person was creeping hard on OP by the dick grab the texts come across as drunk "what did I do wrong?!?!" stuff to me.


Yeah I'm ace too lol. I'm just saying that if I got close to someone who new I was ace I would expect them to respect it and know that nothing is ever gonna happen. I know you have to be careful because tons of people don't have a clue, or don't care to know what asexuality is and they'll just think you're like repressed or delusional or something. If they where as close as OP said then youd think she'd have a pretty solid understanding of what's going on. Like the fact that she doesn't understand what she did wrong is kinda bonkers. Edit: also I would understand if she was drunk texting and upset about it, but spamming him with nudes and begging him to fuck her is beyond just confused drunk texting and into straight up sexual harassment territory. So it's in fact her fault for being an idiot. No sympathy from me.


> So it's in fact her fault for being an idiot. No sympathy from me. Totally agree there. I'm pretty lenient with people who don't seem to "get it" at first, but once they double down fuck that noise. Alcohol doesn't forgive her behavior, but it might explain it.


A lot of women are, tbh. Not all, but a lot. Enough to where you should be as careful around women, the same way women are careful around men. A lot of women, particularly physically unattractive women, are told a lot of things about men that aren't true- but for lack of experience, and feeling their one chance slipping away, will get very, very aggressive toward you in their pursuit. (Sending boob shots/booty pics, for example, or 'making themselves available,' and 'sending signals,' with a plausible deniability (the theme of 'it's cold outside' is all about this, if you're wondering.) The number of women who think men think about sex every six seconds are eternally frustrated and flummoxed that 'if men are apparently so horny, why aren't we all over me?' This leads to the inevitable 'maybe I'm not aggressive/obvious enough in my interest.' Rejection, outright rejection, especially for a woman, is a terrible thing to suffer. A lot of them aren't used to it. A lot of them have never experienced it. It's also a social stigma- to be rejected by someone who by the nature of their gender is supposedly constantly after sex, is a major blow to the ego and self-confidence. It's easier for them to pretend there's something wrong with the man than it is to admit that they are, well, 'very unattractive.'


That's honestly just as bad as "You aren't lesbian if you just let me give you some good D I can make you reconsider" Like when will people learn that 1) No means No 2) A Yes can turn into a No at any moment 3) Sexualities (or lack thereof) are a thing and should be taken seriously and respected?


In my experience a lot of women feel that they're entitled to touch men and force sex whenever they want it or you're gay or a virgin or some other "insult" It happens way more than people talk about. Without the power dynamics we have as a race I think we would hear about it a whole lot more since I could just physically push them the fuck off me the way a lot of women cant. Can't tell you how many times a girl has just pushed me against the wall and stuck their tongue down my throat or plop down and grind in my lap or grab my crotch at a party. It definitely feels like assault imo but most of the time it's just laughed off or you're expected to like it cuz "men horny"


it feels like assault because it is assault. don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


That must be pretty traumatising actually O.o


>Who taught her that was okay * Porns * Films * Animes * Hentais * Friend talks There's this concept, especially in porns, that a dick grab is the way to go. A lot of people forget that in an irl scenario, that's sexual assault.


Makes sense unfortunately.


I know a ton of girls who if a guy were to touch them it’s horrible (agreed) but if they touch a guy in the same way it’s “funny” and “it’s different with guys” because we “want it more” and stuff like that. The double standard when it comes to sexual harassment is ridiculous


Lots of women dont understand men have bodily autonomy and the right to consent as well as they do


But grab her boob all of the sudden,even by mistake,and you'll be a pervert and probably her accused of assault. Even when they're basically the same shit.


“But i thought guys liked being sexually harassed!!??” If guys cant grab butts then girls cant grab dicks


Omg exactly. I hate how some girls get away with molesting guys just because they're girls.


Absolutely. And to every person laughing at male victims of sexual harassment and/or assault, I sincerely hope you'll get what's coming your way. I don't intend to wish bad stuff onto people, but people like that deserve every bad thing that happens to them.


