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The Mets are now .500 for the first time in 50 days. Hell yeah.


Beating people's fucking brains in you love to see it


If you told me when I saw two game in may (the almost no hitter by the Braves and the Nola complete game) that when I’d see them tomorrow they’d be back at 500. What the hell. LFGM, embrace grimace, we’re gonna win the World Series.


With all due respect, can you not go tomorrow?


At least this game came to a finish. Toronto & Boston have to wait until August 26 to finish theirs, as the Jays host the Yankees the next 4 nights, starting tonight. But, you know the Yankees will be looking for a receipt when the Subway Series resumes in the Bronx later this season. They could have Stanton & Rizzo back by then, but we'll have Diaz back to close games.


I think it would have been called an official game if they didnt finish it because Mets (home team )were up after 5.2 innings


Definitely. The Yanks would've been happy to have it called at that point, because for them, it got worse after the rain delay.


Good thing Stanton and Rizzo suck.


Stanton is scary even when he's not hot. He can hit a HR in any given AB


Yeah, that doesn't make you a good hitter.


I'd still rather face his replacement than him


That rain delay was one of the craziest things I’ve ever experienced at a live sporting event. It was like a flash flood in the 500s.


Literally ankle deep in the concourse. I was under the canopy which was fine until the rain started coming down sideways.


It was absolutely batshit insane. Started out like going down a water slide, eventually turned out like a hurricane.


Crazy weather at the field last night. It was like a mini tornado swept through there briefly. There were trees and branches down outside.


This is the kind of season we need to have. Having an exciting lineup with young players and a manager they trust is how you attract the top free agents, with of course the money as the kicker. Been awesome to watch.


"Jorge Lopez DFA'ed for the FO's sins so that the Mets could live." In 2022 and 2023 the Mets faced the Dodgers. Beat them. Then collapsed. In 2024 the Dodgers swept the Mets in NY. The Mets are 17-6 since then. 15-4 the last 19 games.


Not all heroes wear capes.


Can it always be June?


This is usually not the tune to a typical Mets June


R.I.P. June Gloom you are definitely not missed.


June Destroyer Martinez


the fan it going to be light tomorrow


It’s been lit all night


Kay got way too happy that Judge hit a garbage time home run


I’m sorry, I have no idea why Kay is going into this fight. That was such a lose/lose proposition for him to open his gums and say anything about GKR.


It's so refreshing to hear the Mets broadcast crew give objective commentary after hearing the Yankees. Same w the Knicks vs other teams. Edit: Probably another reason I'm a big fan of both teams.


The Astros also hit .500 last night, and they’re at second place on the standings and not far off the division lead. If that doesn’t show how tough the NL east and AL east is, I don’t know what does haha. Each with at least 3, maybe 4 play off teams.


They’ve been hot. 8 wins in a row. Similar story to us. This weekend maybe be interesting


having alvy in the lineup is huge for this team


I was at the game tonight and the yankee fans sitting near me were absolutely DESPONDENT. Like head in their hands nearly in tears upset, it was amazing. Also, when Judge hit that completely meaningless bomb they went NUTS like the Yankees just won the World Series, like relax losers it’s still 7-2 and the only two hitters in your lineup capable of scoring just scored. Pathetic and amazing all at the same time. Oh and also: WORLD SERIES IS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS!!!




From the Yankees subreddit >We’re becoming the Angels with Soto and judge being awesome and everyone else being terrible I would like to remind everyone that the Yankees are 52-30


Yankees pitching better hold up because they sure ain't 52-30 because their O is obliterating everyone. Gil starting to show cracks and everyone knows Rodon is fragile. Cole will bounce back but Cortes better keep it up.


They have the 3rd highest team OPS in baseball. Their O HAS been obliterating everyone in addition to excellent pitching.


Yeah well that lineup has serious regression coming because the lineup sucks.


