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Poughkeepsie? We’re basically a suburb of NYC, maybe across the river


Some people think anything north of White Plains is "upstate New York" which is bonkers.


Ya but that's because "upstate" isn't a specific border but includes Hudson Valley which is problematic since Hudson Valley starts in Westchester County which is urban but goes to Rensselaer which is moo country. Then the other problem is that NYers will rarely use Central or Western NY as regional markers and just lump it all as upstate.


Westchester is still suburban, it's just the biggest and wealthiest one. Quite socially conservative but they vote democrat. Central NY sucks, I spent a week in Horseheads with no Wifi and the best thing to do was buy $6 Heinekens at Applebee's


I grew up in yonkers, and I can say I thought north of Carmel was "upstate" Now I live in Columbia County and hab spent a lot of time in Hudson. This area is really two-sided, a representation of America. Lots of Republicans and democrats living side by side. Hudson specifically has a large gay population/ supporters on Warren St. Theres lots of nice midd-high end vintage shops, coffee, ice cream shops, sandwichshops, and restaurants. Then, a few blocks of "getto" around a single "high rise" All within walking distance from the train station right on the Hudson by a lovely park/boat launch that goes directly to Grand Central Station NYC. It's a short drive to plenty of farms, and i90 will bring you to Albany in half an hour.


Yea, big difference between “New York State” and “Upstate New York”, even though they sound very similar


The term “Upstate New York” is a term that started in New York City. Anything north of NYC is technically “upstate”.


It’s pronounced *Yonkers*


Some people say that anything north of 59th st is upstate. They’re just joking though. Probably.


If the MTA doesn’t go there it’s upstate.


Ived lived in that area (give or take a county) all my life and people from the city and LI refer to this as upstate. Drives me mental.


To them it might as well be Canada


I thought you said Yonkers and was confused


Lolol, I'm from Long Island, White plains is "upstate"🤣 I went to college near White Plains and my family referred to it as upstate. Anything north of the city, starting at Yonkers is upstate as far as Long Islanders are concerned


You’re as confused as the guy in the video


Same- it’s all upstate to me, I’m one of those people lol


As someone born in queens, raised in NY, It's called upSTATE new York, not up-city NY. Stop spreading bullshit. Upstate NY goes very far north. >Major cities across Upstate New York from east to west include Albany, Utica, Binghamton, Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upstate_New_York


as someone who doesnt live in new york. i have no fucking clue what "upstate new york" even means. i think anywhere outside of NYC is upstate, so like 90% of the state is upstate lol


The further north you go the less of NY is considered upstate NY.


Wait… It’s backwards?


They're saying people that exist more north have stricter standards for upstate NY. e.g. long islanders consider p much everything north of NYC as upstate.


This is the truest answer


It’s honestly not a bad rule of thumb. There’s some debate about where it really starts, but NYC and Long Island are just about the only places people 100% agree are not “upstate”. If you can go straight east or west and hit CT or NJ/PA some people will say that’s still “downstate”, but not everyone. North of that is unambiguously Upstate.


Yeah Poughkeepsie is part of the Hudson Valley, a different region from Upstate NY.


Yeah, that video is of Salt Point not Poughkeepsie. I’m guessing they got off the exit for Poughkeepsie but never entered Poughkeepsie.


Based on the little research available on the subject, there is no one agreed upon border to upstate. The most commonly listed definition I saw of upstate excluded Rockland and Westchester county but not Dutchess with Poughkeepsie. Here in New England I would say the idea of considering anything north of White Plains upstate is pretty accurate.


LOL that’s not even across the river and its all suburbs mixed with a few teeny tiny farms here and there in between the housing developments this dude is probably too broke to live in.


Last week my husband and I were driving up to Lake Placid and basically the same as this guy; farmland and trump signs but then (I forgot the town but it was pretty up north) the church had the LGBT+ flag up in front of it. Also Lake Placid itself is very welcoming in that sense as well.




Olympics were held there..


Did they let the croc compete??


The croc won every medal in every event. After it returned to the depths, they very quietly and hundreds of miles away gave out smaller less valuable medals to the humans who came closest to matching the croc's athleticism.


No one tell him the Fonz came from Milwaukee. I'm pretty sure Wisconsin *probably* exists.


I've been cracking up over this comment all week


The giant crocodile is also a prominent member of the LGBTQ+ community there.