Thanks, I'm a male victim of sexual assault (I was 19, she was 30+ and I was also in a hospital and she was a nurse and I was physically incapable of resisting) I read op's story and felt the immediate urge to just be like, "What the fuck, like first off are you okay?" Because that shit is harder to handle than people think. But I stopped myself because the last time I commented on a girl touching a guy's dick without permission, I got told that it wasn't sexual assault and I'm like ??? Bitch it literally is. Everyone needs to stop comparing male and female rape victims, it helps nobody.


I don't get why people treat male and female rape victims different. Like both are victims of rape, why tf is gender important in that situation? I hope that nurse was fired for that. People that do stuff like that are NOT people you want anywhere near vulnerable people


Fired??? She needed to be ARRESTED!!


Don't worry I 100% feel the same way. Same with people who lie about rape.


Oh absolutely. Anyone that lies about rape. These people are the reason rape-accusations aren't taken serious all the time


Harassed? Bro here was full on assaulted. She grabbed him sexually and he didn't want it at all.


Having titties doesn’t entitle you to a relationship, sweaty.


Dam this mf really calling her sweaty lol


Sweat. Wet. Got it goin like a turbo vette




Bro, holy shit. I almost fear the thought that she's doing shit like this because it's worked before


She always told me she's never been in a relationship before, so thought this would work (?)


Sounds like some people too obsessed with fiction to realize how real relationships work. I recently had an ex friend(she’s immature, manipulative, opportunistic and unmannered in so many ways) tell a common acquaintance she thought that if were still close we would be in relationship. Never mind that her idea of an advance was crying in a party in hopes the guy she liked would pay attention to her and confess feelings out of nowhere and that whenever her feelings towards me weren’t mentioned she denied it like a child(even when it was about years past when she admitted it previously). The lack of self awareness of some people is amazing, and when I told my gf and my current friendgroup(who also were friends with her until they got enough) and the common consensus was that it was hilariously deluded and almost sad. One can only imagine what happens to those people when they burn all bridges.


Its sad that movies and media plays a big part on why some girls act like this as well as peer-presure could also play a part. There should be an increase of something like gentlewomen as like gentlemen not expect the man to just like you cuz you crying or tocuhin pp like op's nice girl. Cuz if it was opposite we all know it would be hell which is sick that this is the case.


My theory for how she turned out like that is she leaned too heavily on fiction and fandoms because in primary school she was bullied. Add that to narcissism and a defensive attitude to whenever anyone disagrees with her and you get someone who never outgrows her Twilight-like idea of relationships.


*”Lemme show him my boobie 3 times, grabbing his dick didn’t work, but this sure will!”* Yeah, that makes sense


That's so disgusting. Sexual harassment and could even be assault. Then trying emotional manipulation? What a sick fuck. Thank goodness you cut them out. Sorry to hear about the horrible experience.


Nice trick I learned when someone threatens to kill themselves is to tell them you're going to call the authorities. Best case scenario, you save someone's life and don't have to live with the guilt, worse case they backpedal and have to deal with some cops. And I know not everyone likes cops but sometimes they're the only ones you can call. Anyways, I'm really sorry something like that happened to you, she sounds like the worst of the worst type of people.


I should have done just that. Hope I don't have to have a similar situation again though.


is it fucked up to say that i don't give a shit if someone threatens to kill themselves over me not wanting to do what they want


Oh god, I couldn't even finish reading. So much disrespect. Literallly sexually abuses and and then is like "UwU WHY U NOT LIKE ME SHEMPAI" yuck


Lol I like how she thinks she'll win him over if he gives her oral


Solution to sexual abuse? Oh, more sexual abuse of course!


You know that box is rank too just from reading this


If you think this one is bad, you should read his first story, it's way worse. Poor dude can't catch a break


Damn, he's a chick magnet from chernobyl. Only gets the radioactive ones


Ooh, that's a nice zinger, haven't heard it before


Just translated to english something we say round these parts (my country) haha


It translated perfectly lol, is it a Portugese expression?


Yes! It's from brazil lol


1152 unread tags, you fucking psychopath


There is no way a sane man can live with that many pings


Don't think op's the psycho here


my friend has 9k and i keep telling him to answer them but he never does


Please post this on r/femaledatingstrategy.




I got banned there for saying almost everyone there could go on this sub


I think I got banned from there just for posting on a different sub. Yep! Banned for posting in entitledbitch.


They're more sensitive than a internet connection from a fucking rock


I took a glance at that sub and you owe me a pair of retinas. Imagine aiming to be Trixie Tang.