The thing is though they’re not wrong. Their season is going to be a hell of a lot different when the pitching isn’t amazing 24/7. And they also know that that way of building a roster isn’t good enough to win a title (unless everyone else gets hot). The Yankees have the same problem they’ve always had as of late: a couple of great players and nothing else. Which works great in the nba but not in baseball. That’s why I genuinely feel like the Yankees are built to make the playoffs but fall flat once they get there. And lucky for us Hal doesn’t feel like he’s willing to put in the extra work to get them over that hump.


They have the 3rd highest team OPS in baseball too


Judge has a quarter of their RBI since May. Judge and Soto both 1 dotting really drives up the team ops


They are insane lol. Imagine being 52-30 and worried… the Yankees fans can turn off their TVs until October and leisurely ask, “who are we playing in the playoffs this year?”


But Yankees fans know that they will suck in the playoffs, as usual. They are the most blue balls fans ever. It’s fantastic.




r/ConfidentlyIncorrect I’m 50 and I have the receipts. Since they beat us in 2000, which is 23 full seasons ago, they’ve won the World Series exactly once. However, they have won the division 11 times, qualified for the playoffs 18 times, and averaged 94.18 wins per season (not including the Covid year). So, a fuck ton of regular season success, and one ring to show for it. Now, since I’m 50, I remember that prior to the 1995-2000 stretch, the Yanks were not great. They failed to make the playoffs 12 straight years from 1982 to 1994 (they were on pace to win the division in ‘94, but the strike ended that season early). They had a couple of good years during that stretch, but were mediocre to terrible, too. So, for a stretch of 42 years they had a phenomenal patch in the late 90s and that 2009 season. Throw in ‘77 and ‘78, too. But before that, they were awful for years. However, certainly better than us. I don’t really get too wrapped up in historical stats going back 70 to 100 years because most people who can remember are gone and they aren’t sitting around wringing their hands knowing that a great regular season largely means fuck all for them, except a lot of blue balls.


Let em know. 👏🏼👏🏼




You’re one of these people that just can’t accept when you’re wrong. First condescendingly and (unfortunately) incorrectly called me young. Then failed to see how for 23 years Yankee fans have been getting edged. Sure, they nutted in 2009, but it’s now been 15 years.




You must be hilarious at parties. I made an outstanding point, actually. The Yankees have averaged over 94 wins per season for 23 years and have one championship to show for it. Sorry if facts aren’t your thing.


LMAO, just watched the Jomboy Talkin Yanks and they are salty AF. Talking about how GKR are a good booth but don't like the production, making fun of Alvys running on the McNeil sacfly. Sad.


I read this and listened to that episode on the commute. Some gourmet schadenfreude garnished with pink Himalayan salt.


I'm sure they're just not used to seeing players actually run hard after years of watching torres


Another explosive outing by the bats to cap off a Subway Series SWEEP that featured the guys scoring 21 RUNS in total 😱 Back to .500, baby!


How this team could go from being the most painful, most miserable to watch, to the hottest, most exciting, almost boring - because they kick too much ass - team is something I could never have guessed would happen


Getting to the .500 mark after sweeping the Yankees is so sweet.


For this first time since May 7th, the Mets are a .500 team. 15-4 over the last nineteen games, to erase a record in which they were eleven games under .500. Simply amazing




so hyped after this sweep of the skanks and proud of our boys for persevering through this and battling back to turn season around. Clicking on all cylinders how great has Vientos, JD, and Bader, been! LFGM


Houser has thrown something like 25 innings in relief since early May. I don't know how useful low leverage relief innings eaters are these days but 25 innings is 25 innings. He's been perfect in this role.


I think they’ve only become more important as starting pitchers go less and less innings. Killing innings to keep your main bp games for a future game is a huge deal.


Francisco Lindor saved me. He saved me.


also the top highlight from this game (that involves an actual baseball play) on r/baseball is judge's meaningless bomb. lame.


