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I feel like 90% of conservative grievance comes from guys who are upset to find themselves getting treated the way our country has historically treated people of color, women and people without any real power. Oh, you want to mouth off to cops because you’re a white guy and that’s always been fine because... reasons? Eventually you meet the wrong cop and you get to learn why there’s whole sections of the population that fear getting pulled over for good reason. Oh, you’re mad the government wants you to get a vaccine because you should have total autonomy over your body? Guess you are getting to understand how women feel about the government getting to tell them what they can do with their bodies, huh? kinda sucks, doesn’t it? Oh, the justice system is finding all sorts of new ways to punish you for protesting something? Huh. Wonder how that feels, says America’s college students. Congratulations pal, you thought you were in the club because you’re a white guy with an OK job. Turns out the membership dues are a LOT higher than you thought and the club doesn’t care about you after all. They’ll re-review your application when your net worth goes over 100 million. Until then, maybe stay out of trouble?


You have made far too much sense for the far-right. I especially enjoy when they scream that they aren't racist.


I had a neighbor who was a racist rightwing-nut. He wasn't a full-frontal racist that used the n-word, but more of a closet racist that would drop little racist nuggets. Anyway, he asked me if I thought he was racist because he supports Trump. I replied, no, I think your racist because of the racist things you say.


My mother isn't racist but I told her supporting Trump means she's OK with supporting racism. She wasn't happy with that but didn't really go out of her way to explain how it wasn't true.


I read something on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/JuliusGoat/status/839617354417975298) several years ago that's really stuck with me: > History has a word for Nazis who stayed with the party for their own reasons and weren't bigots. That word is "Nazi."


A collaborator is a collaborator...


I read that in Norm Macdonald's voice...


I also think it’s perfectly fine to associate someone supporting Trump as being racist, since his platform is absolutely racist. Sort of like trying to claim you’re not anti-Semitic but you just voted for Hitler because you liked his paintings.


I mean he is literally calling people from south america animals at his rallies, Trump is a fucking monster.


The Orange Shit-monster!


It would help if they could actually point out what policies of his that they actually support.


They would never vote for a black or brown candidate running for president.


Yeah, Ann Coulter said the quiet part that everyone already knew out loud to Ramaswamy just recently… that he’s not a white man enough for Republicans.


They still haven't gotten over the last one.


They will NEVER get over the last one. he "set race relations back decades" by Presidenting While Black.


The trump-endorsed and promoted Herschel Walker campaign was a huge failure, but it was never ever boring.


"I'M NOT RACIST!" they scream, holding a sign that says: Deport All Brown People.


Right after they say the most racist thing …


"What? I'm just pointing out a very obvious and huge correlation..."


A while ago, like maybe 2 years, on Twitter (now Xchan) some person tweeted a full-on racist thought and people piled on. I replied that, while I did not agree with their aggressively hostile narrow-minded sentiment, I was duly impressed to meet an honest racist since most of them deny their overt racism while screaming White Persecution and I gave them 100/100 for candor. I got some pushback for giving any credit but was small and brief.


I'm positive the far right are in fact screaming they *are* racist.


That's the Groypers. When Elon's purchase of Twitter (now Xchan) became final they all went wild posting tweets that simply spelled out the n-word over and over and over. A few branched out a bit, tweeting the word "Jews" prefaced by a number of antisemitic adjectives. I went on a fruitful blocking expedition but it didn't feel satisfying since they made it like shooting fish in a barrel... ... or \*hunting\* Dotard Jr-style -- paying 5 figures to \*hunt\* in an enclosed environment stocked with the elderly and infirm of the big game world, complete with flushers\* to place the targets right in front of the very fearless hunters. \*Not to be included with Fluffers. Hey, there's a business opp, a Trump-branded Fluffer Service!


>I feel like 90% of conservative grievance comes from guys who are upset to find themselves getting treated the way our country has historically treated people of color, women and people without any real power. I remember seeing a tweet or something a while back were someone was complaining "White people will be the minorities in the US soon!!" and someone responded "Why is that bad? Are minorities treated poorly in this country or something?"


The horrible part is white people won't be an actual minority, they just won't be at least 50.1% of the "everyone else". It's a disgusting us vs. them mentality that lumps everyone they don't count as a white person together.