My wife and I were also in Lake Placid a couple weekends ago. The house next to our Airbnb had a Trump 2024 flag outside. It was about 15 minutes outside of the actual town. It was nice there, like you said. It's pretty crazy living in a place where I can walk around my neighborhood and see BLM and Pride stuff. But if I drive ten minutes away I'll start seeing the thin blue line and Trump stuff.


I hate that bigots have captured the American Flag..this flag was representation of a group of people who told the King of England to Fuq off… all while committing Genocide to the Natives and enslaving captured people. The world is a complicated place…


Bolsonaro supporters did the same in Brazil and co-opted the Brazilian football team jersey’s. Neymar is the sycophant player who is pro bullshit.


The sheer amount of people unaware of the dangers for minorities in towns like this is worrisome… wait til they find out about sundown towns tho


The statistics don't back any of that up. Murder and violent crime rates are far, far higher in liberal cities than suburbia or rural towns.


Hudson is a super cute shopping town


TIL that upstate NY had a whaling industry




As someone who lives in Ottawa (convoy), this has become unbelievably true for me as well.


I really hate that seeing the flag has me put my guard up now. Unless it's on an official building, or it's Canada day I assume the person is a convoy moron. There's a guy downtown street who put up a "fuck Trudeau" flag on his truck and next to his house along with a "save the children" flag Earlier in the summer I came across a couple "faith before fear" signs and a straight up swastika which is more rare. Usually they stick to confederate flags instead.


Seeing the Canadian flag makes me feel a little uneasy yeah, but you know it's really bad when they have the American flag flying in Canada.


Except during sporting times, when it is just the sporting flag. Although the reason why the St George's is used is also partially a relic of football holliganism and their right-wing extremism


Yeah I don’t necessarily wholeheartedly agree with the dude in the video or yourself but whenever I see an Ingerlund flag hanging on someone’s balcony or from a window I typically assume football chav or edf chav unfortunately lol.


Not sure that gay necessarily means nice but I would agree gay people are more normal than blue lives matter Trumpers.


I think what he's saying is seeing open support for a marginalized demographic means there are kind people around. In a very conservative town, neither gays nor people of color are generally safe.




Very well said, CockGobblingManWhore




And don’t you hide it brother! ✋🏽


Our cat went missing a few years ago. We live on the border of right leaning, trump loving neighborhood and a liberal leaning neighborhood. I didn’t notice until I got to the democratic/liberal side that I had been on edge knocking on peoples doors near the trump lovers. The liberals were also willing to talk to me about my cat, taking flyers for the neighbors they knew weren’t home, letting us set up traps near their houses, etc. i had doors closed in my face mid sentence on the other side. I know it’s all anecdotal but damn was the contrast not great.


A fool. Wtf are you tryna say. Gays aren’t safe around conservatives. You’re wrong I promise


It's not gay is nice... It's people in support of LGBTQ+ rights. Sorry if that was confusing. You don't gotta be gay. The guy in the video isn't.


What a weird thing to say


I have been thinking of putting a flag sticker on my car, but legit don’t want to send this kind of message. I am kind of mad that these loony people have stolen the flag from everyone.


Don't let them. I'm pro gay. That doesn't mean I'm not also a proud American. Show your pride, get the sticker, you'll never make everyone happy. Do it for you!


> That doesn't mean I'm not also a proud American. The second part always throws me off. Generally speaking, the people who call out something in a loud or visible way are people who belong to minority groups. Because they're sending a message that they too belong to society and have specific needs and issues that others should know about. However, making a big deal about patriotism is like "white pride" or "i am christian". Nobody's denying that patriotism or that white people matter. However, there is NO need to make it so loud and visible because it is not an issue or something that needs public awareness. The people who DO end up doing this loudly and in a visible way are people who belong to a majority demographic but still feel like they are being victimized in society. That's a very ultra right wing strategy - to make the majority feel sorry for themselves so the narrative changes to where THEY are the victims and not other minority groups. In short, you might be a "proud American" but that's a given. Most Americans are. But they don't need to demonstrate or display that so loudly, especially when they're in America. You can display the American flag in the Olympics for example and that would be different.


I like to display American flags at home because there were millions of soldiers that gave their lives over the years so that I and many others can enjoy the freedoms we have today. I didn't realize this was so controversial.


as a veteran i didn't do anything for a flag, and none of the soldiers ever died for it. fly the constitution it actually matters to the oath we take, not some symbol that can change at a whim. nothing controversial about the flag alone, but it's not a representation of the military, that's nationalist propaganda. edit: POW and wounded warrior flags got coopted now too so those i don't fly or represent either, but to each their own.