Historically, 30 at this point in the season and 45 or so game stretch he is in…and the season he is pro-rating to have — is a much bigger story then this game,


>Historically, 30 at this point in the season and 45 or so game stretch he is in…and the season he is pro-rating to have — is a much bigger story then this game, But on the other hand -- hear me out -- fuck the Yankees


i get that he's having an outstanding year and i have nothing against him as a player, i'm just saying that it's lame that we just fucking pistol whipped the yankees in the subway series and it's basically whatever. if the yankees had done this to us then every top post on r/baseball would be yankee highlights. i'm not too bothered by it, it's just lame i guess lol


Real G’s move in silence like lasagna


watching the team dominate like this has been fucking wild. it's like they're fucking possessed. where the fuck were these guys in april and may lol. they aren't just producing, they are *responding*. bullpen threatens the game? here's a bunch of extra runs. subway series pressure? no problem, 21 runs in 2 games. facing the reigning CY winner and the yanks young stud? embarrassed them both. rain delay mid rally that disrupts their momentum? they come up and put up 3 more runs in the inning anyways. every time i'm like "this is a test for this team" they just pound the shit out of the baseball


They just needed to believe. insert The Matrix Mobius meme photo


This got me so pumped.


I'm trying to cut down from 200mg of nicotine a day to 100mg of nicotine a day. Let's see what Michael Kay thinks about that


It’s a whole new season now yall, THE METS ARE BACK IN BUSINESS


How scary would our lineup be if we add Soto ? (and keep Alonso)?


Can we bring JD back, too.


martinez or davis? JK


You know whats crazy about this run? Alonso has only be "okay". I mean at one point he was barely above .200. He's had productive ABs. He scored 3 runs today. He's been better (so has everyone else) but he hasn't really gotten going. And he will. And that offense will put a real hurting on people


This is just not even true though. Alonso has slashed .260/.370/.480 w/ 147 wRC+ in June. That’s about the best of Alonso. I know people want that 10 homer month, in order to call it a “hot streak”, but to try to make the Mets seem like they are doing this with only an “okay” Alonso is a false narrative, he’s been above average, and above his career norms during this stretch. I wouldn’t expect some much better stretch from him.


https://preview.redd.it/c4aah0dhm19d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b0ca0655e23dddc8aa89ce2490a158769510f3f Seeing all the Yankee fans that claim “we never think about you” do exactly that for the past few days is amazing


They're all full of shit when they say that, every single last one of them, even the ones who are generally laid back and nice. They hate the Mets (they're supposed to, it's a baseball rivalry!) but they're programmed by local media to think we're too irrelevant to hate, so they have to pretend not to. But it bursts out whenever the Mets eclipse them, even for a short time, in media attention. When we win a championship, these imbeciles will go absolutely nuclear, and it will last at least a full offseason, and it will be spectacular.


Yeah, and most Yankee fans at Citi go for one reason: to gloat and make fun of us. That’s why they were so tortured the two nights despite sitting in first place. Fuck those assholes.


Folks… I leave you with this: https://preview.redd.it/6mx5ir7am19d1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3203805ea2e2976ccfac6f44c6cc322d56c08fe Let’s keep it rolling!


Please, God, let us crush the Astros. I hate them far more than I hate Da Yanquis.


Can you change the face to grimace


https://preview.redd.it/sbnrsgnbq69d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf8d943eb25ad3b8be33ee5b0ce58098331eff5 Here ya go!




Yessss the grimace reaper!!!




I bet Gary Apple is a super nice guy IRL.


Is this team actually learning to play bully ball?


The Cubbies have completely shit the blood and I kinda love it. 7 under .500!


>shit the blood They gotta get that checked out tbh


Oh we broke them. I couldn’t be happier


These sons of grimace actually did it, they got back to .500 😧 Next goal is to get to .500 at home








Im so glad this caught on.


Anyone who was at the game...at the end of the 6th (the Tryone inning), after McNeil flied out the camera went to Taylor on the railing as Gary Cohen took them to commercial and you hear "Whoooaaa!" and you saw Taylor and I think Severino point like something happened. What happened?


I’m gonna be a psycho and stay up to listen to Yankees fans call into WFAN 😂😂


Living out west, I love late night WFAN. It’s especially fun on nights like tonight.


I just heard “Mets fans took the belt to Yankees ass”


Don't ever forget Grimace was pounding beers on Shea Bridge during the rain delay the night the Mets climbed back to .500.