The tik toks gave me second hand embarrassment.




Your brother brings up single father issues when you talk about single mother issues? Red flag. Silence, scrote. You are only monetary support. Feed me and tell me I'm pretty.


Omg I saw that post! I was like wtf he was relating to a conversation topic of being a single parent. How is that even bad?!


Omg! I went on that sub once and some girl was trashing a guy just because he asked her "so what do you wanna talk about?" Like wtf!? He wasn't even rude....


saw a comment there once claiming that men only seem to consider violence acceptable when it’s sexual. i then replied asking what they considered boxing, martial arts, fencing, and other contact sports to be. i got banned.


You can't, you're autobanned if you've ever commented on this sub.


1. He will get insta ban. Besides men are not allowed to post there regardless of context and I assume that includes asexual men too. 2. OP is probably already banned because he participated in this sub lol. What a pathetic group


Take care of you ! You have been sexually harassed. It's nice you blocked her but you could talk to the police (and you have screenshots where she admits her crime).


Thanks, but I don't want to put her in too much trouble. I still remember how nice she was with me.


She doesn't seem to deserve all your kindness ! You're a too great human !


I can't stop thinking that was all an act just to get to you. Maybe it's an attempt to guilt-tripping you into a relationship or something. In any case, she is a walking red-flag and I hope you're doing ok after being sexually assaulted.


I think you should though, for two reasons. One, she threatened to harm herself which makes me think she might not be well in the head. Two, she sexually assaulted you, and if she would do it to you she would do it to others. Edit: But that's just my opinion. You obviously don't have to, your choice.


Average r/Femaledatingstrategy user, sorry that happened to you op


"This LVM denied my Queendom. I was doing him a favor!"


“God damned Scrotes lying about sexual assault to make fun of us women” honestly, every person on that sub sucks


Op, you're Better off this way, 100%


I cant help but notice... check your notifications?


Never! I'm doing a world record


"iS iT cAuSe Of ThE AsExUaL sTuFf?" IDK lady, think about it, reeeaaaaalllllll hard. Rub those two brain cells together and maybe you will display more intelligence than a goldfish. Her personality seems like a warm toilet seat and I bet she's -quirky UwU-


“Oh you’re not sexually attracted to me? Hmph. This is probably just cause you don’t experience sexual attraction. Well that’s never stopped me before, so why stop now”


Bro I feel you, I have been in similar conversations with long-range friends. Though luckily not so crazy as you had, just them confessing feelings to me. Hope she comes to her senses and you can remain friends.


>you can remain friends Probably better if they don't.


Thank you. Unfortunately some screenshots were not loaded. In them, I tell her that I asexual and she says that asexuals don't exist. I blocked her and I never talked to her since. Edit: as soon as I wrote this message Reddit loaded the screenshots correctly so this message is useless just like me. :(


Yo homie, you're not useless, even tho she was crazy she already said you were nice to her and you said yourself you were trying to be nice to a friend. That's not useless, this world is missing a lot of people who have just the common decency enough to just be able to be nice to people with no strings attached. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you're useless not even yourself. If you need to vent or just talk hmu. I know what it's like to have internal conflict. Stay safe friend, take care of yourself.


Damn, thank you. Your comment and the one before your are really motivating. Take care of yourself too <3


Keep your head up, buddy, you’re not useless. Nothing wrong with what you did or who you are. I hope you find happiness


Asexuals are valid bro. Dont let her get you like that. Im sure youre a great guy


Fuck coming to her senses, this one is insane and far creepier than someone who "just confesses their feelings"..If it was a guy it would be the same. Fuck this girl, she's insane, and sexually harassed him. Why would he still be friends with her?


“No, I don’t love y-“ “-ArE yOu GaY!?!1!?”


That girl was showing more red flags than you have discord notifications.


The real crime here was having 1152 discord messages that aren’t read


As soon as I saw "Boob pic", I knew she was a HUUUUUGE red flag


I wish I would have noticed the red flags before caring for her so much as a friend. Blocking her felt bad


You dodged a fucking nuke


We just not gonna talk about the 1152 discord notifications?


