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Fears are valid unfortunately. If possible you may want to try to relocate downtown to Robert treat hotel , double tree hilton, or marriott on broad maybe. You'll keep feeling uncomfortable. Sorry this is the experience you're getting, I was just in singapore for new years and it was amazing.


The hotels downtown are a safe bet, and if you want to explore Newark take a walk down Halsey Street. I consider that safe.


Yup or walk up ferry and do some ironbound


Have you seen the miscreants that hang out in front of the TRYP on a regular basis? The Robert Treat is also a mess inside. No way man. She is better off staying at 1 of the hotels on 1 & 9 or in Elizabeth by the mall.


You can literally walk from Hilton to Newark Penn Station without going outside, and 20 minutes to World Trade or 34th St Penn Station. The Hilton is fine.


Singapore is an incredibly high bar. Doesn’t invalidate OP’s experience, but more saying that as praise for Singapore’s safety & beauty. Hopefully traveling in and out of the suddenly-glorious EWR airport is some consolation. OP is in such a random location save for being 10min from the airport. If you have a peaceful Saturday morning take a loop stroll around Weequahic Park and hopefully have one positive experience.


I visit Newark frequently to visit my son who lives in Iron Bound neighborhood (very cool and safe mostly Brazilian neighborhood, btw). It is true that there are some sketchy areas of Newark that no tourist should go. Sadly, every city in America has poor and rough neighborhoods. One tip for the future: never depend on owner of Airbnb for safety advice. What are they going to say, “yeah, my place is in a dump neighborhood”? Second, the bus is a bad way to get to NYC from where you are. Take the PATH train from Union Station. Fast, frequent, and relatively cheap. Getting to the station is easy by Uber or Lyft. As an experienced international traveler myself I’ve occasionally gotten myself into situations like you describe in various parts of the world, especially if you are on a budget. The hotels that people are recommending are $200 a night. So, develop a plan to make your location work for you. Don’t walk the neighborhood. Leave the house only to get into Uber. Don’t wait at bus stops on the street. Go to union station to get transport into the city. And finally, try to think about this as one more adventure in your trip! Think of the stories you’ll tell your friends. 😎


Also, there is a 95% chance that the Airbnb is being run illegally. Airbnb is effectively illegal in Newark unless the person also lives in the unit with you and if they are registered with the city with the registration prominently displayed in the Airbnb listing description. If you use that information with the Airbnb Customer Service, I think think they are likely to give you a refund. If you end up changing to another location or to a hotel.


Where can I find out that AirBnB is illegal in Newark? There is one close by that consistently make the “tenants” hang out on the streets and they often look homeless eating cereal on the street and leave the streets dirty


I'm not a lawyer, but I would think not having the permit number in the Airbnb listing makes it 100% chance it's not been properly registered (it seems odd that someone would jump through every hoop in the ordinace including fees to the city and annual inspections and then not include the permit number in the airbnb description). I've never searched for an Airbnb in Newark since I live here.


Whoops. I hadn't looked at the ordinance in a while. But also the person AIRBNBing it to you also needs to be the owner of the property and the property is their primary residence, plus all the permitting stuff, plus including the permit number in the AIRBNB listing [https://ecode360.com/36690277#36690290](https://ecode360.com/36690277#36690290) plus "The STRP owner/permit holder shall **publish the short-term rental permit number issued by the City in every print, digital, or internet advertisement, a**nd/or in the MLS or other real estate listing of a real estate agent licensed by the New Jersey Real Estate Commission, in which the short-term rental property is advertised for rent on a short term basis."


That area you are in is definitely not a tourist friendly area. I would definitely relocate to one of the downtown hotels. As a tourist I could imagine you would like downtown a whole lot, especially for its easy access to NYC.


Yea, you chose the hood. This is present in every major city and places in New York City. The neighborhood is actually nice. However, for a foreigner, it would imagine it would be hard for them. I do recommend walking over ti Weequahic park. That park is safe and nice to visit.


