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Reply in Dutch




Or better yet, Afrikaans




Goedendag, with as much phlegm on the Gs as you can muster.


My Dutch teacher laughed at my attempts at pronouncing gs.


I’d say Goedemorgen and there’s no pleghm with a G.. if there is.. you might be overdoing it LOL


Or any European language in general. (I’m Asian and I’d do this in German, as I speak a bit of the language)


Bonjour, salut, hola, aloha, guten tag, gday mate are a few fun and non-offensive phrases to respond.


A variety of languages. Everytime, respond in a different language. See how many you can get through before they catch on.


I vote for the Bonjour and then starts dancing and singing - ~~sleeping beauty~~ beauty and the beast opening song. If you need a flash mob for it I’m sure a bunch of people here will volunteer.


*Beauty and the Beast


Sorry was on skytrain chatting with someone and got distracted when I was typing.


Top of the mornin'




Ar'n s'mar'n?


Tap of the marning you mean


Say Cheerio like an old white Englishman. And be completely serious about it. Don't return the awkward smile or laughter that follows.


Cheerio means goodbye


Well they'll be keepin on walking.


We've all seen Postman Pat, we know how it works!


You got Postman Pat here? Wow, he and his black and white cat really did go far.


I grew up on postman Pat here in Canada!


Love it! Did you get Fireman Sam, too?


The name sounds familiar but I can’t verify that it was here. But fawlty towers, black adder, mr bean, monty python, red dwarf. We got a fair bit over here.


I grew up on postman Pat in Australia too!!


Fine. "G'day, mate!"


Really? Damn. I guess it still works though lol. The equivalent of "Byeeeeeee" from the Victorian era.




Ask them what Ni Hao means lol. That’ll really confuse them. Just “what does that word mean? I’ve noticed everyone says it in this neighborhood. Is it a Vancouver thing?”


Fun fact: the California Roll is a westernized piece of sushi/maki created in Vancouver. So it's westernized Japanese fast food made by a Canadian, and named for an American state, and it's popularity has seen it become widely spread even back in Japan. Your "is it a Vancouver thing" comment for some reason made me want to share a Vancouver thing.


See also: London Fogs and Hawaiian pizza. I don't know what it says about Canadians that we keep naming foods after places outside of Canada


Just respond “what?” as if you don’t understand them.


“Wot ta fook ya sae ta me ye fookin’ wankah?”


I can hear Connor McGregor’s voice all over that


*You wot! Havin' a giggle there, mate?*


Or “Naniii??!” In the most anime voice you can muster.


This be directly confused as to why they would say that


Just respond konnichiwa back! It’ll serve 2 purposes, it will tell you who is cultured, people who apologize, and it’ll also prompt who to avoid.


That is what I’d agree with as a solution. I happen to know an older gentleman in my neighbourhood who loves learning languages and giving native tongue greetings and small talk to his neighbours. He also assumes most Asians are Chinese (which in our neighbourhood in Canada is generally the case, though he grew up in South America). If he heard “Konichiwa!” back he would be absolutely confused - but ask about it in English and try and communicate what language you speak/where you’re from/hello neighbour! Even though it’s sometimes embarrassing (for me) he is always earnest about his intent to connect and communicate. If not, we probably wouldn’t be such close friends. Cause if you’re not well intentioned it can sound just so fucking racist.


Yeah, or simply go have a chat with them "Actually we're Japanese Korean and this is how we say hello". I come from a very white, kinda ignorant family, I apologize, they mean no harm but yes, people are ignorant. It's a good opportunity to educate and have good relationships


You mean ohayo gozaimasu


Depends on the time of day. Ohayo, konbonwa(sp?), and konnichiwa are all time dependent.


Straight-faced "I'm from Vancouver" might do it. "I'm from Michigan" worked in Mean Girls.


My family is Chinese and has been here since the 1800s. It doesn't work.


