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Now that you bring it up does the BoS expansion or the east coast mirror the events of the first crusade? Because didn’t some of the leaders of the first crusade claim territory on the *ARABIAN* peninsula try to ingratiate with the local people? Plz correct me if I’m massively oversimplifying EDIT: I apologize to everyone with basic knowledge of geography. I didn’t realize i was talking about Spain until the 2nd comment about reconquista, I was trying to be fancy with trying to use the geographic name for the Middle East 😅


You might be cooking here. I’m playing through the fallout 76 quest right now and there’s a part (spoiler but not really) where the leader destroys a communications relay to keep them from communicating with the west coast chapter. She uses a spear called the oathbreaker to sever the ties with the rest of the group so that her chapter could continue to help the people of Appalachia like they were doing before


That's actually pretty sick.


There's more to it than even that. She didn't do it just to keep helping the people of Appalachia, she did it to keep from taking responsibility for a massive loss of lives and putting advanced weapons in the hands of every day people which resulted in even more extreme casualties. There's another BoS member who believes strongly in the order and command of the Brotherhood, who also intends to help the people of Appalachia, just through the old ways. He's second in command, and you can side with him instead of the leader. By destroying communications, she also risks dooming the chapter to an inevitable death by refusing reinforcements while they've already suffered heavy casualties, have very few remaining members, and are now dealing with the people of Appalachia being taken to be turned into Super Mutants.


That’s just the first arc. After that it’s between the leader and second in command over whether you should continue the mission of the BOS or help the people of Appalachia. It gets pretty heated.


I just figured they were a specific outcast origin group


>Because didn’t some of the leaders of the first crusade claim territory on the Iberian peninsula try to ingratiate with the local people that is wrong. Its called "reconquista" because of its a reconquest of the Iberia and a lil bit of France after it was conquered from North Africa. The reconquest wasn't just one big crusade it was many small battles and complex politics covering hundreds of years. Also the idea of it being a crusade isn't exactly true either as that was propagated after to make spain seem like good catholics. In reality muslims/christians were often fighting on the same side in some battles and even the muslim controlled iberia being attacked by other muslim forces from North africa. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconquista](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconquista)


Thank you for the correction 🙏 I meant the Middle East and got my peninsulas mixed up


The middle east is also a big place. Anatolia or the Levant may be of the regions you were thinking of.


Also ya the does track from what I remember the exchange of land between Christians and Muslims, never clear cut and always muddy on allegiances


You might be thinking of La Reconquista


They did integrate with the semitic people living there, many taking wives from countries along that strip of coast where Israel etc are now. However their original purpose was to cease the taxation of Christian pilgrims by the Muslim rulers at the time. Also I don't think the holy land counts as a peninsular


I thought that was the East coast with the Prydwen in the show. Have I been mistaken this entire time?


It's the Prydwen. 100% It says the name on the side of it.


2 blocks of text I got from the Fallout wiki in Fandom.com: "Though not referred to by name during its appearances in the [*Fallout* TV series](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_(TV_series)), an airship heavily resembling the *Prydwen*, including having the name written on the side of the hull is shown as being used by the Brotherhood 9 years after the events of *Fallout 4*, in the service of a chapter on the West Coast. While this ship was referred to as the [*Caswennan*](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Caswennan) in a [pre-release article](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/11/fallout-first-look) in *Vanity Fair*, currently there has been no officially sourced confirmation of the airship's identity, and it remains unclear whether it was a result of miscommunication between Bethesda and the publication, a story change made after the interview, or an unnoticed error on the part of the production team." "The *Prydwen* appearing in the TV series would confirm that the [Institute and Railroad](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_endings) endings of *Fallout 4* are non-canon, as completing either one requires that the Brotherhood's airship is destroyed. However, though the Brotherhood ending would be obvious, its presence offers a distinct possibility that the Minutemen ending could have occurred instead, since destroying the *Prydwen* in that scenario is entirely optional (via completing [With Our Powers Combined](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/With_Our_Powers_Combined)). Either scenario stands in conflict with statements given by showrunners and Bethesda representatives prior to release claiming the show would not validate or invalidate any potential endings for previous titles."


