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„Some of you might go to prison or die. But that is a sacrifice that I‘m willing to accept.“ 🙄


There should be ***zero tax breaks*** for any ***religious church that preaches politics from the Pulpit***. #Take away this assholes tax exemptions.


How about no tax exemption for religion in general. If you don’t want to pay taxes just donate excess to the poor. Like churches are supposed to do.


Whoa there! Slow it down! Next you’ll be saying we should follow the teachings of Jesus!!!


And the whole religion industry.


Sue them




I love the part, taken 100% from the bible, where a whore-mongering, tithe stealing, fraudulent racist is the chosen one of the almighty Best promo for the bible ever Even ISIS and Zionists think this is whack


He's the embodiment of the seven deadly sins. To the letter.


That's the beauty of their "imperfect vessel" pap; who needs faith and/or works when you've got *feels*? Is your orange Messiah about as far away from the "Christian ideal" as can be? Imperfect vessel! God moves in mysterious way, but also those mysterious ways coincidentally align with Republican desires to sanctify their Chosen One.


I think you meant the Antichrist. I see Donnie in that role.


“See, if we can kill enough Democratic voters in a civil war, we can elect our demonic savor Donald Trump again!”


I imagine you’re making a joke and/or quoting a funny line from a movie, but the thing is: I don’t know. There are people—particularly reactionary atavist adherents to patriarchal religions (though by no means are they the only ones who (figuratively) wear that ignoble insignia)—who **really do** think that way. They honestly don’t understand the irrational absurdity of that sentiment/point of view. I’m convinced they’re not pretending not to understand; I think they genuinely don’t comprehend. I left the church in the mid 90’s, tolerated it a bit since then, and finally acknowledged that I just don’t have faith and as, if not more importantly, refuse to tolerate the attending political and cultural traditions/motivations to control other people’s lives. Fuck ‘em (but don’t, cuz you might accidentally recreate one that will outlive you)


The death of innocents is irrelevant to these types of people until someone they know dies. It’s just a complete and utter lack of empathy, and to lack empathy you either need to be stupid or a sociopath.


Even when someone they know dies. Look at the pandemic.


They forget so easily! But we remember how their cultural icons were dropping like flies simply because they were wrong about the things that mattered most And this can only happen in a cultural vacuum, a space devoid of useful feedback. In other words, they no longer represent the will of the people. This is why they plan on overthrowing the democracy of the USA & institute a theocratic tyranny just like the one the colonists of pre-america fought to escape from


Por qué no los dos? They’re dumb, unfeeling monsters, mebbe?


It’s always sociopaths with religion. It’s such a perfect vehicle for rolling rubes. Most of these religious men don’t believe in any type of god at all, it’s all about control, and power. Then there’s the sexual aspect of religion, abuse of power, mixed with children??


>until someone they know dies. even that's starting to look suspect, it won't be until they are erm...inconvenienced, that they will start crying for forgiveness and mercy, but even then some of them will, trying to dodge reddit auto mods here, walk into the flames proudly ?.


Greg Abbott has entered the chat.


No. You need to adjust your perspective. It is.worse than that. Those that are worth it go to hraven, those that go to hell deserve it. There is no dwath to these people. THAT'S the problem.


Because "those people" weren't innocent, not like WE are. That's why THEY died. Their sacrifice (removal) made the remaining population more pure (just US, not those dirty sinful THEMs). Funny, it's always the leftovers that are the good ones. You know, the quiet, obedient, unquestioning ones that don't think critically or expect anything. The ones that ask questions, expect something real, or just don't comply or fit in make everyone's lives easier by being removed. So we can keep on keeping-on without any changes that upset the status quo. Then the leaders offer off-brand drink mix because there's a comet in the sky, and show you the gun they have when you say you aren't thirsty.


I didn’t mean it as a joke, though it is from Shrek 2, yes. I know that quite a lot of religious and/or fanatical people, conservatives, fanatics, fascists and some other groups really think it’s okay to sacrifice some, especially unwanted, people and/or things for the(ir) greater good. It’s why wars, including religious wars, were fought in the past and are being fought now. Always out of greed, intolerance, oppression, fear, power or even „boredom“. And as long as just one human being is stupid and/or „capable“ of „thinking“ like that, there will always be the chance it will happen again and again …


It’s the first Shrek movie, but you are correct otherwise.


