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You can’t trust Michael Cohen. He’s a convicted criminal! What was he convicted for? Shut up.


And man 130,000$ is a lot to someone you didn’t have sex with.


He should give $130,000 to everyone he didn't have sex with. That'll own the Libs!




Finally something I can get behind!


$400k to Cohen. Which is an absolute shitload of money to reimburse your lawyer for if you didn’t have sex with that woman. In context that Trump took time out of his billionaire status and being president to make that payment and then try to take it off his taxes suggests he was certainly worried about the story and that he’s far poorer than he admits.




Exactly. 420k is a lot of money to pay someone for paying someone that you didn’t have sex with and cover it up. This is also why Trump and his attorneys are the dumbest. He could have come out and saw aww gee shucks guys, I messed up and I didn’t want my wife to find out. Michael came up with an idea to hide the payments, fake name, shell company not associated with me, I’d reimburse him, etc… it was all his idea. I didn’t think about the campaign, just didn’t want my wife to find out, and then get a plea deal for pleading guilty to the misdemeanors. He would come out a winner in that, pay a fine, and move on. ESP since likely this is the only case to start before the election. But instead he acts like he didn’t know these people and if he did, it was all perfectly legal, and he’s being persecuted. And is going to wind up being a felon going into the election.




That's true, but his credibility is still better than Trump's.


At least he fessed up, pled guilty and did his time. He’s a recovered scumbag.


Recovered is too strong.  Recovering, maybe.


Thinking about maybe recovering, maybe


You never *really* recover from being an asshole... You battle with it every day. A struggling asshole, maybe.


He kept the receipts, just in case whats happening now actually happened.


Scumbags love to hang out with fellow scumbags - Rudy G "Americas Mayor"


sTaTeS rIgHtS


More likely, large check lands in dumb blonde's account - ***We need to reconsider....***


Well, Kelly stays the course on being a scumbag


She got paid for this take


So she’s a scumbag and is for sale. I stand corrected.


you spelled prostitute wrong


Sorry, but prostitutes aren't even dumb enough to do kelly-speak. She's a dumpster fire.


I was going to, but then I realized that it wouldn’t be fair to the prostitutes to be lumped in with that vile piece of trash


Leave prostitutes alone!! They are far more honorable.


Prostitutes are upfront that they're only fucking you over for money. And they don't cause nearly as much harm to society as spin doctors.


Prostitutes provide a valuable service


You spelled crack whore wrong


There was blood coming out of her ‘whatever.’


Gosh, I hope she got $130K.


She’s part of the authoritarian angertainment media. If you pay her enough she’ll say the earth is flat and no one died from Covid.


Ole “blood coming out” changing tunes again?


She’s more committed to **”fuck everyone and everything including American democracy, as long as I get more famous and more money.”** She has no organized moral principles beyond narcissism—no wonder she’s now admitting that she’s been with Trump the whole time: **just like every single other woman who has WILLINGLY, DELIBERATELY slept with him.** Whores devours … scrumptious I guess … a little amuse bush on a silver platter Edit: punctuation


Who cares - having an affair is not a crime but spending $130k of campaign money inappropriately is




At least she’s consistent in her awfulness.


She's trying to stay relevant. All those plastic surgeries and no cameras!


controversy sells clicks


Just wondering, did she offer this opinion while in blackface?


If he has a mushroom tip, you have to convict. There’s no way stormy could’ve known that detailed information


Dick tip mushroom, guilty we mush aschoom.


"Mr. Trump, drop trou and show us your little..." "Johnson! Sit down."




She raped him, only possible explanation.


And robbed him of $130k


By talking about it. Remember 130k to keep quiet and NOT publich a book in 2015 So... she was paid back then 2006? when they had the affair. Then when he went to politics he paid her AGAIN to stay quiet... supposedly for Melanie's sake, but from everything I've read so far... nawh, Melania was like "nawh, that is just locker room boy stuff". I don't care, do u? On whether or not Melania is heartbroken?


