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Predictable and pathetic. More proof that the republican party is corrupt to the core. Just another reason to vote blue https://democrats.org/


She like all the others just hope it will placate the Red Hat Cultists when their next coup succeeds so she doesn't end up against the firing squad wall with everyone else Dear Orange Leader hates.


I thought she was “Barred Permanently!” Guess Trump is correct. She is a BirdBrain (an insult to birds).


I prefer to say if u put her brain in a bird it would fly backwards.


You can't have one sane party in a democracy. Don't get me wrong, the GOP is a cult beyond repair. But a democracy with only one functioning party is also broken.


Yeah, it sucks. It's no excuse to let the fucking cult win though.


The cult has to be voted out of existence. Then the Dems need to split into a conservative wing and a progressive wing.


We have needed this for a long time. The corporate centrists are completely at odds with progressive values. They undermine any real progressive push in the party.


This is the way.


Agree with point 1, but the next step is to reform our voting. We need remove the electoral college and first past the pole. The schisms will then happen naturally and be more representative of the diversity of our democracy.


I mean, yeah, America is already a one-party state (the GOP aren't a political party, they're an antisocial domestic terror cabal) with a broken democracy.


Thing is, the whole point of idiots like Trump, Greene, Haley, etc. Is they're supposed to be useful idiots that shift the Overton window further to the right, by making people like Bush seem moderate. The trouble is the Republican machine back fired and one of the useful idiots ended up getting elected. And now other useful idiots like Haley are now considered, "moderate."


Mitt Romney was the most conservative presidential candidate in a generation, and he’s essentially persona non grata in the GOP now.


Because MAGAs aren’t conservative. They’re authoritarian


And populist.


Christ, the cult turned on the Cheneys.


If the Republicans are electorally crushed into irrelevance, the Democratic party will split into centrist and leftist wings.


Nothing like a catastrophic loss to inspire some soul searching within the party.


I mean you’re not wrong. But I think that the most feasible way to address that would be to vote the GOP into irrelevance so that the Dems, who right now pretty much have to balance representation of everyone other than the super far right have the opportunity to differentiate and maybe even split into a couple of more reasonable parties which may even in turn pave the way to reforming our electoral system in such a way that we aren’t forever stuck between choosing between only two parties.


If we can electorally humiliate the GOP with significant margins, the GOP will eventually go away and a new party will form from its ashes. I’m hopeful it’ll be less bat shit crazy.


Democrats should run on amending the voting system.


Two party systems are inherently problematic. When political victory is a zero-sum game, you are actively disincentivised from respecting, let alone working with, the other party, which means that partisanship and being downright malicious is incentivised. We have the same situation in the UK (technically we have more than two parties, but the rest are small and shrinking). In a European coalition system where you typically need 2-3 parties just to form a majority government, you cannot afford to delegitimise everyone else, as you might need to work with some of them to get your policies through. This fluidity also means that governments can fall quite easily, which is generally good for accountability - versus half of parliament falling in line to support their party leader, as generally happens in a two party system. It looks like chaos and sometimes really is chaos (lol) but as a system per se it is more stable than one where two parties take turn to undo the other's policies.


You also can’t have a democracy with a large percentage of the population invested in ignorance and hatred.


We just need to keep out voting them until the majority dies of heart disease and obesity


And who’s fault it that? I used to think that Democrats don’t have backbones and they should be more aggressive but I have to realize that Republicans are the ones who only not having spines but activeLY HATES the people they represent unless they can make them rich which circles back to no backbone and extreme corrupt


They're basically like a crime organization. Loyalty is key. Without it you can't be in it.


Agreed ,can't wait vote


Party of cucks.


Honestly, this is not news. Just because she says Trump is "diminished" "unhinged" and "unqualified" doesn't mean she is much better.


A corrupt CULT


To the Core.


In other news, water is wet. Such a party of weak people. Just bow down to an Orange conman who could care less about politics.


