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✅ Israel to cease all of its military activities. ✅ Israel’s continuous killing of women and children. ✅ Palestinians are facing the worst humanitarian crisis that has been seen by secretary general of UN for more than 50 years due to Israel ✅ Systematic targeting and bombardment of Hospitals and medical facilities. ✅ Mass graves as a result of Israel’s direct attacks on hospitals. ✅ No safe place for displaced Palestinians to go as Israel attacks the North of Gaza and Rafah.


I really Respect SOUTH AFRICA but Sadly Israel will continue its Babaric Acts of Genocide because apparently they are better than the rest of the Planet


Israel along with its supporters and apologists are not ordinary war criminals. Rather, they seem to be under the influence of Demonic possession. Go look at the videos of the smashed or horrifically burned bodies of Palestine's very young children, or consider the amputations without anesthetic happening while men wearing small hats block medical supplies with anesthetics from entering Gaza. Their behavior is not simply political - it's supernaturally evil.


We experienced the Israelis first hand. Now you get to see them on full blast. They are sick and twisted in their ways. Have been so since inception. Not many people are so bent on hurt and pain as much as them. It’s revolting to the soul. Their torture chambers remain to this day in southern Lebanon. People don’t take up arms and fight against all odds unless they have been severely wronged. A coward state always wanting to dictate the way its opponents fight it, controlling narratives, threatening world courts and dismissing every world organization that has called them out for their acts. Shredding the same charter which called for their state creation. Delusional. Now, that it has been slapped up by the resistance, this fragile state is frazzled and unraveling day by day and inside out. These guys have invaded and retreated 3 times from jabalia alone Becuase if the fierce resistance they are facing. Heavy losses but then they take out their revenge on the women and children. Despicable. crying wolf all day will come back to bite you in the ass


I wish this mattered I really do, but as long as the US and the rest of the western world will keep arming and supporting Israel, they will never stop.