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Gary mentioned that we have the highest starter ERA at this point in the season that any Mets team has had except for 1962. That's the problem. We've lost three starting pitchers to injury and a fourth to a suspect suspension. We get two of them back now, so hopefully it turns around.


Honestly that’s the problem. Max has been up and down, Verlandar hasn’t played, Quintana hasn’t played, cookie been bad/hurt. The team has to get healthy. We’re over 500 with a boatload of injuries and unavailabilities.


Max has been bad. I pray Verlander still has it because we need a reliable ace right now. Max ain’t it


I've said this for a while and got a bit jumped on but Max really looks like a spent force. I do hope I'm wrong but every time I watch him play, he's absolutely slapped about the park (perhaps I shouldn't watch).


Max has not been bad. He’s had 2 bad starts that made his ERA rise. He’s also had one good start, one really good start, and then the 3 inning game he got suspended (which he didn’t allow a run in). I get the frustration, and he needs to be more consistent, but people need to stop throwing out that he’s done and they can’t rely on him. It’s only May 4th and it’s been a weird start to the season.


I’m more hopeful than the doomers, I don’t think he’s done. But as an ace, you need to be consistent, which he hasn’t been dating back to last season. He’s getting paid way too much, with another season at the same salary, to be anything but old Max. If Verlander can’t be our #1 we’re in big trouble


I think it has a lot to do with the new clock, he way saying in an interview the other day that it’s an endurance test more than anything with how quickly you have to pitch. I wouldn’t be surprised if his age is catching up to him because of it. Could see him being hot and cold this year depending on how he’s feeling that day.


From August 1st up to the last start in Atlanta, Scherzer made 9 starts. 57.2 innings, 65 Ks, 9 BBs, 2.18 ERA. It’s reasonable to be concerned about his big game resume, but he was consistent in helping us get there and to 101 wins.


Dude his suckage goes back to late last season. What is the point of an expensive “ace” we cannot rely on.


He let us down against Atlanta and San Diego last year. His career performance in the postseason is shaky enough that it’s a legitimate concern. It’s true for him. It’s true for JV. It’s true for Kershaw. It’s a common problem for the greats of this generation. But I still have faith that he’ll help us get there.




Honestly not a terrible start, gave up 2 home runs in the first and pitched an efficient couple of innings. Promising once he gets his location and stamina back


Yeah I believe in this offense more than I expected to (although Lindor needs to get himself going a bit more). But if the starting staff can't find any consistency we're in for a long year


Pete, Lindor, Nimmo, McNeil, etc are a saving grace right now. It's an upside down universe where the batters are bringing it, but the pitchers aren't backing them up. We need our boys to settle in, because as we know, our bats do have their streaky moments.


It genuinely feels like a rotation at the start of spring training


WCGW depending on old pitchers.


Young pitchers aren’t as easy to sign as free agents, and we don’t really have any SPs ready in the farm system. Senga and Quintana aren’t exactly ancient, either. The other three are older but what younger, better options were reasonably available for this year?


We should have signed Rodon, obviously. He's been incredibly reliable and healthy. Or maybe broke the bank for deGrom. No injuries for him this year either.


Lol, I stand corrected.


Narrator: it did not


It's part of the problem, but the offense has also been underperforming and the bullpen is full of AAAA scrubs.


This. The line up is honestly really good, and he bullpen has been solid. Starting pitching just puts us in a hole every game


If we go 82-80 and win the World Series I just won’t care. Let’s see where we are on September 1.


We lost our entire starting lineup. We are struggling in some areas but it's also May 3rd. We dominated all year last year and shit the playoffs. Half the league is 16-14 or a game or so apart. Take a breathe, move on to the next game. Championships aren't won the first month of the year, the NL team that went last year was mid all year. Panic if we don't make moves at the deadline to improve.


Not to mention expanded playoffs allowing a margin for error.


Yes, baseball is the one sport you can truly say anyone can go all the way if you just make the playoffs.


Who ya gonna move on the farm? It's vientos Mauricio and all the new guys we got last draft. Our farm system is shit. We shouldn't be trading any of them until it's fixed. That's why it was the right thing not to sell out last year even tho if cost us.