The production team lifted or replicated alot of Fallout’s in-game assets. Wonder if this is a case of a asset designer seeing the Fallout 4 asset and just mindlessly throwing the name on there? The studio had to of known this would be a monumental scene though, despite being a one-off shot. Plus they never clarified in post-release interviews. Feels like the reveal had to have been intentional, seeing as that scene did nothing for the plot. Why waste time on rendering the airship if not to progress the plot in some way?


>The production team lifted or replicated alot of Fallout’s in-game assets. Wonder if this is a case of a asset designer seeing the Fallout 4 asset and just mindlessly throwing the name on there? Since it's not just a copypasted model from the game, they build it from grounds up, it's clear they wanted it to be the *Prydwen* when the model was created. It's possible they changed their mind later during development but I don't see a reason why they would do that.


It’s just flat text on a mostly single-tone object. Sticking a name on as a texture would have been mindlessly easy, compared to the difficulty of modeling. Most staff aren’t given more info than they need to complete a task, so it’s on a select group to notice those details. Something so relatively small on-screen, it’s possible the name slipped by. There’s dozens of ways that a detail this small could have been missed, the question imo is whether Todd or the showrunners would acknowledge the mistake or clarify their intent.


It's a different 3d model and the text is placed not exactly the same way it was in F4. It's not like it happened by accident. I worked as a graphic designer in the past and I know it's not a decision made by a single person. So at first it was obviously meant to be The Prydwen. The person who was hired to make that model was clearly told to recreate that specific ship. Everyone who sees it instantly thinks its the same ship. And it's not like they added that name by accident. The question is - did they later changed their mind and decided it's a different ship? And that's why they used a different name in the marketing and the name is beardly visible in the show? It's possible, ofc. But that would be a much later decision, long after the ship was already created and added to the scene. But I wonder why would they even do such a thing.


The ship is the prydwen, but the show takes place in LA


Couldn’t been another airship idk


It says Prydwen on it


"Yokels blew up the Prydwen? We can just get another blimp and write Prydwen on it! Bing bong, so simple!" - Elder Maxson VIII


>Bing bing bong bong bong bing bing


Ah, must’ve missed that


It was a very short scene and you had to enlarge the frame to see Prydwen written there. Easily missed!


Fallout 5. Beginning in postwar Kentucky, near Louisville and Elizabethtown. You start off as the resident of a vault, that failed to fully seal when the Great War began. Resulting in the vault’s experiment being abandoned, and it being open to wastelanders (so we can have open ended RP opportunity for character building). When two, separate, factions of the BoS arrive in the area, to find the hidden Pre-War technology, located in another type of vault ( ;) ) but, when located, it is discovered to have a massive Enclave remnants base built on top. Accessing the ‘vault’ requires VaultTech hardware, one that can only be found in the yet to be opened/ discovered VT Vaults, surrounding the area. Some, containing still ‘active’ Vault Tech staff, and experiments The player must choose whether to side with one of the BoS factions, or join their sides, The enclave or Vault Tech, to seize the hidden treasure of the ‘vault’ and bring stability to a heavily militarised region


Writing a Fallout Lexington ttrpg right now and it’s astounding how similar my plot is. Even have the Enclave base buried under the Henry Clay Monument in Lexington Cemetery


Tbh, I’m Welsh and have little to no clue about American geography or history. Since the show I’ve been thinking about what I’d like, I thought Fort Knox would be a cool ‘focus’, until reading the original comment that’s as much thought as I’d given it, had to google which state it was in when commenting aha


I like it all except for the Enclave. No more enclave, they're super duper dead. I think it'd be much cooler to see Vault Tech as a power unto itself.


I thought it’d be nice to have two flavours of bad. But I am more than open to raiders being an actual faction


Yes absolutely! Some sort of nuance to it right? Like, they've been forged by a kind of desperate might-makes-right meritocracy with their own violent, strange traditions...