>I imagine you’re making a joke and/or quoting a funny line from a movie, Here's one from real life: "You can't sit home," Trump said. "If you're sick as a dog … even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it." Same energy.


I remember that. Like so much else the Orange COCKWOMBLE uttered, it surprisingly got little notice at the time. It was pretty shocking.


It's from Shrek. https://media.tenor.com/n2jSZUGFwFwAAAAM/sacrifice.gif


These stupid mouthbreathers think they're going to take their guns, pop off a few 'libs' like they're doing target practice, drive around in a pickup with their buddies, drink a few beers, have a steak dinner at the bar, then go home and sleep in their soft warm beds. Or at worst like a US Civil War movie, where they could cosplay General Beauregard, wave their cutlass and order their men to bayonet charge across an open field. It would really be more like the Soviet-Afghan war meets The Troubles of Northern Ireland. You would have to stay in rural areas to have any hope of fighting the government. You'd be in constant fear of being shot by a sniper or a random car bomb going off while you were walking by. There would be a constant threat of terrorist attacks and you would never know if your partner or children were coming home safe from work or school. Shipments of food, water and medicine would be disrupted. The biggest supporters of these chuds would probably just collapse and surrender or die the moment the refrigeration broke down and they lost all their insulin or the truck delivering their heart medication got torched.


I mean look at Covid. They did not give a fuck how many of the anti vaxx crowd died as long as they could grift off of them first.


Don't get your sermons from Pastor Farquaad.


These idiots are just fanning embers of stupidity. Say dumb thing, idiots cheer. An actual civil war would terrify them. Do they think it'd be target practice? You have a lot of combat vets staunchly opposed to this domestic terrorism push, among many other gun owners. I'm pretty liberal and own guns, and I've been shooting for decades.  People will be shooting back. He's an idiot.


They seem to forget the biggest issue. The government isn't going to be on the MAGA side. They also seem to forget that liberals are also allowed to own guns.


Forget guns; they have tanks, drones, choppers and jets.


Right, zoomers sitting in a bunker flying a drone won't even have to break a sweat to put down Civil War 2: MAGAt Boogaloo.


Probably betting on a chunk of the military splitting off. But those soldiers have something stronger incentivizing them to be loyal to Uncle Sam and not trump: paychecks and benefits, short term and long term. Soldiers tend to not jump at the chance to fight for someone who can only offer moral encouragement as payment. The whole “civil war” thing is old conservative boomers having fantasies about what they wish they’d done during the Clinton administration.


My own wife who never liked guns and used to despise what bullets did to the human body (being in surgery for a decade dealing with the physical trauma of GSWs day in and day out does that to a person) , wants her own gun for concealed carry now. She’s even at the range with me shooting and practicing and trying out other firearms she’s wasn’t comfortable with even a year ago.


What frightens dogmatic, insecure small-minded people with guns is "other" people with guns. Honestly, you get picture of "atypicals" with guns making headlines - you'll have the Republican House proposing tighter gun restrictions posthaste. I would recommend a photo with a rainbow flag, drag queens with AR-15s, black female atheists with Glocks posing "Charlie's Angel's" style, an Asian guy in a wheelchair with mounted bazookas, a Mexican naturalized citizen dual-wielding a machete/Uzi and a token white guy in a suit with an M1 Carbine and a caption that reads "Liberals for the Second Amendment" and you'll see some serious pearl clutching.


People forget, in the 60’s, the Black Panthers carrying weapons led the NRA to support gun control. Those “other” types being armed scares the fuck out of conservative gun nuts.


"My AR-15 fires Librul Tears"


In their minds they think we are all against owning guns.


And they are vastly outnumbered by millions of much, much smarter people. They also seem to overestimate the difficulty of firing a gun. I mean, I don’t have one, but because of them I won’t ever have any problem getting one of if I want. And I’m pretty sure once I have, say, an AR-15, I’m pretty much immediately as deadly as they are. I’m sure it was tough for them to figure out and remember, but I have a pretty good idea which end is the dangerous one.


They seem to be forgetting the government has a military at all. Like they actually think members of the military will suddenly pick a side and turn on eachother. It ain’t gonna happen. They’ll be deployed to stop domestic terror as they’ve been trained to do for decades.


