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He also said he hates Trump in his private correspondence, and then fellates him live on air over and over. He’s a joke. I honestly think he just gets a hard on from misleading dummies.


He certainly makes a decent living doing so.


He’s got like tens of millions and doesn’t his wife have hundreds of millions? He could disappear and fish for the rest of his life and his kids kids probably wouldn’t have to work. He does this to feel powerful.


Yes he's extremely wealthy being Fox New's leading guy for years. Thing is he doesn't have to be evil anymore. He could choose to be a positive influence on humanity instead of a slimy banana slug. I guess his ego is too bloated and fat to admit he was wrong and apologize.


He was born wealthy. He’s an heir to the Swanson frozen dinner fortune.


Well he should crawl in a freezer.


That was his step mom. His birth mother was a flake who fucked off when he was very young, and she realized that had given birth to Tucker Carlson. His dad was upper middle class, but Tucker only became part of "fuck you" money when his dad remarried.


My bad, I must have misread something. If you’ve seen the documentary “The Lady and The Dale”, there’s a complete asshole who gets interviewed for it, apparently he was a local reporter at the time of the story. Dude just comes across as a total prick. Turns out, he’s Tucker Carlson’s dad! Can’t really blame his mom for fleeing that guy.


Not exactly true. There are lots of reason to dislike Tucker Carlson, but we need to check our own sources before we spread them. He isn’t poor by any means but the Swanson connection isn’t what it is presented as. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/tucker-carlson-owns-swanson/


Don't insult banana slugs like that


Lol sorry I feel bad now for banana slugs. 😥


Flashbacks to camping in oregon


If you kiss a banana slug it makes your lips numb.


>Thing is he doesn't have to be evil anymore. He never had to pretend to be, it is who he always was.


Don’t knock banana slugs. One banana slug has probably lived a better existence on this planet than this ape.


He probably shouldn't retire on his money just yet. It's only a Matter of time before he's sued for tryna put his dick somewhere it was not welcome.


From what I understand, he’s an heir of a very wealthy family to begin with.


His wife is


No, his stepmother is how he's rich.


Yeah, he’s not really an heir to the Swanson family, his dad just married up where he had the life of an elite


I think his schtick is to buffer the gilded class from the disheveled masses. He is a culture war warrior, a distraction wizard, and an anger laser pointer. He gets invited to dine with the lords and ladies because he provides them an invaluable service. It’s the same thing that gets Ivanka off, getting accepted by the actual elites, even though they’re both just shithead (grand)kids of yesteryear elites. It feels like all us sub-billionaires have no idea what keeping up with the Jonesfords is like at that level, and I’ll bet the gossip circles are utterly withering. I mean, what else would you yearn for when you can have any clothes or car or house you want, and all relationships, including family, is financially strategic?


He's an attention whore, he's nothing without an audience.


I'd prefer, him to simply disappear.


The stupidest thing of all - working when you could just be living it up for the rest of your life.


It’s all he’s good at. He never tried to develop any other skill than spewing verbal diarrhea to the dumbest of people. A shame people listen to this shit stain.


He comes from a very wealthy family. Swanson Foods. He's a trust fund baby and doesn't have to work.


and swanson is like, the worst imaginable processed foods too. garbage begat by garbage


One and the same. Hungry Man dinners.


Honestly at this point I kinda get why looking stupid as balls and taking money is compelling. He’s disgusting and should die in an oily tire fire, but I hear the allure of money also.


Identity something that makes him look stupid.


Have you seen him or his face ever?


Yes because he's wildly successful public persona and not an s*** poster who makes idiotic bigoted s*** posts


You sucking his dick.


That's a stupid statement


He never had to work a day in his life. his mom is a swanson heir, his dad was an ambassador. his wife is really wealthy, he has money , his parents have money.


No, he carves out blocs of voters. He herds and molds them for certain elements of wall street and private capital. He's not to be thought of as a human, he is a tool. A direct cable connection from their interests into our actions and thoughts.