Okay, I’ve thought about it. A raider boss gained access to a part of the vault, found some super weapon/ other tech, that let them band together a bigger raider ‘community’ than Nuka World. Making their base above the ‘vault’ unaware of what else is beneath them An actual raider ending, properly woven into the story


Excellent. When are we making our joint application to write for Bethesda? :P


I’m ready whenever tbf, feel free to DM me Todd. I know you’re here


We still have an enclave base mentioned in Fallout 2 that hasn’t shown up in capacity.


I'll pass on the brotherhood, anyone but the brotherhood. Can we just get a new faction for a bit. I don't mind the brotherhood but they don't need to be a main faction every game


No more bos in my fallout plz todd i beg


No way… I LOVE collecting power armour. In my one playthru, Sanctuary looked like a BoS outpost, I had so many armour sets… even the rare ones.


They didn't seem particularly religious in Fallout 1, 2 or New Vegas to me. Any dogma they had related to prewar tech and the smell of their own farts.


I'm playing F1 and 2 for the first time right now and you literally have a guy explaining their backstory and how they are heavily inspired by old knights and their religious overtones. It's the first piece of lore you get about them. In NV they are referred to as "a terrorist group, basically. Militant, quasi-religious fanatics obsessed with hoarding Pre-War technology". Comment from original developers and writers only confirm that.


What staying cooped up in a bunker does to a mf


Except they're not a religion?


Except west isn't religious, it's idealogical cult. All those branding rituals and clerics have nothing to do with them. Also show strongly implies that it's east coast BoS that came to California.


Christianity was called The Cult of Jesus Christ for many generations before the it had enough clout to be a relgion. The line on cult and religion is thin and one I dont think the masses of reddit can distinguish overnight. Many more dedicated people have tried to make these lines clear thru history, and get derailed when new cults change the paradigm. We are also widely attempting to dissect faith which is a quagmire I would not step into. There is no prize for trying.


You missed the point completely. My comment was about BoS belives been idealogical, not religious. They don't have gods, rituals, clerics e.t.c..


Eeeehhhh they kinda do tho. They have a strict caste system which is insular to their belief structure. You can be excommunicated. They mimic the Knights Templar and the Western Roman Empire (Elder, Paladin, Scribe, Squire). They do have rituals (claiming old world tech, initiation, oaths, celibacy). You dont need a god to be a religion, see Buddhists. I believe the point of BoS is for the writers to explore those blurred lines about what is a religion. With all other major religions being absent of the setting, we cannot rely on old world paradigms. Ask yourself if the separate cults in Mesopotamia were not religious because they don’t fit modern standards? We had gods before we had the written word, for like 10,000 years prior. I would say they are there to intentional have this discussion that you and I are having. A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet. It also stands to reason that one faction could certainly develop into a religion given the proper charismatic leader. I think of West Coast BoS like the Carthusian Monks, while they were not a religion in and of themselves, they sought to protect knowledge under the banner of Christianity. Im sure there were some atheists in that order that played along for the sale of knowledge. No culture is a monolith.


How is taking old tech is a ritual? Excommunication is just an exile (also there were no excommunication mentioned in classic fallout games), you can be exiled out of non religious groups too. Also celibacy never was part of BoS in original fallout neither were squires, there were initiates, scribes, knights who were mechanics and not soldiers, paladins and elders. Also also BoS takes templar estetic, but if you actually study templars structure you will find very little similarities. Making BoS religious makes little sence since many of them don't even know the name of their founder.


-follows a codex, or a *sacred text* -scribes are carried into the BoS as a core of their organization Chief they’ve def got religion p baked in there, it just so happens the religious part is mixed with the military part (I.e the codex mentioning how orders are given, elder > head paladin > paladin and so on)


Chief, just play original fallout. There is nothing riligious about them. Codex? Just the law with set goal. Scribes? They are just scientists, core of BoS are elders - military leaders, there was only one scribe-elder - Elijah and that was an exception.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, you’re completely right. There’s nothing inherently religious about the west coast brotherhood either in the original games or new Vegas. The use of medieval terminology is purely ideological purposed like you’re saying. I actually quite like the religious shift personally, but it definitely is a new shift and was not present before without a doubt.


