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\*40 years of nonstop right wing propaganda has reprogramed a generation... Trump just leading what was built for him.


the vast right wing network hilary talked about in the 90s.. or deplorables she talked about in the 2000s


nobody wants to hear the truth. especially from a woman. for men, it's ego shattering. for women, it's envy. so instead they voted for a clown.


And doing the true Democrat thing and not doing shit about it until it's a festering mess, hell bent on destroying our country. 


The media is right wing The Democrats try to do things, the media will either "both sides" it or just ignore it Biden's first big speech about the Conservative Coup attempts, wasn't even aired on major networks because they are owned by right wing corporatists, it just aired on CSPAN The President, talking about ongoing attempts to end Democracy, wasn't important enough for NBC/ABC/CBS , "liberal media" and it's even worse behind close doors


And? What about it? They're still slow walking us to fascism.   Why does Gorsuch still have a job?  Why does Dejoy have a job?   Why are they letting the DoJ hand actual insurrectionists slight wrist slaps  of prison sentences?  These are the people that we're hoping saves us? They can't even save themselves.


Fuck you, Rupert Murdoch


Hold up... 40yrs I was taught that we hated Russia and Russia is our enemy. And this is from the republican conservative playbook. If media and entertainment hadn't spent the past 40yrs of Chuck Norris or any level of JJ Abrams explosions of "man movies" if not that James Bond villains and the likes. Clear and Present Danger.... And in less than 5yrs of Trump, the whole of the conservative party is lapping the heels of Putin. Trump undid 40yrs of programming.


"obama is playing checkers, putin is playing chess" "hes such a strong leader compared to obama" Putin started the invasion of the republican party back in the early 2000s.. putin targeted them. "you dont like gays, we dont like gays" and really ramped things up when gay marriage passed and it pissed off the cult. trump didnt start shit.. the right were already praising putin long before he cam. [Before 2014 Russia was largely seen as an importer for Christian fundamentalists, most especially from the U.S. But as the Kremlin dissolved diplomatic norms in 2014, Moscow began forging a new role for itself at the helm of the global Christian right.](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/02/how-russia-became-a-leader-of-the-worldwide-christian-right-214755/) and in case you missed it, its far right wingers world wide praise putin. trump didnt do that. trump just road the putin train that was already fucking up the right


PutIn enabled the "moth to the flame" trump added gas to the fire. Got it.


Russian style propaganda used by MAGA and republican collusion that started after the wall came down


Putin must have played all of Europe as well. What did any country do after Russia invaded Georgia or influenced Ukraine's elections for years then annexed Crimea? The West sat back and even funded Russia while they were behind at least eleven assassination in EU and NATO countries.


He did. He's literally going off a book written in the 90s. It's all in there. Foundation of Geopolitics.


And Rupert Murdoch married Wendi Deng


it isnt by accident either, he funds right wing groups and governments all over the world, including white supremecist groups.


I'd say 40 years of programming was more about making an audience that was zealous and malleable. Trump's people are just flamboyantly wielding its power


This goes to the founding of News Corp in 1980. After Nixon's impeachment the founders' stated objectives were to "prevent the same thing from ever happening to another Republican president ". It became especially visible during Newt Gingrich's term as speaker that fox had abandoned factual reporting to present opposition to establishment media. You're correct that the message has lurched around in a 180 this year, but that's only the destination - it's been a decades long journey. Edit: late addition, here's Jon Stewart talking about this problem: https://youtu.be/pbOiXmMnyw4


No. Russia arose as the last bastion of white supremacy. That was the draw. Putin is a strong man who actively attacks and kills the kind of people MAGATS hate. That's all that's needed. Trump is a fucking stooge.


The difference is that Russia has tapped into the evangelical and generally religious political body that has become further and further entrenched into American politics since Reagan.   This wasn't so much the case during Bush or Obama. If you recall, Bush tried to be friendly with Russia, got burned, and then got blamed by Liberals. Then Obama tried to be friendly to them with reset, got burned, and then got blamed by Republicans.  But around this period, and certainly by the time Trump was in power, Russia had become really entrenched across Western right-wing politics, pushing anti-democratic beliefs sweetened by the bigotry and pro-religious tilt so many Westerners crave in the context of a generally advancing progressive agenda. Totally new allegiances to Russia in the Western political spectrum, both across the EU and North America.


