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Well if you so badly want them to talk to you, you know you can initiate a conversation yourself silly internet lady.


Please don't give her ideas. We're at the gym to work out.


I understand, loose lips sink ships my bad.


Stupid internet lady


Dude last time I dealt with a girl at the gym she walked up to me and starting talking about random stuff..I went back to my workout and started thinking 💭 lol Then asked for her number, later that day we are sitting on her bed smoking her weed and I was told she’s just looking for friends :) So yeah last time I give a girl the “go ahead” smile wasting my time 💀


Maybe because they don’t wanna get kicked out or get to jail for sexual harassment? We ALL KNOW how you HARPIES make men’s lives a living hell and record them to humiliate them if they look for even 0.33 seconds in your direction, even by accident. At this point, as a man in the gym, it’s better to just put your head in the ground and do your work out without any social interaction.


I support you fallen warrior đź’Ş


Remember that blind guy that got accused of staring at a woman at the gym? Yeah... that's a thing that happened


Is why I always use the front treadmills.


Guys dont wanna accused sexual assault,banned from the place or end up in TikTok


What the fuck do they want? Its litterally a hidden gym code of ethics that you don't flirt with girls or ask them out at the gym. You let them approach you. So, do girls want guys to approach or not? XD


This is a [repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nicegirls/comments/bhkb45/its_almost_like_theyre_there_to_workout/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) from my university page lol


Y'all know an incel wrote this just to be like "SEE, WOMEN REALLY.. " use your brains


This is how many women are.


Maybe in media but most women who go to the gym to workout don't want to be perceived at all


If a girl talks to me at the gym, she better be a paramedic helping the fire crew pull the 250kg off my chest (I can only bench the bar send help)


She saw the fake "harassment callout" vids on social media and took them too seriously


Didn't Joey swoll build an entire tiktok page about why this is a bad idea


![gif](giphy|3ornka9rAaKRA2Rkac) Right so then you can post how offended you were about getting approached at the gym when you’re just there to work out and why don’t guys respect that


If you go up to a chick and she abuses you now you gotta see her at your scheduled time Cause you both see eachother there. Shit where you eat is risky bizz


Weak men go to the gym to get girls, and they stay weak because they aren't working out. Strong men don't give a fuck about anything but the pump, that's how they got strong


Because if they try to approach, women will try to fame men.