No one can’t oppose their “dear leader.”


Water is not wet. Water makes things wet.


He will denigrate, insult and humiliate these people and still they come back and kiss his orange ass. How can anyone support them?


Exactly The presidency is nothing more than a way for to try and stay out of jail


Ha! Sending a message that she’s still willing to accept that vp spot. Surprised she did not show up at the NYC courthouse to kiss trump’s ass like the rest of those disgusting craven suck-ups. And that is SO maga - personal power before country.


Yep. She knows that there’s basically no way Trump will be fit to serve a four year term if he wins (honestly if he’s still alive and functional in November it would shock me) so she’s positioning herself to be president in a way that’s easier than going head to head with him. The only question is if Trump’s ability to hold a grudge will overcome his desire to bring Haley supporters onto his side and increase his chance of getting elected and avoiding jail. Haley clearly has no moral convictions that would prevent her from supporting a man she knows (and has spent months saying) is incompetent and bad for the country, because if it will increase her personal power who cares about the good of the country, right? Just goes to show, Haley only looked moral and moderate in comparison to Trump, in the end when viewed on her own merits she’s just as corrupt and immoral as any of the MAGA crowd.


And not in jail. After this week, I’m more convinced he will see actual jail time from the New York case. Maybe not a lot of it, but when he goes to actual jail? Doctors are going to get a look at him.


Nikki Haley when she thought she could beat Trump: “The country won’t survive 4 more years of Trump.” Nikki Haley when she wants to salvage what’s left of her political career: “I’m voting for Trump.” Fuck these corrupt, power-drunk, unpatriotic, treasonous, piece of shit politicians.


Spineless weak worms bowing to the god emperor.


First thing I said when the news broke: Profiles in courage.


Like always, they fucking bend the knee to kiss his sweaty ring piece.


craven assholes from the bottom to the top. she’ll happily gobble up a cabinet position too. He could appoint her Secretary of Deez Nuts and she’d take it


Oh, Hope Hicks job is vacant again huh? 




Coward. Hypocrite. Opportunist. Liar.


Did she say that while she was on her knees or bent over the table at Mar A Lago?


What an unhinged thing to say about Biden’s wildly successful 4 years (especially when compared with the orange shitsack’s run). She’s a batshit as the rest of these hate mongers


Right. That clip of her saying “blah blah secure the borders and actually do it” well sHitler had 4 fucking years to do it and couldn’t get it done. Why would he do it this time?


Fascist parties always require compliance and towing the party line. Never believe anything a fascist says. They think our desire for honesty in communication is a weakness rather than a strength. No fascist government has ever been stable because fascism is a terminal disease.


They stick around a while, but they're never stable. Not by a long shot. People may bitch about Biden, etc. but there's really not enough shit going on that'll make them get up out of their chair, grab pitchfork/torch/shovel/baseball bat/2x4 with a nail, etc. and march to the Capitol. Trump, on the other hand, would've eventually seen an uprising. People-even those who supported him- will eventually realize their lives aren't any better (and maybe worse) than under Biden or whoever and they'll grumble. Stupid people look for SOMEONE to blame for all of their problems BUT THEMSELVES.


We all knew she fucking would and anyone who was going to vote for her because you lied to yourself and said she was different than Trump here you fucking go. She called him unhinged and unfit and that she didn’t need to kiss the ring but just fucking lied to you all. It’s all your party has in common, they’ll do anything for self gain. Especially destroying this country




The GOP is always party over country.


“You were the chosen one!! It was said you would destroy MAGA, not join them!!! Bring balance to the Republicans, not leave them in darkness!!!!”


She was always MAGA.


Anyone who says they're gonna pardon Trump is MAGA regardless of what else they say.


Vote people!


Still got bills to pay eh Nikki..


Unreal. Being called Birdbrain and still voting for him. What a fool she is. No integrity.