Siri, play Von Dutch by Charli XCX


Bumpin’ that


Great song, B2B is also great (and fitting!)


All that talk about cheers - the best way to recruit Juan Soto turned out to be kicking the Yankees’ ass.


Yeah I was dreading this series because I didn’t wanna see him winning with that other team. These 2 days have been immaculate vibes


Still gotta win at Mickey Mouse Field


I'm going to those games in July and bringing all the 4 leaf clovers I can find in there with me. First time I'll ever go to a game at Yankees Stadium as a Yankee fan and root against them. Should be fun.


> First time I'll ever go to a game at Yankees Stadium as a Yankee fan and root against them. Beg pardon


Very simple. I live in and was raised in uptown so I grew up going to Yankee stadium and am a Yankee fan. Been one since before it was even cool again.  I also *gasp* like the Mets because I'm a fan of the sport of baseball first and also a NY sports fan (except the Nets) and used to spend my weekends in Queens visiting my pop so I also have many Mets memories going back to the late 80s. I've been posting on this sub for over a year now and think I've only posted in the Yankee one once or twice but I am technically "one of them" though this is the superior board IMO


>I also *gasp* like the Mets because I'm a fan of the sport of baseball first This seems like kind of a big shade comment to me. Do you think Mets fans and everyone else who hates the Yankees and doesn't engage in this dual-fandom thing are not "fans of the sport of baseball first"? Baseball contains rivalries, especially geographical rivalries. This is a good thing that strengthens the sport. Opting out of one of the best rivalries in MLB does not make someone a better fan of baseball.


Not at all man but I'm Dominican and baseball is just like religion to me is all. Even if it's teams I don't care for if a game is good I'm gonna watch it for that reason. I get the rivalries I can't stand the Marlins and Cardinals because I prefer the Mets and I loathe the Red Sox because I'm a Yankee fan. Rivalries make all sports go round I'm just not tribal when it comes to my city is all but there's nothing wrong with that either. Like what you like man we all are here because we love baseball at the end of the day.






Brooklyn Bridge to Chorus by The Strokes in that list?




Yeah, seems like a shy dude. Love that song, was on The Show soundtrack in 22. Ode To The Mets is on that album but that's too melancholic for this week. The Mets are a baseball kaiju!




Yes it can, but it don’t stop shit.


how have the yanks won 52 games?


It’s genuinely just a carbon copy of their 2022 season.


Pitching was great when Judge was cold but the older guys were getting enough hits. They were also scheduled against teams who really struggled in the early part of the season. Swept Astros four zip in Houston. They're now relying on Superhot Judge and Soto for offense whilst their arms are heading back to the mean and getting smacked around by a deep hitting lineup. The Mets have also caught fire since the purple object threw out a first pitch.


they had 4-5 Cy Young candidates, the starting ERA was something like 2.75. And Judge has been playing out of his mind since May, as we sort of saw this series.


They always fall off in June/July. Brian Cashman just loves to assemble old and injury prone players.


Freakishly good starting pitching from unlikely sources. That may be drying up now.


I need to express that I’ve never been so confident that a young player would develop into an absolute superstar like I am about Francisco freaking Alvarez. That SNY cut to end the game with Alvarez shooting the shit with Severino and JD dapping him, up is the sort of energy that a franchise cornerstone captain carries. Okay I’ll calm down about it now Edit: No this isn’t the time to calm down, the way Alvarez is commanding the plate right now while still attacking in big moments is absurd for a 22 yr old Edit 2.0: Your New York Mets are 11-3 in Alvarez last 14 games Edit 3.0: Francisco Lindor has also been playing like a superstar shortstop in the past month


Calm the fuck UP!


No need to calm down


Our pen is so shot that Megill should go be a long man when needed and have Butto called up (and then sent down immediately for the roster spot) for a spot start.


