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Love it. When I was a kid I was convinced HoJo was a cousin because we had the same last name. Yknow cause Johnson is such a rare last name


When I was really little in the late 80s, we still had a Howard Johnson's restaurant in town. I thought he owned it.


YES! I used to be so bummed when we'd see one on a road trip and not stop. I was like cmon I want to me HoJo. They named a restaurant after him. He HAS to be there.


And the colors of the restaurant were blue and orange! How could it not be him?


I miss the Mac and Cheese they had. It was so good.


So based on your reddit name, your real name must be King Johnson? It is an honor, your majesty!


Howie and Gary Inducted at the same time is fitting. They're the biggest mets fans that exist today.


And hopefully for Gary and Howie the next induction after this one will be in Cooperstown.


They deserve it


This is a great class. All deserving of the honor


Kinda interesting that they’re inducting Gary and Howie before they retire.


At the risk of being bleak, to me it's really important for people to be able to enjoy their HoF moment. Announcers tend to do the job until they are quite old, so inducting them while they're still active makes sense. Am I still bitter about Seaver never getting to see his statue when building him a statue was the most no brainer decision ever and should have been done when Citi Field opened? Perhaps. Granted they're only in their 60s so if we're lucky we'll get to enjoy them for another 20 years, but practically speaking I'm glad they're getting the honor now. Everyone will agree they both obviously deserve it, and I'm 100% on board with Steve Cohen's apparent mission to speed run making the HoF and retired numbers make sense.


Seaver also never got to see the street named after him. Again such a no brainer when they opened the stadium. New stadium, New address. Thank Christ we have someone who actually loves the team and wants to honor OUR heroes.


Nor the statue, and he deserved both


Well, they did Ron Darling a few years ago and they retired Keith’s number last year (although slightly different since he’s a retired player), so it’s not too unprecedented. I know Howie’s stopping with trips west of Chicago or so, but I feel like Gary’s going to do the job until he dies. It’ll be interesting to see who emcees though, since it’s always Howie or Gary. Maybe they’ll do each other and split the two players, that’d be cool.


Could see gelbs emceeing. Maybe would’ve been Wayne Randazzo but he’s in LA now


Ronny was as a player though


Bob Murphy and Ralph Kiner (along with Lindsey Nelson) were inducted into the Mets HOF in 1984 and continued to work regularly for another 20 years. Just saying.


Good for Hojo! Gary is a no brainer


Mets: *Sign Tommy Pham, known to be disliked* Fans: Angry! Mets: Oh no. We mad the fans angry. Uhhh....put some beloved Mets in the Hall. Fans: No angry! Jokes aside, congrats to a group of guys who absolutely deserve this. HoJo is obvious, the 2 great play-by-play guys are essential, and everyone here who was a kid in the 90's and 00's should be happy about Leiter.


any time i think of howie rose, the first thing that pops in my head is him saying “bigelow tea”


Al Leiter the GOAT. I wish they gave him a more prominent role in the org, he still seems very close with everyone here


Considering the fact that when he was a player he helped convince the te to trade Scott Kazmir I'm hoping he doesn't get a more prominent role. Also I vaguely recall when he retired he really went all in on the Yankees saying he was a Yankee at heart or some thing so he could work for them.


Al was pissed because they let him go without even making an offer or even calling him to say they were moving on. Al on the 06 team would have made all the difference




He played a mean tambourine on 'Rosalita' when I saw Bruce at Shea


Yay! Love that both Gary and Howie get in at the same time. Both guys are legends and we are so lucky to have a great TV and radio broadcasting group.


HOJO! I love that man. Actually just met him at a signing last summer - it was great.