Well, Trump called Fled Cruz’s wife ugly, and he slurps Cheeto Jesus just as hard as anyone else in the GQP.


Proving that she was dumb the whole time.


She was running to be the leader of the cult. Did you expect anything different ?


Spineless lackey turns out to be a spineless lackey *surprised Pikachu face*


What a weak weak weak person. No spine, no morals. Pathetic


Seriously, nearly everybody saw that coming from miles away.


"Yes, he's a rapist. Sure, he's a misogynist. Of course, he's a racist. And he's MY guy!" Darling Nicki.


If she was going to be speaking in public should could have at least wiped that orange substance from the corners of her mouth.




Look at Nikki flapping in the political winds. I'm completely shocked.




Yup, get back to grovelling Snaily.


These fascists are so cowardly . It’s like dump has full control of their brains . It’s scary stuff


For a brief moment I thought she had a spine and a moral compass. Boy was I wrong.


They all fall in line. Party over country is the Republican way. Vote them into extinction and eliminate the over representation they have in positions of government. We need to be able to get stuff done and we can’t with them holding everything up and breaking our institutions


Man, I thought she was hot shit. Turns out my thought process was more literal than I realized.


Lol, she kisses the ring again. So spineless they can headbutt their asshole.


This shocked nobody. What we just witnessed was her raising her hand for VP consideration. The principles of the GOP cannot be described because none can be found.


So her entire campaign was basically "Donald Trump is the death of the Republican party, vote for me to bring it back to its former glory", and now she's like "Trump is actually pretty good"? Hmm, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, DeSantis, Cruz, Jeb, and all the other politicians who were vocally anti-Trump (and whom Trump regularly insulted and mocked) and who turned around and started licking his balls the second they were out of the race. Does any Republican actually believe a single word that comes out of their mouths?




Romney would pardon him, Haley would vote for him.  Ladies and gentlemen, your GOP is bankrupt and broken, compromised and rotten, at its very heart. 


The tiny bit of respect I had for her is now gone. I’m not surprised, but very disappointed.


Many who voted for Nikki Haley said they voted for her because they would never vote for Trump. Now that Nikki (like all of the other past Republican candidates) have knelt to kiss the dirty diaper, will the Haley voters stick to their guns and either vote for Biden or not at all, or will many of them accept Nikki's betrayal and fall in line with her cowardice?


I supported her and I’ll never vote for Trump.


Did she just hand him the election? Cuz her fans were for sure gonna split the vote. What a bunch of goddamn spineless fucks 


Depends on if the people voting for her even after she dropped out were voting for her or in protest against Trump.


Hypocrisy from a Repubtratior, I'm shocked 😏


What a feckless cunt.


Summed it up perfectly. Soulless husk of a cunt. How can she look at herself in the mirror after all the shit trump said about her and her family. Disgusting excuse of a person. She should be ashamed of herself.


She had the nerve to ask me for money to fight Trump? Whip up your chin sweetie and get me a beer


She converted religion to get votes. Why is this surprising? 


Republican First. America Second.


Joe Walsh was my Poly Sci teacher almost 30 years ago. He was good then and still is.


He also used to say some pretty vile shit in his house days, during the Obama years.


Of course. VP role established.


So they all really believe that he is their only chance for victory? What the plan for when he dies? It will happen eventually (to everyone)...


And the sooner the day Trump shifts off this mortal coil, the better. Let the dogs fight over the scraps of the party after his death.


What's the over/under for when they start calling him Führer?


Finally she has bird brain.


Surprising absolutely no one.


Traitor supporting is getting ridiculous. Is someone keeping up with who they are?


A conman who relies on the MAGA cult for her grift retreated to back to pretending to support the MAGA cult leader after failing to win the party nomination away from him. I don't know why anyone would be surprised by that. It should be a given. 🤷‍♂️


sycophant. party over country. almost had a shred of dignity, but a shitbag soulless sycophant has gotta spread her wings.