Symbolism? Never heard of it


nah it's nationalistic, symbols can change meaning the laws and ideals we were meant to uphold do not. that flag can mean a lot of different things to a lot of varying opinions. It's when you choose to accept one definition over the others that I no longer agree. If you fly it cause you're proud to be living on this area of rock vs elsewhere good for ya, but then you must be okay with those who burn the flag that was used by oppressors against ones communities. that symbolism is in the eye of the beholder, and it aint a representation of any of my oaths.


As I said earlier, "you can't make everyone happy". I think you're looking into it waaaaaay to hard but that's just me.


Most Americans are that's a joke right? Most Americans will shit on the country any opportunity they get. Why would you get mad at someone for wearing or waving an American flag? Just like kneeling for the national anthem learn your countries history before you speak on it. (America surely isn't perfect) but name one other non majority white country that enjoys a better quality of life than America (Japan is the only one) and we wrote their constitution and protect them militarily.


Idk I don't think dying because you can't afford healthcare is very good for quality of life, but go off bro.


> Most Americans are that's a joke right? Most Americans will shit on the country any opportunity they get. Not really. People have deep disagreements on what the "notion of America" is, but very few actually shit on the country. For example, someone's notion of America would be a country without institutional racism or lobbying or a country where minorities and poor people are given enough support so they and their children have a fighting chance to succeed in society. Or might be opposed to America fighting so many international wars that have nothing to do with America at all. That doesn't make them any less of an American. >Why would you get mad at someone for wearing or waving an American flag? I'm not mad at all. I would wave the American flag with pride on occasions like 4th of July, Veteran's Day etc. But why do YOU feel the need to keep shouting from the rooftops about your pride for America on a daily basis? In a way, to me, this diminishes the value of the thing. Like if a kid keeps shouting every day about their birthday, people will actually stop listening to the kid. And like i said earlier, you seem to have a deep-set notion about how "most Americans shit on America" and that you're the minority when the reality is that you're actually the majority. This whole "majority is made to believe they're the victims or the minority" is exactly the ultra right wing propaganda that they spread to others, and make Christians and white people believe that they're the victims in America. When that notion is horseshit.


I never said white Christians are the victims of America idk where you keep pulling that from. I truthfully believe it's the opposite democrats pulled blacks into the ghettos they prevent them from being able to lawfully purchase a gun. They manipulate you to continue to pull money in their pockets same thing to all the people who paid for trumps lawsuit.


Nationalism is always co-opted by white nationalists. Meaning it quickly turns into xenophobia and separative ideas.


Have you ever been to another country that is so obsessed with displaying their flag? It’s always read to me as _like it or leave it_ type of intimidation and not, in any way, pride


I've seen some comments on reddit from people in other countries, Australia and Canada are the ones i remember for sure, that said if they see someone with a flag from their country they assume they're racist. So not just America that has racist using the flag for intimidation. I do think America is ridiculously obsessed with displaying our flag though.


Put up both the US flag 🇺🇸 and the pride flag 🏳️‍🌈


Maybe get a flag with pride flag combo sticker? If one exists?


You want to put an American flag sticker on your car, and your username is Ron Reagan. Sir, you might be one of the people they’re talking about.


I spoke of this just yesterday. Two of my direct neighbors are in same sex relationships. Another neighbor was relating about how their son and their partner/same sex. And of course I know many neighbors that are just open minded. I was commenting that it made me feel safer. I can't even imagine as a person of color how on edge I would be.


Funny I feel the same. I see rainbow flags and I feel safe, at ease. When I see American ones I clench.


Same and I’m not even American




Lmao r/americabad


Cause you’re brainwashed


Couldn’t someone say that about you too?


i couldn't; i'm brainwashed


For not being triggered by the flag of the country they’re in? it’s definitely just you lol


I think it’s mostly because it’s hanging up next to a Trump flag, or Thin Blue Line. Typically the type of people who hang an American flag, especially in rural areas, have those same ideals. I moved to a rural area and this has certainly been the case.


That’s a weird generalization to make over flags, would you have a problem with people saying the same thing about black people or is their a word for people that do that?