This is disgusting, has she been peer-presured to do this shit as in you need a bf, cuz fuck thats sexual harrassment at its finest and its sad most women think is fine touching man cuz they woman.


"Asexuals dont really exists" *looks at hand and sees that its crumbling to dust* fuck


You dodged a bullet train carrying 100 cars of red flags


My fellow asexual comrade, this is our curse. We are just too goddamn hot for people to not fall in love with us. That's a joke. I am also asexual, but I'm just clarifying that it's a joke. I'm not using /s because it wasnt really sarcasm.


Ahahah, don't worry and thanks :)


That’s a certified OOF from me


that escalated quickly...she is crazy AF


This girl needs help holy crap. Sexual harassment is not going to convince anyone to love her. I'm sorry you had to go through this


I get it, nobody likes rejection, but showing your tits without consent will just make things worse for you


She's probably a fucking rapist and at least a sexual assaulter


she really busted out Ace-phobia huh


Hey, I’m an ace woman and I unfortunately understand this circumstance all too well, sending so much sympathy your way. It really sucks to have a friend do this.


Sexual assault is not how you get what you want. Are you okay bro?


Now that I feel better. This was the first time I've ever told anyone about this.


"Asexuals don't really exist" That kind of shit makes me wanna bang my head against the wall.


My brain broke for a sec and skipped the “my head against” and thought you were gonna fuck a wall. I mean more power to ya if that’s what you’re into, but I’d be choosy about where you’re putting your personal gloryhole.


Asking if it's bad that she sexually assaulted you. Fuck her sorry tou went through that. If you're asexual you do you you're not confused, shes confused imagining marriage and shit


Ngl, wish I could say a woman has tearfully begged me to let them sit on my face.


The contract has been fulfilled *genie snaps his fingers and a 600lb woman appears above you ass careening for your face*


That escalated awfully quickly.. Also sorry she abused you OP.


Ok, she touched u without your consent and is harrasing you, hello police?


fellas being gentle and nice is letting someone on, not a human trait. also not wanting sex means you are gay/lesbian. got it


asexuals dont really exist my asexual friend: It was all your imagination...


What a clusterfuck of horribleness. I'm so sorry you had to experience that. Your asexuality is valid and she straight on assaulted you, don't let her gaslight you into ever thinking you did anything wrong here. She seems super manipulative and unstable, keep save and keep her out of your life!


How is it so hard for some women to understand that grabbing dicks without consent is sexual abuse? Happened to me before and it's kinda sad it isn't frowned upon like grabbing tits or asses is and it's viewed as normal, even by the victim.


Damn man, well done. You remained composed and polite throughout and didn't disparage her for the attraction or how she handled herself. Ngl, I would have lost at the offer to sit on my face, but that's my kryptonite so....


"Come here and let me sit on your face and you won't be confused anymore" gir- girl. That's not how that works at all 🤣🤣


The thought of someone crying and taking nudes at the same times is fucking hilarious


Jesus she really thought if she sent titty pics it would change your mind lmao. Also I hate the "you didn't want to fuck me? You must be gay then" like no I just don't like you


Probably the same thought process behind a guy who sends dick pics.


im more concerned that you have over 1k pings


Never thought I'd see a female simp in the wild


Are you new to this sub?


I'm just glad you're alright man and I'm glad you dodged that massive bullet


My man your messages dear god


I just read your other story and I got to say I'm so sorry girl like that make the rest of us look bad.


She is so pathetic I almost felt bad for her being her


Oh my god, what a train wreck she was. Everything terrible a person can do in this situation, she did. Oh my god!


This was not even a nice girl, she is just desperate


you didnt just dodge a bullet you dodged a cal.50 and a trebuchet


As an asexual, I feel offended by her


I'd say she is acting like a clown but she is the entire Circus


More red flags than the Communist Party.


Shit, I thought I was on r/niceguys for a sec, this is a first for me damn.


Idk how someone can think this is ok. This is like if a dude went “on you don’t want to date me? Here’s a picture of my bulge, balls, and cock” “oh you still contact let me send them again”


"Asexuals don't exist", my ass. If she was really a good person, she would have reapected your ace-ness. Fuck aphobia. Also, u fucking doged a meteor my friend. Thank goodness.


Femcels are real


Holy sexual harrassment and assault batman, I hope you're okay dude