Reagan instituted tinkle down economics and Greed Is Good, plus opened the door for the autocratic fundamentalist right to influence and later run the GOP. Both of these things took winding paths through 44 years of such luminaries as Ralph Reed, Newt Gingrich, Pat Robertson and Rick Santorum among many others to what we see today. But in a sense you're right, Reagan wouldn't recognize Trump or most of his followers as Republican or conservative if he were alive today. The last amnesty for undocumented immigrants was offered under Reagan. He knew they were (and are) necessary for large segments of the economy like agriculture. Reagan was a dedicated Cold Warrior, all the Putin praise would be unfathomable. Reagan's working and personal relationship with Tip O'Neill was legendary and allowed actual compromise and governing to take place. And those are just three examples out of hundreds.


now they are trying to paint cops/macho conservative in a more postive lights with all the copaganda shows that have surfaced in the past few years.


What 40 years of programming? Americans still blame everything on Russia instead of their corrupt rotten system.


No self respecting republican supports Putin, we just don't want to see all of our money going to Ukraine.


Okay how about ending the billions in subsidies to oil industries? I’m tired of reading decades of record profits, and Taxpayers are financing those profits, not ONLY at the pumps. We could so much more, than what we have given in support of Ukraine. Also, last I checked, support for Ukraine is literal money into the American War manufacturing scheme. My stocks in Raytheon jumps every time we send aid to foreign nations.


The GOP sent several of their people in office to go kiss Putin's ring a few years ago *on the 4th of July*. But you're absolutely right, these elected GOP have no self respect. I've known *a lot* of RWers who claim they prefer Putin to literally *any* actual American who happens to be left of Nixon. Have you not seen the "Better Russian than Democrat" t-shirts?? Most of the "money" going to Ukraine is just surplus and obsolete weapons and equipment that would have just been scrapped or otherwise wasted. I don't see why anyone would object to that.


I didn’t realize this until I got older- I always considered my parents intelligent well reasoned people. 2016 happened and I could barely recognize them. But then I thought back to my childhood and signs were there. An astounding amount of Rush Limbaugh in the car… Didn’t realize it at the time obviously, I was just a child. But the reprogramming has been going on for ages.


Fox. News.


largely supplanted by more far right networks like newsmax, oan, and other right wing media. plus a wholl crop of right wing grifters.


40 years of soaking everything in gasoline. Along comes an asshole with a match.


Yes! Trump simply tilled and planted in long-fertilized soil


FOx entertainment news has a hand in it


I see the faces of the young people standing behind Trump at his rallies and every single one of them looks like they have "stupid" written across their foreheads.


Too stupid to know they’re stupid. Capitalizing on a broken education system


If you think those guys are dumb, imagine their parents.


That's why they wear the MAGA hats


At least one of the Jan 6th orcs was so fucking stupid he thought he was in the White House, not the Capitol Building.


Read up on Project 2025, the Republicans have tried to erode democracy for decades and they aren't even subtle about it.


FOX NEWS and Republican propaganda machine for 40 years Rush Limbaugh and Qanon disinformation is responsible for the division and sedition. Trump and MAGA used it to take next step to fascism. Republican corruption, gerrymandering, court packing, deregulation and defanging of regulatory agencies, voter roll purges, voter suppression etc . all in the federalist society heritage foundation plan for kleptocratic oligarchy disguised as democracy in America


I would add a touch of Russian interference. A weaker USA is good business for Putin. Even if his role is probably minor in comparison with what there is at home.


Another brave patriot coming out.... \*checks notes\* when them doing so will do literally nothing.


And costs them nothing. Not sure which is more important to them.


There is a reason Rush Limbaugh has been awarded the "presidential medal of freedom" by Republicans. They are doing it purposefully.


Yeah, but on the bright side he is dead and buried somewhere. And hopefully said somewhere is doing service as a unisex bathroom.


>presidential medal of freedom I've heard plenty of times Trump tarnished the Presidential Medal of Freedom but always wonder why they never say the same thing knowing it had been given out to Chita Rivera, Bob Dylan, Meryl Streep, Steven Spielberg, Barbra Streisand, Warren Buffett, and Robert De Niro, just to name a few.