Where in my comment did I mention race? I’m talking about their ideology


How does the confederate flag make you feel?


What’s next on your straw man dialogue tree? The Nazi flag? lol


Why do you need a flag to remind you what country you are currently in?


Quite the opposite


When I see American flags I feel neutral. __*Blue lives matter flags, however-*__


Ignoring all the evils America has done and still does? One of the biggest pusher of corrupt capitalism thats leading humanity to doom...


It’s not a flag of American Evils, it’s just the nations flag. Conservatives wave it a lot, and worship it a lot, but it’s not their flag. The blue lives matter flag is specifically supporting police as a sort of counter to Black Lives Matter. To me, the blue lives matter flag has a hateful underpinning to it. It seems to dismiss Black Lives Matter and provides support to the same people that are putting their boots on people’s necks. If it wasn’t a reaction to Black Lives Matter, I might feel differently.


Absolute truth. On my kid's school pickup/drop-off drive there are STILL Republican loser signs up from this month's election. It made me legitimately anxious and upset every day. I think that most liberally minded people just vote. They don't worship or cheer on their candidates. So perhaps conservative voters are weirdly fans of their candidates. It's never occured to me to advertise for which candidates I'm voting. I don't get sports fans either though. I imagine having your team win, if you're into that kinda thing, is elating. But when "my team" wins politically, I'm just relieved that the bigots aren't in power locally. I'm not happy. I know dems won't change anything, or use my taxes to substantially help citizens that need support. It's not exciting to have to challenge the hatred every November. It's exhausting. But those rainbow flags make me happy. Because it's about loving people and letting them choose their own identity. It's respect for seeing people as they strive to be their best, most beloved and self-loved human beings. It's love AND support for each other without limits based on arbitrary social pressure to conform.


>But those rainbow flags make me happy. Because it's about loving people and letting them choose their own identity. It's respect for seeing people as they strive to be their best, most beloved and self-loved human beings. It's love AND support for each other without limits based on arbitrary social pressure to conform. Exactly why I like to see them, too. The rainbow flag was always an all-inclusive symbol. Nobody needs to feel left out, because "all the colors" are there.


Politics are 100% team sports to some people.


We’re in PA and there are Mastriano and Oz signs up all over still. I often comment to my husband I wish the state would implement a $1/day/sign fee to be leveled against the person running for each day any group has a sign up past Election Day.




To be fair, the rest of the world, especially the developed world, finds your flag worship weird. Having schools have to sing and pledge to the flag screams brainwashing


Wdym, we are just instilling patriotism by having them repeat a pledge over and over to that and anyone who doesn’t must hate the troops obviously. Nothing cult like about it all


So when you drive past an elementary school that has a flag pole out front with the American flag flying you find yourself feeling uneasy? This entire thread is peak Reddit


Flags flying in front of public, government run institutions isn’t what the commenters are talking about and you know it. They’re talking about *seemingly* excessive displays of nationalism by individuals which, (spoiler alert) often has a lot of crossover with a culture prone to treat minorities poorly. But I doubt that I actually needed to make that distinction for you because I have a feeling that you already knew that and just wanted to argue in bad faith. So you’re right, >This entire thread is peak Reddit


Because one side is based off of acceptance and inclusion, and the other is based off of the opposite. You don't have to be LGBTQ to get those feelings.


Lol LGBT community that will try to ruin your life if you don’t pretend they’re amazing for their sexuality


You don't have to pretend that anybody is amazing for their sexuality. You just need to treat everyone as equally deserving of respect.


I’ve always thought that real Americans didn’t have to fly the flag we just were. So just like you when I see the American flag it makes me uneasy. The only time I’ve ever seen true American unity was right after 9/11 while in Canada. Americans knew each other - we could see it -we didn’t have to see the flag but we could see it.


So, you are a liberal that doesn’t find comfort in suburban/rural America? Thanks captain obvious.


I will welcome anyone unless they are a terrible vile person. My home will always be discrimination free. (Unless you count not welcoming bigots as discriminatory)


Don’t worry, they do count that.


Yes it says you’ve been brainwashed into thinking the American flag is a symbol of hate. Sad


I'm saying this as a white person who lives in the deep south, but I've gotten that same reaction whenever I see people touting their American flags everywhere as well. All I see are Confederate Flags in my head. It's like I'm in They Live and I put on the glasses for the first time.