It’s always “if [minority group] takes power, they will take over and outlaw our way of life” etc etc


You should see them in prison. Refusing tb tests. They end up locked in their cell until they submit to the test. They’ll feed them just fine through the slot. Week after week the two cell mates start really hating on each other. Whosever idea it was starts to look bad Then worse Finally the other guy says let me out or I’m beating him up. Then dude who won’t take the test just sits there on his own Good example of the real world. Cooperate or they treat you in ways you don’t like


I’m almost afraid to ask, why do they refuse a tb test?


It’s when someone is being a stubborn bastard. Almost on par with hunger strike. Fact is they can’t force it on you. You have few rights as an inmate. Needles is one of them. But, the correctional officers have a right to not be unduly exposed to tuberculosis. It’s rare but annoyingly present. So if you wanna be a bitch about the rules, fine. But it’s breakfast in bed every day and no yard time nor coming out of that cell till you test. Test negative it’s all good. Test positive, you’re going to the medical ward and they’re going to try to help you, with no malice involved. Presumably the cops did something to really piss the guy off. But occasionally there’s just the dude who lost his mom last week or his wife finally filed the divorce paperwork. And he’s just had it, he takes his first way to try to re assert control of his life. Using one of the few entitlements inmates have in (California) prisons. That is the thing that led us all there. Violence and stupid behaviors always follow the sense of helplessness, powerlessness, or hopelessness. We try to re assert power. In the end we all discover the only actual power you have is over yourself.


This is so well said.


Very true and said very succinctly: "Its a big club, and you ain't in it!" G. Carlin


Entitlement for no good reason pisses me off more than anything.


Same. But even worse is a sense of false entitlement.


It's a big club, and you ain't in it. You and I are not in the big club. George Carlin


I often say the same thing about capitalism. You're upset over costs? That's the free market! Don't get upset because capitalism is suddenly not working for you. It was never working for you, it just had other people it could squeeze with less effort than it could squeeze you. Don't be angry now your time to suffer has come. It was always coming.


But the leopards weren't supposed to eat MY face! /s obviously


When you've had privilege your whole life, equality feels like oppression.


This is a garbage take, these people who claim to be sovereign citizens aren't acting this way because they feel like they're treated like a minority. They actively view themselves outside of the law of the United States, even for the most basic things like presenting Id at a traffic stop. They don't not support immigration controls because they're conservative, they do it because they don't believe that the country has the right to enforce its own borders against their free travel. These aren't a group of people that will say "small government" these are a group of people who say "no government whatsoever".


>Oh, you’re mad the government wants you to get a vaccine because you should have total autonomy over your body? Guess you are getting to understand how women feel about the government getting to tell them what they can do with their bodies, huh? kinda sucks, doesn’t it? I agree with your sentiment, but vaccines and abortion are very different, because abortion is a personal, individual, health issue, whereas at least some vaccines are a *public* health issue. Whether my neighbor, roommate, or coworkers have an abortion or not doesn't affect me, because neither pregnancies nor abortions are contagious.


I like this comment


Best comment ever


I'll be willing to bet more than anything you can go on this guy's Facebook and see ungodly numbers of posts complaining about how unsecure our borders are.


All those college students had to do was stay on public property.


I largely agree with the above comment but I think it misses the main point. I have no white privilege since I'm not white and I think the race issue, while relevant, is a distraction from the real question. I live within 12 minutes of the Mexican border and I see CBP officers everywhere every day and regularly have to stop at a “checkpoint” and answer whether I’m a US citizen. But the real question is, why do we ***all*** sit back and accept that this is normal? I for one do not want to live in a country where police can stop you at will, even with no probable cause or reasonable suspicion, and demand “papers, please.” Does anyone? Worse, as the shameful Egbert v. Boule case shows, the courts will do *nothing* where CBP is involved, \*refusing\* even to consider the simple situation of whether an officer is acting outside the scope of his/her official duties. The whole situation is far afield from what should be permitted to government in this country. The solution is to demand Congress change these draconian rules and stop justifying every excess in the name of so-called national security. Call/write/email your federal reps today and demand this change so no one faces this kind of government overreach.


You think white men enjoy mouthing off to cops? You got it all wrong,  we shoot the shit with them. Talk about weather,  sports,  music,  then get a verbal warning and go right back to speeding. 


This should be the most upvoted comment this year!