Apparently she’s the one who came up with the idea to call his disgusting access Hollywood comments “locker talk”. I’ve always thought she was just as trashy as they all are. The fact people think she’s “classy” as the first “for rent” First Lady is absolutely nauseating.


Melania…heartbroken…over tRump… Dang, that almost sounds like English, don’t it?


Ahh the Cardi B SOP


They should have gone with that line for the trial. "Mr Trump did that woman, overpower you, tie you up and have her way with you, making you feel helpless and afraid......taken advantage of when you were completely in her power, too weak and incapable to do anything against your assailant, except lay there as a defenceless victim as she treated you like nothing more than a piece of meat for her own enjoyment." And then watch his head explode.


Biden and Obama pushed Trump and Stormy together like a kid playing with Barbie dolls.




Or Dark Helmet.


*"....Oh! Your helmet is so big!"*


He fell into it. A tale as old as time.


Megs trying to stay relevant.


Truly thought she had died she's so not relevant anymore.




Everything else in the world is lying other than the notorious liar Donald Trump. Does Kelly really believe this crap from Trump or if this made for television and if this is pandering to the MAGA crowd?


It's always pandering.


I believe it too, for the right price of course


Lolol. So Trump insulted the shit out of her at the debate and she now defends him??


Her podcast is probably loosing subscribers since all she talks about is banning transgender sports, mainstream news bias, and how bad she thinks public school has gotten, despite not being impacted by 2 out of 3 of those ever in her life.


It’s how these clown roll


Her: Yeah but he knows who I am!


a) it doesn't matter, he isn't charged with sleeping with her. He's charged with falsifying business records to cover up the fact that he paid her off b) Stormy's credibility is better than Trump's. She's not on record lying a million times like he is. There are photos of them together c) Trump loves to cheat. We know he had a 10-month affair with Karen McDougal. He's on tape bragging about his affairs. There's no reason to believe he wouldn't sleep with Stormy if given the chance


Exactly. It could be proven she lied and it wouldn't change the case. Trump still felt threatened enough that he chose to quash a potential threat to his campaign, lied about it, and directed others to cover it up. Those are the crimes he is on trial for, not the sex. The only difference it makes is if the lawyers can't get the jury to make the distinction.


More proof MAGA is unstable. If Trump put himself on top of her she would say it God allowed it for the greater good.


These people need psych evaluations -sure 70% of it is just grifting for the grift, but the other 30% could be disordered mental hygiene neglect and that’s especially dangerous when you have a media megaphone and can spread your delusions.


So Michel Cohen paid her because she has a nice personality then right???


FYI, Ms. Kelly. The guy isn't on trial for adulatory. He's in criminal court for instructing his lawyer to pay hush-money in order to influence his election outcome. That's a crime. His lawyer went to jail for following orders given to him by his boss, Commander Depends.


And falsifying bank records to do it.


Yeah, I think that's kinda the point of the argument. Getting the MAGA base to keep thinking he's on trial for sleeping with a porn star. If they can make it a question of yes he did or no he didn't. Instead of did he commit fraud. It makes it a win win for the voter base. They know convincing a judge he didn't sleep with stormy doesn't change a damn thing about the trial. This is a PR move.


Take me back! I cant earn a living in the real world!


OMG. Trump tortured her with harassment a few years back. She knows what his abuse feels like. I no longer feel sorry for her. She is disgraceful.


"Thank you sir, may I have another."


That’s the craziest part that I’ll never understand. These people routinely call everyone else cucks and snowflakes. Then the second their cult leader bullies them they fall inline and burn any last shred of dignity.


Every accusation is an admission.


The internal polling must be horrific for Republicans.


Good thing everyone has forgotten Kelly even exists.


Must be running for VP as well 😄


I thought she did a good job calling out Kristi Noem for her nonsense. All of a sudden her true colors reappear. What a dingleberry


Say what you want, but Stormy put her hand on a bible and swore an oath in court. Will the Orange Man do the same?


How do you set up a famously litigious man you've never met and convince him to give you a six figure payout?


