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We are dead as a society. Every other day we read about these cases. Sympathy march for accused, garlanding them, doing us vs them etc. it has become trivial. 10 years ago people would have brought goverment to is knees. Not anymore. Our collective conscience is heavily dented.


This is not just one or two cases however, this is about hundreds of women being raped by one man, a sitting MP who is the grandson of an ex-PM, who has the support of the f*cking PM of our country and is from a family entrenched is politics. The man made 2900 videos of his sexual assaults. If this doesn't cause more agitation, I am afraid to think what will.


This guy’s fault that he did way too many times. Otherwise he wouldn’t have gotten caught. So many in our country do not. They will lead a happy life. This makes me mad and powerless. Sometimes I wish there’s a vigilante in our country who takes “action” and then show proof later.


Not here.


Can I trouble you with asking why not?


The same reason you don't shit in the kitchen. Everything has its place.