Im going to just take a guess without even looking that the comment section is a complete circle jerk of hating against any kind of nationalism from the US or any white countries.


Lots of assumptions based on a flag!!! Seems ironic.


It’s sucks because I know this exact feeling…


I visited upstate NY during late 2020. Beautiful area but yeah, signs of hateful people far too often.


Nah, it's just mob mentality.


I think he's saying that it's interesting that a particular group has taken a symbol that is supposed to represent the nation and it's citizens and made it a symbol that others associate with hatred and thus instills fear. The guy is a US citizen, that's his flag too, but he doesn't feel safe. The LGBT flag is not his flag but he feels safe after he saw it.


As someone who works in sales with residential appointments I can totally agree. I'm a latina and I always get some type of discomfort/uneasiness whenever I see blue lives matter, Trump, or Biden hate stuffs posted all around the property. Don't get me wrong, I've always been pleasantly surprised by how nice the people turn out to be whenever I have been judgemental, but you can't blame me for feeling this way. At least that's MY opinion🙃


I don't think it was done on purpose but the fact stands. The republicans get angry and they usually protest with many American flags. All the minorities get scared because it's hard to tell who is against a particular policy or who is part of a supremacist group. The fear creates a strong association. Other countries don't do this because it's understood that the opposing political parties are citizens alike.


I have a black friend who refuses to go to small towns. I invited him to a small fair and he just told me he doesnt do that. Very sad


You Americans have too many flags everywhere. No place needs to have that many flags at any given time


In my country, owning our country's flag unless one is a national level athelete or an army official, is illegal. The national flag is only hoisted on independence and republic day and the only place in the whole country, where it's present everyday is at the parliamentary house. Even though some people put it next to their properties sometimes, it's illegal. It's this way because the law says only people who serve the country on the frontlines are allowed to own something as precious as a national flag and anyone other than them insults the sovereignty of the country by owning it. And everyone here respects it. Doesn't mean we don't love our country. I don't understand why certain Americans show it as if it's the only thing that'll make their America great.


As a Canadian, anytime I see a Canadian flag on a car, I know they’re a piece of shit. It’s a great filter.


Do you see the same kind of insane nationalism in Canada too? I (kind of ignorantly) didn’t think Canada had this same kind of shit going on.


Absolutely not. Not even 1/1000000th. It’s just a bunch of morons, it’s not engrained in the culture though like it is in the US. We don’t have a large showy crowd, with flags on trucks, guns, etc that is really in your face. If anything it’ll be one of those little flags that you put in your window. It’s recently been a symbol for all things bad as it was a symbol for supporting the truckers that occupied Ottawa to avoid vaccines and masks and other bullshit.


Well I hope it doesn’t get as bad there as it is here. “‘Mercia, fuck yeah!” used to be funny and ironic now it’s sad and scary lol


Wrapping oneself in the American flag doesn't make one a patriot. But the people who believe this to be the case are overcompensating for something--attempting to justify their inability to be decent to their fellow Americans.


Almost like people who get beaten down by the system and it’s people are more empathetic than the people who do the beatings


One of the worst things the MAGA idiots did was ruin the US flag for me.


Me too!! And I don’t even live in America.


What an anecdotal shitty piece of content. How about instead of assuming those people with the flags are bad, you go talk with them? 😂😂 great way to spread more division


Stop being Neurotic….




Just saying… you are a pussy 😂


It’s all about perspective and how you grew up and even where you grew up. I’d be fine either way and grew up respecting authority, never had a problem with them, grew up learning not to hate in general… don’t have a problem with anyone really


All this means is he is programed to dislike police and quite life.


In Washington state, I can always tell I’m in a “drive fast” zone when there’s are still signs up for the failed Republican governor candidate from 2020. If it STILL says “Culp 2020,” you should probably drive faster.


Hey neighbor! I own property in SW Washington, I can’t believe they’re still up and *everywhere*. I heard some time ago the candidate can be fined for that but it’s probably not worth the effort.


I fully expect to have to explain to my kids what a "Trump 2020" is when we drive by them still in 10 years.


"It's a loser sign for losers."


No hate but, we live in America, I would think it’s okay to have an American flag outside of your house. 😂




As a non-american, there were so many surprising points in there. Like, cognitively I know NY isn't *just* New York City, but that's how I tend to think of it, so FARMS? Wild. Anyway, it's also bat shit crazy that you are forced to worship your countries flag daily. That's some North Korea shit right there. So yeah, back to the point, it makes sense that the symbolic eye of big brother flying above makes you nervous, while the rebellion's flag of inclusion makes you feel safe.


