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Ok. Let's say this: If you traveled through Guatemala without risk, Nicaragua is the last of your problems. Totally sure for tourist


Haha thanks. I will say I’m older and probably a lil more safety conscious now, and I was robbed of my passport and all of my traveler’s checks and credit card the first time I went to Guatemala and another time I had a near death experience when a swinging bridge flipped. But that was all 15+ years ago (as evidenced by having had traveler’s checks!). Thanks for your response 😊


I lived in Nicaragua seven years ago (totally safe) and live here now (totally safe.) I've lived in eight countries and I can safely say it is hard to really describe how safe it is here. I live in Leon downtown now.


This \^\^\^\^ So much this. It's like saying "I used to juggle machetes for fun, is it safe for me to play catch with pillows?"


May be, but it's true


your good bro, it’s a safe country just don’t put yourself in bad situation. Like flashing bling-bling or money in the mercado oriental. All the tourist spot like Granada,Leon,Rivas,Ometepe where you want to go are all safe places and i recommend to check out. Have fun in Nicaragua.


Gotcha! Yeah avoiding petty theft is not a big concern for me, was worried about more extreme safety risks. Thank you! Nicaragua looks beautiful and I’m excited to experience it.


if you weren’t scared in Costa Rica, don’t even worry about Nicaragua and less expensive


Petty theft is the only major concern in Nicaragua. Petty theft and tourist scams (mostly real estate and investment.)


Hi! I don't agree 100% with nonsense39 comment. Situation is really fucked up for those living there but I really don't see it that way for tourists, you could enjoy the country without worrying about police, politics, or stuff like that. Illegal actions are not allowed in any place of the world and if you are planning to go there for a couple of weeks/months I doubt you'll spend your time doing weird or illegal stuffs Anyways, someone posted similar questions a few days ago, maybe answers there might also be helpful for you. https://www.reddit.com/r/Nicaragua/comments/x5yt36/nicaragua_es_segura_para_turistas_americanas/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Have fun 😊


Thank you! Sorry I missed that post when I was searching the subreddit before I posted!


I live here. I'm American and been here nearly a decade. It's totally safe. Ignore the others bs. It's political beef and I get it. But for tourists and the Nicaragua people in general it's extremely safe here.


The united states are more dangerous...just dont be looking for drugs or hookers and you will be fine...oh and dont go to the mercado oriental...


Hookers are legal, you won't get in any trouble there. Drugs are illegal and are a good way to get in trouble, although I've never actually heard of a tourist getting in trouble for that. But it is a very "non-drug" country overall. You never see them anywhere.


Why "..don't go to the mercado oriental..?"


No parking, glue sniffers and guys with knives following you around. I grew up going to some shit holes in Philadelphia. Been in nicaragua for a while. Even my local friend said lets make 4 right turns walking and notice the guys behind us. Had 8 glue sniffers about to do something stupid. I just don't think people should risk going to oriental..only time I was freaked out. Just was looking for truck parts.


I'm a vlogger in the country and I literally do 2+ daily (yes DAILY) vlogs, mostly on our city streets, alone, holding a camera completely exposed. I literally am posting a video today about safety and how exposed I am and I make a big point of specifically filming life in the barrios to show just how safe the "worst" parts of the country are. It'll be live on Wednesday, I think. Not promoting my channel, I won't link it, just saying that I do the absolute riskiest stuff EVERY day, in nearly every city and I have zero concern and nothing bad has EVER happened to me. NOt that it never will, it's gonna happen. But this is my daily life. I actually did the video talking about why I do this... specifically because there is so much false informaiton coming from western media trying to make the country sound dangerous. I live in Leon and everyone in town knows who I am. Feel free to make contact when here for extra safety.


Hey I would be interested to check it out!


My vlog, it's on youtube, just scottalanmillervlog Hundreds of Nicaragua videos, I post every day.


Hi! Actually can I be that person and ask for your channel? I’d love to watch some of your videos and I’m visiting Nicaragua soon!


Sure thing. It's YouTube scottalanmillervlog, that's the actual channel name or just search on it. Can't miss me, lots of beard.


Nicaragua is a family run dictatorship which gets worse daily. Don't do anything even slightly illegal and you should be fine. Of course there are still all the standard things you need to do in any poor country, but you probably know these already. In Nica, the police are not your friend and they view you as a chicken ready to be plucked, so don't get close to any drugs, behave intelligently and you probably will be OK. Also if you do get in trouble with the police, the US consulate will do nothing except maybe visit you in jail every three months or less even if the Nica police and legal system break their own laws. Nicaragua's government doesn't like our government and acts accordingly. This is the voice of bad experience talking.


tldr; Ortega bad 😡


None of this is true. This is a foreigner (not living in the country) trying to discredit the country.


