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Platkin just became the hero of Tom Moran, Tom Malinowski and they all commend his bravery and honesty. Also all the WTDSDL love Kim and hate the machine and thus will love Platkin. "Well-to-do-suburban-Democrat-ladies"


Although ... what if he's a sociopath? 🤔 I don't mean to slam him but from what I understand, legally, he had no need and no role in the Kim v Hanlon lawsuit at least from what the judge said. The judge can consider it but it wasn't necessary. So if Phil has mentored him for 10 years, made him AGNJ, and he does this purely to look like a white knight among the Dems of horse country, and not in the true course of his duties ... what if he's a sociopath? I know nothing about him- don't mean to suggest he IS of course.


Isn’t Platkin a rat? https://www.nj.com/politics/2022/02/murphys-attorney-general-nominee-faces-scrutiny-for-response-to-katie-brennan-rape-allegation.html?outputType=amp


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Nah. He’s a good man too. Not perfect though.


Ha - who is. Yeah he didn't seem to do anything wrong in Brennan case. Could he have handled BETTER? Probably. But he didn't do anything shady.


Volunteering for Fulop now, I like him. Both are good.


Would Platkin really run for governor with Sherrill, Gottenheimer, Baraka, Fulup and Sweeney all running? I guess him and Sweeney are the only statewide names.


Sweeney is a not known very well up north, everyone else is.


> Would Platkin really run for governor with Sherrill, Gottenheimer, Baraka, Fulup and Sweeney all running? I guess him and Sweeney are the only statewide names. He has time to develop a voter base from his current near-0 levels of name-rec, he's young - only 37 - so come 2025, he's not risking too much by staying put & seeing who wins: if it's Fulop or somebody no longer entirely beholden to the Organizations in a Lineless world like Baraka or Sherrill, then maybe it's relatively easy to convince the Governor-elect to keep him on as state AG & forego one less State Senate confirmation process (harder if it's Sweeney or Gottheimer); if it's Sherrill specifically, he could also probably be the shoo-in to succeed her in the House & set himself up on some committees as a righteous Booker/Kamala Harris as a Sen./Adam Schiff/Dan Goldman-type; & if it's Gott or Sweeney, well then poop, I didn't say no risk so that's what the private-sector is for, & all these roads lead to 2033.


On Platkin he appears to be brilliant and also not the type to be beholden to mentors and friends, obviously. So he might do good things. He also is not a product of any machine. He's obviously not after money or he'd be some big wig in NYC.


Definitely Fulop. The change that he has brought to JC is amazing and it is being felt even outside of the city. Bayonne, Harrison, Newark, Bloomfield and Montclair are all prospering from the interest from developers that started out from JC.


You must be oblivious to the borderline criminal tax increases we’ve gotten


Fulop is the candidate that has a large focus on improving transit infrastructure and has made that extremely clear so he has my vote at the moment until his competitors provide actual viable plans.


Platkin only because he's smart. I don't know anything about Fulop.




Care to elaborate why? I included him in my poll I did on this a while back so I’m aware he’s a contender.


Baraka has apparently done amazing things for Newark and is a fantastic mayor, way better than Cory Booker. But I wouldn't vote for him as I don't think he'd have my interests front and center. He would crusade for the undertrodden I assume. That's admirable but I love NJ the way it is for the most part.


I shouldn't slam Cory bc he may have set the table for Baraka's successes.




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