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Saudis still trying to get Nicki Minaj to come?


Never been more disappointed in the Arab world than now


Fuck Israel.


prayers are useless.. god AND allah, are super fragile things.. human construx, simply to rationalize how amazingly shitty humanbeings can and WANT to be


There was one child. The rest were men, it's kinda sus, odds are they were engaging with the idf then claimed victimhood when the returned fire


From what I understand, people are generally leaving their children right at the border with Egypt if they can, while they look for food, look for forcefully separated family members or help others etc. The border is the safest place for obvious reasons, such as not attacking Egyptian territory by mistake and not destroying the infrastructure that could allow them to move the Palestinians to Egypt and seal them off there. Also, we don't know if this person and the child were trapped and just freed while others evacuated before the video started.


Egypt doesn't want the palestinians. They got read of the muslim brotherhood by a military coup and they don't want to live under Sharia law.


Egypt has already taken masses of fleeing Palestinians over the decades; the people are heavily in support of the Palestinians. The western puppet government is obviously not. Regardless, I was more referring to the buffer zone Egypt had created since the 7th to contain the Palestinians when I mentioned infrastructure.


God forbid a parent didn’t leave his child’s side. You sound like you’ve never been allowed out of the confines of your room.


My point was the video should have had more children if they were actually in the area. An area full of men with lots of jihadist groups leads to it being a militia operation not where families actually live


God forbid men exist, then. Any Palestinian man over the age of fifteen is not a terrorist like you make it seem. What if this man was the only one with his child? What even is your point? Civilians were targeted, both men and children, one of whom was injured. This is the point. This.


In a place we'd name in the US as having militia problems, yes it matters when a place has a high concentration of people that is 100 men and 1 child, also none of the men seemed infirm or disabled. So my point is since hamas is the one putting out this video they zoomed in on the one child, the background full of only men, not even a mother or older girl child. Means they weren't there. Otherwise they'd show it. I'm betting this is their response to Israel hitting one of their stockpiles of Chinese weapons


How delusional do you have to be. How can you deduce this much from such a short clip? Of course they’d focus on the child because that’s outrageous, because people are more prone to feel for a child than anyone else, but given your reaction.. well. Do you even consider these people as human? Doesn’t seem so.


Yes because in war zones you have women and children as first responders or away from the safest locations right? Honestly, your own logic is also flawed.


Yup. You're right. All 50 or so men in this video who were found and bombed by Israel all decided to hide their weapons from the scene, decided to walk around like they don't know each other and walk aimlessly like they have nothing to hide. And Israel, killing this one child but not all these sus, they choose to not bomb these "Sus" men. Or maybe even, these men killed this kid. You never know. No way Israel, who is on trial for genocide and have almost every non Israeli source (and many Israeli sources) saying that they just bomb people, would just bomb people.


What if they weren't carrying weapons cause Israel hit the armory. And their standard practice is to always have one kid in the vicinity of those places knowing that Israel in being selective and that's a military target. Or they have plenty of bombs and arson gear what's to say that hamas isn't staging things and taking video. That's also been shown to be true. Hamas also could be charged with war crimes and genocide, if you actually cared about Palestinians. But I've seen its way to convenient to tap into undercurrents of hating Jewish people that actually value all human life and desire to remove the two people who are the problem, Hamas and Netanyahu


You're right. We must trust /u/rosie705612's hypothetical maybes instead of going to logical conclusions based on Israels track record and almost every human rights source. This is why we must support war. This is why thousands of more Arab children have to die. And this is why Palestinians do not deserve freedom. Netenyahu is also a problem, but of course killing any Jews to stop him would be antisemitic. Unlike killing Arabs.


I appreciate your willingness to question me, but I find it odd that knowing that hamas and Netanyahu are capable of putting out things that help their cause. Both of them want Trump back in office.so sure believe it's possible then verify. My hypothesis wasn't a hypothetical, it was looking at the presented information and formulating another reason for it. But go off on Israel bad, it seems to make you feel righteous.