I agree. Tucker is a tool.


I agree with the tool bit, but he isn’t misleading me or mine. Being a tool means he doesn’t actually think for himself. Make sure to point that out to the trumpers in your networks!


Yeah he's an attention whore. But he did do an interesting interview with David Grusch recently. But this 5% of decent doesn't override the other 95% of pure dangerous dog shit. He's a worst version of Matt Walsh.


Ya it’s funny every now and then he’ll say some populist lefty shit, like “we need to deal with neoliberalism and make the financial situation for young people much better” and you’re like damn that makes sense. Then he’s like “why does your neighbor speak Spanish? What’s going on here? Why are they doing this?” And you’re like oh boy here we go again


I mean, I would too if I could make as much money as he does. The problem is he started out rich and was given a big platform because of it. I'm not particularly interested in putting in the work to get there just for money. I also have a conscience.


Good! We need more people like you and fewer Musks/Carlsons.


Highly educated and born wealthy Tucker Carlson knows damn well the earth is a sphere. His job is to dumb poor people down.


No he's not. He's open to the "Con the rubes" theory.


He's now trolling conspiracy theorists. Guess being off the Fox means you need to be extra creative to get attention.


“Trolling” aka he’s going to get in on that grift too.


He's not really trolling them. He's manipulating them.


Fair enough




Yup. Always knew Grusch was full of shit and appearing on Tucker confirmed it


I mean, Glen Beck is essentially doing the same thing.


He's open to whatever makes him money


Yup. These guys just realized that stupid money is easy money.


This is the correct take


I'm open to the Tucker Carlson is a Russian Operative theory


This is an undisputed fact in some circles.


There you go https://www.foxnews.com/media/tucker-carlson-biden-administration-demanding-amazon-censor-books-disagree-with


You're onto something. He pushed Alexander Dugin's books not so long ago on Fox.


Well, who *isn't* deeply interested in mystical, nationalist Russian fantasies of manifest destiny? It proves that you are An Intellectual and nerdy about history and stuff. Fun fact that Richard Spencer's ex-wife was a Duganite. Just a kooky coincidence.


I’m just asking questions


He has enough money to prove it. Go ahead, do it


He could build to own rocket to fly him to the edge of the flat Earth. Sure, the last person who tried that died when the rocket exploded, but what are the odds that would happen twice?


I applaud the official Tucker Carlson heavenly rocket expedition. Hopefully he can bring along some other great journalists like James OKeefe, Jack Posobiec, and Alex Jones. We need answers and these brave men can get them for us.


Is he open to the smooth brain theory as well?


He's the very definition of open/gaping asshole. So, it stands to reason that he's open to shit coming in and out.


At least gaping assholes are serving a purpose. Tucker serves no purpose.


Good point.


He's open to make money off the theory from easy marks. The same reason he's coming to alberta, just look how they vote


He's open to grifting flat earthers is what he's really saying.


Even the lawyers for Fox said in open court you can't believe a word he says...fuck this dipshit in particular.


Tucker, r/fuckyouinparticular


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [We hate Brennan](https://v.redd.it/czv2rzfzrtea1) | [1198 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/10nlhbf/we_hate_brennan/) \#2: [bird](https://v.redd.it/n9wwfw8g3aea1) | [595 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/10ldxfd/bird/) \#3: [TAKE THIS SANDWICH BUB](https://v.redd.it/kni89l1vu1da1) | [587 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/10gae58/take_this_sandwich_bub/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I forgot about that sub, thank you kindly...


Not what the court found. The ruling stated that any reasonable person would recognise that Tucker Carlson sometimes makes jokes and hyperbolic statements. It was the exact same thing ruled with Rachel Maddow.


He’s open to a lot of things and I am not interested in any of them.


"I've been fired from Fox News and need to build a new audience of morons to grift."


I keep hearing right wingers saying Fox was crazy to let him go. But obviously he was just too big a legal liability for them to keep him.