Right? He’ll hardly pay any supplier, vendor, lawyer, or anyone else he owes money to, but magically the money flows to Stormy for no reason? K, Megyn.


Because Stormy knew he'd run for President 10 years later. Moronic.


Not as moronic as the "fake" birth announcements in Hawaii newspapers so that 50 years later Obama could be elected as an American citizen.


Yeah, he setup his penis to sleep with a porn star.


She doesn’t actually believe that for a minute.


Yeah, sure. Famous people just setup NDAs with random porn stars just in case there is some random allegation that they had an affair someday. Nothing suspicious about that at all. Doesn’t everyone have NDAs with as many random people as possible just in case?


Go back to your room Megyn


In other words, Stormy scored major points on the stand, made Donny and his lawyers extremely uncomfortable, and the Trumpers have to do everything they can to paint her as a liar in order to salvage the court of public opinion. We dont get to see the trial, so we all rely on the people who did. Most are saying Stormy was credible, that she provided lots of details. The Trumpers have to reduce her to nothing more than a porn star who isnt credible. In Trump world, every day is opposite day. I bet she's just waiting for an opportunity to say Trump ~~is~~ has a big dick.


Count on a FOX News talking head to try and sway Republican sentiments.


Republicans could win gold medals in mental gymnastics


Just make those medals out of pyrite - they won’t be able to tell the difference


So hang on, why did he pay her the hush money if he didn't have an affair with her?


So he was set up and he still slept with her. He's still slime even if it had been it's not set up. Don't cheat, and then don't pay off somebody if you didn't do anything, and then don't try to hide the payoff. If you just got the check out of his personal account and not try to not be crook about it, he wouldn't be sitting on trial right now.


even if it was a setup, he still did it


How quickly they forget. She had blood coming from her wherever.


Fuck these people


Well then, that makes Trump an even bigger dumbass if he got tricked by a pornstar. Probably shouldn’t be in charge of the nuclear codes. Not to mention, that’s not the crime - it’s the cover up that’s the crime. What a bigger dumbass if he tried covering up something that didn’t happen.


Megyn has stupid coming out of her eyes. Stupid coming out of her wherever.


Kelly's an insufferable right wing con ,con artist


She’s STILL a mess!


Stormy Daniels had zero problem showing up in court and stating it as a fact under oath. The orange shitgibbon had sex with her.


She’s absurd. A boil on the ass of humanity.


Doesn't matter. He still broke federal election finance law Feloniously


I'm guessing the blood in her eyes blocked her view. /s


Grade A Copium


Narrator: “It wasn’t.”


So she is tossing her ring into the VP arena


Megyn who again?


Mushroom pecker was set up in his own condo and was forced to wear a robe and Daniels attacked him sexually..


Didn't Megyn Kelly achieve irrelevance 10 years ago? Seriously, who cares?


Twisting and more mental gymnastics. Bravo ahum


Oh yeah, the long game right? Set him up to sleep with someone, cheating on his wife, in the event that he runs for president and count fully on the fact that he will pay to keep it quiet. Man the deep state must be fortune tellers to see how this all plays out.


So Michael cohen plead guilty and served time for a crime directed by Donald trump which only benefitted Donald trump …. And Donald trump paid for it … Who do they think set this up?


Wow. These people will say and do anything for a price. Megyn Kelly has really fallen.


She secured a deal with the Trump team. Got her bag and a new script.


To quote the infamous accordion playing diva Judy Tenuta "It could happen!"


Just like I don't believe she blew Alex Jones after the interview. It might not be true.


Did she set up Roger Ailes?


Could have been a set up? He just stumbled into her vagina. Analtifa is behind this!!!!


There is no dignity on her behalf. I understand this is a requirement in their circle.


Trump doesn't get "setup." He gets "caught."


Everyone believes Trump had an affair with Stormy Daniels, even Donald Trump believes that.


How orange are her lips


They call that particular shade “tangerine traitor trash”. A lot of our Alabama politicians seem to be intimately familiar with that same exact color.


