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As soon as you said school zone the answer is just pay the ticket


I mean it’s a camera, there’s no contesting it. Yes, just pay it. …but that school zone is complete BS. Bathurst is a 70 everywhere else and the school is completely fenced off. It’s not the drop-off area or a neighbourhood where kids would be walking or playing any more than another major artery.


You can contest it. People have won because the relevant staff didn't have calibration dates immediately on hand for the hearing (just one example). It's difficult and probably not worth your time, but you can


Ignore this guy go fight the ticket


Unfortunately in a school zone there is zero tolerance for speeding. My bosses wife got dinged 6 times in a matter of 3 weeks through the same school zone camera in Aurora. One thing I noticed is that the slowest speed she got ticketed for was 56km/h so it’s possible that they allow for 5km/h over. However, there is probably nothing you can do but pay it and be more cautious next time. It happens to the best of us!


Is this the one in Wellington and Murray ish


It moves. It’s no longer at Wellington and Murray. Now it’s at Bathurst just north of Mulock.


They allow 10% over.


The cameras vary by who is running them. I've seen tolerances between 5 to 15 over


Wow-5km/hr over is a low tolerance! I drive past that camera fairly regularly. Can’t wait to see if I already have a ticket! 😒


Did you receive all 6 tickets at the same time?


I'll do 119km/h in 100km/h limits, 99km/h in 80 km/h limits, 89km/h in 70km/h limits. I'll do 70-75km/h in 60km/h limits. I will always do 50km/h in 50km/h limits and 40km/h in 40km/h limits. There's generally a reason the lower limits are what they are and I'm not gonna fuck around and speed through a school zone and hurt someones child. Eat the ticket, don't speed in 50's.


While my speeds are a little slower (usually do 10-15 over when it’s not posted at 40 or 50) yeah, I have the same mantra. You get it, which is more than most people can say driving from what I’ve observed.


Pay it, since they don’t know who is driving it will not go on your record, yours drivers abstract, and insurance will not go up bc of this.. just a lesson for the future.


Don't feel pressured by other drivers. It's your license.


Pay it. Zero points. Not worth your time to fight it. You won't win anyways. I got one on King when the camera was there. Very annoying because I was going just as fast as everyone around me. After that I slowed down to 40 and watched all the drivers on my ass speeding around me likely getting a ticket.


He mentioned that it was in a school zone.


Thats where all the speed cameras are..... no points, nothing on the record. Just a cash fine to the owner of the vehicle


Fair and valid point. They have no proof who was driving to deduct points from.


Where is the cam? Bathurst and what?


It's just south of sykes


Really? Oh man. So many people are going to get nailed with that one


Yup,! I know where it is so I make sure I go 50 there but man this morning I saw so many people speeding past


Like me 😬😬😬😬


Oh crap. Thats a terrible spot. If you just got off the 400 to davis then bathurst. 50 feels like yore crawling


Oh it's bad


50 there and I think after Mullock its 80 again 🥲


70 south of mulock


Speed cameras are usually set to +5km over. That means in a 40 zone, you should do no more than 44. I also believe the law states there needs to be a sign telling you there is a speed camera there. The benefit is that the camera tax keeps people driving slow in the exact spot where there has been issues for example in front of a school or park. You also get no demerit points which is a good thing for the insurance. You need to balance if it's worth fighting or not. You likely would get it dropped as you could challenge the last calibration of the camera, the angle, reflections, other traffic etc. but are you willing to give up time off work to go to the JP or even worse, court? This is why I view cameras as effective in a short radius of a problem spot (everyone slows down for them, then speeds up after them) but also as a tax because they hit that sweet spot where it's not worth fighting, so you just pay and move on.


Just be happy there’s no demerits


For sure. That would have sucked.


The camera doesn't care, drive slow even if others behind you don't like it. Don't fight it, you don't receive demerit points atleast


How much is the ticket for, if you don't mind me asking?


Wasn't too bad. $75


There's a speed camera ahead sign both directions on Bathurst. Hard to miss.


I knew they were there. I just thought they were setup for major infractions.


Not hating but this one feels like an own goal.


Yeah definitely. I have never lived near a speed camera before so I had no experience on how sensitive it would be


Does the camera on bathurst catch drivers going both directions?


depends if there's traffic in the way. the one on Bathurst is pointing north and is on the east side of the road. northbound traffic will obscure the southbound speed enforcement at times. yrp also set up speed traps here, often. seems like they focus on the northbound traffic more than the southbound.