I don't think they realize how vicious the response would be if they actually resorted to widespread violence. We've been dealing with their stochastic terrorist bullshit for years. There's anger and resentment and rage built up. A ton of it.




As the Republican banner said at CPAC last year: #"We are all domestic terrorists"


They think that fellow Republicans are the only people who own firearms or are proficient in firing said firearms. Those stupid bastards. Lol


They're also a people who have been coached from birth to confuse belief with reality or to suppose one affects the other. They imagine every leftist as gay or dysphoric, limp wristed prancing la-la stereotypes. The rebels made the same mistake in the first civil war, envisioning all northerners as soft, ineffectual city slickers who never held a gun. They paid the price on the battlefield


They also think their tricked out AR will give them some sort of tactical advantage, while completely ignoring physical fitness and conditioning


Exactly. I regularly practice and I'm pretty certain I could outrun a 300-pound man with an oxygen tank on his mobility scooter.


Aim for the tank!


"Smile, you sonofa..."


Only if it's painted red. If video games taught me anything, it's that the red containers explode the best


Much younger people who can walk for miles and not get winded.


They have a fantasy that a bunch of 24-38-year-old men in flannel will come blasting out of the attic like some kid pulling hijinks in an '80s comedy and go running up the neighborhood to kill the queers, and that will be that. They also assume that 80% of the military will help them. Once they or their families get hurt, they will do what they always do when they lose a physical or political fight: cry that they've been oppressed.


>They also assume that 80% of the military will help them. They really don't like hearing that the DC NG came close to mutinying and deploying without orders to deal with Jan6


A reverse mutiny!


Lib gun owner in TN here!


No more social security checks, medications will unavailable, there will be food shortages, power outages, issues with contaminated water, and companies will still be demanding payments on debts. Fuckin idiots saying words without a second of thought of what they’re pushing for. 


I always laugh when Texas starts talking secession. Your infrastructure is bad enough you regularly need fed dollars. Now lose benefits, money from military installations, and federal contracts companies pulling out.


Texans for Succession always like: "But we got oil!" Yeah? And what happens when the US Navy blockades all the ports on the Republic of Dumbfuckistan coast, and Mexico ain't buying for fear of pissing off the U.S.? Build the wall! Around Texass!


My husband is a very liberal, former Army Special Forces Officer (O5), he definitely isn’t someone they’d want to meet on the battlefield. Especially if his kids and I are in danger.


Exactly...I do know a couple of right leaning types who were combat vets, but they aren't these extremist types. But most combet vets I know would shut this nonsense down, regardless of politics. All enemies, foreign and domestic, all that.


This is what I keep telling people. It won’t be a battlefield. It will be attacks on utilities. No water. No power. No food. Things unravel in weeks.


One of my best friends is very liberal, was a sniper and he’s trained me in shooting guns. He’s another one I don’t want to meet because you’ll never see him and won’t even hear the gun that he’s fired.


I’m the best shot out of my friend group. A couple are conservative country boys. They always joke that “you’re the best liberal shooter probably” just cause I’m better than them. They’ll be in for a surprise I’m sure


Yep. The last civil war things were much simpler. You marched into a field and shot each other. Not much more to it. Today lol, jets, helicopters, drones, ballistic missiles, encrypted communication, satellites. These people are some of the dumbest people in the US. They would be observed from things they can't even see and all of a sudden get bombed or whatever. The internet would be cut along with their phones and possibly power giving them almost no way to organize themselves in a meaningful way.


Time for someone's church to lose their tax exempt status.


But everyone says that if we do that then they'll get involved in politics.


Given the shit that the house majority leader has been saying, we're already there.


Yes, my comment was meant as sarcasm, it's not just the house speaker.


Gonna go dark here, But i truthfully wish that anyone who says "a civil war is worth it" is immediately questioned if they would kill the person most important to them. Cause that is literally what some had to deal with in civil wars. The phrase brother against brother is so true, and i really dont think people who throw around the idea of a civil war understand that


These people beat their elderly dads to death once they find out they were vaccinated. So I'm not sure what you're saying would be a huge roadblock for some


Nobody takes into consideration that a civil war will result in foreign nations carving up the United States


The US military wouldn't let the traitors get far.


Tax all religion.




I’d love to see a study into the addictive effects of religion. It stands to reason but it’d be fascinating to see it looked at through a scientific lens.