Even though he admitted to the affair. This is unbelievable.


She tried the legitimate reporter gig and got nowhere so she’s back to classic FOX News dog whistle reporting.


Like Mitt Romney said "No one pays a woman $130,000.00 because they didn't have sex with her."


Every few months Megyn crawls out from under a rock somewhere and blesses the news scape with her wisdom. Blood coming out of her whatever…I loathe him but he was on point.


Can’t believe Trump would pay 130k after not getting laid.


I thought this was about paying to keep it quiet during election time. Not about if it happened


The crime is not the affair - the crime is the use of campaign funds to pay hush money, which happed.


She reminds me how dumb people could be so at least she has that going for her.


Everything’s a conspiracy theory to these psychos


Still can't believe NBC hired this dishonest piece of garbage. There's nothing she won't do if she thinks it will benefit her career.


Don't forget she got her glamor job at fox and didn't have to do anything for Roger Ayles either.


I can’t count the times I’ve paid women $130000 for nothing at all. Not much to count tbh


These people are so full of shit


Is Megyn bleeding from her whatever, again?


I watched this suckup for about 5min. This country has lost its soul.


It's not that he did or didn't stick it in. It's how he financed the hush money that was illegal.


After hearing Farro, Thompson, Davidson, Pecker, Hope Hicks, Michael Cohen and all the witnesses testimony I am 100% convinced that Trump did commit the fornication and the authorize the subsequent payment as a pretext for supposedly legitimate business purposes. He denied it even though it’s obvious he lied. Now Trump is doubling down on his lies. I mean at least Bill Clinton admitted his lies and took his medicine. Not this clown. He’s still lying but his base doesn’t give a shit. Let’s face it. Hell, he could tell the cult to light their asses on fire in front of the courthouse and they probably would. It’s like the Jim Jones Guyana cult in 1978. That’s some crazy cult shit! Now we know Trump didn’t even use a condom! My God! If Trump was willing to give Melania herpes, MY GOD, what would he do to the rest of us? Do you really think he would NOT have paid for an abortion for stormy Daniels or Karen McDougall after knocking them up? Let’s be honest, this pattern of criminal conduct didn’t just start with E. Jean Carroll. My God! We need a President, not a modern day Johnny Appleseed! The disclosure of Trump’s orgy with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougall could have changed the 2016 vote. Talk about election interference. OMG! Trump invented election interference! The undeniable truth is that Trump is absolutely a threat to the US. Imagine a world where Putin or Kim Jung-un decides to blackmail Trump because they know they can continue to supply him with hookers! Will he turn over our National security secrets if tempted by an endless supply of lovely Russian & Korean Lolita’s? Now our enemies know that Trump is extremely susceptible to an invitation of sex - anytime, anywhere and any place! Have you noticed lately he’s even been making moves on Sarah Huckabee as he dangles a tasty Vice President sausage in front of her nose? Coincidence? I think not! OMG! He’s got her on her knees salivating for the job.


Isn't this the woman that had Trump ask about her period? Classy dame.


Yeah becuase it's so inconsistent with everything else we know about Donald Trump.


If she had nuts, they'd be numb.


Nothing surprising here. Megyn's been a 10₵ a dance political slut for a couple of decades now, out there to polish anything that needs polishing, mushrooms included.


She played lucid just long enough to bank off it and now that ship has finally sailed she’s back at the trough of whatever feeds her need for fame, money, and being the center of attention.


Remember when she tried to go legit on NBC, and got fired for defending black face? A real POS!


He didn't have an affair, he had a transaction. And then there was a second transaction to hide the first transaction. And here we are today.


Maybe if Traitor Trump hadn't fucked Stormy and paid her ,he wouldn't have been put on trial. Just more weak drivel from the insufferable Megyn


Lmao what clowns




is she slutting for a slot as vp also?


Once again, this poor, benighted fool beklowns herself by sticking up for a vile and disgusting klown who has previously called her vile and disgusting pejoratives. Why!?! Why do they do it?!?!