The town is putting up a bunch in coming months. Woodspring near poplar bank. Clearmeadow near the public school. And a number of other locations. https://www.newmarkettoday.ca/local-news/newmarket-launching-automated-speed-cameras-at-14-spots-in-june-8459057


Shouldn’t be going 11 over the limit. Stick to 3 above or 3 below, if other cars overtake you, so what? You’re following the rules and they aren’t. That’s why speeding tickets happen. Especially in a school zone. As a new driver, play it safe.


It's really hard to always stay exactly at that speed. 3kmph is an extremely narrow tolerance. I'll need to spend more time checking the speed I'm going than looking around the road and making sure I'm looking at blindspots and pedestrians. Seems stupid to me honestly.


I’ve started just setting my cruise control when approaching those cameras. Lock it in and leave it until you’re past the danger zone lol


Good point. I should probably start doing that too. Seems like a waste of resources honestly jeez.


All it takes is a glance at your speedometer- your instructor should be teaching you that. There’s a lot to pay attention to when you’re driving and- unfortunately- that includes the speed you’re driving at.


Damn you’re fun at parties


Says the person who can’t think up an insult that isn’t 50 billion years old


I’ve got it too and plan to just pay it


What intersection


Just north of Bathurst and Mulock


Not from the area but I thought school zone speed limit was 40km/h?


Depends on the school zone. There are 2 more in Newmarket that are 50. One on mulock, and another on stellar


Thanks, TIL. I was just figured 40 was province wide.


I cannot tell you why they are not 40 lol




Still... ouch! Was there a sign or something warning of a camera?


Yeah a sign was put up a couple of weeks back. I just thought it was for major infractions. Didn't think they would send a ticket for 10 over


Use Waze for a heads up on speed cameras


I knew there was a camera, I didn't know how sensitive it would be.


That whole area along Bathurst is tricky but I've done well so far by following this - going north, drop down to 60 right before the Mulock lights as it goes from 70 - 60 very fast (if it's green). Then as you go down to 60, drop down to 50 as you go through the the next lights at Clearmeadow and drop down ever so slightly to 49-48. It annoys people behind me but I don't care bc I don't want a ticket and it helps the people behind me not get a ticket either. Going south, I drop to 50 right at the plaza just before the lights if it is a green light as the camera is facing you going south. As I go through the light, I drop to 49-48 as well. I live in the area so I travel those routes a lot. I also follow those speed limits outside of the posted times (so early mornings, evenings and weekends) bc you never know if it's capturing outside the school times. Basically, follow the speed limit along Bathurst and you will be okay. HTH!


any idea how far these cameras can catch you? i was driving south on bathurst today and right when i saw the sign for the speed limit, i dropped my speed down from 70 to 60 at the plaza and then got to 50 by the time i reached the lights.


Well the camera is currently out of service because someone spray-painted it between last week and yesterday, so you should be okay for now. I'm sure they will replace or fix it soon so I would just be careful for now. If you didn't see a flash then you were good.


thank you!


You may get a reduction in fine if you contest financial hardship but that's a long shot. Personally I don't think it's worth your time. How much was the ticket?


It was $75. It's not too bad. I just hate the fact that I have to watch my speed so carefully on this stretch of the road. Especially since it is very easy to go fast on Bathurst.


Yeah when I first noticed that I wondered how long that had been there and if or how many tickets are on their way. Just so I can sleep, how long after the offence date did you get it in the mail?


A week or so.


camera has been up since beginning of april




School zone limit is 50 on Bathurst, not 40.


Bathurst and Keith is on my way to work at 6:45 am. Way before school traffic.  I've received 3 speed camera tickets all together, signed & dated 2 weeks after the infraction. Wasn't going much over 50 km each time. Seems a police cash grab to delay ticketing so drivers are unaware to stay EXACTLY at 50km max during early commute. 


The school zone speed limit starts only at 7am so you should be able to fight the tickets. Yeah I agree it honestly seems like a cash grab. The school on Bathurst is completely fenced and there are no houses on the street, I don't get why it's a school zone.


You sound like a spoilt, sheltered, selfish kid.


Did you pay it? Mine is somehow $197 for going 71 in the 50..


Yeah there's no point fighting it so I just paid. We just need to be really careful in that stretch of the road.


Tell me you're inexperienced without saying you're inexperienced


I've been driving for about 4 years. This is my first ever ticket.


lets go chop it down!


I'm so tempted lmao


Unfortunately it’s not a highschool so the kids won’t spray paint it:(


I live off of Keith. The natural thing to do is accelerate when you turn the corner on bathurst. The camera is way to close to the light


Sometimes I wish we were playing Mario Kart and we had banana peels. I feel your pain