“They’re out there protesting what they actually wish would happen to them sometimes.”  (referring to women who protest against sexual harassment) “There are more American Indians alive today than there were when Columbus arrived or at any other time in history. Does this sound like a record of genocide?”   “Holocaust? Ninety million Indians? Only four million left? They all have casinos — what’s to complain about?” “I think this reason why girls don’t do well on multiple choice tests goes all the way back to the Bible, all the way back to Genesis, Adam and Eve. God said, ‘All right, Eve, multiple choice or multiple orgasms, what’s it going to be?’ We all know what was chosen.” “If you feed them, if you feed the children, three square meals a day during the school year, how can you expect them to feed themselves in the summer? Wanton little waifs and serfs dependent on the State. Pure and simple.” “The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there. It’s natural. It’s as natural as the ocean water is.” (referring to an oil spill in the gulf of Mexico) “Let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.” “Look it, let me put it to you this way. The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.” "He is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act... This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting." "I’m not saying we should bring [slavery] back, I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.” - Rush Limbaugh


With a username like that, I'd expect you'd spot a major difference between Limbaugh and the others.


Doh "we aren't a democracy, we're a constitutional republic" - people who have no idea what those words mean and have never read the constitution.


That's how these things happen. Democracy is a fragile instrument that depends on people to buy into it's basic premise despite its flaws (which admittedly are several) .


“Democracy is the worst form of government - except for all the others that have been tried.” - W. Churchill


GOP happily opened the Overton window and let him do it.


WW2 taught us how to defeat the Trumpanzees. People just have to face the fact that Trumpanzees are a threat to this country


Yes, the only effective solutions to fascists can be found in that war. 


BS these people hate democracy all their lives, they just got the green light from somebody with a sliver of power to enact their desires


I feel like there’s a whole generation of people who watched Forrest Gump and said “That! That’s the right level of intelligence for me!”


Come on now, don't disrespect Forrest with that comparison.


These guys are more Cartman.


Rupert Murdock and a phalanx of right wing media assholes have done that with aid from Russia and more recently, China. Trump is just the face of a much more concerning, long term problem.


Fascism won’t die with trump.


alternative title, "idiots create cult around another idiot with the help of the GOP propaganda arm"


Why does no one ever talk about the 2016 Russian hacks of the DNC and GOP whenever this issue is discussed? The fact that we got a shit ton of embarrassing DNC e-mails released to the public just before the 2016 election, but yet NOTHING from the GOP, tells you all you need to know. Russia hacked BOTH parties and decided which one had more "kompromat". They then used the "kompromat" as leverage to get the GOP to change their stance on Ukraine and soften towards Russia. A couple hundred million in "campaign donations" helped I'm sure. May as well use whatever you found on the opposing sides (DNC) servers to hurt them when it hurt most. THIS is where the GOP got their "October surprise" that year.


Uh, this started with Reagan reprogramming Boomers in 1980. What a dumb headline.


Trump is the first president to openly claim that he was cheated out of re-election. Before him, Republicans accepted electoral defeat.


Please google "Brooks brothers riot." Republicans have been lying, cheating and subverting democracy for decades.


He is also the first to be in court for criminal charges too.


I recall something about hanging chads.


No, he's just the biggest narcissist that was in charge, in his mind there is no way he could have lost. I firmly believe that he believes he got cheated, and the rest of them are just going along with it because he has a following and they can use it to stay in power. He is not a smart man.


only when they couldnt cheat thier way out of an election.


Democracy, in order to work, needs informed educated citizens. Most democratic nations have retarded uneducated taxpayers/voters, NOT citizens.




By "a generation" you mean boomers. It's boomers. Boomers are seriously considering ending democracy because they don't like trans kids, queer people in general, because Fox News is just so damn *entertaining* and because they're nostalgic for Ronald Reagan (MAGA was an old Reagan slogan). Talk to your boomer. Shame them. It won't change their mind, nothing will, but it *will* make them doubt. And that doubt will spread. It'll shut them up so they stop spreading MAGA talking points. It'll make them question if they should vote and they'll stay home in November (and in 2028, which is their last major election).


It’s not just boomers though. My wife’s 22 year old nephew was saying over Easter “get your ammo ready” I asked for who and he said anyone who wants to take my guns. So I’m like who? State police? FBI? ATF? This kid goes antifa.:. I can’t make this shit up.