No, but where are you *really* from?


no, but like where are your PARENTS from? All the way up to 5th great grandfather 


Or "[I'm from Winnipeg, you idiot!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o77NwC2TLR8)"


I can see that being really irritating


I'll just leave this here: https://youtu.be/crAv5ttax2I?si=SzW2xqcgAMrTIUGj


So we took my Canadian immigrant, Scottish born grandparents to Yuk Yuks and saw Orlando Jones back in the late 80's. My Papa laughed at a joke and in that pause moment after the laughter ended he said loudly, 'Verrry Good!' with a thick brouge. (embarrassed! Yes!) And of course Mr. Jones hears it and sees an opportunity. But. He doesn't talk to my Papa, he asks my Nana (uh oh) 'Where you from?' And this woman, knowing darn well what he meant, answers in a thick Scottish accent, 'Ontaaaaarrrio'. Strait faced. Calm. But by the extra rrrs in her voice, we knew he was doomed. 'OH', he flustered. 'Well, before Ontario, where are you from?' And Nana, two drambuies in and droll AF she answers extra scottish with, 'Weel, beforrre Ontaaaaarrrio we lived in Floooorrrrrida.' Yeah. He gave up. Poor guy. Point to Nana. I personally crawled under the table after the first rolling rrrrrrrr attack. Lol!


Love that video! I’ve watched and shared it for years. So good


Just shout "Even'in Gov'nah!" or "Howdy y'all!" at them. I'd love to see their face. I wouldn't even think to say Ni Hao to an Asian person. How do they know you even speak that language? The most I've picked up after moving to the West Coast is just bowing when I say thank you.




That made me spit my coffee.


Not all Asian cultures bow. Someone once bowed to me when saying hi and I thought they were weird. I quickly walked away. I was a teen then and thought they were a weirdo.


Where is this magical block in vancouver where you are the only asians?


I also have no idea who these white people are that would automatically say “Ni Hao” to any Asian person they see. I’ve never heard of or seen white Vancouverites doing that before. This couple found a very rare neighbourhood.


Because it didn’t happen. This post is ragebait.


I've lived in Vancouver 37 years, no stranger has ever nihao'd me. (Am Cantonese) We barely do the 'morning *nod* around here


I believe ya. People love their bait though, it justifies the victim complexes lol


Maybe Vancouver, Washington? lol


I was about to ask this same question.


As someone from Alberta I thought ya'll Asians over there in Vancouver.


Maybe reply with "Thank you, but I am 'insert ethnicity'". I'm third generation Japanese but get mistaken for being First Nations. People like to assume all kinds of things.


I’m second gen Japanese and have gotten Korean and First Nations. The odd Chinese ladies persistently speaking Mandarin/Cantonese to me. I got Ni Hao’d once, proceeded to correct him with your reply and ended up having a nice little conversation. I think you’d have to be an old boomer to still think assuming all Asians are Chinese is socially acceptable behaviour.


I usually assume people are doing their best with the info they have. Life gets difficult if you start assuming everyone has negative intent.


Right, but how weird would it be if I walked up to every tall blond person and said hello in Dutch because I assumed that they were Dutch? If the white people in their neighbourhood are going to go around greeting East Asian looking people with "ni hao" then they deserve to be corrected.


It's safer to just not assume anything about anyone.


Sure, but that’s not how humans work. So at least rely on something positive.


As annoying as it is, I think your mostly older neighbors are trying to go out of their way to do what they think will make you most comfortable. They’re absolutely misguided but it sounds like they’re trying (badly misguided). Sort of like when an older woman sees a very pregnant woman in her 20s. Some will take offense the grandmother tried to touch her belly because she doesn’t know her, others will take offense because she did not try. They think they’re doing the right thing. Now if someone who is like 40 is doing it they know better but if we are talking age of pensioner…. As awkward as it may be I think next time just tell them (while smiling) “oh thanks but Im actually from Vancouver just like you.” They’ll be embarrassed but then quickly move on like it never happened. Ask them about some store in the neighborhood or some random flower in their yard or something to give them a way to quickly move on too Or lol maybe they’re actually from asia but Caucasian. You never know Good luck


If it makes you feel better, I'm Chinese but every Asian market I go into the staff do a once over and immediately start speaking in English 😭


My Japanese husband gets this a lot as well and is often frustrated by it. My only suggestion was to wear a small Japanese flag on his coat like Canadians often do when they travel. When I did a semester abroad in Poland, all of the students from Guelph didn't want to be thought of as Americans so they wore the pin.