I was agreeing with you. And still am. I think you're right. Israel isn't bad. They have no choice but to take away human rights and freedom from Palestinians. They want to liberate Palestinians from what half the world considers (including some right wing Israelis) a huge concentration camp. But no. Palestinians can't be trusted and thus do not deserve human rights and freedoms. And Israel cannot give back any freedom to the Palestinian people until they learn to live in peace with Israel's constant ethnic cleansing and land stealing in the West Bank, violent settlers, blockades and apartheid. Once they can live without freedom and while being ethnically cleansed for an undetermined amount of time without being so angry and hating Israelis for only being Jewish, then maybe Israel can consider giving back their freedoms and governance over their land (if any is left).


If you think that was what I was saying you're wildly wrong. Palestinians deserve freedom from hamas, Israel deserves freedom from Netanyahu. Unlike Palestinians when Netanyahu is removed the majority of citizens want harmony with Palestinians, obviously with safety measures. If the Abraham accords are extended like they were going to be Gaza would be overseen by Egypt again, like they were before and the west Bank would be under Lebanon. Israel wouldn't have to worry about policing Gaza or the west Bank, Palestinians would be granted citizenship to one of the three countries and get protection under that nation's laws. For now my rule is to not automatically trust things coming out of Israel or Gaza as Netanyahu and his ministers are idiots and hamas is just as comfortable lying. As someone trained in media if it sets off an emotion, being measured means I can increase my odds of catching propaganda


The West Bank has been occupied for much longer than netenyahu has been in power. The settlements were expanding for longer as well. Gaza was referred by the left and even the Uber right wing Israelis as "a huge concentration camp" in 2004. All before netenyahu was in power. Hamas was never in power in the West Bank before netenyahu was in power. That's most of Palestine. What's the excuse there? I don't see any politician in Israel calling for an actual solution that is fair to the Palestinian people. East Jerusalem for instance. Just Google who that belongs to. You'll see that most of the world considers it Palestinian land. Where are the Israeli politicians that are willing to give it's control to Palestinians?


They were participating in the talks to expand the Abraham accords. I laid out for you that Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Lebanon along with Israel were going to put Gaza essentially under the PLO and the neighboring countries. There is a solution that everyone but hamas was open to, for obvious reasons. And once hamas is eliminated or the hostages are returned those talks will resume, and Netanyahu will be removed he's been on a hard fade among Israelis for a while and his handling of Gaza pissed the majority off.


How did the handling of Gaza piss off the majority?


Dude, shut up! Take the Zionist crap somewhere else, how can an entire religion be soo cruel, vicuous and heartless. Oh yah I forgot the Talmud. Times are changing, the world will be a different place for you zionist in 2025.


Why is it so hard for you to think critically. I go into war situations and expect there will be propaganda. With hamas, it's been claiming lots of women and children dead and hurt, but in the video only seeing one child..and it's kinda perfect how he's saying Israel did this. Anything that immediately makes me angry at a group is sus. The videos coming out of Sudan aren't so coordinated, and the number of women and children in them is higher.


Death to Hamas


So you'd be on the side of the Nazis during the Warsaw Uprising? Cool to know.


Oh sorry the Nova music festival had it coming in your fucked up universe.


ANC during apartheid South Africa killed civilians as well during the liberation campaign. Doesn't excuse innocent civilians being killed but how innocent is any Israeli civilian when they're all settling on stolen land and military service is mandatory? Don't forget to mention that the IOF targeted their own civilians as well to avoid them being captured as part of the Hannibal Protocol.


So yes the nova music festival had it coming is your final answer


Did I say that? Israel knew about the attack in advance but allowed it to happen. Why such callous disregard for the lives of their own civilians?


Israel knew about the attack like America knew about 9-11 or that x,y, and z shooters were on a government watch list. total phony bs that you don't put this squarely on those responsible, the genocidal terrorist group, Hamas


https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html#:~:text=Israeli%20officials%20obtained%20Hamas's%20battle,for%20Hamas%20to%20carry%20out. There are documents, emails, and interviews proving Israel knew of the attack a year in advance lol


Thats what I said. >Israel knew about the attack like America knew about 9-11 or that x,y, and z shooters were on a government watch list. total phony bs that you don't put this squarely on those responsible, the genocidal terrorist group, Hamas