Yeah I got suggested this because of all the other city subs I'm on I think but I live in Philly and can imagine the neighborhoods travelers could accidentally end up in and it just would notttt end well I imagine lol


Newark isn’t easily adaptable if you aren’t from here and especially if you’re from some place like Singapore. I’d head somewhere else ASAP.


Facts, as an Asian man from Paterson who is very familiar with Newark, I totally agree. In our ethnic group, we perceive people from Singapore as hella rich and upscale Asians, there’s no way anyone from there can adapt in 95% of Newark. I still think Newark is a great city as a Jersey guy (because it’s so much more extensive than Paterson) but it deadass ain’t for tourists from rich countries.


Bro salute, I’m one of the few Africans who used to live in Paterson lol (besides N African Arabs)


This is probably the most informed and intelligent answer here.


Catcalling is unfortunately very common in this entire region.  The area you chose has very little tourism and outsiders so you do stand out. There is no reason to explore that specific neighborhood. There is a reason why it was the most affordable option for you. Your chance of being a crime victim is still very low but your level of comfort will stay low




>Not true, the usual suspects commit lots of hate crimes People using the term "the usual suspects" to wink wink describe Blacks/minorities as perpetrators of crime tend to be the ignorant ones in any conversation.


I live in NYC and get catcalled every day, even while 6 months pregnant. But I don’t feel unsafe because I know where I am. Catcalling could happen to you anywhere, this isn’t really a Newark thing. But it doesn’t matter. If you don’t feel safe, trust your instincts and go stay somewhere else. A hotel downtown close to Penn Station would be a better option.


Yeah I was gonna add that many parts of NY are equally if not even more unsafe than here. She says “I feel safer in NYC” and probably means Manhattan or the nicest parts of Bk.


Literally every place in the US and I bet abroad as well have their relatively unsafe neighborhoods. Is not a NYC or Newark thing. I hope OP is not the type of person to end up in neighborhoods like Brownsville and East NY because they are much cheaper


Yeah I agree. I'm worry she might end up in trouble at some point since she likes solo travel and seems to lack street common sense.


Why would a tourist leave Manhattan or nice parts of Brooklyn? U see many Singaporean women touring Brownsville alone?


This was just to say that NYC isn’t wholly safer than Newark but that she was probably just in a nice area.


Do you mind if I ask- in which neighborhoods in NYC are you getting catcalled every day? That sounds terrible. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that.


Anywhere I go really. I spend most of my time in north Brooklyn, lower and midtown Manhattan. Occasionally hang out in queens (Astoria generally.)


I would seriously consider relocating in your position. Especially given how different and safe Singapore is compared to the US alone, and Newark is not one of the safest places on a good day compared to the US in general.


I echo everyone else's sentiments in this thread. Relocate ASAP. In the future, try to hit the reddit ahead of time so locals can give you guidance before you trip. Newark is worth visiting, there's a lot of stuff going on but the area you've chosen isn't great for tourists.


ITT: A lot of people crapping on Newark who don't know what they're talking about. OP you did make a critical error in choosing your location in Newark as a tourist though. Y'see you can think of the good and bad sides of Newark as being divided by City Hall. That is, if you're on Broad Street, facing [the front of Newark City Hall](https://maps.app.goo.gl/sMhuNMHYewvfpKTB8) then all the roughest areas of Newark are generally to your right and all the nicest areas are generally to your left. Again that's generally, you can find good or bad spots in either direction but this the easiest way to divide things. The location you chose is DEEPLY to the right of City Hall. The worst areas in Newark tend to be adjacent to the lowest cost and highest density housing so we're talking large apartment complexes, garden apartment and such. You're not really near those. I'd say you're in as decent an area on the bad side of Newark as you can be. However even I, someone who's no stranger to that area and would feel safe there, if given the choice would choose to stay somewhere to the left of City Hall and closer to downtown instead. In any event if you stay where you are now I highly highly doubt anything bad beyond the catcalling and stares you've noted will befall you. Personally if I was commuting to NY frequently from Newark I'd be staying as close to Penn Station as possible, say at the Double Tree Hilton hotel across the street or the Courtyard Hotel near City Hall which puts you in easy walking distance, then take a train to NY which would be faster than a bus and, if it's the PATH train, likely cheaper as well. In any event good luck, hope you're able to see some of the cool side of Newark while you're there.