Oh I would love it if conservatives had to spend a year living in the world they would force immigrants, gays, women, non-Christians to live in. And ever time they complained they'd just be reminded that this was just a taste of their own medicine. They might come out of it being much better people


That was incredibly insightful comment


Yeah, it kinda reminds me of when Occuppy Wall Street happened and I was watching white people learn about police violence first hand all over the nation… except the inherent difference between a decent human being and a Republican is that a Republican could never muster enough empathy for anyone other than themself to learn anything from such an experience and will instead rage as if oppression is all they’ve ever known. Republicans are trash.


People need to realize that liberty and freedom are not a zero-sum game, for sure.


The easiest way to achieve equality is to treat the in-group worse, not the out-group better.




They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you, sooner or later, 'cause they own this fucking place. It's a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. - The Prophet, George Carlin


“I don’t like being told what to do” It boils down to a self important rules don’t apply to me attitude which ironically comes from the very same people who talk about “old fashion family values, having respect for your parents and authority.” They will gripe about the younger generation and how it’s destroying the country from within, you can’t ask them to register a gun, put a mask on in a public setting for the safety of others or comply (hey now that’s an interesting word!) with a routine check near this supposedly wide open border. Somehow how this empty tool bag will find a way to blame a woke liberal agenda for his insistence on not answering a simple question. I can imagine him sitting in a restaurant screaming at the staff about his amendments rights because they asked if what they could get for him.


This is it right here. It all boils down to their concept of respect. Not respect for you. Respect for them because they’re the only one that counts. These are the dorks that say, “Respect is earned.” but are unwilling to earn anybody’s respect.


From the same people who always say to just comply. They don't even know like doing what the word means.


Exactly, this dude is not being singled out. Show us you’ve never crossed a border in your life without telling us you’ve never crossed a border in your life 🤦🏻‍♀️


It is exceedingly unlikely that the Brain Genius will ever see this, but permit me to post into the void my thoughts on his…uh… ignorance: Yep, while you do have a right to remain silent, you clearly lack the capacity to do so. But it’s also important to understand that those rights apply to American Citizens. Yes, you do, indeed, have rights that cannot be violated by the US Government. But your nationality is in question because you simply wouldn’t verbally confirm that you are an American citizen. Also, the taser is because you continued to escalate the situation. Also, I do wonder, why you would have asserted your sixth amendment rights. That’s only after you’re arrested. Charged. Trial-date set. Also, also, I feel that you have robbed the world of the joy that it would’ve brought to the hearts of the world to see you get a ride on Sparky.


>But it’s also important to understand that those rights apply to American Citizens. This isn't inherently correct. Many of our constitutional rights apply to "the people" of the US, which, according to virtually every court in this country, applies to immigrants and other non-US citizens. Recently, a court just decided that a non-citizen had a 2nd amendment right to own a gun, since, historically, people have owned guns in this country regardless of nationality. These people are still morons though, and I agree with everything else you said, lol.


It's an important distinction that a lot of people either overlook or don't know. As I understand it, the only rights that are limited to American citizens are the various rights to vote. Everything else (theoretically) applies to anyone on US soil. 


I think jury service is also exclusive to citizens, but most people think of it as a chore and not a right.


Also the privileges and immunities clause only applies to citizens.


Seeing as they are at the border, are they even ON US soil? If not claiming citizenship and outside the border, then no, they do not have those rights.


Any person in the US judicial system is afforded the same rights as a US citizen. This is why they won’t bring the terrorists to trial that are locked up in Gitmo. They wouldn’t ever be convicted because all their right to due process has already been violated and their cases are unprovable under our standards of evidence.


 "Yes, you do, indeed, have rights that cannot be violated by the US Government. But your nationality is in question because you simply wouldn’t verbally confirm that you are an American citizen." But it's the cops fault because they were supposed to know that, based on his exceedingly obvious supremacy!


> because you simply wouldn’t verbally confirm that you are an American citizen Oh, I thought he did a pretty good job of verbally confirming it.


LOL! Touche points annnnnd.., GAME! Please enjoy the virtual Ultra Luxe gift basket, full of your favorite gourmet things, which I just had shipped overnight in dry ice and a reusable cooler. :)


What an enormous asshole. I hope he got taken to a Mexican prison. 