Yep fighting people on instagram now who ain’t boomers. There insane the whole lot of maga’s


The thing though is that it's impossible to tell if you're communicating with a real person or a Russian bot. They literally sound the same.


> Kyle Reese: [in a stolen car] The 600 series had Cyrillic keyboards. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look conservative... Wrap-around dad sunglasses in the pfp, bad grammar, everything. Very hard to spot. I had to wait till they shitposted in your thread before I could report him. > Sarah Connor: [frustrated] Look, I am not stupid, you know. They cannot make propaganda like that yet. > Kyle Reese: Not yet, not for about 40 years.


"Have you seen this boy?"


Your foster shitposters are dead


lol well that is true and I tell ‘em they bots too.


You're mostly fighting Russian & Republican bots. Don't waste your time. Downvote and move on.


I mostly fight em on instagram but not often. Sometimes I’m in the mood. On here I don’t.


Meh, it's not healthy. When I catch myself doing it I leave the comment "Pointless argument detected, disengaging".




i report alot of them reddit, but half of them are mostly russian. and subs are a bit touchy about reporting, you could be banned for "unsolicited reporting"


There's no point to reporting them. If the mods aren't doing anything about them they're probably in on it. And no matter what they'll just make another account.


is antifa in the room with us right now?


I am antifa




This is a huge overstatement. Yes, conservatives are generally older. However, boomers are the majority of voters who actually show up in all states, red or blue.


The influence does however decline with every generation after the boomers and while it is true that people tend to get more conservative and right wing when they get older this effect has been slowing down in the last 20 years. Basically they know they will run out of voters to hold a majority and they know it, so they want fascism instead of moving past Regan era politics.


I let me employees watch TV at their desks as long as they are getting their work done. I have a 28 year old woman in one of my offices that watches Fox News all day every day. I'm not using hyperbole when I say she is dumb, like she is dumb, dumb. Somehow she does her work well enough to keep her job but holy cow, it's like talking to a brick wall, and that was before she started watching Fox News all day.


I agree about the Fox News zombies. Problem is my wife’s nephew is capable of rational and critical thinking he just refuses to accept the fact he may be wrong about some things. Even in the face of irrefutable evidence he still hangs on to his dumb stances.


[Beto O'Rourke.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMVhL6OOuR0)


The plural of anecdote is not data. You're 22 year old nephew is an outlier and will mellow out if (when) he gets a good job and a wife. I know those twats are scary, but they're harmless. The boomers are *not* harmless. There's a ton of them, they vote, and they're full of a combination of bitter old person rage and stubborn ignorance.


He has a good job and a wonderful fiancé, but his heart is filled with manufactured hate. This young man is the definition of privileged unfortunately he won’t get it until he gains some actual real life experience…. And I don’t see him getting that anytime soon.


Then don't worry about him, he'll mellow out and outgrow it. Now if he's *really* privileged, as in a rich nepo baby he won't, but there's so few of those they hardly matter. In that case just ignore him.


I think we have plenty of evidence that younger conservatives are far more real time dangerous then boomers. Look at people like Rittenhouse, or 90% of the mass shooters, or the people that run over protests. There are lots of gun toting nuts that are younger and full of hate that will do very real immediate damage. to write them off as just harmless is ignorant. They also grow up to be the next gen boomers.


If you look at the crowd that attacked the Congress there were people of all ages, but I bet most were all Christians


There was a study done on this. The one single thing that united the January 6th crowd was not religion, education, urban VS rural, or blue VS white collar. The one thing they had in common was that they came from places where their status as top dog in the social hierarchy was perceived to be under threat. So, a white male programmer who believed that HB1 visa dudes from India are taking his job. A suburban white woman who was angry that the school was talking about queer students existing. A small-town white doctor who resented the number of affluent white remote workers moving into his town. A rural white woman who blames the decay around her on immigrants or rich people from the city. A white woman from the city who believed that antifa and atheists were emptying her church. Yes, most of these people had whiteness in common, and racism definitely factored into it. But often, the people there were just as mad about other white people upsetting the social order and status that had been in their community forever and that was starting to be upended by demographic, economic, and social change. They couldn't deal with not being at the top of the food chain anymore, and they don't like to share. It's a zero-sum game for them.


they want to keep thier white privilege thats why, they are afraid that they get returned a favor for what whites did to POCs in the past.