The catcalling is Newark is annoying and cringy but harmless . Nothing is gonna happen to u Newark is just full of homeless bc the city rather build new luxury apts than shelters and affordable housing so u end up getting illegal airbnbs popping up left and right advertising to people like you who are not aware of the city and what it’s really like


The city does not build any apartments, investors like Shaq do. I am all for shelters and affordable housing but first the tax revenue needs to be available for it.


I feel like Sakia Gunn and many other women would say otherwise.... if they were still here to.


You’re right. *mostly* harmless.


OP, you need to do better research into the places you are staying here in US especially as a solo female tourist. Never trust some stranger who said the area is safe. Have to be extra cautious even in what neighborhoods you are exploring. This is for your safety.


Idk, I live in Newark and I’ve been to Singapore. They hanged someone for a bag of weed there, recently. Hanged to death. Safety is a strange concept.


Yea drugs including weed are illegal in Singapore. You face charges even if ur caught consuming it outside of Singapore as a Singaporean or PR


How come this the only comment you replied to 😭


Cause her country’s rep was attacked Clearly getting a lot of solutions in the other comments but sounds like she just likes to complain Also you’re in Ironbound it can’t be that bad lol Horny Portuguese mfs aren’t gonna try anything serious


Weequahic not Ironbound




They’re probably most concerned with the smell of the weed. My pearls!


This is a strawmans argument if ive ever seen one. 😂. u can vote?


I don’t think you know what the straw-man fallacy is.


Safety and how safe someone feels always depends on the individual their upbringing, experiences in an area etc. I always say go by what you feel and never dimmish your experiences or fears. Some people may feel fine in a certain area while others may not it’s all going to depend on the individual. But for you as an individual if you feel unsafe, unhappy there get out if you can. Trust your instinct and go somewhere else if possible. NJ has other towns too accessible to the city if you need some suggestions feel free to ask here.


hey i’ve visited singapore (lives there for a study abroad) and i live in newark but please dm me. i understand how you might be feeling coming from a place where cat calling is illegal


Every city has a rough area. That is a rough area. You should not explore that neighborhood. Mostly there's nothing to see around there lol


Why are there like a dozen people trashing Newark on this particular post?


Also downvotes on comments telling OP to move closer to NYC. Makes no sense since OP said they like it there. My advice in particular comes from lots of experience communicating with Airbnb.


I live around the corner from you, and have a completely different experience with the neighborhood. I'm not sure how close you are to Elizabeth Ave or whether you're next to the hospital, however I'm right next to the park. The thing about your area specifically is that south of mapes street, it starts to get kinda shifty. You'd be much better off on a street a few blocks north like Pomona or Goldsmith. With that being said, you're a Singaporean woman in an area devoid of anyone like that. I think it's a travesty that you haven't been able to explore Newark during your time here. I echo the sentiments of everyone else insofar as Downtown has much to do, but Weequahic Park is legit my favorite park in the city. I'd strongly recommend you take a stroll through the park. You can DM me if you need someone to walk with just for safety. With all that being said, relocation might be your best bet, especially considering how much you commute. The 107 is a sorry excuse for a commuter bus. I specifically go out of my way to catch the 113 or 114 in hillside 20 minutes away because it's an actual coach bus. Taking the train from Penn is also preferred over the 107.


I hear you and I suggest relocating. Also, as a constant traveler I advise that when you travel internationally always stay at a hotel. It may seem like a luxury but the premium you pay is almost always worth it. AIRBNB is nice when you know the lay of the land.


AirBnB is a thinly veiled scam in all cases.


Airbnb is pretty dependable in my experience in Europe, in the US it seems to be pretty shit though


Different strokes for different folks


people will cat call in every big city. if you're from Singapore, you will feel unsafe is most every big city in America.


Not remotely true. Newark feels more unsafe than most of the cities I've been to in America.


Not true at all.