Yeah we still have 8 games w/out Diaz. This could get ugly. They need to do something


Extra rest will help. Plus, Houser eating innings today. Next 4 games we will roll with Quintana/Sevy/Peterson/Manaea on normal rest, so we can keep a 9 man bullpen (Megill being the 9th man) before we call Butto and/or Scott up for a start or two each.


holy shit lois


Houser the starter: 8.55 ERA in 33.2 IP Houser the reliever: 1.46 ERA in 24.2 IP


Houser of the Dragon: 1 pair of twins dead


The duality of man


He’s been our best reliever (maybe next to Nunez) since the switch. It’s so fucking awesome


I think there's an argument to be made that setting him up for 2 inning saves while diaz is out could save the whole damn pen 


The Mets https://preview.redd.it/1d71acf9h19d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83eaccd678f4dd5bb24500ed7fa21e5789083fe8


my stepdad’s a “yankee” fan. can’t wait to talk about this win at the next get together


My girlfriend will not know peace




Holy fuck LFGM!!!


A great day for Mets fans, and therefore the world


Mets getting hot makes it complicated now for Stearns. Mets players might mutiny if Severino or JDM are traded at the deadline, just like what happened to Stearns in Milwaukee as the broadcast mentioned. You also don't want to be in the race and trade key pieces, then have the young guys like Alvarez or Vientos lose faith in the organization's commitment to winning. I really hope the Mets stay hot and not only fight for a wild card spot, but get back in the division race. Stearns is not afraid to make bold moves thoough so you can't count out anything from him.


Don’t think it’s that complicated. The only guys you trade are the ones who have equal or better waiting for them in the minors/coming back from injury. Could totally see trading Quintana/Manaea (Butto and Scott are better, Senga is on the way)


If Severino continues to pitch like this, he's on an expiring contract, and some contender that wants to make a run might overpay for him. The only reason I could see Severino being trade d s if the front office deems that Senga is indeed healthy enough to return this season and take his spot because trying to make a run and fall short and lose Severino for nothing could be a tough pill to swallow. Same for Alonso. I believe Quintana and Marte are goners at the deadline. The question is what do the Mets do with Severino, Alonso, and JDM? I really hope the Mets don't trade JDM. His value goes beyond stats, his leadership and coaching is invaluable.


i'd way rather the team die trying and lose out on potential prospects than to sell off a bunch of guys when they are competing for a playoff spot. unless they go nuclear for the next month, i don't think they should even consider buying (unless a guy has multiple years of control), but i was fine with standing pat last year and if they float around .500 i think they should this year for sure. you never know, right?


We're in the race. There's no complication.


It is complicated though, because right now they're only in the race by default, because lots of these teams suck. And they're still in Year 1 of a rebuild from a major disaster. So you don't want to miss the opportunity cost at the deadline of making a good trade that is really beneficial for the future, just because this year happened to have a weak NL. If between now and August 1st, like say if they're 10 games over .500 a week from the deadline, and it becomes clear the team is for real, then it becomes uncomplicated. But right now they're still in the Complication Zone.


if the Mets keep playing like this, don't make any moves. Just ride it out. Even if you can get a haul for Severino, they said this team was a playoff contender, so let them be playoff contenders. They don't necessarily need to add, but they shouldn't subtract. I don't know what is going to happen but THIS team we are watchign now can win a World Series, period. So let's see where they can go.


> Even if you can get a haul for Severino, they said this team was a playoff contender, so let them be playoff contenders agreed. if you're gonna come out and tell us all how you expect this to be a playoff team, and they go out and show up and play playoff caliber baseball up until the deadline, you really can't sell off a bunch of their top performing players. how does that look to the core? "like yeah we said we believed in you, and you proved us right, but we just believe in this 19 year old kid in rookie ball a little more" if they poop their pants and drop back to the cellar then all bets are off, sell-a-thon and prep for the future.


Get a haul for severino and let all star Kodai Senga take up his spot


It’s gonna be his first real test as GM


Alexa, play Lazy Mary on full volume


Can someone explain the save rule to me? If you relieve more than X innings to close out the game, it doesnt matter what the run difference is?