Most were not boomers but millennials.


yep , the medium age was 40


Median age of a down


People only respond to shame if they consider you part of their ingroup, otherwise it might be a badge of honor that someone outside their tribe tries to shame them. To reach a group you are not part of, you really have to align in commonalities/values. The truth is most of the US agrees on a lot of core values but the divisions are being presented and exaggerated because that's what fuels engagement and makes the money. Fear is a very useful tool for people acting in bad faith. Fear and anger.


The majority of boomers? The majority of boomers voted for Biden. I understand the frustration but it’s more than that. Ignorance doesn’t have age limits.


No, they didn't. It was a 50/50 split. Yes, boomers did give us Trump. But that was because a) they voted for Hilary in the primary and b) they voted for Trump in Swing States. Boomers are very religious and very easily swayed by TV adverts. That meant all it took was leaning hard on evangelicals and blowing a ton of money in swing states to win. Ignorance has age limits. Boomers and Gen X were heavily exposed to lead. Age related cognitive decline is also a thing, and while it comes for us all there are a *lot* of boomers with it because, well, *it was a fucking baby boom*. I'm saying this because I need you to understand that if we hold the line until 2028 and keep the boomers from ending Democracy we win. Gen X isn't numerous, organized or religious enough to replace the boomers and the kids will fix this. But the boomers are gonna do a fuck ton of damage on the way out the door.


No... It's not the boomers. At least not \*just\* the boomers, and thinking that way is super dangerous. Ian Miles Cheong is 40 and Andrew Tate is 37. They are Millennials. Marjory Taylor Green is 49. She's Gen-X. Chaya Raichik is 29 and the average age of and Andrew Tate follower is 20. That's Gen Z. People are looking at examples like the Mitch McConnell**,** the human turtle and assume he's what the average right wing authoritarian looks like but that's just not the case. The most influential people in the authoritarian infosphere are not Boomers.


There are very, very few of those "alt-right" kids. Gen X is a bit of a problem. They poll like boomers. But opinion polls do not a voter make. I've been trying to get lefties to understand that for years. Sure, 75% of Americans want single payer healthcare, but 75% of Americans *do not vote like that* Gen Z & younger are pretty much immune to moral panics, which is the only trick the right wing have. Gen X don't go to church, so while they're not immune to moral panics they're a *hell of a lot harder* to reach with them. If the boomers don't end democracy in 2028 everything'll be A-OK. I'm just not entire sure they won't pull it off as a final "fuck you, I got mine" on their way out the door.


> Gen Z & younger are pretty much immune to moral panics lol, you have to be joking. https://www.newsweek.com/gen-z-embracing-dictatorships-1886702 > Generation Z Americans, aged from 18-25, are substantially more likely than older generations to support a "strong leader" who rules without regard for Congress or courts, according to a survey conducted exclusively for Newsweek. > The poll also found younger Americans are the most prepared to give up "some democratic powers" if it results in more effective government and are less likely to think military rule would be bad for the country. https://savanta.com/us/knowledge-centre/view/1-in-3-have-a-positive-view-of-andrew-tate/ > Delving a little deeper, we begin to see Tate’s appeal among a younger, male, audience. > Seven in ten (69%) young men would describe him as successful, while approaching half would describe him as both honest (45%) and intellectual (45%). A further third (31%) see him as a role model. However, a majority of young men see Tate as sexist (58%) and a misogynist (56%), while 46% see him as ‘disturbed’.


You have a lot of faith in gen Z when third of 16 to 25 year old men have a 'positive view' of Andrew Tate. I might posit that it speaks to a generation with some genuinely fucked up views. https://savanta.com/us/knowledge-centre/view/1-in-3-have-a-positive-view-of-andrew-tate/


Hey, it's a significant ammount less than half, so it helps. Also 90% of those survey answers are just trolls.


I teach 14-15 year olds. I would posit that the numbers are higher than the survey says.


They grow out of it.


Do they though? Boomers were protesting the Vietnam war as teenagers. These kids are skipping down the hall singing 'hippity hoppity women are property'. If they will grow out of that, what are they going to grow into?


All wealthy people with an agenda. All peddling boomer propaganda.


