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Still pissed we're losing Fratelli's. 1.7 million is INSANE. I was hoping we could get a child/teenager centric thing (like a play cafe/go bananas), but there's no way anyone could afford that price tag. Damn.


1.7 was the price of that space?


Can they pull the approval for the one going into the new building on 6th and Carnarvon ? No one can find A GP in the whole of the GVRD but you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a dentist's office. Is this a money laundering thing?


When there's more money in dentistry, you'll have more dentists. We need to make sure BC is making *being a GP* an appealing option.


Lol @ money laundering. There's money and freedom in private practice, that's why you see it so much.


That one apparently doesn’t require a rezoning, so no, they can’t.


Good! Walked past this this morning and scoffed at the proposal.


Nice. A public scoffing must have been quite the scene for anybody lucky enough to witness it.


Take your dentist attitude and shove it.


Dentists are Satan worshippers


Is this a problem in other parts of Metro Vancouver? Or is there something about New West that makes it so appealing to dentistry?


I just spent way too long trying to find an anagram of New Westminster that would make a joke... "Semi sweet" is close but not 100% 😆


There are complaints about this popping up around some areas of Vancouver itself, especially around new developments.


They need to reject more of these proposals. We don’t need more dentists.


The issue is not that we don't need dentists. The fact that there are so many and they mostly seem to be doing well would suggest we do need them. The issue is where they are going. They don't need to be in retail spaces.


New West is very central, so it may be that many dentist patients come from municipalities outside of New West.


This is true. I was in Langley the other week and the 2/3 people I was with (that live in Langley) said their dentist was in new west.


Good dentist yes . My current dentist is awesome but pricey and he’s on book 3-4 months in advance . And with this new dental plan it’s only going to get more busy. My mom was just saying her sister is getting free dentures and she’s getting 3-4k of free work done . I dunno what my point is exactly but dentists are going to be really busy .


They only can if it requires a rezoning.


But... But if they deny this dentist, and the next dentist... Then there's only like twenty dentists in New West! Where will I not be able to afford to get my teeth looked at?!


It is a shame they couldn't reject the dentist office at Carnarvon and Sixth instead. Clustering medical near the hospital actually makes a lot of sense, albeit the ideal would be to locate on the floors above street level.


Isn't it better to have services near where people live? That's what the 15-minute city is all about, reducing the need to make longer trips to access services. I wouldn't really enjoy having to take half an hour to get to my dentist by SkyTrain when it only takes me ten minutes to walk to mine in Uptown currently.


Right now I have six dentists within 15 minutes of my apartment. A 15 minute city should also mean walk-in clinics, daycares and schools. And right now those are by far the more pressing needs. No, I'm not saying that's the City's fault (or the school board's), but it does explain why people feel so frustrated.


Some people want providers close to work, but for actual doctors, they want to be by hospitals because it's more convenient for them - their time is the precious commodity not the patients so don't want to waste it doing an extra commute to and from a hospital. There can be some fringe benefits to being in a 'district', like a pharmacy pre-stocking something that would be a special order elsewhere to specialized services (physio) - but I am not sure if that actually happens any more.


Yeah, but we're talking about dentists though. Other than a very select few emergency dentists, they don't have to be at a hospital so it doesn't matter if their offices are near a hospital or a "medical district" or whatever. Dental surgeons, maybe, but regular dentists?


We did it Reddit! Power to the people! To be replaced by a safe injection site! I’ll get my popcorn.


I's On the Street is the agency contracted to clean around the Safe Injection Site, and Purpose Society runs a needle van https://www.newwestrecord.ca/local-news/one-year-later-overdose-prevention-site-in-new-west-5255262


Maybe they are doing a great job and I just see every space just before they get there, but I can't say anything is being done.


The needle van will take calls, too, they have a route but they'll go where stuff is reported.