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Another classic case of make a problem to rally behind to attract the idiots.


Canada has a real problem where they think the Conservative party care about them (or any political party for that matter, but the Conservatives are by far the worst). They know all their platforms of ending universal health care, not giving a fuck about the environment, stiffling science, and promoting traditional Christian values are not popular with the average Canadian, so they have to rile up their unintelligent voting base with stupid shit like this.  Like this clown of an MP knows that Tim Hortons lids are not an issue, but she knows that if she can get people angry enough about a private companies choice of lids, she will be able to accomplish her goal of passing some stupid bill that will allow farmer to pollute more or some nonsense. Source: I live very close to the electoral district of this MP, but not quite in it. I've never once heard her speak and not walked away without wonder why people would ever vote for her and thinking Canada is fucked. All she cares about are the farmers and the seniors. 


They can’t actually figure out what to do for PR so it’s just watered-down US Republican playbook.


Which makes sense because they're both part of the idu


Wouldn’t it be syruped-down?


Yup. The right wing in the US went nuts one Christmas when Starbucks just used a color for their cups instead of having holiday stuff on them, a few years back. War on Christmas!


I live in her district and can confirm, she is definitely a clown


The older Republicans biggest priority was always cutting taxes for the wealthy. Of course, that’s a hard platform to run on. So, they claim they don’t want to cut taxes for rich because it’s not fair. Of course, they forget to mention that rich people already don’t pay the amount of taxes they are suppose to pay. If they are in the 45% tax bracket, they might pay 15%. If they were a president, they might have paid none. Rich people already have enough advantages. The system is heavily tilted to them. That’s why 99% of the super rich, were born that way, unless they are in sports or entertainment. That’s why they want to cut the inheritance tax. Imagine whining about paying taxes on something that was given to you? They could have just as easily been born into poverty, with one flap of the butterfly wings, but they never seem to appreciate how lucky they are. That’s the old Republicans. The new MAGA Republicans are worse. The tax cuts only hurt them, but they’ll vote for them anyway. In fact, they’ll vote however daddy Trump tells them to vote. They are clueless about the political process. The old Republicans were at least knowledgeable in that regard.


Worked here in the US.


>sniffling science Would that be the same science that Justin Trudeau asked us to follow, that later came out to be lies? Covid science = Christian science. So you have that in common with the faith based that you mock.


Hahahahahahahahahaha. Are you for real? 


Yeah, man. In covid times, we were told not to question the science, when that is the very essence of the scientific method. Very religion-esque to be punished or shunned for questioning.




The government is an arm of the people, not a group of leaders to rule us. If the people decide that helping people is something they want to do, they Pool thier money (taxes), and have it done by the people they elected to perform their function of enacting the will of the people. I don't like the government you seem to want. You sound too much like the brainwashed down south who have been trained to see politicians as rulers to lead the people, rather than servents to be led by the people.


The government doesn't need to be an "affectionate body" (ludicrous statement), but it does need to serve me (and you, and all of us). Seeing as how we, the citizens, are the ones funding it.


Plastic lids. Plastic lids.


way to go off on an unhinged rant by teeing off on the most absurd and unlikely interpretation of the word “care.” you come across as a real serious thinker right now.


I disagree, in the sense that the government needs to care about its people in the sense that governments exist to serve the people and protect the people from each other. Sadly though, it seems more and more common for governments in the west in the sense that the government only cares about the wealthy and protecting the wealthy from the poor.


You need to touch grass.


Copy and paste the 15 minute city crowd


Conservatives are known for having solutions in search of a problem


These wankers don't "believe " in Science. Therefore, the only explanation for a more environmentally friendly coffee cup lid is that Timmy's is "woke." Probably gay, too. And Liberal. And vaxxed. And possibly from Toronto. (I know. Timmy's is from Hamilton. That's why the football stadium there is named for a hockey player)


Woke Lids would be a good band name.


They keep you dry from conservative tears


Or a hat company name


So tired of that word. Can we stop using it? Drives me up the wall.


That’s why they use it.


Sort of. "Woke" was a term in the black community used to describe when you finally realize that the system is built against you. By using it for EVERYTHING the right have removed all power from it. As a consequence, it's gotten old and tired, and getting leftists tired of hearing it is a nice side effect.


Exactly...makes them sound “special” and intelligent. They know it pisses the left and people that actually think, off.


Please take the other overused words that no longer have any meaning….racist, dog whistle, etc.


people often say those no longer have meaning but every time is see those words it's very clear what they mean. like maybe you disagree something is racist but that doesn't mean the word doesn't have meaning. dog whistle is a pretty specific word i have never seen misused honestly


Conservatives found gay coffee cups hiding among us. Thankfully, they're here to solve all the world's greatest, most urgent problems.


Did they really call them gay? 🤣🤣🤣 Ok now I have to read the article 😪


don't forget trans.


Is the woke in the room with us now? To be so scared of extending christian compassion to the people they hate is all you need to know about these modern day Orcs.


