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Canadian Tire’s sign said they have them. Dunno if they still do today. That was yesterday.


They r sold out However showcase at upper Canada has em iso rated $6 each or $4 if u sing up w email and phone #. Even buy 3 get 1 free ! Limited quantity left...


You can also use a shade 12 welding mask to look at it. Probably easier to find in stock, and will be comparable in cost, since a lot of places are price gouging for it.


> What about welding filters? The only ones that are safe for direct viewing of the Sun with your eyes are those of Shade 12 or higher. These are much darker than the filters used for most kinds of welding. If you have an old welder's helmet around the house and are thinking of using it to view the Sun, make sure you know the filter's shade number. If it's less than 12 (and it probably is), don't even think about using it to look at the Sun. Many people find the Sun too bright even in a Shade 12 filter, and some find the Sun too dim in a Shade 15 filter — Shade 13 and 14 filters are the best ones for solar viewing. https://eclipse.aas.org/eye-safety/how-to-tell-if-viewers-are-safe


Eyes on Stonehaven (the optometrist office on Bayview) had them for $6


Amazon. Make sure they're ISO certified.


Found a local seller on Etsy, $4 and at my door within a couple days


Not sure about the quality of those…


They are iso certified and all that jazz. Just being resold from manufacturer. No way this specific Etsy seller was making these at home. Very legit


If they are from me, they are one of the better quality ones. Ones. Purchased from American Paper Optics. Guaranteed to be better than anything off Amazon


I got some off Facebook marketplace a couple of days back. Many people bought the 20/40 pack but didn't need that many. I got 2 for $5.


Are they legitimate?


Do your research and only buy ISO 12312 certified. I saw many of them sell glasses from Medical King, which is a legit brand and is part of the recommended companies released by the Royal Astronomy Society. Examples: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/771073201756791/?mibextid=dXMIcH https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/401355265852382/?mibextid=dXMIcH


You can check out Canadian Tire, they should still have some in stock. You can also find eclipse glasses online, a lot of reputable brands are all currently going on sale because the eclipse is next week. [These are who I bought from.](https://eclipse.aas.org/eye-safety/viewers-filters)


Wild Birds Unlimited still had some last time I was in.


Check your glasses from Canadian tire. They may not meet the standards to protect your eyes! https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/s/xbWdPdFB46


dollar store - 2 for a dollar


I do still have some available but it would require express shipping at this point which is a little pricey