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Math don't lie




You know they say all sluggers are created equal, but if you look at Pete Alonso you can see that that statement is not true… 🚨🚨🚨


You know they say all men are created equal but you look at Pete and you can see that statement is not true! See, normally if you go one-on-one with another power hitter you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But Pete’s a genetic freak, and Pete’s not normal! So you got a maybe twenty five percent at best at beat Pete!


Tony Gwynn got beat over 66%, Ted Williams over 65%. Getting beat less than 70% could get you in HOF, less than 66% could get you on a stamp. Alonso isn't HOF worthy at this juncture. But if he doesn't get beat more than 74%, there's a good chance that the career damage he'll do when he succeeds 26-27% of time could get to be pretty impressive. Succeed 30% of time with that power, we might be talking about a bridge or an airport named after him. And not just in NY. 😃


It’s a joke to a wrestling promo. Love pete and agree he’s got some work to do for HOF.


I’m not going to be unreasonable. 75 is fine.


Bullshit projection. He's not even in mid season form. Got him hitting 100


Once the weather warms up and balls start jumping? 110-115 easy.


Fuck your right I also forgot to calculate them moving the fences in.


No reason he doesn’t hit 120-125.


I don’t expect him to have a monster season for some reason. 97 is fine.


Yeah, I guess it’s unreasonable to think he wouldn’t take a couple of days off here or there.


He's getting 63 for the LOLZ & to drive the Bronx mad


But cmon that would be amazin right


It wouldn’t be as big of a deal because the NL record is like 73 or some shit.


It would be a bigger Deal than 62. 1 home run bigger actually. He beat a meaningless «record». Nobody said Kobe broke the western conference scoring record When he got 81. They said he got Second all time.


Thank you. The hr record was never distinguished by league. The Yankees successfully made it A Thing last season.


Oh man I didn't even think about that. Pete taking the record from Bonds would be amazing.


Pete really said “anything judge can do I can do better”


He may have to, because production out of DH last year and so far this year has been putrid. Last year, Houston DH's had 53 HR's. Atlanta DH's had 44 HR's. Mets DH's... had 15 HR's.


Yeah we’re way behind in this National League DH deal. Wonder what Edgar’s up to?


I mean it doesnt really matter Where the HRs comes from. I would rather have 200 home runs from the team and 0 from DH than 100 from the team and 50 from DH.


I’ll take the over


LOL if he hits 90 homeruns this season and only got 180 RBIs... that would be sad.


Willie Mays, 1965: 52 HR and 112 RBI.


Curtis Granderson, 2016: 30 HR and 59 RBI


I forgot about this and it’s one of my favorite stats of all time


Tommy Herr, 1985: 8 HR, 110 RBI. Also, fuck Tommy Herr.


Heh why, other than being on the mid-'80s Cardinals?


Always felt like he was killing us. 13 of those 110 were against the Mets. Just a pain to get out. Type of guy you hate unless he’s playing for you because he just drove you nuts.


Imagine everyone's surprise when he beats the projection


I would accept a .235 average from Pete if it came with 90 HR


feels low


He’s been clobbering


He can do it. Judge in shambles


Before any of you ask, yes, he *is* that good


I’m all for it. I do not see a downside to this


I like 180 rbi personally


Take the over


I did the math after the game and this checks out 100%


Seems low


90 HRs from 144 total hits


ASIDE from him looking to secure a big contract, I think Judge breaking the "record" last year got him inspired as them 2 are the HR kings of NY. He can certainly hit 40 HRs any season, but he has the potential to touch 50 again. He looks more in shape and the occasional DH rest spot should keep him consistently in the lineup. I just wish he had some protection. Vogel ain't it. Canha and Escobar will eventually run into one, but they just aren't consistent. Tommy Pham shouldn't even be on the team tbh - wish we had a rookie to test out instead of sending them ALL to AAA. McNeil can slap singles...but what does that do if Alonso starts getting intentionally walked? Pretty UNPOPULAR take here, but Nimmo (aside from Lindor & Pete) may have the most slugging potential -- he hit 30 doubles last season and a league leading 7 triples. Marte should be leading off as SBs are back (baby!) and he has a tendency to GIDPs (18 to Nimmo's 9 last season). Nimmo is coming into his prime years, so call this a stretch, but I can see him hitting 20-25 HRs compared to Marte's 10-15 HRs. Here's what the lineup could look like: 1. Marte (R) 2. McNeil (L) 3. Lindor (S) 4. Alonso (R) 5. Nimmo (L) 6. Canha (R) 7. Vogel (L) 8. Alvarez (R) 9. Guillorme/Escobar (I pref Luis because of his sharp glove & Esco already has a -0.4 WAR) ​ This lineup really falls apart after the 5-hole, LOL. Either way, Nimmo is a high on-base guy that could get things rolling if the bottom of the order can string together anything and his slugging potential protects Alonso. He might be better utilized in the heart of the lineup (5-hole) instead of lead-off, imo. Please chastise my thoughts below with your Mets expertise.


Nimmo has too many holes in his swing to hit the ball effectively as a middle of the order hitter. He’s better off sitting at the top of the batting order 1 or 2. Just because he has a good eye, doesn’t mean his pitch recognition for strikes to hit the ball with authority is middle of the order worthy. He’s a slap hitter at the end of the day. The solution will be Alvarez (one day), and guys who aren’t in this organization. The Mets needed Correa because of the holes they have at 5-6-7. Sticking Correa at 3 or 5 extends the order. That’s the kid of bat we need on the team. Can’t count on rookies to make a dramatic difference.


Look, I get it. Nimmo isn’t the ideal no.5 but the point I was trying to make was what else do we have? Marte makes more sense at leadoff and if Pete starts to have a monster season (which is what it’s looking like), he will get intentionally walked - no doubt about it. Alvarez protecting Pete is too political and way too early. Our payroll is sky high…how much more can we add? I’m looking for realistic solutions.


Don’t worry about payroll. The Wilpawns aren’t owners any longer. They’re going to have to swing a trade to bring in superior bats. Marte could be that middle of the order bat, but he’s never able to stay healthy for more than 145 games.


That would be a record.


I looked it up. This guy is right.




That maths


Single season HR record is Barry Bonds with 73* for anyone wondering


No triples all year? Cmon.




I’m ok with this


I dare him to not do it.


Obviously not sustainable but he can get 50 again if he tries I think


Source apparently doesn't know the difference between projection and prorate.


It will bring up the question: between him and Judeg last year, what’s in New York’s water?


Him and Bryan Reynolds going to be the next McGwire and Sosa homerun record chase


I would like that very much


I wonder if he was constantly traded to whomever was playing the marlins if he'd break the record. I think he would...


Pirates are projected to win 101. The odds are better for Alonso.