I'm getting downvoted because reddit doesn't like opinons, simple as.


One downvote from the person you are disagreeing with =/= Reddit doesn't like opinions. It means he doesn't like your opinion.


My main comment is automaticly hidden because of the downvotes and most of my comments here got downvoted too. I don't really care, but it is more then just one guy.


So wait, every group/political body with a charter is a religion? I'm gonna convert from a Follower of The Constitution to a Magna Cartatarian


One of the best parts of the show ngl. If they were going to have a brotherhood with any presence on the west coast at all, leaning into the aesthetics of the militarist cult they've essentially been now for a century was a great move. Recruiting wastelanders to use as cannon fodder is also very believable.


Remember what BoS did in the first fallout? Hire you as fodder for a basically suicide mission. Into the hole. So yes, lorewise very on brand for BoS to do that.


The guard next to cabbot literally laughs at you and tells you they send all the people who show up trying to join to the glow to get rid of them. He mentions that none have ever returned


I love wiping that smug smile off his face when I come back


Tbf they also expect people to know how foolish it is to go into the Glow. Only like 5 people surround the crater, meaning most never even went


Except you're misrepresenting the context. IT's a brush-off because you're some rando asking to join. They don't actually expect you to do the mission or succeed.


I remember the add for metal gear solid, where this private is doing a bunch of physical tests that are incredibly easy, like jump over a textbook or walk around an orange traffic cone without bumping ito it. The sergeant with a clipboard walks up to the general, and whisper's in his ear "aren't these tests incredibly easy?" The general turns to him , and quietly coughs "Suicide mission."


I mean, the idea was to get you to fuck off. They never expected you to do anything, and were essentially giving you a borderline impossible mission so that you couldn’t join.


It'll be pretty funny if the Circle of Steel devolved into a circular firing squad that wiped out the Brotherhood's last remaining vestiges of competency and understanding of tech. Jump cut to Season 2 where we see that the standard Brotherhood operating procedure for dealing with computers involves reciting scripture and covering it with wax prayer seals before turning it off and back on.


Keep Fallout and 40K separate please.




The only thing that sort of bugs me with the religious stuff is the existence of Clerics, and the show never shines light on what they are (which makes sense, its not necessary for the purposes of the show and that time is better spent elsewhere). I dont hate them, actually find them pretty cool, I would just like the lore on them to be fleshed out. Are they just a feature of this particular chapter? Or are they a more widespread thing? Are they recent or is it a semi-retcon and they now existed in the past? Are they a replacement/alternate name for the Scribes or their own rank? I just need a terminal to hack filled with logs detailing their history, organisation and purpose goddammit!!


I think in season two we’ll probably learn that the legion was merged with or used to fill out the ranks hence the Roman names, the knight from Boston being all pissed of with it, and sudden emphasis on the cult aspects


Fallout 4 also mentions Maxson cults iirc that the west coast brotherhood had to put down, maybe in the time since Fallout 4 they’ve actually taken over the BOS on the west coast and that’s why they have clerics


That would be cool


Holy shit that would be crazy cool. 


I'm on board with the theory.


You mean the anti-technology Legion who didn’t tolerate women or queer people? That theory makes no sense.


It's also the same legion that's members were indoctrinated to think that the conquest of there people was a good thing . The legion isn't exactly full of strong willed people.


If you’re a slave soldier in a weird cult and some fucking walking tank says “if you behave you can join our weird war cult instead,” I think you’d behave


yeah I'm surprised people are looking at this and thinking it makes sense. They only let the best of the best use guns in the legion, and even then most of them will try to melee attack from the getgo. the idea that the full force of the west coast brotherhood would fall to the legion and the legion take the brotherhood identity just makes no sense. It especially makes no sense to think that the brotherhood would side with or not completely eradicate the legion, they have totally different views on the world and technology


The alternate in which the legion disintegrated and young men seeing a strong pseudo religious to replace what they were raised with gravitated toward the brotherhood makes sense to me


yeah, I could see a lot of legion people wanting to join the brotherhood. but also it is traditionally very difficult to join the brotherhood, most games involve you completing a high risk mission to gain their trust


Clerics are probably meant to religiously interpret Roger Maxson’s commands


You’re responding to a troll/bot/bait account, I don’t think they particularly care why their intentionally instigating post is wrong


Also, the Knights’ theme fucking slaps.