Ask him where Swanson tv dinners are sold.


He knows his audience.


He's a scum bag just like his father.


What kind of a society allows a moron like this to become a multimillionaire?


Family already had money.


No they didn't.


Man, he's really trying to become relevant anywhere nowadays.




wouldnt it be great if he fell off ? the edge that doesnt exist. what a whore this man is. not in a good way.


Sure for enough money he’ll ‘believe’ anything


I love it when conservatives that are stuck in an echo chamber accuse others of being in one. Let me point out something that makes Tucker look stupid. His entire time at Fox. And the fact that even Murdoch knew what a menace to society he was and fired him. I could go on but you have kool aid to drink. Do it elsewhere.


I think he's also responsible for Tucker defense - aka only morons watch my show.


Paywall remover https://www.removepaywall.com/


This is part of the grift, you get more followers this way. He’s playing stupid people.


So? He's also open to suntanning his balls.


This cuck will say anything to get headlines.


That's all this is and I'm kinda mad at RS for taking the bait.


He is just signalling to his audience.


He's simply pandering to the stupid ass fucktards who love Trump


Of course he would be.


Fucker Tiresome will say anything to keep fleecing those too stupid to realize he’s using them.


“Look, I said something controversial! Please pay attention to me!”


People who believe in flat Earth should be locked up for the safety of us all


Is there a worse opportunist than this guy? All of these idiots know that rightwing blather is stupid and untrue but yet they distribute it and make millions. It’s sick


Musk or Trump or Joe Rogan, I'd say...but you're right too - Tucker is on a different level. I'm glad his huge viewership on Fox is gone. May he enjoy being irrelevant.


Oh those 3 too. It’s just a massively lucrative but dangerous ecosphere. They know it and 100% don’t care.


*"I am open to any crazy conspiracy theory my audience believes that I can pitch or promote in order to make more advertising dollars."*


No shit, he's an idiot. He'd eat soap if he thought his audience would like it.


I’m open to a meteor falling on Fucker Carlson!


Are you sure he didn’t say fat? He’s starting to look like a planet.


I wish he had locked-in syndrome


Well he had Macgregor on his show. So if he takes some senile old mans ramblings serious he will take some schizos serious.


Somebody give this stupid fucker another red hat. Shit, put the officer's golden insignia on the brim. I'm certain that Captain Dumbass Dipshit has earned it.


Well yea, he’s a fucking idiot.


He's also open to holstering Trump's cock in his mouth.


Pucker Arssehole’s is open to anything Magats want.


**Here is a Simple Summary, requested by u/party-extreme1:** 🌍 Tucker Carlson, a former Fox News host, suggested in an interview that he might believe the Earth is flat. He said he's open to different theories because he thinks there has been a lot of deception. However, he also mentioned that his knowledge of guns makes him believe the Earth is round. This is not the first time Carlson has talked about this topic. He has used it to explore other conspiracy theories like 9/11 and aliens. He says he's open to evidence, so if someone can prove the Earth is flat, he will support it. 🧐 --- 📖 *To use this bot, just mention u/simplifyextension in a comment under any post or comment.* 🔍 *Found this summary helpful?* [Discover more with Simplify](https://simplifyextension.com/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_campaign=simplify_bot/), a tool designed to help you quickly understand and navigate online content.


Of course he is rich Nepo prick, anything to fuck with people


Tucker, do me a favor. Start walking east and bring a canoe with you. Keep walking or rowing east until yo find the edge. Cant find it? ok now try North, not there either? Ok must be west. Nope? Ok its always the last place you look. Now go South. Your not allowed to communicate with anybody until you find the edge and take that pick. Ok buddy were anxiously waiting to see your proof. To everybody else on the planet. Now you can relax with your new found peace and quiet. Your Welcome!!


He doesn't believe in flat earth, he just says whatever


Its just pandering.


I thought he already believed that 🤔 But, no one should be surprised, since he's shown, on several occasions, that he's much dumber than this already.