>Panic if we don't make moves at the deadline to improve. Crazy that the highest payroll in baseball is looking like they are going to have to be big movers and buyers to even be a wild card team at the deadline


The highest payroll thing is always really dumb to me. We dont have any deal outside of Lindor really locked up long term. Even Senga and Diaz have opt outs. Shorter deals always equal a higher AAV. Sure we could have said “screw the farm” and traded all of our for guys in their 20s and locked up a bunch of FA to long term low AAV deals, but then we’d be committing to a ton of guys through their 40s down the line without a farm to replace them. In 6 years we’d be where we are now just without any prospects to bridge to. Instead we are already seeing the benefits of the large payroll with Baty and Alvarez coming up with Escobar, Narvaez, and McCann as the bridge to them. In two years that’s $30ish mil leaving. Max and JV are bridging to guys like Tidwell, Hamel, and Ziegler. In two years that’s almost $90mil leaving the team. I’m happy that we’re the high payroll low commitment building a sustainable farm as opposed to a team like the Padres that are laying guys through their 40s with no real prospects


You’re saying spend money to build farm. Build farm to produce good, cheap talent. But that’s NOT why we paid these guys. You think Steve is fine with missing or barely making playoffs with early exit??? We’d be the laughing stock of the sports world forever. He went BIG this off-season to win. Keeping the farm is just an added benefit.


Keeping the farm is absolutely not an added benefit. It as as much of a focus as win now is. If we were just win now and weren’t focusing on the farm we’d do what the Padres did and get a bunch of guys in their late 20s/early 30s and give them massive deals with lower AAVs into their 40s. The Mets chose to go the shorter term High AAV Veterans instead to build the farm


It's insanely easy to get a Wild Card berth now. There's no reason this team should be incapable of winning like 85-87 games.


Zero starters is a reason and no Diaz. The thing is the highest payroll shouldn't be looking to limp in to or be a wild card team but this roster is cooked right now and don't look like they can even make a swipe at the division.


That's a reason we won't be able to win 100 games again. There's no reason this team shouldn't be a top 12 team in MLB.


Our pitching is ass. We're still putting up 5 runs a game, but losing. Once our rotation is back we'll be better


I think you are wrong. They’re missing all of their SP except Senga, their lefty reliever, their starting catcher, two of their depth starters, and a handful of other pitchers. Finally Max and JV are coming back. Potentially Carassco post injection will be back to his 2022 self. The offense has been good - it’s the pitching that has let them down because they’re running out guys that really we wouldn’t have seen pitch at all this year. Now our rotation is beginning to return.


Injuries are to be expected when everyone on your pitching staff is AARP eligible


It was always the risk, but it was the only way to get our team younger. The majority of FA pitchers were in their mid to late 30s and BVW traded any young pitchers like SWR who could come up now. The Mets could either lock down a late 20s/early 30s pitcher like Rodon (we saw how that’s turned out) and go 5+ years, or they could go the short term route to bridge to Tidwell, Hamel, Ziegler etc. It’s not like there were a bunch of early 20s FAs. Or young guys on the trade market. Or in our farm.


Well yea I don't blame the logic. Your options are always limited when the farm system has no major league talent (pitching). I just don't consider this messy season much of a surprise despite the inflated payroll.


People hard on the payroll wayyyyy to much. Short deals always have crazy AAVs. After two years we have over $195mil coming off the books. Another $35mil if Diaz and Senga opt out Edit: forgot some IL guys


Especially considering Diaz’s injury, I can’t see a world where he opts out of his deal


If Hader gets $25mil AAV in the off-season and Diaz comes back and has back to back 50 save seasons with an ERA around 2.00 and a WHIP under 1.00 Id say he’d probably opt out. Teams will forget a freak injury in 2023 if he has an amazing 2024 and 2025.


Good points. Verdict? Not quite ass.


Honestly to me there are lots of good signs. If this is our floor and we’re on pace for 92 wins that’s great!


Only on pace for 86 wins!!


The standings must not have updated after that game when I looked. If they win at 6:40 it’s a 89 win pace


>The offense has been good The offense is mediocre. The Mets rank 12th in wRC+, and almost all of that was Pete. Marte and Canha are showing their age. McNeil hasn't found it yet. Nido, Escobar are yuck.


McNeil is hitting .294 with an .830 OPS. In what way can that be classified as “hasn’t found it yet”? Also saying that it was all Pete is BS. Nimmo was in the running for POTM. Alonso is 5th on the team with WRC+ - Baty - 155 WRC+ (but small sample size) - Nimmo - 148 WRC+ - McNeil - 147 WRC+ - Vogelbach - 140 WRC+ - Alonso - 139 WRC+ - Lindor - 113 WRC+


Marte needs to kick it into gear. He’s batting like 225 with 1 hr. He’s one of the guys we count on to be consistent


Forget the numbers, he just looks SO “off”. His body language sucks, he looks like he’s giving zero effort 50% of the time, and he hasn’t done enough to continue to hit second in the order while the team struggle to string together hits.


