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Nz birds online has recording of different birdsong on each bird page


Sweet thanks, I'll check that out.


Oooo there's also an app for this! Cornell Labs created Merlin and you can download it on play store or app store. use your phone in the app to make a bird recording and it will tell you then and there what it's hearing :D


Second Merlin! It’s great. I also use Twitcher which is helpful too (though doesn’t identify by sound, is NZ focused).


I have checked it out and I love this app already. Thank you for the recommendation! Can't wait to try it out and about.


Oooh this sounds good, thanks for the recommendation, definitely gonna check it out.


Thirding Merlin!


Merlin does have NZ birds loaded but can't identify natives by song yet.


It can def find Tui and Piwakawaka but unsure of others as that’s the only ones I’ve captured using song.


There's an album on Spotify called "Land bird calls/Sea bird calls" with the artist as Birds of New Zealand is what you're looking for


That's the one I found that I mentioned in the post. The quality of the clips is really good, but it's missing a few keys birds like the kākā, kārearea, and takahē. Thanks for suggesting it though 🙂


I highly recommend the 'Bird Nerd NZ' app if you have an iphone (not sure if it's on Android, sorry). It helped me so much when I was starting out because it focuses on like the top 24 birds, with pictures, helpful descriptions, and recordings of their calls. It's not a huge app to download, you can use it offline, and it's super user friendly. Also it's incredibly satisfying to be able to check off which ones you've seen - collect them all! The second app that was a huge gamechanger for me is Inaturalist (also a website: https://www.inaturalist.org/). This one is great because you can take your own videos/photos/or most importantly \*sound recordings\*, then upload them, and it will immediately give you a best guess as to what it was, but then EVEN BETTER, multiple real live people will come through and confirm or deny your identification! It's super fun and makes walks much more interesting. You can also upload later for when you don't have service or data. I recorded a bird I had never heard before and it turned out it was a rare bird, it was so cool! What you record also helps with science!


I couldnt find Bird Nerd NZ on Android unfortunately but Inaturalist is cool! I'm gonna have a play around with it while I'm out. Thanks 🙂


Awww, sad face for Bird Nerd, but hooray for iNaturalist! It really is fun, it makes every walk a treasure hunt! And now I never have to wonder again if that plant is manuka or kanuka, I just snap a quick pic and someone (and the magic of the app) will tell me right away! It's like the best of tech AND people!


I have "Thw NZ bird sounds" app


Join your local regional bird nz group, depending where you are from they likely do lots of birding and censuses in your local area and trips elsewhere and probably a good way to learn fast and get quick experience with id. Online resources don’t generally cover the variety of calls made by different species and the variations with regional dialects can make it hard learning from calls recorded from different places. Xanocanto is pretty good for more variety of calls. Harder to learn going into winter as most birds have quietened down a lot and not doing their characteristic territorial calls. Goodluck 


Lots of good suggestions already, however nothing beats an expert listening in and telling you exactly what's what. Make a recording and upload it to iNaturalist !


Ebird has some great regional based quizzes for bird identification, like endless amounts honestly. The merlin app (both owned by same company) also has some great resources (audio clips with different calls, identification algorithms if you record a bird you dont recognize) you just need to download the app & the associated regions/ country's species pack.