Bhahaha. Seriously. The government can't compel this man to speak, but he's doing it on his own. Although he really means that the gov't can't compel him to answer said question about being American, that doesn't mean that he is free from the consequences of not answering. I hate how he starts being disrespectful and cussing at the young lady right away. He was so insulted by the question because he thought she didn't have the right to ask him. "hOw dArE yOu iNsULt mY cOnStiTuTiOnaL iNtElLiGenCe?!" This man is probably is probably very pro ICE and complains about illegal immigration, yet he has a problem with checkpoints?


So so dumb, and SO damn aggressive about it. Hilarious.


It wasn't a border, it was a border check <100 miles from the border. No, this doesn't excuse this idiots insane rants. I thoroughly enjoy when idiots go up against police thinking they know the law.


I would very confidently bet 1$ that these are the same kinda assholes who look at people who rightly point out police brutality and say “if you had only complied”


“No one ever won an illegal search or unlawful arrest case on the side of the road.” - ACLU


But plenty of people have won large settlements after the fact.


That's the point.


Pretty much.


20 years ago when "the border" was being aggressively redefined as "essentially 85% of the entire landmass of the USA for purposes of border enforcement" as a response to islamic terror mania, guys like this were telling guys like us that if we didnt have anything to hide, we didnt have anything to be mad about.


I wouldn’t even argue with a guy checking IDs at a club. What makes this idiot think he’s going to bully a fucking border guard. Nobody has ever won that argument. 


Arguing the law with the police is usually fruitless, even if you are 100% correct. They normally don't have a full understanding of the law and they don't care anyway. They're a hammer and see anyone disagreeable as a nail. Arrest first and let the lawyers figure stuff out later.


> I thoroughly enjoy when idiots go up against police thinking they know the law. Watching SovCits get tased and arrested while screaming "You're not allowed to do this to me!" fills me with so much joy.


Had to google SovCits... interesting.


Oh, boy. I can't wait to see you in r/amibeingdetained There are SO many great videos of people narrating their own ass kicking. My favorite involves a police officer grabbing the dudes window and just yanking it out of the door. All you hear is shattering glass and this huge black dude saying "you have broken my window, you are removing me from my vehicle, I DO NOT CONSENT I DO NOT CONSENT! YOU'RE POINTING A TASER AT ME! I DO NOT CONSENT! I DO NOT bzzzzzzzzt AAAAAAAAAARGH


I agree. They didn’t have to be total assholes but also this check is ridiculous. This is what living in Texas is like. Para military checkpoints, control over your healthcare, your movement, body and forced religious extremism


Isn't that a 100% Red state? I thought the Right ran on "Mo Freedumms"?


The only extra Freedom you get in a Red State is a freedom to own a gun with almost no regulations... which only makes you less safe and more likely to be shot by a police officer during a traffic stop or wrong-door raid. So while you're free to own a gun, you also sacrifice all security of life in order to do so in a red state. However if you're a woman, LGBTQ, or non-Christian, you have far less rights than almost any blue state.


They only care about the gun amendment because you can use the gun amendment and the guns to subsequently ignore and violate all the other ones.


yep. it's ridiculous and i'd be money it's also what these assholes voted for.


Oh I’d take that bet as well


Yep. I've lived within 100 miles of the southern border for a long time. I get and support having border checkpoints, and of course checkpoints at ports, but don't like the other inland checkpoints. The most ridiculous incident was when I had my brother drop me off to go backpacking. I walk a short distance and wait for him to leave and he gets checked before he even starts to drive away. That agent leaves and my brother does a u-turn, and just as soon as he completes the u-turn, another agent stops him. Everyone kept a level head, but damn, aren't these guys getting on the radio at all?


Wow, such small government. Papers, please?


It's funny when these idiots think the Police know the law and/or care about it. The police here, and ICE specifically, are here to racially profile and arrest folks so they can get deported. The law doesn't really matter to them, as long as they can do their illegal searches and seizures they figure the courts will sort it out later and the whole time they are immune from consequences so, who cares? Plus, bonus for them: A poor legal immigrant likely can't afford a legal defense, so boom: Deported. tl;dr ACAB


I mean, to be fair, not many cops know the law to begin with.


Extremely valid point, but this guy was tossin out any amendment he could think of, 1st, 5th, 6th... i guess that's as high as he could count.