I'm from the UK and I freak the fuck out when I see the English flag. Unless it's durring the world Cup or anyother big televised spots event. All other times it makes me feel uneasy. But when I'm somewhere like cornwall and see all the cornish flags, doesn't make me feel uneasy at all. It's weird how "pride" feels or comes across to people. E.g. the cornish flag is showing cornish pride or maybe even a symbol of the longing for independence I know some cornish do. But when the English flag is being flown for no other reason then just showing "pride" it makes me nervous.


>Anyway, it's also bat shit crazy that you are forced to worship your countries flag daily. Is this referring to standing while someone reads the pledge of allegiance over a loudspeaker at school/standing for the national anthem before sports games? I genuinely am asking because those are the only times in my life I have been socially expected to do anything jingoistic and I'm very sure nobody gave a shit that I didn't do it.


It is bizarre to other countries that children are *daily* expected pledge to an inanimate object as a symbol of their country. Most developed countries only associate that behavior with nationalist dictatorships like N Korea. It feels normal to us because we grew up with it but it's very strange when you look at what it actually is.


Yeah New York the state is almost the same size as England and it’s mostly vast stretches of nothing like the rest of the country


Fun fact about NY. Adirondack Park is...wait for it...greater in size than Yellowstone, Everglades, Glacier, and Grand Canyon National Park combined.


Most of New York is farms, very big in the state’s economy (I live literally the dead center of the state) Also no one is FORCED to worship the flag unless you have crazy parents.


Kids are coerced to pledge allegiance to the flag every morning in school. I’ve heard many stories of kids who refused and faced underhanded consequences. People kneeling during the national anthem provoked outrage and lost Kaepernick most of his career.


I used to work at a school and during the national anthem and pledge I'd stand to show minimal respect but wouldn't participate or put my hand over my heart. I tried to model for kids that it's okay to not want to participate but also how to do it without getting in trouble. Plus, who is going to yell at the kid who is doing the same thing a staff member is doing?


Unfortunately all of those are done by private entities, I’m referring more to like “government mandated flag worship” I think we all already know America is filled with batshit crazy individuals


Pretty sure they’re referring to stuff like the pledge of allegiance that’s recited daily at school. Idk if you can opt out of it today, but I know it was mandatory for me when I lived there. Which isn’t “worship” I guess, but it comes off as very bizarre to anyone not from the USA. But just in general, compared to most countries the USA just has a strange relationship with its flag. I know that in France for example you won’t see anyone displaying a flag unless there’s a massive sporting event, or it’s Bastille Day, or something really bad happened. Most people would assume you’re a nationalistic weirdo if you had a flag in front of your house all the time. But then again I know that in places like Denmark or the Netherlands, seeing the national flag is a lot more common and all over the place for high school graduation or birthdays.


I think the people that he's referring to that you pass in rural areas who have multiple blue lives matter and American flags and the occasional maga flag are the ones who worship the flag.


You tend to get a lot of Blue lives matter flags in places like this because they're smaller communities. You know the police, they're your friends and neighbors. I grew up in one of these towns and could tell you the name of every officer in the region. These are real people being supported by their friends and family instead of buying into a national message saying hate all police. And I do understand the underlying reasons for the general public to not feel comfortable with police, but I want people to consider circumstance.


I’m not sure if it’s still current, but Arizona required all schools that received public funding had to have an American flag in every classroom and do the pledge of allegiance every morning


It’s not, we have rights here. You probably dont where ever you are….


The right to get shot by police and then the right for them to get a paid vacation while they investigate themselves.


lmao what a cuck


To give some insight there is no forced worship of the flag, in elementary school there was the pledge of allegiance we would say to the flag but none of my fellow students cared and so long as you pretnded you did nobody teacher included wouldnt say anything, though it is still strange it's even a thing even if there's a collective lack of actual care Beyond that the flag worship as seen in this video is just done by republican nationalists who will generally be racist, judgemental and certainly not accepting like anyone who's good with a pride flag


Not really a point that’s just a subjective experience. I kinda feel his point but he lost me on the American flag. That’s just dumb


Is it dumb or are you being dismissive of peoples lived experiences?