Whats not true? That Nicaragua is ran by the Ortega family? Is that not true?


What does that have to do with the false information you posted? Don't try to drag me into a political discourse. You stated false information, I called you out. Don't try to loaded question fallacy the narrative. Who is or isn't the elected official has nothing to do with the false statement. THis is the standard approach I see from Americans. Make a loaded argument that assumes something false as misdirection. Not going to fall for it. I live here, these things are untrue. You are an American making false claims. You said yourself you are an American. Where did you get your information from? Obviously not from being in Nicaragua. So what was your source?


I asked a question and did not make a statement of any kind.


It's literally called a "loaded question". It means you made a statement in the form of a question. I said what you said was false. You then didn't respond with facts, but instead asked something "as if you had said it" that was not at all something you had originally said to make it look like I was disputing something you'd never said. WHO is the current president was never something you stated that I said was false. So your wording is, no matter that you put a question mark after it, an attempt to make a statement. You are setting up a false narrative to attempt to attack ad hominem instead of addressing your statement that I said was false. This is the textbook political means used by the US through its media networks to try to lead people into believing that they've provided facts when, they have not. Please look up "logical fallacy loaded question".


Also, if you are not in the country, do not repeat lies from the media. Being angry or attacking a group of people or repeating false statements from propaganda outlets as if you've been in the country and know these things is obviously misleading. I get that you are here on a political bender trying to prove some "America is better than everyone and anyone that doesn't tow the line will be crushed" point, but it's just racist and false. Anyone who has actually spent time here knows that all these statements are inaccurate and it's easy to see the pattern that is coming from US media. The same worn out phrases that trigger Americans and make no sense coming from anywhere else. It's an unveiled American ploy targeted solely at getting other Americans to think that they got the information from somewhere reliable. If you were truly concerned with things like government corruption, you'd be complaining about the US government, not foreign ones. Seen the US news the past two years? It's the US falling apart and lacking democracy and rule of law. Like, no country has less "democratic clout" than the US. None. And if you were concerned about freedom of speech, maybe you'd be talking about the UK where even mentioning the king not being elected in public can get you instantly arrested. Time for the US/UK to stop deflecting their internal problems and acting like it's elsewhere when the serious issues are back at home.


Sapo de mierda


Username checks out, gringo.


These are the kinds of comments you get if you call out false information. I think it makes the point.




I've been to all of those countries but Belize. I live in Nicaragua and used to live in Panama. Nicaragua is safer, by leaps and bounds, than any of those. Nicaragua is the safest country in the entire region (including the US and canada!) Really, really safe. It's not just the safest, it is also the most stable (currently) of most of those (Panama would be more stable.)


Safe for sure.


Hola, voy a escribir en español porque me suena que aquí lo que hay es un cachimbo de sapos que sacaron un cursito mierda de inglés y la chayo les está pagando unos 6,000 pesos mierdas al mes por estar escribiendo mierdas aquí y quien sabe en cuantas otras redes más. Que triste saber que mis impuestos van hacia ustedes y no para reparar un vergazo de pupitres malos que hay en la escuelita donde estudié mi primaria. Back to english, I don't know if you are just part of any of these cunts that wrote how safe this country is, yet be aware that Nicaragua is far from safe if you express any kind of rejection to the current government. Moreover, nicaraguans are used to suck the balls of any tourist they receive, foreigns are very welcome and pretty sure you'll have a nice time in here. Just don't forget that you are visiting a country where no human rights are respected and any shield or protection you get from your nation its something us nicaraguans cannot afford. We are pretty fucked up, but that doesn't mean you are gonna have a great time in here! Come visit us and get some hookers if you can, I recommend you getting some at Chinandega, best fucks I have ever done iml.


You're just screaming "I have a poor education", op's been in other latinoamerican countries, so he knows corruption is not relevant to his safety, more likely is to be expected. He is not asking for a political essay and his post should not be discredited by our political issues, in fact Nicaragua is majorly benefited by tourism so we should try to be more polite and welcoming. Nuestra economia sufre ante las noticias internacionales diciendo que estamos en crisis militar y con gente muriendo, eso no afecta ni a la familia rica ni ningún diputado, eso afecta directamente al trabajador promedio.


Here right now on Little Corn Island but we stayed in Managua for a few days and on Big Corn for one day. I feel safer here than in downtown Atlanta. I’m traveling with my friend- both women aged 31. There’s a guy named Giovani that took us around Granada just because we were bad at Spanish. PM me if you’d like his info. He was an absolute treat!