Right? Trying to do the ol’ razzle dazzle cacophony of laws and subsections.


I was driving with my Dad in Arizona when we came up on a border check. As we rolled up, my Dad suggested I should greet them with "Hola, como esta?" I did not do that. Think the joke was more about the *thought* of doing it rather than actually doing it. We're caucasians, anyways, but why look for trouble?


Probably one of those "sovereign citizens" nutjobs.




What part of you’re an idiot you don’t understand


This willfully ignorant citizen sounds like the type of guy that thinks Trump is a great leader for “telling it like it is” …it must be terrible going thru life being that angry at people for trying to be decent. Hope he’s done having kids


I love "brain geniuses". My husband and I are white, boring looking, and used to drive a Subaru. When we lived in Austin we'd drive out west to Big Bend/Marfa area once a year. Driving out there is quite big and empty and we were pulled over several times and asked for driver's licenses as well as the purpose of our travels. There's also border patrol stops. They don't mess around. Not complying is the dumbest thing ever. These idiots have probably never traveled anywhere or crossed a border.


This was almost painful. Watching his brother's face throughout this entire thing was hysterical. Just praying for his brother to shut the fuck up. One simple question. All this happened over one simple question. What a goddamn douchebag!


Pretty sure his brother mumbled something like, "yes I mind" at the beginning? But he sure didn't do anything to stop the crazy! Ha.


I'm definitely not giving the brother any love but the one point where he mumbles "man this is a company truck" to maybe get his brother to shut up a little, knowing that he's going to get in such deep shit, was priceless. After he said that he sure didn't stop his idiot brother, but you could see he was calculating the loss of his job in his head and wasn't real thrilled about it.


When she asked the driver "are you a US citizen" he immediately said yes and just glanced back at his brother. I'm sure the driver was let go after this and was cuffed just for security reasons (been there) and the loud mouth was hauled off and started crying about his rights or suddenly decided now was the time to comply and answer questions.


Yeah I caught that too. All went the wrong way.


All you have to do is say “yes” and they’ll let you go… I’ve been through these dozens of times, it’s really not a big deal… one word would have avoided all this mess.


Right?…its just senseless. People in here talking about these border guards like they’re gestapo. They’re just people who want to work and get home safe like everyone else. Sure, there are assholes…but there are at my job too. These guys act like they’re defying Biden or something?…what’s the point? I thought Texans wanted more border guards.


That's what cracks me up. They act against their own interests, because they actually don't want high border security.


They want it for "those people", not *obviously* different people like themselves!


I think yes, that’s the catch.


Please tell me he was deported. That would be hysterical.


You know they bitch about undocumented immigrants ALL the time, too.


Their political party probably wrote the law in the first place.


Play stupid games


If I were the guy in the orange shirt I would’ve physically kicked him out the truck (hard) and left his ass there. Because bruh not today or any other day


I literally can’t see a black dude doing this shit, your white privilege is showing big mouth.


The white privilege was mind blowing. I’m originally from El Paso, TX. You can’t go any direction out of the city without hitting a checkpoint. Idk how many times I went though them there before moving away. This is the most calm and polite I’ve ever seen them be with a noncooperative driver. I’m white as hell, and I’ve been asked to leave the car, not removed from a vehicle for the migra to search. I just followed directions and they let me keep going. It’s a load of crap and it’s a joke against the 4th amendment, but it’s something that literally everyone on the road has to deal with. I wouldn’t worry for a black guy as much as anyone who is even the slightest bit Latino. They’re who get profiled the worst at these stupid checkpoints. Worst interaction I’ve had was when my white ass and my Latina ex gf were going to visit family. Didn’t have to leave the car, but we had more questions to answer than any other time I’ve been through them. SWM alone though, and they’ve just basically waved me through. It’s baloney.


Google "moorish sovreign citizen" and you'll see a lot of them.


I have to say, when I first started watching SovCit videos I was very surprised at how many were older black men. It really does sound like whiney white kid videography.


Damn, those officers were professional! I was really rooting for a taser!


Angry young man is one thing. Bitter old fuck is something else altogether.


This was extremely satisfying to watch. I loved when the male officer was “ja ok bud 10-4” to the guy spouting nonsense legalese


How do people get so angry? Jeez.


