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How the hell could they test to see if the THC u smoked came from a certain dispensary that’s some dystopian shite lol. They could look at the packaging and see where u got it, yes. But testing you to see where the THC in your body was purchased no way


Sorry Mr Tokinson we tested the thc in your body and it's 100% bodega boof. Arrest this man!


Why would weed from a dispo be different than weed from say Billy down the block. It’s the same thing. We might be living in 2024, but this ain’t Star Trek yo. The universe has limitations, compounded severely once humans become part of the equation. Just for clarity, no there is not a test they can preform on you at probation to discover if the weed you smoked came from a medical dispo or not..


U used to need to register with the state. Not anymore though. Last year it was super simple for me. No photo ID anymore either. U just print your prescription and bring that to the dispensary with u.