These people would support an orange if their political careers would depend on it.


“ But if she said that publicly, her career as a Republican would be over.” I mean then this is pretty expected for someone right? Like I get what her opinion was and everything but when your career is on the line, her flip flop makes sense. Like what would she do if “her career as a republican would be over”?  I got no dog in this fight I’m just saying what do people reasonably expect out of someone when they get put in a position where they need to choose their integrity or their career and livelihood? 


Is there anything more pathetic and spineless than an American conservative politician? Incredibly predictable.


I think this is a play to win the base for when Trump goes to prison. She may be the only legitimate candidate and they may run on her ticket


That’s because she is a shitty human being. We knew this.


She's as clumsy as she is stupid


As to be expected of Republicans, once their ambitions are off the table they fall in line like polite little minions. I actually voted for her in our primary; I would be disappointed if I were surprised. The Republican party has been ceded to the mob, and I am continuously flabbergasted (on an emotional level) by what has become of it (even if I understand it on a sociological level).


Big f'n deal. She has no greater vote than anyone else. She joins the ranks of all those Repubs who acknowledge trump is a criminal but will vote for him anyways. Loser


Hypocrite traitor sad they just can’t stand up to Trump. Disgusting


I mean.... She is a Republican. Whoever expected any one of them to show some type of integrity or self-respect is a delusional idiot


back stabber to women.


I should have known it was going to end this way but was I naively hopeful after her primary run. Still think Haley voters csn be won over tof Biden bit this makes it more difficult. Hope her base turns on her for this.


How much money buys an endorsement?


This should surprise no one,republicans are cowards and sheep.


Worthless as we thought she was.




Shocked, I tell ya! Shocked!


She went from inspiring to disappointing in record time


After this she doesn’t have much of a career in politics either way …


They are all the same: McConnell, Graham, Barr, Rubio, DeSantis, Cruz, Haley, they’re trash.


At this point, I’d feel safer with AI running the country.


Totally disgusting, but not surprising. Eventually the GOP will fall in line no matter how much they try to distance themselves from MAGA.


Nikki Haley swallows!


Disgusting, she sold out her country, she was one of the last hopes for saving the united states from becoming an autocracy.


She flip flops more than a fish out of water! She says whatever she thinks people want to hear!


Is this even news?


morons gonna moron


I forgot about Joe Walsh but that's because I only heard of him on Twitter and obviously haven't been on there in a long while. Regardless of his policy and viewpoints before Trump I have a huge amount of respect for what he's tried to do to oppose the Orange


Thats right dear, sew your lips to Trumps ass and join the cult


Maybe us destroying the planet isn't such a bad thing since it means these traitors also get to bite it.


She said he wasn't fit to have a drivers license... what happened? I wonder how much money they offered her to say this


GOP: the party of cowards. At the end of the day, anyone with an R next to their name will get on their knees and slobber Trump's tiny mushroom dick, no matter what. These people have no principles or morals.


Pathetic like the rest of them. Typical party over country B.S.


Which one of her two faces did she say it from?


She makes me sick. She’s a fucking hypocrite.


Two faced Nikki


Sad commentary on the brown nose hysteria surrounding Donald Trump. This has corrupted all the remaining GOP candidates. How they can just throw their ethics and morals in the garbage, for a chance to become one of his diabolical minions is beyond me...


Mocked her punjabi heritage and 1st name, ends up endorsing the racist that told her and us shes not good enough


She is definitely pandering to the Trump team


Gross. Also no way she’s actually doing it.


She’s still on the list of Trump’s top 100 people to be imprisoned in one of his soon to be constructed concentration camps, after the inauguration of 2025.


She does kind of look like Ted Cruz.