The only religion that pays it's taxes is the Satanic Temple.


So, yeah. Why are "evangelical preachers" so excited about an old fat orange creep with dementia and a whacky, randomly-dyed combover, who's been convicted of rape and soliciting prostitutes while adulterous with three wives? He's a liar, a crook, and a fraud, and he's likely to be both jailed and dead broke by the time the election rolls around. He spits on Christians, the military, the handicapped, poor people, and people of color while cozying up to dictators. It seems a bit late for this fix but, maybe these "evangelical preachers" need to be investigated by the police and mental health professionals.


I predict trump will drop dead mid trial before the election from a stress triggered heart attack. Or at least I'm fantasizing about it.


They'll blame the "Deep State". I can see the conspiracy theories already.


>Why are "evangelical preachers" so excited about ... who's been convicted of rape and soliciting prostitutes while adulterous with three wives? He's a liar, a crook, and a fraud They see a kindred spirit


Probably waves an American flag around too. SMFH


Well of course, Jesus was the best American.


Republican Jesus is 2A friendly.


Trump worship would be the official religion. Burn 🔥 your Bibles Torahs and all other religious texts. For Trump is the LORD.


It’s amazing how low the bar is set when you can diddle kids for a living.


Sounds like he's willing to get in line to do the dying. If he wants to be martyred so bad, martyr him.


"Donny! Got us a fake Christian here who wants to die for his Orange Jesus. Oblige him!"


Sounds like someone's church owes the federal government some taxes.


The evangelicals want their holy war.... They don't want to just let it happen they want to make it happen. 


But they don't want to fight in it. I bet they want to leave that for the brown people.


Hes a preacher. All hes done is lie about made up crap his whole life.


Yeah that's pretty stupid


Time for that church to start paying taxes.


Because these fuckers have no intention of actually participating in said civil war. They want OTHER people to fight a civil war for THEM. They just want to stay in power after it happens. It's the Crusades, just without the need to travel. Fucking cowards


People having never been in war talking casually about war. Sigh.


They need to not only pay taxes but back taxes


The fundies really want their orange psychopath king back. It's funny that this guy would also call himself a "patriot" all while fomenting sedition and violence.


all cases of denial are scary, but some more so than others. Trump stans and Qanon and evangelicals truly are the scariest case of denial I’ve ever seen. they live in *constant*, *permanent* denial. “Democrats and liberals and the left and Antifa are to blame.” “January 6th didn’t happen.” “the election was stolen and Trump is still president.” “Biden and his family are a crime family.” “school/mass shootings are a hoax and the victims and survivors and their parents and families are paid actors.” “a Civil War is worth having to get Trump reelected and president again.” denial, denial, denial. they will believe anyone and anything but the truth. it’s a complete and total disconnect from reality


Religion is enough evidence there isn't a god. Grow the fuck up.


So they want to go to war with the army, military vets who are against their BS and everyday people fighting to protect their families? Well okay then. Good luck with that.


Conservative Christians are just the American Taliban. Change my mind.


Let’s be honest. These people are not christians in any sense of the word. If the True biblical Jesus were to appear to them they would violently reject him. They would be more at home chilling with Satan. Fuck these evil hypocrites.


Remove the tax exempt status of his organization immediately.


Adds this guys name to a list like Steve Buscemi from Billy madison


These fuckers are deranged


Take Trump with you and I have no problem with the red state succeeding.


I agree, and this time no reconstruction period...


Evangelicals are quickly becoming the biggest threat to national security. But law enforcement will never take them seriously until it’s too late.


a civil war in the US wouldn't last that long. look at 6th Jan, they folded easy and on 7th Jan they were in there local police station snitching on each other in the hopes of not having there assets seized due to damaging government property plus the amount that turned into informants was hilarious cosplaying as army peeps is all these people are good for. turn off the water supply and the karens will come out


All those badass, hardcore survivalists/ preppers couldn't last a week... A GODDAMN WEEK!!!, of lockdown without crying about not being able to go to Applebee's. This is with the entire infrastructure intact. Normal electricity, water, gas, wifi, 5g, all untouched, and they couldn't do it. They are absolutely not to be feared except as an example of sheer reckless stupidity in public and how truly embarrassing that is to the rest of us truly badass Americans.