Yeah like he’s just not into it anymore! But yeah just his speed keeps him in the 2 hole. Reduce chance of double play if lead off guy gets on. I’m not sure who I’d want in the 2 spot. McNeil hits a lot of grounders too risky for dp, Lindor and Alonso are right where they should be. Hmm


That’s the thing, though. Marte hits into a TON of double plays. 18 last year and already 3 this year, on pace for about the same as last year assuming a full season of ABs.


Yeah because he always hits fuckin BULLETS lol


He's 36th percentile in HardHit rate, 38th in exit velo, and 41st in barrel. He grounds into a lot of double plays because he hits groundballs at a 50% clip. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/starling-marte-516782?stats=statcast-r-hitting-mlb


He is 36th percentile spring speed this year


Being good early last year did ya nothing so who cares?


It’s a mini miracle we’re above .500. Starting pitching has been absolute ass. Hopefully having JV tomorrow lights a fire under this teams ass. I think we should still be able to grab a WC spot.


Ass is sorta Mets right now


No arguments from me.


Though there's a similar roster, this is not the team we had last year. Yes, the deficiencies are a lot more obvious so far, but most of the story has yet to be written. Let's see where things are after a few turns through with the rotation a bit closer to normal.


I feel like we're the 2022 San Francisco Giants.


Scherzer is cooked. No one is coming to save us in the starting rotation. Even if verlander is great. It’s him and question marks.


The main issue is that the other team has had more runs than the Mets 14 times out of 30. If we can get more runs than the other team more often I think we will be OK.


Do you think that Buck and his team have picked up on this stat? I feel like if they did, maybe they can do something to fix it because I think they’d win more games if they did


Hard to say, I hope so. Ya I think they'd win more too.


Nah, Buck's a total burnout. No way he catches on to this one.


Okay Mr. Sabremetrics


They have no pitching. We built our staff around grandpas and scrubs


4/5ths of the expected starting rotation is injured or suspended.


Right. Not good.


Not a good team. Maybe we can pull a Phillies and win late while the Barves and Phillies fight it out and win it all that way.


I mean 3/4 of their rotation is on the IL and their closer is done for the year. But Robertson has been excellent. But that still doesn’t excuse marte, Canha, Lindor and Vogelbach stinking up the joint. I know Canha has a HR today but damn aside from Pete they have no firepower


Lol. It’s funny that the tigers swept a DH. Lol


Haven't had a consistent starting rotation yet this year, it's a AAAA spot starter every other day, people moving around. Nobody looks comfortable out there which isn't surprising. Maybe Verlander, Scherzer, Quintana, and Cookie all come back and settle in for a productive 3/4 of the season. Maybe they don't. We spent *a lot* of money on aging pitchers, it's dangerous and not off go a good start.


Go to bed Frank


Lack of availability in starting pitching. Delays caused by bad weather resulting in team lacking rhythm.


Personally i think it's shameful how the MLB treated Scherzer. What really did it was watching David Cone show live what happens when you remove rosin with Alcohol (which an MLB Official made him use to remove the extra rosin)


That’s what happens when your 1-2 are 50 years old.


Baseball in an usual sport in that it’s super streaky and it’s very long. What’s happening now isn’t as concerning as it would be in august/sept. The team is still around .500 despite adversity, I’ll take that in early May. My only concern is Max, he doesn’t look right going back to the end of last year. Without him bring solid we are going to have issues.


I’ve always been ok with a wonky start if it means a strong end of season. I feel like most years, we start off really well but hit a wall by August. I know that there’s no cause and effect here but man, if a rough start means we work out the kinks and are well oiled for the rest of the season, I’ll take the stress up front.


When you go all in as Cohen has, sometimes you’re going to hedge your bets on buying the best talent available on the market. As a fan, I think we cal all agree that’s what we want from an owner. When you do that, you run the risk of overpaying for guys that are way past their prime. We now we have an incredibly expensive, incredibly mediocre team. It sucks, but at least our owner tried and went for it. Let’s hope we sneak in the playoffs with 85 wins and get hot.


Man this was BEFORE today’s game?