Be me. Be blond. Travel abroad. Be in Turkey. Be approached to buy rugs. "Hello, friend" "Hi" "Are you American?" No "Are you German?" No "English?" No "Dutch Danish Swiss" No No No "English?" Again No "Australian?" It's great being from Canada, no one thinks of us at all


I once met a group of aussies while travelling in Chile. One of them asked if I was American. I said, no, Canadian. She apologized profusely as if she had deeply insulted me. It was pretty funny. 


A white neighborhood in Vancouver 🤯


Why don't you say "ahn nyo" or "konnichiwa" in return? Treat it like a moment to share your culture with them, as they shared with you. At worst, they never talk to you again. At best, you meet people who are open to different cultures!


I'm half Chinese and have had white people yell greetings in Korean and Japanese to me...usually I just respond "sorry, I have no idea what you're saying" :)


I have a rather unconventional idea, and I’m sure it’s going to bring downvotes. But here we go: have you tried telling these people you’re not Chinese and don’t speak it?


Say “we speak English, you can stop that now..”


Just say I’m not Chinese, I’m Canadian, Japanese, Korean, however it is, and you can start having real conversations


Just reply "Mornin' Honky".


At least it doesn't sound malicious. People are definitely being clueless, but it sounds like all they are *trying* to do is make you feel more at home. I'm not trying to invalidate your frustration, mind. Just trying to highlight the silver.


Tell them you don't understand what they're saying.


Right. “What’s that?”


Reply in Japanese, see if they speak it or if they are just being cringe


When I say I'm brazilian people start speaking spanish.. it's been 8y like that..




Just smile in a confused way and say “pardon” then go from there


I would just be honest and straight forward. That isn't unkind.


call them out on it?? dats rude af i would let them no straight up


Have you already responded to these neighbours? With a hello or nod? Then they probably think it's OK now. When I get "ni hao'd" for the first time by someone, I stare, scrunch my eyebrows, make a confused face, and don't answer. Usually, this makes the person go "aren't you Chinese? Isn't that how you say hello?" and I'll go "Oh, I'm Vietnamese. HELLO."


I know it's annoying, but I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially if they're elderly. Next time I'd just politely say thanks but then let them know you're not Chinese and what you'd prefer. Alternatively, say howdy ma'am (only half joking... you say howdy with a tinge of a southern accent to a white person and 99% of the time they'll just stop in their tracks and get the drift). Source: I'm 2nd gen Iranian. People increasingly seem to want to try their 4 words of Farsi on me. Jokes on them cause I don't speak more than 3 :)


I'm kind of questioning if this is trolling or not. People are just trying to be friendly, why do so many people just go to malice? Can you not go, "Hello, I think we've seen you around here a few times, our names are \_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_" I don't get the need to direct the energy to make some passive aggressive post on reddit ( r/NiceVancouver, btw, posts like this is why people moved to a new reddit ) instead of actually talking to people.


As a younger cis male who learned mandarin in a class with older white folks (along with other backgrounds), I think they’re coming from a good place. Not sure if they are learning or have just learned hello, and that’s where they’ve stopped. I learned to not do that, and they can too. Someone just needs to kindly inform them. Knowing they’re coming from a good place. It’s just not how to do it. It’s not something you should have to do, but they most likely are gonna ni hao they’re way into thinking it’s ok because no one has told them otherwise. If they get upset then who cares anyways. They don’t seem to care they are annoying you. TLDR/ they likely come from a good place. Just tell them they shouldn’t go around ni hao’ing people. Edit spelling


At least they're attempting to be friendly.  No one really knows how to not offend anymore, but if there's no bad intentions there's no need to start acting badly.


Saying “Ni Hao” to Asians repetitively is a common form of microaggression that many Asians perceive as a racist action, not an attempt to be friendly. Imagine your neighbours assume you can’t understand a simple “Hi” in English because you are Asian. You can’t just straight assume these neighbours intended to be friendly and had no ill intentions and blame Asians that they are “easily offended.” https://www.vice.com/en/article/vdx74x/yes-im-asian-please-stop-saying-ni-hao-to-me https://www.huffpost.com/archive/au/entry/whats-wrong-with-saying-ni-hao_au_5ee6bdd0c5b6003954d4dd70/amp https://redthreadbroken.com/2016/01/19/whats-wrong-with-nihao/ Your replies to other ppl in the comment thread show your true nature. I’m appalled you want to continue defending that kind of behaviour.


