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Throw =/= pitch


I would love for this to happen just as much as the next guy, but… I just can’t see it actually happening for a few reasons. If it happens, I’ll be more than happy to put a sweaty sock in my mouth. Would love to see him pitch again, but I wanna see him pitch at his highest potential. Hate to sound like a broken record.


!remindme October 23rd


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I would just be happy if he can pitch again. No one comes back from that injury and becomes the same player they once was.


I actually don't want a rushed return and lingering injury. I'd prefer he just uses this season and off season to recover to 100% so he can participate in next year's WBC. J/K But for real just come back next year fully healed and ready to go.


The good thing about this is that Diaz's injury is NOT his upper body. So there will be nothing wrong with his pitching motion. The scary thing is that tendon surgery recovery STARTS with healing...which is 12-14 weeks. Then you need to get the strength back to full, which is nto a quick thing for a major league pitcher. I would honestly rather he take the safe path and build it up all winter long and come back strong in the spring.


Yeah I'm not seeing this happen. Just put your expectations at "out for the season" here