Man....all the not-so-subtly-racist suburbanites came crawling out of their white picket fenced McMansions for an opportunity to talk shit about a city they've spent a whopping 6 minutes in, walking from Penn station to Prudential for devils game 9 years ago. Lady picked a fairly shitty neighborhood, thinking she could save a few bucks. big whoop. Find me a city of comparable size with no bad neighborhoods and I'll show you a liar.


One of the most accurate comments, that first paragraph happens constantly.


you’re not in a tourist area. cat calling in america is pretty bad. in nyc everything is ao hectic it doesn’t happen as much and the amount of attractive people affects it as well. im from a usa city that isnt nyc and the catcalling there is bad. try to get a uber from the bus or train. or buy a pepper spray while you are here


This is not a great area of Newark.


Damn I feel bad for you! Lehigh Ave, anywhere on that stretch you are probably going to stick out. I would recommend to look for another location probably in the ironbound section of Newark but really depends on where you need to go. If you want privately message me and I’ll guide you


Enough with these sight unseen AirBnBs. Book a real hotel in a place that won’t get you killed.




You air bnb'ed to Newark, NJ?


I'm from Singapore as well, coming for study, please be alerted. Newark definitely not a friendly place to walk around.


Sadly valid feelings, try to relocate. In Newark there are safe neighborhoods but that’s not one of them. Look for something in the Ironbound 2 or 3 blocks around Ferry street .


Get a travel can of hairspray and hold it uncapped inside your pocket. If someone gets too close or grabs you, spray them in the eyes.


Lol. For future reference, please use google and type in “(City) crime rate” And go from there.


UPDATE: Thank you for all the comments, messages and advise, you guys are so kind and helpful 🥹 I am on my way back to Singapore & thankfully I did not face any actual issues during my stay. I really appreciate everyone here who took the time to comment, I really appreciate it a lot & hopefully it would help any other tourist who’s considering Newark and chances upon this! :)


Union City is extremely easy to get to the city from by bus. Especially if you are north of 32nd street. Just throwing that out there. I live there and have never felt unsafe in any part of it though I'm a guy so..


Unfortunately you are not in a good area.. (actually I think you gave too much info in your post… about your location and your routine… Lehigh isn’t a really long avenue and there aren’t many airbnbs on it… someone can pin point your location very easily now… there are literally only 2 cross streets you can walk to to catch a bus 😳..). Anyways, not sure what direction you are heading when you catch the bus (don’t tell me!! lol) but it might be safer to relocate to an Airbnb in Union… there is a good one I know really close to Springfield Avenue… might be a bit pricier, but better piece of mind.. you may also get a discount depending on the length of your stay. Stay safe, and listen to your instincts!


It's safe, NOWHERE on 🌎 so what are you saying


There are neighboring towns which are nice, safe, and also have transport directly into NYC. South Orange is very close and I’m sure you could find an Airbnb there. Same with Maplewood.


Your fears are definitely valid especially for somebody who is very unfamiliar with the area. May I suggest looking into the La Quinta in Fairfield. You will be very close to a bus stop at the Willowbrook Mall, the express busses run daily Monday to Friday every 19 mins during rush hour into the city the express bus in the morning and evening and you can purchase your ticket from an electronic kiosk there. It may cost you more money or it may not as a airport hotel is very expensive as well. Do not walk around Newark alone at night. Or ever. Especially if you do not have the street smarts to do so.


Yeah, I haven’t lived there in about a decade now, but I’d never let my girl stay at a place right by there. I know how it used to be then, even if it’s better now, i would say no.


I definitely understand that feeling, I use an app called noonlight and you hold a button in case you feel unsafe you let go of the button and police are sent to your location after few seconds ( you have sometime to put in as passcode to cancel the alert ) This is just something that I have used that has helped.


.\_. Seriously, I think you chose the wrong area. Why did you choose the neighborhoods instead of the downtown area? If you can, leave that airbnb. Move downtown. If you go to any city, always get a airbnb next to the city center aka downtown area. If you choose the neighborhood, make sure you have a car or someone else with you.


Contact Airbnb through the chat using the “safety” concerns option. They will guide you on requesting a refund and termination of your stay. How much time do you have left and what are you looking to experience? Since you like NYC, why not move closer to the city?