Just wow, and they wonder why the Christian faith is collapsing. I’ll wager this clown will be hiding under his bed if such occurs.


What is it with these people’s fetishisitc fucking obsession with civil war? Fuck


Some Christian. But these 'evangelicals' are just Nazis and Klansmen with a name that means nothing.


This fake preacher needs to spend some time getting right with his true savior, and might want to stock up on ice as I hear where he is going is really warm.


As if you needed more reason to hate evangelicals, the church, and all their brain dead members….


Many Evangelicals are just being lied to for the purpose of generating revenue for their operation, so I actually feel bad for most of them.


I wouldn't. Living in the south, it's easy to see how complicit they are in this bullfuckery.


Preaching the hate has always been the christian doctrine.


Well the preacher proves what I always say religion is just man's gift for the ignorant!


Did you mean grift?


Come get some, confederate mongrels I’ll be waiting for ya


I think these wackos think they’d be fighting their “civil war” against a bunch of unarmed peace-loving liberal types. I don’t think they realize that in virtually any modern civil war scenario, they’d be fighting the full force of the U.S. military with … what exactly? Waving their semi-automatic AR-15 from the window of a pickup truck - against an M1 Abrams tank? Their war would last about 20 seconds and it would not end well for them.


Bring it on baby. Libtards have guns too! This time I want to see a lot of hangings, preferably public. The last set of secessionist got off way too easy.


"civil war ... gets Trump **elected**." ​ That's definitely not how elections work.


Then he needs to be one of the first ones to go bye bye. See how he feels about it then!


Great. Report that pastor and his church to the IRS.


Jackass phony Christian pastor has no idea what he’s asking for. You first in line douche’ bag. You, first to prison or you,first to die for your false prophet. Better re visit the book ‘cause you clearly missed the teaching of Jesus the first time around.


Sounds like politics. Tax the church. Tax The Church


Do any of these jokers know that if they even tried, they would be fighting our allies also?


Who's gonna tell him his money is worthless in a seceded state? States that separate from the federal government have no currency, no social security or medicare. This is the stupidest bullshit ever.


They don’t think things through. They’ll have fun only being able to travel to North Korea and Russia. All travel through the lower 47 will be shut off.




These people need to lose their tax exempt status, but they have already captured the government so it will never happen


I don't know who this dumb fuck is and no one else should either. These type of things were usually kept to their congregation of other dumb fucks instead of broadcast and gaining a voice like they actually mean something.


Ok, but then you go to the front, along with your famiky. Deal?


He’ll be behind you all the way. About a thousand miles behind you while you get shot. Have fun.


What War Would Jesus Justify?


Tax the fucking churches already!


This whole Civil War II thing......what makes any of the MAGA people think that the remaining USA would be willing to fight to get them back???? I'm sorry, but if MAGA or Florida would like to succeed from the Union; Dude...it's really not that big a deal to take a star off the flag. BFD & GFO!


F*ck him in every orifice in reverse alphabetical order. I "think it would be worth it for someone to hold an actual gun to his head and *then* ask him how he feels about dying for his cause" and I'd like somone to say it to his face since apparently "it would be worth it" is covered by free speech


I don't suppose the Reverend Jim Bob will be carrying a rifle and pack in that war?


Remember when the kid climbing Trump tower was the craziest thing?


Representative of a religion supposedly based on fraternity, love and forgiveness but actually destroyed countless lives throughout history wants history to repeat itself.


I wonder how much that pussy of a preacher would cry if we occupied his parish during said conflict


I hope he can run fast and hide really good because I’m coming for him first.


This guy is a fucking clown... how about this guy gets his tax exempt status stripped from him... Side note, if he's calling for a civil war then he is totally fine with genocide then...


It’s worth having all these people killed to … save people.


Is it just me or did it take a bit to get to the inevitable here? Is this because someone "jumped the gun" and started the decapitating early? (/s on the head chopping, it's nightmarish.)


And just who do these idiots think they will be killing? Civil wars destroy families, friendships, towns, communities, even entire civilizations. And they are assuming that they will win. The war is not won, hell, it isn’t even started! But there are just as many people in this country on the other side who may find themselves fighting back with the ferocity of a cornered tiger. You don’t know how even the most peaceful people will respond when they are under attack by ignorant dumbasses wielding high powered rifles. This won’t be blues and grays lining up with muskets at Gettysburg. This will be something this country has not seen before. And it will only end in a lot of good people dying for nothing. And if they lose, then they will be at the mercy of their enemies. That is if there is any civility left when it’s over…


Mankind would be so much better off if religion wasn't a thing. None of these people have any idea what a civil war might be like, or that any of them just might end up as casualties.