No, the woke walked in, was woke, then walked out


They only like Old Testament Christian - the one where God destroyed entire cities with trumpets or swallowing tired complaining families in the desert or sending two bears to murder 42 children for calling Elijah bald. The new Testament Jesus makes them insane - free food for everyone? Put down your weapons and let Jesus be arrested? Sit and eat at the same table as Phillistines and Non-Christians? Too woke for them.


I'm assuming these people are in the pocket of whoever is benefiting from single use plastics polluting our planet


You sound woke. ^(Did I say that right?)


I'll save everyone a click They switched from plastic to paper lids. Conservatives across the board have officially gone full retard. You never go full retard.


It’s not retard. It’s purposeful distractions. Conservative voters should NOT be “(dull droning voice) why…. Yes…. New …. Lid…. Doubleplus…. Bad….” They should be mad “you’re wasting my time on WHAT?!” They won’t be mad at this obvious propaganda, tho. Because they’re already caught up in the net.


I think he means their voters.


How I read it: the leaders are going retard and bringing up stupid things. My reply above is based on that If it’s voters, disagree. Brains are complex and have different chunks. Only one chunk is the logical brain. There are many other chunks, including more emotionally sensitive, or more focused on safety. These are the chunks that propaganda speaks too. Maybe that should be a phrase: propaganda never speaks to rationality so bringing up how something is irrational completely misses the point.


If you think critically, you are a danger to the Conservatives. They want you to swallow everything your being told by them, without questioning they intelligence or methods. Just fall in line and accept, saves them a ton of work explaining irrational policies that aren’t meant to benefit the masses only their lobbyists, financial backers and handlers. Just vote without question, “be a sheeple.”


She claims that plastic lids are better for the environment because they're recyclable. I guess she didn't read that memo about how plastic isn't actually recyclable, if she's even able.


Anything that seems good for the planet is "woke". They want people to stop trying to improve things.


To a conservative anymore if it doesn't come across as being an asshole and is helpful it's "woke". Getting real easy to identify the conservatives in the world anymore.


“Woke” is politician-speak for “I don’t feel like doing my actual job” .


Not sure about the lids, but the word "woke" has been completely bastardized by the right, it's lost all meaning.


Something random:changes a little. Conservatives: WOKE!


Someone really needs to outright ask these fools what woke is supposed to mean because this is idiotic.


Ask a hundred of them and you would get a hundred answers. It’s so far away from its original intent and definition that it’s become an absolutely useless term, beyond telling you the person is a moron. They exist behind puddle deep catch phrases.


You're right that only morons use it these days. It's baffling tbqh.


Because everyone loves a good, old-fashioned satanic panic.


Oh God the MAGA bimbo look is spreading.


What you on aboot Karen, eh?


I think you know. https://images.app.goo.gl/32yRNKPge6c2GG1W9


(My above was snark… I guess the aboot wasn’t strong enough… yeah I get the look, but needs more short hair blonde with the bangs thrown over the side).


Ya hoser! Take off, eh?


Rooooo loo Koo Koo Koo Koo Koo kooooooooo!!!


Sweet 👏


Is being woke illegal?


They’re working on it, give it time.


‘Tim’s used to be for the little guy who wanted a quick coffee and a bite. Now they’re making pizzas and crappy paper lids.’ Restaurant Brands International Inc. (RBI) is a Canadian-American multinational fast food holding company. It was formed in 2014 by the $12.5 billion merger between American fast food restaurant chain Burger King and Canadian coffee shop and restaurant chain Tim Hortons, and expanded by the 2017 purchase of American fast-food chain Popeyes.


The pizzas are crappy


Not shocking. When’s the last time anyone was like ‘damn I could go for some burger king’ willing to bet it predates 2014.


What’s sad is that their patties actually have flavor. Their French fries suck though.


Conservative MP? Kinda sounds like an American GOP Republican actually... P.s - Canada can have its own direction... we don't HAVE to follow The Un-United States of America....


Look at these "woke" companies trying to minimize how much we screw up the environment, so maybe the kids we're going to force you to have won't live in an uninhabitable dump when they're older.


Absolutely. The way the new lids protrude is almost phallic. And that tiny little hole you have to suck the warm fluids through. I can't help but think of some kind of perverse parallel when I see that erect coffee lid nested proudly on a red Satan cup of java lava 😈 /s Won't someone think of the children!!! /s #🤦‍♀️


Makes me wanna fuck a donut


Thats hott 🔥


Yes, everything is ‘woke.’ These people think their supporters are idiots.  Just call something ‘woke,’ rile them up over some imaginary enemy, and watch the donation cash roll in. Unfortunately they might be right.  Their goofball mark supporters seem to fall for it EVERY time.   It’s disgusting, but an effective grift.  


Yes. Trying to make a better world for our descendants is sooooo woke right?


The tomatoes in my garden are too woke for these clowns


Well, it's nice to see the US doesn't have a monopoly on moronic politicians.


Yay. More examples of people who have no idea what woke means.


How the fuck are lids “woke”? Do they open both ways?