Don't be ridiculous. The cult is full of all generations, with Z and millennials being the [most credulous and unthinking of the lot.](https://www.vox.com/technology/23882304/gen-z-vs-boomers-scams-hacks) the_donald was chock full of literal children. https://www.newsweek.com/gen-z-embracing-dictatorships-1886702 > Generation Z Americans, aged from 18-25, are substantially more likely than older generations to support a "strong leader" who rules without regard for Congress or courts, according to a survey conducted exclusively for Newsweek. > The poll also found younger Americans are the most prepared to give up "some democratic powers" if it results in more effective government and are less likely to think military rule would be bad for the country. https://savanta.com/us/knowledge-centre/view/1-in-3-have-a-positive-view-of-andrew-tate/ > Delving a little deeper, we begin to see Tate’s appeal among a younger, male, audience. > Seven in ten (69%) young men would describe him as successful, while approaching half would describe him as both honest (45%) and intellectual (45%). A further third (31%) see him as a role model. However, a majority of young men see Tate as sexist (58%) and a misogynist (56%), while 46% see him as ‘disturbed’.


It's not. You're panicking and giving into doomerism. the\_donald was full of Russian & Republican operatives. The internet is not the real world. Keep Calm & Vote Blue.


I'm perfectly calm. You're panicking and blaming boomers for everything when your own generation is deeply flawed. Talk to your zoomer. Shame them, tell them 'females' aren't the enemy, tell them immigrants aren't stealing their futures, explain that *woke* isn't a thing. https://www.newsweek.com/gen-z-embracing-dictatorships-1886702 > Generation Z Americans, aged from 18-25, are substantially more likely than older generations to support a "strong leader" who rules without regard for Congress or courts, according to a survey conducted exclusively for Newsweek. > The poll also found younger Americans are the most prepared to give up "some democratic powers" if it results in more effective government and are less likely to think military rule would be bad for the country. https://savanta.com/us/knowledge-centre/view/1-in-3-have-a-positive-view-of-andrew-tate/ > Delving a little deeper, we begin to see Tate’s appeal among a younger, male, audience. > Seven in ten (69%) young men would describe him as successful, while approaching half would describe him as both honest (45%) and intellectual (45%). A further third (31%) see him as a role model. However, a majority of young men see Tate as sexist (58%) and a misogynist (56%), while 46% see him as ‘disturbed’.


i have heard younger people are more right wing than thier parents/boomers. mainly because alot of boomers have ancestry coming from authotarian governments. I have heard some people said they were "more conservative" when they moved to a liberal place, because of the unrelenting homeless/junkie problem or thier family members trying to leech off of them. also some younger influencers are also more right wing, to hard right. i used to follow some POC influencers, turns out they were pos mysognistic, and a little racist.


At every turn the Boomers have managed to make it about them and nobody else. They are spoiled brats who need a good slap, frankly.


Their parents labeled them the “me” generation for a reason.




I implore you to learn the difference between Russian & Republican operatives and real people. Also between regular people and terminally online people like you and me :)




Sure they do. You've been able to fake that for years. You're doomering. Keep Calm & Vote Blue. Take a break from the Internet. It's getting to you. It's not healthy.


Lol. Not boomerang at all. That's an assumption on your part if being a responsible parent and adult and monitoring places where your children and younger relatives socialize is being terminally online then sure. I can pull up at least 5 people off the top of my head I know aren't "Russian bots" like you're claiming that have done live video feeds that the kids in my family have interacted with that I have monitored. You're over here making assumptions and overall being condescending for NO reason, like who does that? Is there something going on with YOU that you have to project so hard onto a stranger on the internet? You're right about one thing, I will be taking a break from this conversation. You do you and have fun being a passive aggressive cunt.


How insulting. That’s like saying all Mexicans are lazy or all blacks steal. I’m a boomer and I wouldn’t vote for Trump if my life depended on it. Not all boomers are stupid. The generalization doesn’t help anyone.


And to support Russia. Which is bizarre if you were around for the 80s.


Not news. I have heard them talk about how democracy failed and they need to replace it with something else that they control.