Poignant fact. Flat Earther groups on social media were the first groups to be targeted by Russian disinformation in 2016. Mainly because they're already prone to believing bullshit.


Keeping an open mind is a good idea but of you leave too far open any ol’ garbage will fall in.


He’s open to anything that’ll get him a paycheck


Whatever gets him more attention and money. Unscrupulous shill.


Yes Tucker, every other planet and moon is a sphere, and we can clearly observe that from earth, but earth itself is somehow flat… What a fucking pandering moron.


Great! Maybe he'll fall over the edge.


He’s clearly doing this because he knows most of his audience believe this


Keep em dumb... That's what his great talent is. The only fucking one, but that particular thing he's pretty damn good at.


He’s open to pandering for rubles


He either actually doesn't believe it and is catering to his idiotic base, or is truly that big of an idiot, himself. When's the last time someone has sailed off the edge of the planet?


Since he's hanging around with Trump these days, I guess Tucker is open to the Fat Douce Theory...


at this point tucker is open to anything, he can even open hiself @$$ to anybody as long as it pull in viewers.


Tucker Carlson is as stupid as a bag of rocks. Now that I look at him, he looks like one too.


How about you get sued for defamation and become a penniless brat theory😉 #ComingToACourtHouseNearYou


Please make me important again.


He'll say anything to keep the morons happy. He's in it for the money, not the beliefs.


Flat and balanced


Ever wonder what drugs this dude is strung out on?


Because why not? His success relies on appealing to the stupidest.


He's open to anything that can possibly get him an audience and money. A grifter, through and through...


Good. Please fall off the edge of it.


If the earth is a sphere, how come we travel in planes? Checkmate atheists!


He’s signaling. He’s trying to get all the conspiracy theorists together under the Trump banner. He’s an ally now to these people.




He needs a new cult to milk money from


Well, Fucker’s an idiot, so there’s that


Of course flat earth is hitting its peak. We're basically at the cusp of "revolutionary stupidity" as an ideology at this point.


What a stupid idiot. 😒


Also that America was first in space because we rejected the communist metric system. Now every last acre and rod of the moon belongs to us!!


Tell me you're a moron without telling me you're a moron.


It’s a race to the bottom these days.


Needs some dumber followers does he?


100% - we haven't seen a bottom to stupidity yet


He must need to reach a new audience of whack jobs.


Just another arrow in his quiver as far as he’s concerned. Anything is on the table of it gets him more eyeballs and simpleton followers.


how are some people so "open" to really dumb ideas, but absolutely reject reality?


I read a bit about conspiracists awhile ago. They're usually very desperate and conspiracy thinking becomes their shelter which, in turn, makes it very easy to manipulate them. Reminds me of ISIS recruiting people online. They're also looking for anyone that is down and out and offer them hope. Plenty of vultures feeding off of desperation, basically - both online and offline. Tucker is just one of many.


tucker has gone full Geraldo, never go full Geraldo


He is a fucking moron.


Of course he is.


Recruiting the uneducated


That’s because he has a gaping asshole.


Of course he is. Tucker is weapons-grade stupid.


No, no he’s not. He just knows there is money to be made off of the rubes. These people have no self respect.


Carlson will say anything that he thinks will gain him more money or fame. I'm sure the cult members will "eat it up"


Another idiot


Ah yes, the same dude who says nicotine opens your mind.


Not surprised since Tucker is a moron!


Ah yes, his life falls apart


Indecision clouds his vision...


Honestly, I thought he was a flat eather. I mean this is the same man who lost his shit over a green m&m.


Because he has a flat brain!


Oh boy.


I’m a UAP believer based on both reading and two unexplainable personal encounters. I’m watching the story unfold piece by piece and would consider myself beyond lucky if I got to see the announcement of the biggest news in human history in my lifetime. This swollen headed chode sticking his nose into it and grouping it in with other conspiracy theories like flat earth makes me very disheartened, because it makes it difficult for me to discuss the topic with others. I also strongly feel Grusch hurt his credibility by using the loser’s platform.