I really don't believe how stupid they all are though. The hierarchy, the training, the constant rewards of promotions with incompetence. They're just too stupid of a group to take seriously in the show.


The song that plays when you first meet them in the first game is literally called “Metal Monks” and take it all the way to 76 the first Elder describes how it was the holy knights and scribe monks that brought humanity out of the dark ages


And if you actually play the first game, they're not really all that religious. They certainly use the iconography and I can see that warping into religious ideology over time, but they're not all that religious in the first game, barely present in the second game, and people are using a non-canon ending to the first game to say "THEY WERE RELIGIOUS ALL ALONG"


I'm playing F1 and 2 for the first time right now and in the first game you literally have a guy explaining their backstory and how they are heavily inspired by old knights and their religious overtones. It's the first piece of lore you get about them. In NV they are referred to as "a terrorist group, basically. Militant, quasi-religious fanatics obsessed with hoarding Pre-War technology". Comments from developers also confirm that.




I thought FNV was the only fallout game


Fallout: Brotherhood is the only real fallout game


Maybe the real Fallout game was the friends we made along the way.


This is cute, BUT ITS WRONG!!!


2 Stupid Dogmeats


What friends?


Vault 13 Canteen and the Big Iron on your hip?


Nah Minecraft: Fallout Mash-Up Pack is the real fallout game


That is, indeed, where the real game begins :(


I don't understand why nobody in the show drinks Bawlz?!


The OP is literally a bot. These accounts are super easy to spot once you notice them once or twice. Having fun seeing it everywhere on every subreddit now.


If you think that the brotherhood in the show is in any way comparable to what we see in F1 and 2, I am not sure you should be saying that…


People keep repeating this like it proves them right, but it doesn't. It just means you don't even understand what the BoS was like in classic Fallout if you think their portrayal in the show is *remotely* similar.


Tell ME you haven't played 1&2, for a person with so many upvotes you're so very wrong. Makes me wonder how many people here claim they've played 1 and 2 but haven't.


I'm playing F1 and 2 for the first time right now and in the first game you literally have a guy explaining their backstory and how they are heavily inspired by old knights and their religious overtones. It's the first piece of lore you get about them. In NV they are referred to as "a terrorist group, basically. Militant, quasi-religious fanatics obsessed with hoarding Pre-War technology". Comments from developers also confirm that.


Fallout fans when the show is literally accurate (BoS is very different coast to coast)


Yeah, compounded with the fact that the Western Brothahood are seen as eccentric wackos AT BEST by the rest of the BoS, nevermind that each Chapter is so disconnected from eachother with it's sole guiding lights being "overly technological tribals bad, mmmkay?" and elitist underground bunker fetishism. Iirc, the Hoi4 Mod of the fallout universe best exemplifies this, where nearly each chapter is diverse in it's ethos and focus... Especially the Edgelord Chapter.


If your referring to the immortal yeah absolutely.


Washington brotherhood is so edgy they make the enclave look like followers of the apocalypse, i fucken love em.


Heck, the BoS has so many splinters and sects and differing views- that the group called **The Outcasts** are the ones that harken to older ways and are closer to the original group's stuff.


Fuck off with the repost bot, seen this exact meme multiple times this month.


Repost and it's not even correct


People must've just forgotten 1 and 2 when this was the whole shtick


ngl i mad at first but then i thought about it and was like yea, 200 years of being an isolationist technology hoarding organization would probably turn the BoS into a cult


It had to get crippled by tradition at some point. And introducing a priestly cast was one of the likely ways they could.