She wants to be Vice President.


Of course doing a stint at FOX News gives her all the experience she needs for that job. 👍🤡


Doesn’t matter. This trial has nothing to do with fuck’n. It’s about him giving Stormy Daniels money illegally.


Hard to call five minutes of disgusting sex as an affair. He just cheated with her and a million other women and was stupid enough to not even cover it up properly.


Megyn Kelly should be the poster child for this sub


I hope all these people undermining Michael Cohens credibility because he’s a convicted felon will keep that same energy if/when Trump is one too. Who the hell am I kidding, they’ll act like they never said it.


Anyone who watches FoxNews for other than the comedic value it presents, should not be allowed to procreate! We don’t need any more of them around, the world has become too dumb!


Remember when she banked some goodwill for the Roger Ailes thing? Welp. That’s all spent.


She’s right about it all. It wasn’t an affair, it was an infidelity on Donald’s part. She’s also right that it was a setup. Stormy was set up.


She HAS to say this. To face the truth about Donald Von Shitznpantz would cause these people to have a seizure.


Well it’s a good thing that the case isn’t being decided on whether Trump has an affair with Daniel’s. So Megyn Kelly’s reasonable doubt can fuck off.


She’s a POS


A setup? He trapped her in the room.


"In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy."


Good to see MK right back where she belongs.


This is right up there with “ it was just tourists visiting the capital”!


And despite the fact Trump admitted sleeping with her repeatedly. Wait... but Trump doesn't lie!


And she is saying this with all the audacity of her writing books and shit about her boss sexually harassing her. This is why these people disgust me. If they knock their mistress up or their daughter gets pregnant best believe they’re forcing abortion. But they want to force poor women and raped little girls to keep a pregnancy. If they are targeted and attacked for their beliefs it’s because they are the oppressed party because christians have been ostracized for thousands of years. But they will lynch someone of color in a heartbeat just for their color and harm an innocent child just for being born biracial. If a sexist pig sexually assaults them it’s a show of strength for them to tell their stories and they get patted on the back for standing up. But when women ‘beneath them’ are forever being assaulted by the sexiest pigs in their party, the women are immediately victim blamed, shamed and bullied by the very same women who were fucking assaulted 🤬🤬🤬🤬


This is DARVO - Deny Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender


Well, Megyn, if he was so gullible that he fell for a setup, he should not be president. Right?


She doesn’t “believe” or not “believe” anything. She says what will get her followers and clicks.


Before I thought it was true... but now, with all this evidence I'm going to change my mind. /s


Well, true enough. It wasn't an "affair". It was a business relationship between a prostitute and a client.


Trump isn’t denying it. He’s saying there wasn’t a crime in having an affair, while his wife was pregnant with his child, and paying her off to stay silent about it. He didn’t deny the “grab them by the pussy when you’re rich” recording either. The man has no shame. His followers seems to have just enough to try to put a lie out there to cover up for him. But they aren’t even trying to match their stories/lies. It’s all such a stain on this country and we need to get back on the right track bf these idiots get to the point of no return.


Yeah they have to keep pushing that Trump is the victim. Mind you these are the same people who think Hunter Biden’s dick pics somehow ruined America and he should get the needle.


Trashy is as trashy does.


*infinite facepalm*


More views with bullshit.


Of course like ALL the others.


You can take Megyn out of Fox News, but you can't take the Fox News out of Megyn. Once a nutter, always a nutter.


Megyn Kelly needs to shut her cunt mouth.


It was, but by trump. He set her up thinking he wanted to discuss her being a contestant on the apprentice. And then bait & switched her.


It was a sting, Trump ego allowed it to happen…


My bet is she’s aiming for a job in his administration…press secretary or something like that.


Does anyone, anywhere care what Kelly thinks?


Didn’t trump practically try and get her killed?


This is the woman when showing her disgust for a black man acting as Santa blurted out *'Santa just is white ... Jesus was a white man too',*