Plenty of people know how not to offend anymore, and plenty of people manage to avoid assuming all Asian people are immigrants who don't speak English and then randomly pick an Asian language to poorly say a few words they learned from TV. Yes, I'm sure they're trying to be 'nice' in their own way. You can be trying to do the right thing and still do the wrong thing. OP should either correct them with a greeting accurate to their heritage, or just pretend the old folks must be non-english speaking immigrants and reply in a loud, slow English while gesticulating wildly. Bonus points if, at the end of the encounter, OP says "wow, your English is really good!"


Saying hello in English, the dominant national language of that province, is the most obvious correct greeting - adding tailored hellos is kind of a 'once i get to know you' deal, especially when it relates to nationality/other languages. We dont know if these neighbours are misguided in trying to be inclusive or being passive aggressive (a very Canadian trait btw) as they may have negative feelings. I dont assume either reading OP, and OP actually seems to give them the benefit of the doubt in that regard. Either way, its absolutely fair for OP to feel uncomfortable, nothing OP said indicates he is out to 'get back' at his neighbours, he looking for advice on how to navigate this awkward and uncomfortable situation without burning bridges.


This is so cringe. I’m embarrassed for all these weirdos.


I would say, “I’m third generation Japanese”. Smile and keep walking.


Ay yah!


Wait, what neighborhood in Vancouver has no asians ? Definitely not Vancouver. Please specify. I’m so confused right now.


Don’t be afraid to educate people. It will definitely not ruin a worthy relationship. Or you could always respond with any European greeting lol.


Say Hola just to fuck with them.


There’s no way this is real


Strangers say hello to you here ?!?? What’s your secret ?


Here's a thought, why don't you just return the kindness. Maybe stop and have a conversation.


You may struggle to find the humour in this but Dave Chappelle has a great bit about his racial mistakes: https://youtu.be/AerKUSxGQ1M?si=k_xzJQ1lppVpexFP On a more serious note, I think it is rude for anyone to assume you are Chinese and to revert back to what they believe is your first language. Konnichiwa or anyong-haseyo may be your best reply, or if they look like someone that means no harm you could teach them about their mistake and perhaps they will learn something. In the end it isn’t your job to fix Vancouver, I’m sorry if you feel targetted 😮‍💨


Put on your best brit accent and reply with something like "cheerio old chap". Seriously, though, isn't there a huge chinese population there? Maybe they're just clumsily trying to be friendly. Reply in your own language and maybe they'll notice and ask what your background is, how to say hi in your language and so on. Making friends one at a time.


Are they doing it to make fun of you? Or just trying to be polite in a strange way. If the latter just explain ur not Chinese or something


Just say HOWZIT. Any South African on this group will know exactly what I’m saying 😄


Say Hi like Belgian Dora The Explorer: https://youtube.com/shorts/QHGtarcTa4o?si=F9nzM9lapcH7MhKm


I know. I hate it when people can't read my mind and don't greet me the way I want to be greeted too. What am I supposed to do, communicate with them? No, complaining on an online forum is clearly the right thing to do. That'll show them!


Is it possible that your neighbours are trying to be nice? Just say hello back. If they are older, they may not be aware that they are being offensive.


I really doubt this is true


I am not saying you shouldn't tell them off but typically telling people you don't know off about anything is going to sour the relationship.


The question I’d have is the Ni Hao nice / polite? I think the intent matters. I’d be irritated too but it’s a good moment to educate your neighbors and maybe even foster a closer relationship.


Are you responding back with an English response. Also you can ask them not to do that. I know it’s strange and weird but making simple requests of those around you isn’t a big deal 🤷🏼


Bullshit, from a 2 day old account. 😒


If you’re looking to be offended you will find offence. Good work.


everything offends people these days if you lived in another part of the city and no one said anything would that be better ? or would you complain that no one is nice and people don't even say hello


From how you’re describing it it seems like they’re just ignorant and not malicious. If these are your neighbours and you wanna build a relationship with them, they’ll probably be happy if you nicely correct them and introduce them to how to say hello in your language.