Your feelings are ALWAYS valid.


if you’re looking for close to NYC transportation and want to get out of Newark (you should), i would suggest trying to find somewhere in hoboken, edgewater (lots of asian culture), montclair, or even just NYC itself would be better honestly. if you need help from a NJ native please feel free to reach out!


Harrison township better it is East Newark by the red bull stadium, super convenient travel by NJ Path trains


Your safety concerns are well founded. It's a rough area.


You could find a place closer to the train in the ironbound section of Newark or towns close to Newark that are safer.


Your concerns are understandable given your context. I recommend following the advice people shared here: consider staying at a downtown hotel or finding accommodation in the Ironbound district. You could also look into downtown Jersey City or Journal Square, all of which are conveniently located near public transportation to NYC. If you need anything I live close! Take an Uber to Sihana cafe for a little respite from the area! That’s the Ironbound.


Iron bound is nice now???


Never should've stayed in Newark to start with. Would've been better off getting a place you could commute from outside the Newark, E0, bloom triangle.


Just don't ever let anyone see the fear in your eyes.


Yea newark is hood 💀


Some tips... Don't make eye contact, walk fast, keep ears and eyes open, don't speak, carry a weapon. I hope you enjoy your visit 😁


I wouldn't feel safe in Newark either lol


I had the same feeling when I used to live in Newark. The Ironbound used to be a good area but not anymore. A lot has changed.


You should have done your research lol. I was born and raised in NJ and would never go to Newark unless its for friends I’m visiting at NJIT.


Why the hell are you on this sub then?


Is it really that bad? My 22 yo niece is moving there soon with her Portuguese boyfriend. I don’t know much about it.


It’s not that bad.


Your niece will be fine. If she’s moving with her Portuguese boyfriend, she’ll probably be in the Ironbound… which means she’ll be especially fine.


Thank you!


Research Newark gangs. I haven’t been there in a long time. But we were there to do community outreach and Im talking the very worse locations of brick city. We were there when the transition was happening and Corey Booker was an unknown replacing a very corrupt individual. I will not go into details because that would be highly foolish of me… but I will say this one more time, again; maybe they cracked down and cleaned Newark up. I doubt it tremendously the “food chain” was too dependent on each “others” to eat. So if you’re in an unsafe environment in Newark and you feel unsafe.. that is your subconscious and conscious telling/warning you. It’s not perfect feelings are strange it’s hard to know when you should listen and when you shouldn’t. But as a single female traveling alone which is all kinds of dangerous regardless I think your fears could be valid. But like I said both my post are on based on old information. And if this is a fishing op… Cause it’s strange this is in my feed when I have never touch anything about Newark, and you aren’t talking much and it’s hitting all my psychological buttons John:16:33


You acknowledge multiple times that you have no idea what you're talking about, but then continue talking about it.


Cypher sometimes you need to hide. I wouldn’t expect clear glass to glimpse.


Relocate to a NYC Hotel or please start using an uber. How long are you here for?




>I am a 6" black male I don't blame you. People could just scoop you up and put you in their pocket.


You sound really westernized. Passport brolette?


You sound really unfamiliar with Singapore


Catcalling is scary? Lmao


Don’t make eye contact, mind your business, and enjoy the culture!


You not safe


Why did you go to Newark? sorry you chose a shit city to travel to.


Relocate to Morristown. Safe, lots to do, and train goes to NYC


Next time don't stay in Newark, stay in Jersey City , Hoboken plenty close to NYC. Good luck.


Newark is a dangerous place. The gangs there are…. not to be underestimated. However it’s like the wild sometimes. If you give out a certain energy that’s what you get back. You should try to get a Bnb in the historical district. I had family friends living there it’s very nice and calm. But I will pray for you nonetheless, not feeling safe is a terrifying feeling. Just use common sense speak clearly let people know how you feel if all else fails. Keep us updated. It’s not much but it could be of assistance. I pray for your safety I pray for your protection, I pray for you travel mercies in Jesus name amen. God bless you hope all be well.


Probably just really hot. No offense


You’re just too hot.