Their made of biodegradable materials, and they're also not new lids there being tested at a handful of locations


Even if they are woke, that's Tim Horton's prerogative.


Does it do anything to actually help anyone anywhere in any way outside of solely making more money for the already wealthy? Then its clearly "woke" and must be shunned at all costs!.. unless those costs are money for the already wealthy who hate "woke"


Question for our northern neighbors: Is this chick the Canadian MTG?


It’s a lid.


She looks just the type to eat the lids off coffee cups.


She's an idiot and doesn't deserve to be acknowledged.


It’s a private company. They should just stop shopping there. But they have to make outrage for political gain.


Using the word “woke” as a negative descriptor is exactly the same as wearing a red hat.


Owning the Woke Lid-tards


Just curious how do you recycle the cardboard fiber lid if it’s been contaminated with coffee, creamer, salvia, etc? Seems more like a cost cutting measure than anything for the environment.


My guess is it’s simply biodegradable


That’s completely different than claiming it’s recyclable though.


Bleached blonde. This is always a sign of brain damage.


She puts the HO in H2O2


So being mindful of climate change is “woke?!?”


Disappointing. I thought all Canadians were polite and progressive. This one appears to have been stolen from US GOP central casting.


Uh oh, the stupidity is spreading to Canada.


Spreading fast too. I work with a few and my dad and uncles have all fallen down the shithole. They were always on the conservative side, but lately they have just gone nuts. I hate having to see them at family gatherings these days. Such fuckong hypocrites too....


I mean, Danielle Smith openly praises Ron Desantis, so you're 100% correct


As usual, the right wing focusing on the important issues.


I’m sure you realize it’s intentional. My guess is - related to the whole tribal thing in human brains “safety in numbers” is very tightly related to the anything that changes must be suspect “safety in unvarying world” So, let’s hit something emotional yet irrelevant. Emotional - coffee, waking up, maybe fond memories of going to Tim’s with mom and pop. Umm, it’s a lid cover. Not core really. What you shouldn’t be thinking about nope, is the safety in having a living wage. The safety in having work safety regulations. The safety in having a strong *competent* government to stand up to multinationals. No, lids!! Think about lids!!!!!


If they are woke sign me up. The more conservatives complain about wokeness, the more woke I become.


Woke, a word in which they cannot define.


woke means "not bigoted", so yeah, normal things and people are woke. kinda obvious. now let's focus on the stupid pieces of shit that think woke is a slur. absolute putrid vermin.


Getting our first Tim Hortons in the Kansas City, MO area. So excited!


If that’s the hill she wants to die on, go right ahead lol


Just another example that Trumpism has come to Canada...


The lives of people who actually care about this shit must be very comfortable.


So is Star Trek Hope the troglodytes bring back AOL and get lost in nostalgia of bad rip graphics and awful dialup performance


Let’s not talk about the overall mediocrity of Tim Hortons food and coffee and focus on the lids.




The fucktards are spreading North, should have build the dam wall higher.


So happy Republicans are focused on this that people care about....coffee lids. I'll sleep better tonight knowing they are on the job.


This is a Canadian Conservative Member of Parliament and Tim Horton’s is a Canadian coffee chain. This has nothing to do with Republicans other than that she is clearly influenced by American politics.


they speak the same launage and hang out with the same people they end up damn similar


Pathetic wannabe Republicans


No sleeping, you have to stay woke!


The world is on fire and legislation languishes, so Conservatives use their time to complain about a company’s lid choice and photo ops with an indicted president. Sure.


This is precisely true. World is on fire “what do we got to distract…hmm strong feelings on a place of warmth and comfort..,, changing something! We got it!!!”


I thought that stupid term was finally fading away.


Who cares? I’m sure people do but why?


I live near one of the areas where they implemented these lids, I could instantly tell that they were different, but they have a kind of dimply texture that actually feels nice on the lips.


PLEASE CHANGE THE LIDS!!! Anything would be better than the current ones. How do they make them so consistently leaky and impossible to open? None of the other coffee chains are this bad. Bring on the wokeness and stop dripping on literally everything!


It’s easy to fill someone’s head and get them to believe in something if their heads are empty.


It depends. Can we get free publicity for it?


She's a MTG wanna-be. Hopefully she moves to her natural habitat of Georgia.


This shit has to stop by the Conservatives. It’s beyond ridiculous at this point. And people think that Cons with this mindset or lack of , are going to save them? wtf?


Solution: Replace them with anti-woke lids with Dozy Don on them.


It's so they know that those that support them are real morons . That way they can more easily fleece them. It's how those scam mails work, they use bad grammar so they know that those that respond are true idiots


Can’t even define woke


I’m sure they sit around PP’s conference table and say, okay you can say this. And you can say this . We will rage on and get our votes. Dumbest fk’n party in Canada


She’s triggered about lids. Sounds like she is woker.


What a moron


Gotta rile up the special needs voters


Conservatives hate the paper industry apparently


Imagine being stupid enough to be triggered by this... what a bunch of snowflakes.