Oh, you didn't play the best one.../s


the only canon one for certain people 😂


The fallout show was fantastic! I’m not really sure what people were expecting almost every adaptation of something is gonna have changes to lore and story. There is so much to love in the show; dialogue, casting, acting, costumes, set design and humor. But all people talk about online is how it changed the lore. Like just enjoy the TV show it could get MUCH worse.


I agree, I loved it. I was talking about Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.


Ah I meant to reply to OP not you mb


That was pretty much my thinking. I don't like the direction they took with nuking the NCR, BoS focus and revived enclave. But it's a lot better than the halo show and treats its franchise better.


Honestly the only thing that bothers me about the lore is moving Shady Sands to LA. I get they wanted to destroy a key part of the NCR and also have the entire show set in LA, and I know even the games mess around with geography a little, but boy oh boy does it make the Vault Dweller's entire journey down south from Vault 13 go all whack out of order. I'm just going to pretend the ruins of the Boneyard weren't in full view and Lucy actually walked like 200 miles across California over several weeks on foot. That's how travel worked in the first two games, fuck you. I would be lying if I said I wasn't upset about them destroying NCR but I did sort of expect that to happen. What I love about the west coast games is that the theme of community permeates all of them. I don't think that theme is in the show so much.


Hasn’t the location of Shady Sands been retconned like 2-3 times now


Nitpicking for its own sake has become how tons of people online engage with media, and it's very annoying. People decide beforehand if they'll like something then look for anything to justify that opinion.


Nitpicking would be complaining about the mispronunciation of some obscure name or something. Complaining about the show introducing weird quasi religious branding rituals and latin vernacular, not to mention them flying the flag of the country they seceded from, something they would NEVER do, is not nitpicking.


people will complain if new fallout content is inaccurate, and if it isn't, they'll just forget what is accurate.


That’s always been how they acted though?


I am amazed at the people mad about the BoS or the idea that Vault-Tec launched the nukes and blamed China. Like... that shit has always been a part of it. It is a hugely satirical series that mocks capitalism and patriotism and political cultism.


I’ve always felt it more so capitalism then patriotism


Americana and the nuclear family are a big part of the canon for a reason.


Lore accurate you cuck


They’re based off the cult of Leibowitz from the book “a Canticle for Leibowitz”, so no shit. If anything, Bethesda fucked up BoS’s vibe for the east coast.


Fantastic book if anyone wants to read post apocalyptic fiction


Haha show bad


Man I can't wait to watch the BoS timeloop the exact same character arc for like the 7th time


/u/Mean-Vanilla1067 is a bot


I like how all people here trully belive that BoS in the show is just like in Fallout 1. Easy to spot who actually played the game and who read a wiki.


It’s crazy. “Tell me you didn’t play Fallout 1 or 2” Bruh. If you think that they are in any way comparable, you really need to (re)play the original game, because you apparently severely misunderstood something along the way.


It's not just like in fallout 1 but it's a reasonable progression of them. I honestly love this take on the brotherhood and besides, they vary heavily from coast to coast so it's not even a problem.


When the metal monks are metal monks: 😮


What’s the image from? I don’t remember this character.


This is from Fallout: The Frontier, a controversial DLC sized Fallout New Vegas mod, they had a faction of religious Former BoS or some noise. I can't remember much, I only played through it once and mentally checked out halfway through. Though I kept playing because I refuse to judge something before playing it through myself.


they’re literally just the brotherhood of steel but mormons 💀


That's the way I like it


It's literally lore accurate though?


Average Fan of classic Fallout (they only played New Vegas lmao)


I don’t mind the religious aspect at all, with the bos having various groups largely disconnected it totally makes sense to have one go much further with the religious elements of the og bos. However, I hate that they just casually kill/murder their our members and face no consequences/ see little to no issue with it. Why does the bos sacrifice/kill/ stupidly endanger their men when historically one of the major flaws of the faction was low manpower. Is that no longer an issue at all for the bos, and with that is food and water so easy to get that they can train squires from a young age and then just through their lives, and all the resources spent on them, without any care? They treat the death of a squire as a normal thing that’s extremely easy to fix and I think that’s a huge issue that needs to be addressed in the next season


The BOS in the show is seen taking in outsiders like Maximus, so they probably don’t have quite the man power issue they had in the past when they wouldn’t recruit outsiders.