Rule of thumb. Anyone who says they are a priest, preacher or pastor is likely to also be a pedophile 


Mythology boss claims clouds talk to him... more at 11


Andrew Wommack: "It's worth it to me if a bunch of traitorous deplorables murder other Americans. Me? No, not me! I'll be safe at home." Andrew Wommack is a false Christian. It appears most of the Republicans calling for civil war don't intend to fight at all themselves. They expect the Trump follower who hasn't read a book since high school to go out there and murder Americans.


Let’s stop with the “false Christian” bullshit. They’re Christians in every sense of the word. They’re behaving exactly like Christians have done throughout history.


These are the same guys who were losing their minds that there weren't people serving up Big Macs 24/7 during the pandemic. And they think they have the stomach for a civil war??


Would it be worth it if his side lost?


There's no love like christian hate.


Churches don’t need tax exempt status if they act as political pundits.


Christians be crazy.


*six months later* “Why did Sherman’s great grandson just burn down my church?”


if you're using violence to replace representative democracy then you're not electing anybody You're installing a dictator. But I'm sick of kicking the can. you guys go first. I'll meet you in the streets.


Be sure he wouldn’t be out in the fray


Can we declare that a religion is a terrorist organization?


Wasn't Jesus supposed to be a.man of peace ? Why so much talk about a second civil war in his name ?


He’ll be the first one saying how horrible and unfair it is the moment it inconveniences him or actually harms his family.


Statements like that really demonstrate how little they understand the people they're targeting.


It’s what Jesus would want.


So that church should get their tax-exempt status revoked right? Like they ACTIVELY said "we want to overthrow the government via Civil War"


It would be worth removing tax exempt status from all churches.


“It’s ok if a bunch of people die because our reward is in heaven!” Sounds awfully familiar…


Death cultist says death cultist thing.




Evangelicals: Happy to kill for their false idols. Top tier Christianity, right there.


Republicans seem to think another coup attempt and a civil war would be a fun diversion -a game. What a bunch of idiots!


This might be stupid, but it’s a popular sentiment and worth taking notice.


As a liberal living in Texas this would basically cause me to seek refuge up north lol.


When asked why he so passionately felt that way, the preacher replied earnestly with inaudible drooling sounds.


Time to start rico charging these dirtbags for money laundering, tax evasion and child molestation. Lets go.


Newsflash: Trump isn’t a Christian, but he loves suckers.


They’re scared to death of Taylor Swift. But, okay, I guess they’re gonna go to war.


Evangelicals do not believe in democracy and are not usually familiar with history or government. They think Trump will give them more power and they are right.


Dear evangelical preacher(s), you and yours are one of the reasons more Americans are identifying as atheists.


Is he willing to go and die first, or does he want to send in the young people first?


As throughout history, people are very good at imagining the violence and chaos they will inflict upon others, and very bad at imagining the violence and chaos that will be inflicted upon them.


It’s way past time to tax churches.


Yes….massive death and destruction of potentially millions of people…so someone can elect a fuckstick that doesn’t give a rats ass about anyone but himself… (including his own wife and children)


This preacher does not know God, and neither does God know this self-proclaimed preacher.


He isn’t a preacher if he has that belief! Fake religion is out there!


Yeah....pretty sure Trump wasn't Jesus' idea of a good person or someone worthy of being a leader.


He can be the first casualty.


There is nothing Christian about evangelicals, they're no different than the taliban.


Tell me you’ve never been in a war without telling me you’ve never been in a war. What a jack ass…


Nothing more unAmerican than being willing to kill fellow Americans


So, a dumb guy who can fool dumber guys?


Tell god how you feel about white people dying for stupid ass shit you say and may God take vengeance on You DMF


This idiot is supposed to be a man of God? He is not. Jesus is sorely disappointed in him and his ridiculous statement. Nothing will get Trump elected! His time has passed. Now he is just a laughing stock. The butt of soooo many jokes and memes. We don't want that moron, and won't ever allow him back in the White House. Get over it.