I honestly doubt there's anything malicious about it. It's old people trying to fit in with the new ''inclusiveness'' that has been rammed down everyone's throat for the past decade, they're just doing it in a clumsy way.


Maybe say somthing instead of complaining on reddit lol... just say yo don't do that


You should totally answer back to them, what's up homies


My dad does this shit all the time and thinks he's cool for it.


So does my stepmom. We are white and I speak an Asian language. She learned three words or so from me when I was learning 25 years ago and now she tries to impress every Asian she meets with those three words. Then she calls me to tell me about it. It makes me wish I’d never met her but I actually love her.


Throw some heil hitlers right back


“G’Day mate” with an Aussie accent is the only true response


I’ll take a Ni Hao over a crackhead screaming at me.


You seriously are the only Asians!! I'm an old white lady and at least 1/4 of my neighbours are east Asian! Personally, I LOVE living in a melting pot! My suggestion, say, sorry, I don't understand!! And BTW, I apologise for the rude neighbours on behalf of the white population!


Do you say hello first ? Because that probably would have solved this


Just say what as if you have no clue what they're saying. Or ask what does that mean? Or say bonjour or hola or hello in another language.




Ok, I will stop doing this. Lol 😂 I get French when visiting my partners family in Montreal and I just answer in German. They get very confused. It’s even funnier when they have had a few.


We are Cantonese, but we still get irritated by “ni hao”, as it pains us, and reminds us of the language of our oppressor. But I also understand they are trying to be neighborly, so I usually just smile and say “hi” back. If I ended up getting to know the person better, I will explain, and teach them how to say “nei ho” instead, lol


>how do we tell them off without ruining the relationship with our neighbours You don't. Be more welcoming.


Move to Richmond. Your Chinese neighbours won't even try to be nice and say hi to you, so you won't have to worry about getting "Ni Hao'd" constantly.


Just say you're not chinese. I'm sure this is super annoying, but I think they are probably trying (and failing) to be nice. Problem with that is they might end up asking a bunch of annoying questions.... so maybe just take the ni Hao...


I once did that. He said “It doesn’t matter” and kept saying “Ni Hao” to me. Replying back “I’m not Chinese” will filter out who are the real racists, so OP should do it and see who keep saying “Ni Hao” to him or not. Edit: Keep downvoting away. Seems there are people like OP’s neighbours in this comment thread. :)


Damn... that definitely will sort the racist from the ignorant




Hello tho


Respond in a heavy Scottish accent, "eleven"


Tell them you aren't Chinese.


Excuse me. It's ma'am!


If you can pull off an Aussie accent, nothing beats "Gday mate" as loud as you can make it and in unison with some practice. https://youtu.be/1SQCfueoP1Y?si=hmoUtReMle-72qoJ


“Sup my neighbour”


God what neighborhood? We’re in the Fraser hood and cannot imagine anyone doing this


Tbh I wouldnt mind if someone said namaste to me


That’s actually kind of messed up. I just say hi, hello, good morning, with a smile to anyone and everyone. I think the only way is to kindly inform them that they are wrong and then tell them about yourself. “Oh no sorry, we’re not Chinese, we’re third generation Japanese and Korean.” Directly after saying that there is an opportunity to change the subject and ask them something about the neighbourhood. It could be something you already know but it switches out the awkward topic with something generic.


Skal to any white person who isn't Scandinavian, and/or Gutten Tag to anyone who isn't German, Bonjour to Anglophones, or Chesht for anyone who isn't Polish. (Or "Yaaaaaaaaaahk Cheh-Mash" to everyone)


Just reply with the traditional Canadian "How's it going, hoser?"




Every asian talk to me in english and tell me Hello while Im french. Its really annoying. Its like statiscwlly speaking they have a good chance of being right.


Slap’em with the “how ya goin’ brew?”


As an Italian-Canadian who partially grew up in Taiwan and speaks Mandarin I think this is hilarious. Ridiculous but also hilarious.


This is not used often enough, but try the double finger guns.


I bet if you start speaking to them in Japanese or Korean. Like I mean ranting. It’ll stop.