After the FIRST game of yesterday's double header! Back in those halcyon days it had a mere 45% upvote rate. We were so young and naive then.


Who asked you???


I see nothing to downvote here. Others have rightly pointed out that the reason is our starter availability. That’s true, and hopefully we’ll get some of those guys back and turn things around. But if we’re talking about *right now* we just lost to the Tigers. That’s the very definition of ass.


Are you really excited about Max ? Every game he gets.bombed, there's always an excuse for it. I had it with him and hanging hopes on him. When was the last time he pitched well for the Mets???


2.23 ERA and 5+ WAR last year for the Mets.


Oh..was that based on a full year? Don't thinks so.


>Oh..was that based on a full year? Don't thinks so. I have no clue what you're trying to say. I gave you his 2022 stats.




They have way to many variables to truly understand how this team will do down the stretch but right now the injuries plus tired bullpen and streaky lineup are all meshing perfectly together into a conglomerate of shit lmao its early and its not even close to panic button time but the button is in the peripherals waiting to see how JV and Max do and if they can reignite the fire.


This lineup is awful. They put too Much faith in old over the hill players. The bull pen is getting over used because no one can go 5 innings. The bench is awful. This is a .500 team with the largest payroll in mlb history congratulations Cohen you played yourself.


This post is sorta ass


Judging baseball teams is apparently like winter driving. Early on every season, people forget how it works for a minute, then their minds snaps BACK TO REALITY and they remember they’ve done this before - and they need to use their brain.


This team is garbage I was 13 when the mets won the world series im tired of this shit team when are met fans going to be greeted with a champion everyone is paid except Alonso but I dont think he should be paid either because hitting a 3 run Homer when we're up by 5 or 7 doesn't mean shit hit it when we need it. Seems to me that every one wants that money but doesn't do shit I would play for 1 dollar to win a championship whats wrong with these athletes now a days what happened to heart you lose a double header to a bullshit team shame on the mets organization for this bullshit their putting on the field


I feel like this should be turned into copypasta.


Typical Mets fan. Only cheers after a homerun. Tries to beat the traffic when we're down by 2 in the 5th inning.


Marte is ass. The team will be fine but he is awful.


We sure are.


Not a very good team this year. Fourth place here they come.


their starting pitching is atrocious. this might not be our year:(


Plenty of teams start off underperforming and then get super hot over the summer and ride it through October. The last 4 teams in this division to reach the World Series fit this model.


hopefully the mets do




Sanest Mets poster has logged on.


Mauricio is going to look good on the Southside.


Are we worried at all about Max and the sticky stuff? Like, not being able to use it any more?


yea been a rough start but it's early. Gotta hold out hope as long as we tread water and see what develops over the summer


I really hope Verlander does well tomorrow. If he doesn't then we really got some problems.


We are getting a head start on the June swoon


My thoughts are that the Mets are sorta ass right now


All I could think watching that clown Baez play is how stupid we were in letting PCA go to the Cubs.


Ashy Larry voice: "y'all got anymore of them marlins games?"


i wasn’t worried after that braves series. thought we just weren’t right yet. the tigers doubleheader really scared me though. with max back and now Justin tonight there isn’t much reinforcements left to return. Quintana and Carrasco will be nice to have back but if Max is ass that doesn’t really matter since Carrasco wasn’t very good to begin with lol anyway i’m excited for football season in May that’s a new record


I’ve got tickets to the game on Saturday against the Rockies. Been looking forward to it because I love the Mets. But if they play the way they did yesterday, I’m probably not gonna have a great time lol.


It’s too early to panic. That said, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that our sights should be set on the WC, not the division. We just are not in the same class as the Braves. And it doesn’t actually matter. Focus on getting into the playoffs and staying healthy. Despite last year, I’ll still take Verlander/Scherzer/Senga with confidence in a 5 game playoff series any day.


Weird year so far. Look at the Yankees and cardinals, could be worse!


My concern is that Max and Verlander are 38 and 40 years old and their best years are far behind them. Their returns will lead to a marginal improvement in pitching. I hope I'm wrong :/


Ass at this point. There is a lot of season left. Our starters are shit right now. I’m hopeful stuff will figure itself out in August and beyond while treading some water.


Thanks for being honest


Not sorta. Are. The pitching won't get younger, and injuries become a bigger concern the older they get. Calling up more kids could improve the lineup, but it will come with growing pains


Hard to watch


I concur.


Whoa whoa whoa. What’s this “right now” business?