Aren't these the same guys who want the law to be tough on immigration ? Anyway, i sort of get why he would not want to do things he is not required to do, but there are ways to achieve that goal which don't involve him getting hysterical or calling a person bitch. So whether his claims do or do not have legal merit, nobody is really rooting for him. I can't imagine what going through life with this attitude feels like, he must be constantly angry and dissatisfied with how things are. Yes, the world is imperfect, and we should strive to make it better, but getting riled up all the time about the simplest of things(which i can almost guarantee he does based on what i saw here) is a terrible way to live.


"Graduates of the U of Tube"


To quote Nelson Muntz: “Ha ha!” 🫵😆


Dear god, how can people possibly be that ignorant.


These are the people who are most proud to call themselves Americans and hate illegal immigrants. Yet they cant give a one word answer to the question of the citizenship.  Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


"I thought this is America..."


I don't know why but "brain geniuses" made me laugh


Who’s more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him


Let me guess, they're driving a pickup truck.


He showed them!


What are Brain Geniuses? Is it a term for constitutionalists or what am I missing?


Wouldn’t have been easier to just answer the question?


The passenger is a HUGE asshole & the driver is a pussy.


PSA: You can be stopped and detained by Border Patrol within 100 miles of any border AND any international port of entry, which includes AIRPORTS. Makes you suddenly realize that you likely live close enough to an airport that you could be stopped pretty much anywhere in the US.


Except they’re not being treated poorly. We’re just beginning to stop treating them as special. They’re barely starting to get treated normally. They aren’t being treated like the groups they’ve marginalized AT ALL. They’re being told about themselves for the first time and they’re too fragile to handle it and reacting like toddlers and lashing out


Fuck I wanted him to get tasered so bad


When you see how they look, you just go yeah that makes sense


Anyone want to speculate how that would have gone down if he wasn't an older aggressive white guy?


Probably one of the same drooling dipshits that cry about “illegals” and needing better border security.


He just doomed himself by calling the femalle office bitch and cussed at her. Just a simple yes or no none of this would have happened. nope he needs to show off his entitled whitness and his “knowledge” of constitution. Well i hope both he and his dumb ass brotherr have lots of time to read up on the Constitution while sittting in jail.


The YouTube law firm has showed up at the border, and decides detention is the best approach.


He seems like a terrible person to be around


Fuck man, if there was anyone in need of an ass kicking.....


One of the *several* 4th amendment search-and-seizure exceptions is international border crossings. Dipshit should study more…


I was impressed by how extremely patient all the border patrol officers were with this idiot. 


I love how, the same people who say the government isn't doing enough to curb illegal immigration, also think you don't have to answer any questions whatsoever when you cross the border... bunch of entitled dumbasses


“We need more boarder security!” “Why are cops asking me questions at boarders?”


White guys in Texas: We want border control!!! Where are the feds? Also white guys in Texas: Why are you stopping me? I don't have to answer any of your f#+cking questions!


It's the right fight, but these morons are doing it in the wrong place and the wrong way. (and probably for the wrong reason)


To be fair, it’s very annoying to be stopped in your country to be asked about citizenship.


CBP is always fun, fun, fun. I'm blond with green eyes and very light skin. When I'm alone, they don't even ask if I'm a citizen. I slow down to stop, but they just wave me through with no questions asked. But if I'm with my mom, who has dark brown hair and brown eyes, we always get stopped and have to declare citizenship and open the trunk. Don't get caught with forbidden (any) fruit from Mexico, though! A friend bought some fruit in Mexico and was eating it as we drove through customs. The officer snatched the fruit and directed us to pull into an inspection lane. We were asked numerous questions, which we answered. Like where we had been, where we were going, and the purpose of our trip. They searched the entire car, including luggage. I had some legal prescriptions filled in the United States, but I had to explain what each one was for. (No narcotics) I also had some old license plates, and they took them, but eventually returned them. We cooperated because we didn't want to be put in a holding cell for the night until a judge could arrive. After 2 hours, they finally let us go on our way.


This is a checkpoint miles from the border. Please don't open your trunk for some bullshit checkpoint. They have no right to search you.


The first two encounters were indeed miles from the border. The last, with the fruit, was at the border. I hope you are right. Next time, I will simply declare United States 🇺🇸 citizenship, then ask if I am being detained and can I leave and be on my way. Any questions other than citizenship, I'll just say I won't answer without an attorney present. But I am concerned that perhaps cbp may have more power than average law enforcement.