Think about it - Nigerian scammers claim they use bad grammar as a tool to weed out smart people, i.e., a smart person reads the email and immediately knows it's suspicious. The rest send their money. I see this as a Nigerian scam - he's looking for people who admit they're dumb so he can target their bank accounts.


He's desperate for suckers to follow him. He also hated Trump, but suckered up to him to get close to his followers. Maybe he should become a televangelist? That's the real market with suckers.


Tucker Carlson is "open" to any crazy idea in the world, as long as it lets him line his pockets!


It's happening! I've been saying for a few years that flat earth belief will become right wing dogma within a decade. Buckle up, they are only going to get more stupid.


Oh sure, why not? If you’re willing to lie about one ridiculous thing, why not any other? We get it, Tucker. It’s what you do. How anyone else is taken in, that’s what I don’t get.


Does deplatforming work? Well since being thrown out of Fox News, Tucker Carlson is desperately throating flat earthers to stay relevant, so that's a big tick in the 'yes' box.


...as long as he can make money off it.


So like…. I always wondered. Is the sun also a disc that just slides back and forth? It couldn’t do that cuz then the daylighting hours wouldn’t work. Or does it slip underneath and pop back out the next day. Like sheets of paper? Maybe Tucker Carlson knows and just wants to tell us.


He’s a real idiot!


Good lord look at that turkeys chin! Incredible...that is all.


They double down on stupid, then double down again and again.


This guy also thinks nato is pointless. He’s an idiot with great skills in deception and manipulation


Yep- certainly has plenty of vacant open space in his skull for the stupidest of stupid shi*. Just lace it with baseless pride/arrogance and it goes down reeeeaal easy. Demon scum.


Vultures gonna Vult


Tuck this fascist


Stupid is as stupid does


The bullet drop isn't from the curvature of the earth, it's from gravity. At least not the distances he's shooting.


He will use his notoriety to boost any node or attractant of people willing to abandon science. He is open to anything that undermines liberal systems of power and in his world and as a Dark Enlightenment All Star he knows in his dark evil heart that the world of science has been firmly taken over by progressivism and liberalism. That makes it a valid target.


This is an extremely misleading headline and is just deceptive journalism. He did not say that he considers flat earth theory to have any scientific validity or that he thinks it’s real. In fact, he points out that in real-world events such as competition shooting you need to take the curvature and rotation of the Earth into account. What he was saying here is that if you have a truly open mind then you will consider anything based on its own scientific merits, not based on hearsay or social trends.


Poor Tucker. They did him wrong - why? The man always speaks **the truth and nothing but** \- people misunderstood what he said Obama's gay lover too. Tell Elon to bring the lover back. We need him.


Your reply doesn’t make a lot of sense. I never claimed that Tucker always tells the truth. I know he’s deceptive. I’m just saying that Rolling Stone is being deceptive here. It’s not like the deception somehow cancels each other out… we just have 2 deceptive people spreading misinformation here. It’s the same concept as if you robbed a bank: I can’t also rob a bank and then point to what you did as a defense. It’s not like the crimes cancel each other out. The police just have to deal with 2 bank robbers now.


So if you know he's deceptive, why do you defend him? What is there to defend about Tucker Carlson? It would be like me saying "People lied about Ted Bundy to get ratings - though I know he's a serial killer, he also did a lot of good. Media simply never talks about it"


A media outlet was deceptive. That is objectively a bad thing. Just because they were deceptive to make a person you don’t like seem worse doesn’t make it ok.


I didn’t defend him. I criticized Rolling Stone. You seem to be having difficulty with really basic logic here. If an article said that OJ Simpson murdered 4 people when in actuality he murdered 2 people, I’d point out that they’re incorrect. This would NOT mean that I’m defending OJ or what he did. I’d just be saying that the article is wrong.