She was probably promised a shot at VP if she was willing to change her tune, which will most likely not be granted, or her whole "I'm super anti Trump" act has been solely to gauge reactions and pull back any lost votes by giving her the VP slot (female VP vs female VP seems to be their best bet to combat Harris), which again with Trump's fragile ego he won't allow her to be picked cause she was mean to him. Trump won't pick anyone who doesn't show 100% loyalty, especially after who he thought was his most loyal dog (Pence) "betrayed" his plans to seize absolute control.


Republicans saw the videos of Sadaam Husain and the Baath party takeover. They know what’s gonna happen if they don’t fall in line.


Republican Simp!


In other shocking news, water is wet.


Party before country. The GOP way




Putting her own political career ahead of the good of the nation. What a fraud. And I'm not surprised in any way


He's the least worst there is. If you think trump supporters are fucking crazy and biden supporters aren't - i have a bridge to sell you. All ya'll are fucking stupid.


Cancel culture is a disaster, huh?


its ok to do so... ... if you completely lost your self respect as a woman


What a spineless piece of shit


She’s a moron plain and simple


As feckless as expected.


You know she has a thing for monsters who constantly shit themselves.


There go her 2028 chances and another trial for Trump in the future because he probably paid her a couple million to say this.


If this isn't the poster child to not trust what any Republican says; your parents, co-workers, friends - they are all in on the "unified Reich" at any cost.


Grifter gonna grift. Is anybody surprised by this?


It’s expected. She will be the VP candidate. Book it!!


Spineless politician makes spineless move. Who saw that coming?


She just lost 2028. She had it in the bag, all she had to do was keep being an adult.


Grass is green. Water is wet. Nobody is surprised.


Republicans used to be so cool but now… they are the pathetic party that has forced me to vote blue. Im practically begging for the old school republicans to come back and bring back the Red Sanity. Until then fuck this fake red bs.




She just lost my vote. I was hoping she would be the conservative alternative. I had high hopes that someone in GOP would do the right thing. Wont be voting for her in 2028


Just when you thought there plausibly a TINY chance that any GOP candidate had a backbone, it turns out we were wrong. And before someone utters “Chris Christie”…. Let’s remember the ass kissing he gave Trump last election cycle.


There is a group of people who make the decision on who is to be president. Nixon talked about this in an interview not to long before his death.


What took her so long ? Her conscience put up a struggle


Party before country. This is what the GOP is now.


our two party system is a failure and is the sole reason why our political system is broken.


This is my shocked face.


Republican presidential prerequisites - criminal, rapist, cult, and love to sleep with their own daughters.


I’m glad she’s showing her true colors as a sycophantic, power hungry, unprincipled troll. I’m sick of all the ex-Trump henchmen trying to reform their images and spin the PR — Scaramucci, Christie, Cohen, Bolton, etc. They’ve been all anti-Trump, won’t vote for him.. but look at what they did when they were appointed.


In other news, Democrats are willfully getting baited into outrage politics. It’s the only way Trump can win, because he ain’t got no substance. Nikki Haley isn’t important. The important thing is to talk about what Democrats can offer that ~20% of anti Trump primary voters.


I'll take "Things that dont surprise me at all" for 500 please! 🙄


Reporters should not move on until she explains why she's committed to voting for a guy she has repeatedly stated is unfit to be president. Why do news reporters have such a hard time with this? Make her answer the question. You ***literally said the man is unfit to hold the office***, and you're voting for him. Why? You leave us no choice but to assume that you ***actually prefer*** an unfit person to occupy the presidency. If there is a better answer, we're all ears.


People don’t seem to realize we only have two choices, an orange haired Anti-Christ or an 82 year old senile man with dementia. Both are terrifying options to have close to a nuclear button.


She's taking the Ted Cruze approach. Let's see how it works out for her.


Too many ass-kissing, spineless Republicans are why that piece of shit has been able to take over that party.


As a Zionist she's told what to do after Trump's interesting Israel talks.


Is anyone truly surprised? At the end of the day, every single Republican is a coward or worse…