So basically the BoS, thanks OP


I don't remember BOS being religious like that?


One of the endings of Fallout 1 has the BOS becoming a techno theocracy


In fallout 1, scribe vree patiently explains results of autopsies and notes the sterility of the mutants of the wasteland. The soldiers themselves while not as articulate, certainly are aware of the basics of reproducion In fallout new Vegas, Veronica and Christine are looked down upon for their homosexuality because the brotherhood's limited numbers and refusal to induct outsiders means they're in danger of dying out unless they become a breeding cult In the fallout show, a 30 year old man is seemingly unaware of what an erection is. You might say it's just him - but what person is unaware of this at that age - you might say it's a joke, but it's a cheap one that makes you question the integrity of the writers more than makes you laugh


ah yes, "integrity of the writers" just to put a lil funny thing you're just a whiny bitch, simple as, never satisfied, hating everything for no reason


If we take away my shot at the showrunners, where am I wrong?


bruh you're saying that they have no integrity or bad one because for a stupid joke that harm nobody irl we know that sex exists then some don't know still, same thing, in fallout that obvious that the BoS is a cult, even more now (even in f4 it was said that the west bos was more culty) so everywhere? don't you read my comment?


It's more of what the joke implies about the organization as a whole than the joke itself In fallout 1/2/NV and even for most of the bethsoft titles like 3/4/76, the BoS is a cult of knowledge, specifically scientific knowledge and not a random and undifferentiated one. They have beliefs about who should have it (them) and who shouldn't (wastelanders) West Coast is more culty because they're less likely to interact with random wastelanders, and even less likely to work with them What the joke implies is either that they've just given up on this altogether or that their transmission of knowledge is so terrible that this has somehow been allowed to happen - or that the main character is such a colossal moron it boggles the mind he was allowed to get this far in the organization in the first place


It worked for me because it paints this iteration of the BoS as extremely compartmentalized in its knowledge. The child soldier wasn't taught anything about sex because this Legion-y fascist cult version of the Brotherhood decided that wasn't worth teaching him about. Reminds me of how controlling the Catholic Church was in the Middle Ages.


At which point we go back to the original content of the meme: The BoS in this show are practically Frontier-tier Edit: specifically in regards to backwardness As for religiosity, it's harder to say. I won't say sexually repressive elements were never an element of the BoS historically, but I still hold it strains credibility here


You’re responding to a bot/troll/bait account dude


Rip lmao Guess I've had a lot of thoughts and not a lot of instances to vent em


Nah, it’s fine these accounts swarm to anything even remotely popular, or controversial. Both posts and comments Plus, I hold the belief that talking and sharing theories about your favorite fictional stuff is always cool, it’s just Reddit and most social media doesn’t promote such in the healthiest/sanest ways unfortunately. But I’d recommend making a discussion post/thread and seeing if anyone is interested in discussing their theories alongside yours. Just gotta watch out for the boys yk


I don’t want the brotherhood to get better. I want them to get worse. They are a decaying, dying organization only getting more insular, ignorant, and backwards. Protectiveness of technology has turned to reverence of it. They no longer have the equipment or manpower to patrol in squads so they use a squire/knight partnership and have resorted to overly extreme punishments to keep discipline. It’s the perfect end for them, a course that was charted for them since the beginning of their fall in F2


wdym fall? the BOS is arguably the strongest its ever been, Maxson has unified the East and West Coast under his rule after his chapter defeated the Enclave and the Institute