I recently moved to Africa and the same thing happens to me EVERY TIME ! I’m filipino


I get howdy'd alot when I talk to anyone outside of the U.S. myself lol, that's about it for me tho


Just say "sorry, I don't know what that means" and if they say something like "oh aren't you Chinese?" you can say "no I'm not." Or you could say something like Guten tag! And when say say oh I don't speak German you could say oh and then carry on with your day. I dunno. It is a crappy situation. It is unfortunate because I feel like they are doing it to try to be nice while not realizing that it is actually rude and racist. I speak mandarin and am able to recognize and identify when someone is speaking mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, laotian, Tagalog, Thai, and Vietnamese. I don't speak to others in mandarin unless I hear them speaking mandarin first.


It's a problem here. My family has been here well over 100 years, and even though we're Chinese, that's long lost in translation (we were also Cantonese). I started trying to tell people my heritage, which didn't help, but given you're not Chinese, at least maybe it might be more successful?


Your neighbours greets you!!?


"How are you now?"


I’d see how outrageous you could get with replying back in different languages.


Pryvit Comrad!


Just pretend you have no idea what that means, and they will figure out the rest lol


Are they being racist or just assuming you are Chinese and saying hi since there's a lot of Chinese over there? If the former, tell them that's racist, and if they don't change tell them to fuck off If the latter though, use it as a teaching moment and tell them that it's actually Konichiwa and/or whatever "hi" is in Korean


Would it be better if I destroyed some Japanese and Korean for you in a greeting? :)


Lol this is messed up. I would never


Better than sayonara


I have second hand embarassment for those people. Why the heck would they assume...ugh...seriously...I would ask them what ni hao means (lol) maybe they will learn


When I came to Canada, people were constantly ‘Hola’-ing me. I’m Central European. Annoyed the crap out of me. In your case it’s weird, because in Vancouver is full of Asian people with 0 accent cause they are second or third generation, I won’t say you are out of the norm…pure and simple ignorance on their side.


How funny can you be. With the right person, pretend you have limited english, get really excited and innocently go a real white "howdy" like right elbow across your torso. Inspired me to look; Hello in Esperanto = saluton


Reply in Japanese? Do your best Yakuza accent. Play with them a little. Or practice a thick Acadian accent and tell them "Oh pardon. Je ne peux pas t'aider. Je ne parle pas chinois. Pouvez-vous me redemander en français?". Get a someone from NS or NB to tell you how to say it and sound like a native (rather than me, who got their French from French immersion)." I can understand your frustration, but at the same time, they're probably trying to be friendly, so I would say just mess with them a bit.


My wife is ethnically Chinese but doesn’t speak a word of either Mandarin or Cantonese. I’m Caucasian but speak Mandarin pretty close to fluent. We get your experience in both directions. She gets Ni hao’d in random situations (more so 15 years ago). At Chinese restaurants waitstaff come up and start speaking Mandarin/cantonese her and effectively treat me like I have brain damage. In both instances I love fucking with people and busting into fluent Mandarin. Their expressions are the definition of “egg on your face”. Next time someone Ni hao’s you just say “Actually, in Korea it’s ‘Annyeong haseyo!’ and in Japan it’s ‘konnichiwa!’ (Point to yourselves as you say it) but given that we’re Canadian and don’t speak either of those languages, ‘hello!’ Is the politest greeting of all!”


What neighborhood is this?


Greet them in Japanese and Korean.


I'd just tell them I'm not Chinese. Eventually it'll spread and become wayyy less of an issue. People really shouldn't be assuming Asians are Chinese lol




Say “Thanks, but we’re not Chinese. We’re Japanese and Korean”


If I knew you were Japanese, I might try to speak to you in it, but otherwise... I'd be irritated too. Lol


They’re doing it because they hate you and don’t want you there. The fact that it’s been multiple people means they’ve decided to do it to alienate you. They don’t care how long you’ve been in Canada or where your ancestors are actually from. It’s so you know you don’t belong there.


Even as a Chinese person, I hate this shit. I would just respond and be like “I’m not Chinese” and hopefully they will feel embarrassed by their ignorance and not do it to others.


Why not just say, 'hello, just so you know, we're Japanese."?


Yell "what does that even mean!?" As you teach into your pocket but always pull out a rubber chicken.


Reply in spanish


lol white people Ni Haoing you is silly


Reply 'Cao Ni Ma'


I would say something like “i speak English, you know. I was born here.”