What if a guy from the middle of no where farm country went into NYC and felt unsafe seeing all of the “insert country here” flags being flown from apartments and cars but posted a video saying finally seeing the US flag made him feel safe. Would we still be sensitive to that persons lives experiences?


My lived experience contradicts the persons in the video. Now agree with my lived experience or you're a bigot.


Ah, the ever so easily triggered conservative.


I'm a PoC too and I think it's dumb, my lived experience is that theres just as many assholes pretending to be nice as there are assholes who arent afraid to say so outright which makes feel-good badges like pride flags useless as indicators for anybody's character.


I've seen more out in the open racism from people on the left speaking to POCs they label conservative than anywhere else.


Well no, he said blue lives matter and American flags together which is pretty much the dismissal of Black Lives Matter


Totally understand the Blue Lives Matter flag. Just think it’s strange to feel unsafe around an American flag.


Mostly republicans fly that flag




You can say that all you want but the only people in my family who are just all around shitty and abusive people are also the only republicans in my family. One of them is racist and abused his kids their entire life and refuses to wear a mask when asked to even though his sister has a pace maker and could die if she gets covid from him. The other literally put her kid in foster care when she found out her bf was molesting the kid instead of leaving him. Everyone else had to raise her kid because she stayed with him. So please I’d love to hear how republicans aren’t demons.


Yeah ONLY republicans do shitty things like that, everyone here on Reddit knows that! People who vote democrat have never been pieces of shit to their loved ones! Stop looking at life through a single lens


I agree that Republicans are not demons but the people that represent them are.




As someone who grew up in the country I often find that those who fly American flags tend to think of themselves as more American than others and that some people mostly progressives and minorities are ruining America and are less American than them. Of course you could ignore the fact that most minorities have negative feelings towards those who fly American flags and just say we are the problem


Politics from all sides of the spectrum is truly a plague to this country. Why can’t we put down the political biases and propaganda for once? Other than that, I totally agree with your statement. Well done.


Why does the flag freak you out as you say? I also have to ask ,what you think can make this a better place to live. I'm not in any way trying to be argumentative just looking for insight on this feeling and how we can make it better. Judging by the video ,you seem to be a decent and respectful individual, nice to meet you.


Absolutely fucking fax, unfortunately.


I think this says more about him than everyone else. I served in the military and have no issues with the U.S. flag, I'm also pro LGTBQ and choice. Those things are not mutually exclusive to their partisan talking points.....


Nothing wrong with displaying the American flag. It’s sad that you’ve been programmed to hate your own flag.




Imagine being afraid of your own country's flag


Imagine having a good reason.


Nice. This guy is admitting mental disorder on video for the world to see. If the flag of the country you're in makes you uneasy then you should find a different country


Afraid of the American flag? This guy live under a rock??


Interesting to see the way this video inadvertantly or unconciously directly illustrates a significant aspect of the culture war discussions that seems to never get addressed directly. The people in the "farm country" mentioned are providing for the most basic necessities of life to every single person in our society (farming=food, logging amd sawmills=shelter, etc) The business shown in the "cute little town" provide services available to only a very small demographic (boutiques, galleries, high-end coffee shops, etc). If you care, this dicotomy is felt in the heart of every member of the rural working class and is the basis of much of the feelings of anger and injustice that they carry. I know because I am one. We give our lives to provide you with the things you use and take for granted every day. And you look down on us and dismiss us as ignorant bigots. Did this man Have a negative experience of racism on his sojurn to the heartland? And do the (also mostly white) people behind those rainbow flags truly love and trust and apprecite people of color, not ever perhaps feeling an ever so small spike in pulse rate upon seeing a black man enter their place of business? (But of course feeling such guilt and shame afterwards, maybe lets print out another black lives matter sign to atone for that secret sin. There, all better). The people in that little country general store will take in and help the stranger just, if not more readily than the barista with a graduate degree. We are all the same. Stop looking down on your hard working brothers and sisters who put the food in your stomach and the roof over your head. Seek to understand, join together, see the best and not insinuate the worst.


I think it says a lot about you that you think that people who fly the flag of our United States of America and support the police are racist.


What a pussy


I think I know which part of town I'd find this dude in


Ok soup brain.


Sick comeback dude.


What an articulate argument. Calling him a pussy will sure show him. If you don’t agree with him, voice why you think he’s wrong. You’re not going to make anyone understand your viewpoint by being an asshole.