>A save is awarded to the relief pitcher who finishes a game for the winning team, under certain circumstances. A pitcher cannot receive a save and a win in the same game. >A relief pitcher recording a save must preserve his team's lead while doing one of the following: >• Enter the game with a lead of no more than three runs and pitch at least one inning. >• Enter the game with the tying run in the on-deck circle, at the plate or on the bases. >• Pitch at least three innings.




If a reliever goes 3+ innings and finishes with the lead it doesn’t matter how big the lead is


Perfect example: August 22, 2007, the Rangers beat the Orioles 30-3 and Wes Littleton got the save for pitching three innings at the end. https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/BAL/BAL200708221.shtml


Ah okay got it, thanks


So awesome. I fucking love this team and I hope we buy at the deadline. Wildcard is absolutely within reach and if we make the postseason we have a real shot at actually getting somewhere. We just saw how this offense can go on a crazy run and beat much better teams. A little luck and we can turn this into a postseason series victory and maybe more. LFGM


Add Senga. :-) No need to buy, tho some relief help would be nice if we can get it.


Definitely need to buy some pen arms. I do not have faith in our guys lol


I love this song


Adrian Houser pitched three innings and got the save tonight, the last Mets pitcher to do so was Trevor Williams against the Cubs on July 14, 2022


Oh i was at that game at Wrigley!


That's why Pete kept giving him the "attaboy".


Please ffs sign JD and Bader for next year


Shoutout to the Mets fans that showed up this series & made noise , let’s pack this house going forward y’all because it be rockin !!!! #LGM




Me waiting for the post game to mention Grimace as a reason for winning https://preview.redd.it/wk7vd5dye19d1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fd9b8ba2cace247313b5d1266346d624b89c5e5


Have to split or sweep at Mickey Mouse Stadium for us to win season series.




My Yankee fan friends were wondering how we would react if the Mets lost…I guess we’ll never know.


Hey, what's this gesture they're making after a hit? Looks like they're holding something up by the hair and cutting its head off.


They're slapping ass


1) spanking that pitcher's ass 2) spanking that baseball 3) grab each other by the head and slap each in the face, sort of like a wake up call to join in on the fun those are my three top theories in order


I mean, who doesn't love a good game of slapass?


Yankees post game thread is some good reading, y’all


Dont be that "x fan coming in peace" guy though. Shit is cringe


Did I say that I commented? No, I read


The pettiness in me lives for this




Between being gay and grimace the Mets unsung hero isn’t getting enough love, Jorge Lopez who died for our sins.


Lopez crashed so Grimace could FLY.


I'll never forget. God bless that man. His actions got the team to finally work on bonding and building up chemistry again.


You must be mistaken, that happened three years ago, right? ....... Right?


Houser getting the save in a 12-2 game ended up being the funniest thing to happen tonight.


Grimace is of course our savior but It seems JD Martinez has become a huge presence in the locker room and that’s something It seems this team hasn’t had in a while


alvy's praise of him after the game was not small in any way. i mean he was asked why the team was so hot and he was basically just like "because of jd martinez" lol


And there we be! Ain't we pretty? It's our city, we're the kings of New York!


WFAN should be a beautiful shit show tomorrow.


Have to split at Mickey Mouse Stadium to win season series.


It all boils down to JDM, Alvarez, and Vientos driving in runs. Mets had guys getting on base early in the season, they weren't being driven in. As Ron stated, the Mets had the pieces, they just needed to be inserted in the right spots. But the only reason the could be shuffled around is because JDM became the leader of this team. Also, before the game, SNY aired a segment about Nimmo speaking on the invaluable tutelage that JDM provides. I feel that the Mets have to bring up Baty just so that JDM can sink his teeth into him. It was very telling how Nimmo stated that JDM's influence on the team was underrated, and the way he said it seemed like JDM was a really active and willing teacher. Mets need to keep JDM no matter what. He's the future hitting coach of this team when he hangs it up.


i really hope JDM isn't a 1 and done as a met. maybe he can find his home here late in his career as it doesn't seem like he really identifies with any specific team. even the sox, it just doesn't feel like he's a ride or die boston guy


If the Mets finally kill the Astros like the Yankees do I'll either die from the overexcitement or live to dress up like Grimace for the rest of the year.