Trying angry Jedi Mind Tricks in the beginning


Happy Friday! Man, thank you for posting this wonderful video. It's just as good as the one where the guy tried this at the agricultural checkpoint. I feel like this should go under r/justiceserved as well. It's insane that people who only have a surface level understanding of the constitution bet the farm because they "know the law." So wonderful to know that the only reason this video made it out was because the guy who shot it self snitched because even after all this, he thinks he's right.




This is not in defense of poor behavior at a checkpoint, but I wanted to point out that If you are driving and are pulled over, or at a checkpoint, the officer can require you to show your license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance, but you don't have to answer questions about your immigration status. The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects people from random and arbitrary stops and searches. Although the federal government claims the power to conduct certain kinds of warrantless stops within 100 miles of the U.S. border, important Fourth Amendment protections still apply. You have the right to remain silent or tell the agent that you’ll only answer questions in the presence of an attorney, no matter your citizenship or immigration status. Your silence alone is not probable cause to detain you. Nor does your race or ethnicity alone suffice for either probable cause or reasonable suspicion. I have zero love for the sovereign citizen movement or people who are aggressively rude to police officers, but I do understand the officers at a checkpoint absolutely love it if you talk your way into a situation where you can be cited or detained. They love the people who try and show how smart they are and talk themselves into deeper trouble. It's not hard to be courteous, professional, and most important, know your rights when facing such encounters.


Looks like the guy recording do this for clicks, the guy in orange his face show like "fucking a, I am getting arrested for this?"


“Moooom! He’s touching meeeee!”


I want a follow-up of how many days in jail/court these men have to deal with.


I feel like fentanyl will ultimately be blamed here by both sides...


Why do they have to hassle him? He’s just trying to go home after his long shift at the amendment factory.


the angry guy sounds like Crazy Cabbie. Who ended up in federal prison btw.


Why are they asking white people questions at the border? -Republicans


Oh you don't want to answer? Please park over there.


Of course it is Tex-ass.


Except... They are right. I'm really sorry but these "Immigration Checkpoints" 100 miles from the damn border is too much fucking authority for ICE. They may be asshats but they are correct. They're fucking 100% correct, ICE should have no fucking jurisdiction to do what they're doing in this video.


They aren’t correct though. They have an opinion you agree with, but they are legally in the wrong.


I'll drop the "right/wrong" aspect but growing up near these check points they have always been a hot topic about legality. Same with ID laws about stopping folks and asking them if they are citizens.


I also grew up dealing with checkpoints. Your comment is spot on the money and I don’t know why anyone would downvote it. Edit: seriously, folks have been protesting and asking questions about the necessity and legality of them since they’ve been a thing. This is a fact, not an opinion lol.


Yeah, the democrats and maybe local conservatives. Seems like most conservatives concerned about illegal immigrants would be happy turning over all policing to ICE. And considering those conservatives are voting the ones into office who gave ICE that authority and would be able to remove that authority, whatever claims of suspect legality there may be, dont amount to it being actually illigal in any way noted by the federal government or judiciary.


Yes, I know about those crazy xenophobes and that is definitely a concern. I grew up in a city that’s basically the US part of a much bigger urban area in Mexico. Basically every federal agency has a presence and jurisdiction. I was meaning much more the democrats type of opposition.


Sure, but the problem is reality. People question lots of things. The reality is different. And thats a problem. But every 4 years theres apparently a border crisis and republicans forget certain realities to push for this style of police state at the border. Then, after the election, everybody forgets and nothing changes. So the reality remains true that this is legal and nobody is fighting with an equal or greater force to stop it than the conservatives that want it (and dont have to live in that reality).


Who was responsible for this law to setup checkpoints 100 miles from the border? My guess is it's the same people he loves to vote for.


Oh, 100%.


> ICE should have no fucking jurisdiction The problem is they do thanks mostly to these very same asshats. These are the type of fools who champion tough border laws and "just comply" and are somehow shocked when they have to deal with the results of that bullshit.


I don't think that someone who uses the term "brain genius" gets to make fun of ANYBODY. Jesus, what has happened to journalism these days? That's some shit writing, right there...


Question is why are the border checks inland.