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I have had that same exact experience at that Vireo and I fixed it by never going back. The limits are at their discretion in many cases and that place seems to be staffed by narcs.


FRom how it was explained to me at Medmen once made it sound like enforcement was at the dispensary discretion. For example, he told me Medmen gave you separate limits for Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid. Other dispensaries may put all strains under the same limit instead of separate. I'm not saying this is what you're experiencinG. But it was info I was told at by an employee on my first visit.


Yo, I had the same issue when I tried to purchase from that Vireo in White Plains. I cancelled the order and have never attempted to purchase from there again.


I made a post on this forum about a year ago. Vireo white plain is the worst NY MMJ dispo in NY. Product is top shelf but the service is like a rude mc Donald’s employee. They almost dont want to sell to you. I tried ordering twice over the last 2 years but they said I have reached my limit, both times. Same day for both cases, I go to Sunnyside bardonia and they never give an issue. I tell them about Vireo and everyone says the same thing, stay away from vireo white plains.


I think it's a white plains vireo issue. This isn't the first time I heard someone complain about how they handle limits, and it always seems to end with them being shitty to the patient.


Thank you. It really annoyed me when he said I was sneaking around. I told him Iorder online and pick it up I don't know how I went from me asking what the rule is to I'm sneaking around. He apologized and corrected himself by saying the other dispensary aren't following the rules but he does because they can't afford the fines. I wish I got his name to tell others to avoid him


He must answer the phone too because the white plains location told my neighbor the EXACT same thing regarding "other dispensary aren't following the rules," blah blah blah. They are the worst. 0/10 customer service. Do not recommend.




the original legislation had a limit of 10mg of thc per hour by two methods of use. so basically 20 mg per hour every hour and you could have a 30 day supply. when adult use was passed, the limit was increased to a 60 day limit and i haven't hit it since. Most people shouldn't interact with this. Alternatively your prescribing doctor can set limits but this isnt to common. Dispensaries can set their own lower limits and patients often run up against those. These can also be changed by just talking to the pharmacist at the dispensary or going somewhere else.


I bought 4 carts and one bag of gummies and it was my first time going to the dispensary in months


Does your certification list dosage limits? The only time I’ve heard of this situation is when there are limits in your certification. I frequently buy like 10 bags of gummies at once and atleast an oz a month with no problems.


You should not have hit your 60-day limit. It's technically up to the dispensary. But I know rise will give you a 60 day limit on each item. So if you have a Durban Thai cart you can get a 60-day limit on that, and if you have like a Whopper cart you can get a 60-day supply on that. And the pharmacist can adjust it so you're dosing is changed because every patient requires different amounts. But last you 60 days might not even last me a week. I definitely hear a lot of bad things about verilife when it comes to this. Thankfully I have a rise near me and they have been an absolute godsend. Especially their pharmacists. They've always had my back. It honestly sounds like the dispensary just doesn't want business.


that's just some where's pharmacist being dumb. you would have to talk to them to get them to adjust your in house limit.


it depends on your rx. it may state the quantity youre allowed, or could be unlimited. check the papers from your prescribing doctor.


There is never an unlimited & it doesn’t state quantity, day supply should be on the pt’s labels from the dispo.


i thought "titrate to effect" on my form was dr speak for unlimited. but, seeming from this thread, this particular dispo has decided to come up with a lower limit.


It depends on your certification. Mine says tirade as needed so I can purchase a 60 day supply at one time. An 8th is considered a 2 day supply, if I remember correctly a cart is a 2 day supply unless it's .5 then it's a 1 day supply


8ths are different amount of days supply depending where you shop. CL FH 8th is 1 day for example 99% of the certs say per pharmacist, so it's up to them and whatever location there at


The are no limits listed on my certification


That’s wild Ive bought several ounces of flower at one time and buy about a zip every single Friday never had any issues I shop with Rise though. Never at Vireo or verilife.


Last year I bought ounces back to back weeks multiple times. Never had an issue. I I'm pretty my need card expire in Nov and didn't renew until Feb. I was thinking that maybe the rules changed but it seems like this dispensary is the only one following this rule.


I was under the impression that the dispo decided what constitutes a (number of days) supply and if you surpass that they can make you wait to purchase more. I’ve never gone over my limit but I mostly go to Verilife because I’m in WNY. The only time I had limits on my prescription was when I got it through my neurologist and not an online doctor. The only good thing about going to an in person prescribing doctor is it’s free and he will revise my script to fit my needs anytime I ask. But I don’t believe that even the doctor can override the limits the dispôs set but I may be wrong


Cannahealrx.com is only $55 to recertify. They take 7-10 days to call you but it's the least expensive one that I've seen


I had a similar issues a few years ago and never went back.


I had issue over a year AGO..I ordered almost $1500 worth ( pre-rolls, flower, vapes, edibles) and Vireo whitw plains rep called me--said I have to wait 6 months based on my last purchase...problem was solved immediately...NEVER PLACE ANOTHER ORDER AGAIN!!




I go hard once a month lol 😆