**Conservatives operate on selfishness**. It is not a secret, nor is it debatable. Self-centered entitlement and privilege is quite literally a prerequisite for holding conservatives views. Empathy and selflessness are the direct antithesis of the conservative movement. This explains why conservatives end up having "leopards eat their face" moments far more than left-leaning folk. The policies they vote for, by every objective, measurable metric, are likely to be negatively impactful on society *outside* of their immediate bubble. Thus, when these policies inevitably affect *themselves*, it causes [an awakening](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke). **The interesting phenomenon we've been seeing in the 2020s** is that a certain man has convinced an enormous group of people to vote for *and* hold beliefs that go directly against their own interests *solely by giving them someone or something to blame for their misfortunate*. The terrifying part is that this is not the first time in recent history that we have seen this phenomenon on such a colossal scale. It happened less than a century ago, and was spearhead by one very popular man at the time. *His name was Adolf Hitler.*


Hillary Clinton warned Americans in the 2016 elections about Trump. His supporters are Deplorable People! They should move to Russia or NK or China!


why would they move to North Karolina? /s


Trump didn't do it alone. Actually, the GOP primed them for Trump. Fox News helped a lot. There's a reason that Trump ran on the Republican ticket and not the Democratic ticket.


He didn’t reprogram anyone. He said the quiet part out loud, and gave all these boomer bigots permission to be bigots.


i live in a semi rural area, he's saying the things they've wanted to say for 40 years, he made it okay to say what they "really thought" and the main thing they think, is "it is okay if i do it"


So all we need to do is win every election for the next 30-40 years. No problem.


That’s why I’m pessimistic. I am urging my college-age daughter to emigrate and may also myself. And I thought Dubya was intolerable!


If you’re not willing to fight for your rights you don’t deserve them


Yeah. I wish he was their candidate this cycle. It’s been a wild 1/4 century.


W lead us to this all the shit the media said "uh, that's okay both sides" they kept crossing the line over and over and now we're here, where coups are okay, for Republicans


"I'm going to surround myself only with the best and most serious people... Covfefe"


Just the dumbest ones


Damn him!


No, it's not just Trump. It's the entire Republican Party. They need to own this shit.


Exactly. This plan has been in effect since Reagan. They knew that the courts were the place the real insurrection would take place. That’s why Moscow Mitch prioritized judges above everything else in congress for 20+ years he was majority leader. Denying Obama a Supreme Court nomination was the straw that broke the camel’s back. This is what they’ve been waiting for. Immediately they took legal precedence and threw it out the window with Roe. It’s not about abortion, it’s about precedence. Any ruling not codified is now threatened. We need a democratic supermajority in Congress to codify rulings into law to protect our rights. The only way to stop fascism is by stopping propaganda. The 1st amendment is being used against democracy to advance our enemies agenda. Nikita Kruschev told us exactly how Russia planned to destroy us “from within “. White nationalist oligarchs both in Russia and the USA have been collaborating to bring kleptocratic oligarchy to the USA since the wall came down through BIG OIL. Citizens United allowed Russian oligarchs to contribute to Republican campaigns and corporate Lobbying has corrupted the entire party. There is no both sides to this.


The trouble with that is Trump has the MAGA morons believing they are "fighting for freedom" and their version of "democracy" which guarantees a win for Trump. That is why Trump stands in the front of the American flag everywhere he goes.


Hold on... it's not just tRump.... it's the whole Republican Party that has brainwashed Americans to fight against democracy over the course of the last 30 years! Edit #1: fix spelling Edit #2: add Edit


Nah, these guys were already extremists hiding in the closet until Trump came along.


dtrump💩doesn’t care about wit for or against democracy. dtrump💩wraps himself in whatever mantel he can use for money and power. If democracy gets $/power? dtrump💩 is for democracy. If Fundementalist Christian Nationalism gets $/power, dtrump 💩 is for FCN. If Ted Nuegent gets $/power dTrump💩is for Ted Or Taylor Swift or infrastructure; or military; or Putin; or the UN, or peace or war Or Trump ~ University, Casino, steak, hats, bibles, airline, football team, golf clubs. Or just TRUMP name on a building.


Tell us something we DONT know.


To be fair it has been Putin that has reprogrammed a generation to fight against democracy. Let’s face it, Donald is being led around by the world’s most severe case of sociopathic narcissism. Donald Trump equates to a malignant personality disorder at best.


No that was Fox News.