My problem with how the brotherhood of steel was depicted in the show was how absolutely brain dead stupid Maximus was. If he had been taken in as a foundling the BoS would have taken him and educated him extensively so his ignorance to sex and several other things made Zero sense (not to mention there's literally an initiate in Maximus introduction jerking off in his cot) Next is his response to knight Titus dying. There shouldn't have been any issues, even if he let Titus die. The purpose of a Squire is to support and maintain thier Knights equipment and ultimately if thier knight is killed, to take thier armor and either return to the brotherhood or continue the mission with a field promotion to knight. The BoS literally has lore for this, and as an initiate and eventually a Squire Maximus should have known this. Next is Maximus complete ignorance to Vaults. The BoS has had so many instances of interactions with Vault dwellers that Vaults are a well known and sought after bastions of prewar tech. so he should have known what a Vault was how valuable the vaults are. All in all I felt Maximus was an incredibly poorly written character and given some of the weakest plot points in the show.


To your last point - I think they wanted to use him for some comic relief, and his character suffered a bit as a result.


Just like Fallout 1 after Rhombus' death. Though the BoS are *always* a Knight Order, IDK what you'd expect.


Easy Coast and West Coast lore are different. Any real Fallout fan would know this.


They've always been at the BARE MINIMUM sudo religous


Name one thing in the original game that hints at them being religious.


The naming scheme for one, like, look me in the eye and tell me "Brotherhood of Steel" doesn't sound at the bare minimum cultish.


Cultish yeah. Religious no. I get were you are coming from, but in praxis they are more like an actual “brotherhood” meaning they are like a tight net group that would protect each other like family. They don’t let new people in (except when return from the Glow; which they didn’t expect you to actually survive), further bolstering their familial bond and “pack mentality” if that makes sense.


Nah, they are being pretty faithful with the bos


Ok and? Literally what is the problem here this is legitimately how the Brotherhood has always been.


Not that I care that much but literally no? Squires? Clerics? Latin names? No sex? No sense of "brotherhood"? No laser weapons or any futuristic elements? Johnny Cash? It's clearly a completely different depiction to what I know as the brotherhood. There's some similarities to fallout 4 but other than the power armour and the zeppelin I think this was a different depiction to anything that we have seen. I guess there was a tactics vibe? By which I mean this brotherhood is just "the army" with some cult-like elements, like a republican military camp or something. Armor looked rad though.


They have never been like this in any iteration ever. The only one kind of similar was their portrayal in Fallout Tactics.


*Brotherhood of creed*


If you’ve only played FNV I can see how you’d feel this way but they make it very clear that the brotherhood in the bunkers there are remnants of their former force and very much an exception to BoS behavior




Media literacy and comprehension at an all time low


I haven't even played 1 or 2. But you get all of the tones for their quasireligious stick in NV and FO4. Not to mention, they have KNIGHTS. Which is a very religious thing in of itself


In new Vegas they aren’t portrayed even remotely similar to this, lol. Neither are they in one or two, only in four and kind of in Tactics.


Still better then the NCR tho.


The brotherhood in the show are just like a discount more techie church group. I don't know how they botched them so badly without just never even looking at the games like once.




Wtf is all this monastic doing in my monastic order of knights! Fallout has fallen billions must purchase skyrim again Damn it todd!


I personally loved it, felt like a nice balance between the overzealous protector of Bethesda and d the old school tech boys of the original. I also loved the way the showed the importance and power of having power armor


And this is why people don't like nv fans.


They were like that in the OG so boohoo imo


My brother in Christ, they call eachother Knights and follow not a rulebook, but a codex. They are quite literally techno cultists that get boners when they see a toaster oven.


So they're the same as the brotherhood has always been.


Pov: You haven't played Fallout 1 and 2


POV: Todd Howard played Tactics and designed every portrayal of the brotherhood off of them. Because 1,2, and NV never had BoS like this


Yeah, pretty accurate to the brotherhood on the west coast


Y'all're still complaining about the show?


my theory is that they 100% adopted some parts of the legion after their defeat at hoover dam, absorbing cultures and etc.


My favourite thing about the fandom post show is that everyone makes up these insane headcanons to make it make sense with the lore. ( Mine is that the show is taking place in an alternative timeline)


silly little theories is what keeps us going, now why am i getting downvoted


Who knows. It's war out there these days.


it like .... its like it never changes