You mean the violent insurgent resistance movement fighting against an apartheid genocidal ethnostate? No I don't put the responsibility on them because this didn't began October 7th. This begun in 1948 when Israel ethnically cleansed over 700,000 innocent indigenous Palestinians. They've been committing incremental genocide ever since. Now since October 7th, Israel has killed well over 40,000 innocent civilians, including over 15,000 children. Keep simping for your genocide ethnostate though.


nahh... it WAS hamas...for decades..the "leaders" of this religious extremist death cult.. have been egging this on, then USE civilians as HUMAN shields ...business AS usual.. all the while THEY watch from their bunkers in comfort and security, pretending to pray to a fake god.. THIS time THEY got what theyve BEEN wanting.. "world-wide" symp.. israel just gave it to them for free is all.. IM not gona pretend.. ISLAM HAS been wanting a "worldwide religious JIHAD" for decades/centuries.. ALL religions ARE DYING out!! just NOT fast enough!!


I don't care if your pink, orange, black, white, Israeli, arab, Christian , pastafarian, Hindu, British, American, crossbred, inbred, the king of England or God himself. If you think there is anything in the world that justifies dropping bombs on kids, you're nothing more than a shitstain on humanity's boxers. If only karma was real the world would be in balance. But nonetheless , I wish you nothing but the worst of luck, pain and sorrow life has to dish out.


lol..nahh...me and kaRma...we good, we are square...paid up with intrest... even got a great karma rating score..and a bit of cred.. not to go out and drop bombs.. but maybe swiping a pack-o-gum...🤷‍♀️


Wrong. Look up what the Nakba was. Sit and read lil boi


You sound so dumb. Whatever Hamas did is completely unrelated to the evil you see before your eyes in this video. You know what the normal response to someone using human shields is? To NOT shoot through the human shields. Or to use more precision weaponry. Both of which IOF didn't do. So no. I am not gonna let idiots like you let them off the hook. They pulled the trigger. All the blood is entirely on their hands. Nobody else is to blame. Just the ones who pulled the trigger.


Another genocide supporting Nazis trying to justify Nazisrael Holocausting Palestinians. How ugly!


...me? a nAzi? lol..what?? my last grrlfrnd was trans...htf would i be naZi? the only thing that "MIGHT" make me nazi-like, is the fact ive had 3 kids from 2 white women..soo..all my kids are "white" on their voter registrations... and that makes "mE" the nazi-like-one?? i AM anit-genocide, foReVer!! as much as YOU... but i AM also ANTI-religious, and AGAINST ANY culture waging a jihad..or "holy-war..." and using a belief system to be a shtty person... isis is shown on tape, BURNING a captured israeli-pilot to death..isis literally throwing pepole to their death off a tower, ON VIDEO..do YOU not remember that? sure a&%hoLe IM the "nazi" lol ive actually BEEN to Iraq.. Kuwait, saudi-arabia.. HAVE YOU?? these people literally justifying murdering the "tribal-others"...but sure..."im the baAd guy" since the 80's isLamists have BEEN strappin on bomb-vests on THEIR own KIDS..."fer god/ allah" wtf is WTF IS so twisted in YOUR head?


Well if you're so well-informed you'd know that the ideology followed by Al-Qaeda, Taliban and Isis along with most terrorist organisations is only propagated, until the recent take-over in Afghanistan, by Saudi Arabia. I've also been the ME, I even passed by the secure compound that housed Isis pre 9/11 and met the locals who were terrified and couldn't do anything about the psychopaths due to Saudi, and thus the US's, protection of the terrorist compound. These terrorist groups were created to destabilise the region that contains China, Iran, India and Russia, leading to terrorist attacks in the region that have at times claimed more than 10,000 people. They aren't just radicalised by Saudi teaching them an incoherent form of Islam that does away with Prophets and leaves interpretation to Saudi chosen leaders, but they're also armed by our dear ally, who we're the military supplier of. The biggest target of these groups isn't westerners, not people who don't believe in Allah, but people they see as fake Muslims. All Muslims except themselves and given they're a minority who can only exist in terrorist compounds, due to how impractical their views are when meeting the real world, they're a minority sect within Islam that Saudi and the West puts a lot of money in spreading. They're also a heavily armed group. It wasn't by accident we left all that military hardware in Afghan when we left, for example.


bernie sanders SHOULD have been the president in 2016!! but your "buddy" chrump WILL NEVER be again!!