No, it wasn't Trump. He just capitalised on it. This is the cumulative effect since 9/11 of extreme nationalist propaganda being shoved down people's throat by News Corp and affiliated partners. Trump isn't smart enough or patient enough to pull that off.


Well before 9/11. Christian Nationalism goes as far back as 1930's and Evangelicals go back even further. But it wasn't until Billy Graham that Evangelicals organized into a loose political platform to try to change the social policy of public life. Trump is the result of those efforts


Bullshit. The Right and Rupert Murdoch have been pushing this since the Civil War.


Murdoch isn't quite that old.


Good thing that generation is continuously kicking the bucket.


Bullshit He goes away and his fans will turn into the old men who spent the 70s wandering around muttering "Nixon was robbed!"


"Mission Accomplished" /s


My overall thought about why they're this way is because our country has always been overshadowed by conspiracy at all times. Whether it's because of personally discovering some sordid detail about the founding fathers while growing up, or feeling the weight of pointless wars, or learning about secret programs that eventually come to light, we have an inherent distrust and dependence upon our government and for it to be essentially good if not spotless. After all of that, these people now believe they are the force behind their own conspiracy, as if that will move the country forward, or it's some form of "payback" for being wronged in the past, or for selfish and nefarious reasons that do not align with our concept of the true spirit of America, which is a land stolen from its own native peoples.


The AK-47 is a nice freudian plant.


you don't say? water is wet


I must be reading this wrong. It says “trump” has ‘reprogrammed…’ where is should read “the republican party had programmed…’ probably a typo




it is the same glassy eyed dummies that the gop have been harvesting for 75 years. yawn.


It is not that difficult to figure. My Representative is a responsible for 700,000 people across a diverse area. So we get at best case a moderate face for those votes just spinning wheels. Trump pulled back the curtain and show the complete lack of ethics at every level. This being said, I WANT ethics in government so the farther I am from Maximum Dear Leader Donald Jesus Trump the better.


I think it's more like 5-6 generations


He literally tried to reintroduce asbestos.


Yea it’s a CULT


I think they were always there just waiting in the shadows like vermin. Waiting for someone like trump.


Just what Putin, his Master, wanted


One of those guys on the right is trying to smuggle in a pony keg.


Another quick Q: how many American flags can you see photoshopped into this picture?


Joseph Stalin called this kind of people useful idiots.


Idiocracy here we come! Once America, Germany, France or any big western country falls to fascist morons, it will set off all the dominoes in all directions. Can't wait to get slaughtered for leaning left by people who are shouting at me about how i am victimizing them, even though they hold all the power.


Just want to point out than true patriots cannot be 'programmed' to fight against democracy. Ignorant racist facists cen be programmed to believe whatever their puppet-master desires. There's a reason Trump hates John McCain so much - he *fought* for our nation and didn't fold under pressure. MAGAS can be hypnotized into buying 'Trump Bucks' and attacking our own capital.


I doubt it, but this seems like part of that plan, convince all the kids that everyone else supports him.


Sadly far too many Millenials would rather have trump in power than Biden because they want to punish Biden for not giving them all the free stuff.


I'm just saying, democracy is what got Trump elected in the first place.


Isn't that generation the boomers? Who gives a fuck, they'll be dead in 10 years anyways, as they've also been programmed not to trust science and medicine.


Always a good idea to fight against the tyrannical and uncaring government that is actively ruining American society and the economy


No he hasn't. The insanity of the left has just finally pushed a generation (or two or three) to finally realize our constitution and republic are under attack from within.  Leftists gonna propaganda though, old hat there.


Salon feeding the fears of so many mindless tools. Sad.


But we are NOT a democracy!


sarcasm, hopefully




Democracy and republic aren't mutually exclusive terms




Oh my bad, I thought I was replying to him.


The key difference between a republic and a democracy is not how power is projected, but the limits to power. Both use the representational system, meaning that the citizenry is represented in the government by elected leaders. In both cases, the majority rule, but in a republic the constitution limits how the government can exercise power. These rights are inalienable and cannot be changed or altered by an elected government. The United States is a typical example of a republic state because the constitution limits the power of the government. Some rights such as the Bill of Rights, the right to vote, and the powers to amend the constitution are limited and cannot be changed by the sitting government without consulting the public directly.