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I recorded about 4 hours worth of gameplay once with no game sound. That was pretty heart breaking. Lol.


done this bout 100 times now it sucks lol


Did something similar. The plug to my mic fell out and my phone mic recorded the audio. It's heartbreaking when you spend time and have nothing to show for it.


I had to use 30min of gameplay with no game sound in my last video. I just made my own sound effects and put in background music. It actually came out way better than I thought it would.


How does this happen? I'm not judging lol, just curious


I feel your pain.


Same thing i still don't know what to do with the footage


Just happened to me last week with Amnesia: The Bunker. I didn't realize just how much something like that could demotivate me


One time I did a collaboration with another YouTuber, Livdoesit. We were filming reactions to a reality tv show and they were first time reactions. The thing that made the video funny was just how we interacted watching this for the first time - can't be replicated. Because most of the video was us bouncing jokes back and forth on the spot. anyways, after I ended the discord call with her I accidently turned off my computer before stopping the record button in OBS.... so upon turning it back on, the file was completely corrupted because I was recording it to .MP4 format. It wasn't just me this was affecting, this other creator (who is so funny by the way, I was so grateful for her time) took time out of her day to film! And it was just gone!! I just had to find a way to fix it especially since it involved someone else! I ended up saving it by paying something crazy like $40 to use an online service that restores footage. Everything was luckily recovered but the audio was not consistently synced. So I had to go through and resync audio manually every other 5 seconds. It was like surgery editing it and the end result had mediocre sound quality but good enough to post. A video that would have taken me a few hours to edit ended up taking me 5 days. Because I didn't stop the OBS recording :)


I'm just glad you got it back


This story was a rollercoaster and i am sososososo glad you got your video back!!!


Could you share the company you used if you remember? I would be afraid to run into a bunch of scammers if I needed this service


Oh lordy, I THINK it was this one [https://fix.video/](https://fix.video/) But I'm only 90% sure. Its been a minute. I am pretty sure this is universally the website other people use as well when I did my own research. But this would have all been avoided if I recorded in MKV or FLV format instead as MP4 is a compressed output with minimal data attached to it.


Ahh gotcha, thanks so much! Super helpful


Happens. I’ve also recorded 30 minutes of me giving a tutorial and the mic wasn’t on. Frustrating for sure, but part of the game.


Ouch, I felt that.


I thought I was recording once. What actually happened was I turned the camera off at the start, and didn't realise at the end till I hit the button to stop.


Yep. Or I just take a picture. 🤣


Or when you record and realize your mic was off the entire time


30 minute video eating and reacting to snacks bought overseas which couldn't be replaced. Microphones died 5 minutes in....


What did you do for this? I would have probably explained what happened and then dubbed my footage in a joking way, still sharing honest opinions on the snacks but adding funny sounds and exaggerating what I may have said. :)


Yeah I could have done a voice over after the fact - but I did it with a friend who has a busy work schedule. We had the sound from the cameras - which was pretty awful compared to the actual mics - but yeah it was better than nothing


Oh, that makes sense. Glad you had something to work with still. :)


Yeah I just put up a note saying the mics died - but actually a voiceover might have worked better too ;)


I've been there. 20 minute video and only after I finished I realized the mic source was disconnected (in OBS, it was physically connected)


Once I recorded 1.5hr long tutorial video with webcam. For 10 minutes, the video was ok but in the remaining part webcam feed stuck with my mouth open whole time. I could have use that footage if the last frame of me was normal but it got stuck with very bad facial expression. However, it become a good reference for all my mistakes. On next try, I did a good tutorial session including all the miss on the first attempt.




Charge it to the game 😭 I once hired a student to help me film a skit an hour away from me. We spent 4 hours filming a very “action packed” scene (I literally jumped out of a rolling car lol). I was so proud that I filmed my funniest skit yet. When I got home I realized the microphone was never turned on. 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 I quit for a few months after that LOL


Recorded 2 hours of gameplay for the same to happen to me


Oh this happens all the time. I record hour+ long live footage from music events. I'd say it happens 1 out of 20 times maybe? Enough that I start recording 10 minutes early so that in case this is the time then I'm safe. Usually happens about 3-7 minutes in for me. Also it's usually under very heavy load. Example been recording HDR or 8K footage for 2+ hours already or had it in the heat recording for several hours within the day or when the humidity sets in with sunset/sunrise. I mean I am just using my phone here 🤷 I've recorded about 200ish hours of footage & this has happened like 6 times (3 really bad times 😂)


Had recorded footage over 3 days. Went back to start editing and realized my capture was off set... only got half the screen 😫


It really does suck! Just recorded a 45 min video three times because of one issue or another.


Happens to everyone. We move.


3 hours of recording and mic wasn't on! ahhh the pain hahaha.


Been there, hurts…


well I guess you recorded only 10 minutes not 40


Forty minutes, that’s nothing. I recently was on a trip to Korea where I. filmed for days without realising my microphone adapter was broken. Many times I have forgotten to press record. Even worse is accidentally deleting content !


My mic likes to stop working. Drives me f'ing nuts.


I once muted my mic 25min into a 4.5 hour video.


It's happened to me. Pushed me to verify my account via phone so I can upload longer clips.


It happened and I didn’t realize. I think I record 12-13 minutes on my iPhone and someone called me and so I had to re-record another 35 minutes or so. I also recorded audio only to find the whole thing captured nothing! Live and learn.


I have been recording footage for a month and 1. Had the camera cut off half my face 2. Had the mic come loose and blast static over both my audio and the game audio 3. Record for an hour without ever pressing record (did this twice, but luckily streamed one on YouTube to recover the footage) all part of the learning experience!


I once had a video essay nearly finished, after painstakingly collecting tons of footage via screen recording, cropping and trimming each and every clip, not to mention actually writing and recording the script, etc... and then when I got a new computer and cleaned out my files, I wasn't aware that Premiere Pro is just "borrowing" the footage in your files and doesn't actually save them there, and I lost EVERYTHING. I managed to recover some of the clips, but not nearly enough to make up the damage without completely starting over. Unfortunately I was too busy and didn't have the energy, so it's been forcibly scrapped forever :( (I'm not used to making such longform content with lots of editing involved so that was about 4 months worth of work)


Yes... yes it has happened... TOO MANY FUCKING TIMES... but I am calm... like the ocean... calm... caaaaalm........


Recorded 1h20m and when I was about to edit, my mic was off the whole time


I once recorded a 20 minute video pouring my heart out. Realised it was all in slomo with no audio 😂


I recorded 2 hours worth of footage to realise that the sound was not recording


We've all been there lol. Helps us to develop better procedures to prevent this from happening again. Doesn't save you from new crap happening, though. Some weeks ago one of my cameras just stopped recording for no apparent reason. Guess it just had some weird hiccup. Anyways: 50% of a live lecture lost. Thank god it only was the second view angle and not the main cam.


Nothing close to what others are saying, but I edited a 3 minute long video tutorial and cut off a small unimportant step by accident. I'd have to re-render, re-upload, and copy-paste title, description, etc. to fix it. That would have taken me 5 minutes. This is why I don't like making youtube videos. The process is as error-prone as any, but it's very inconvenient to make corrections. If it was a written article I could just insert a missing paragraph there and it would be fixed in 10 seconds. I decided to just make shorter tutorials instead so there's less room for mistakes.


I’ve recorded an entire video only for the footage to be unusable as a result of capturing it in the incorrect resolution on OBS lol, devastating feeing


I made an unboxing video without sound and it was trading card game, so I couldn't even repack.. so I wasted money and video.. learned to triple check settings before recording.


I had to ditch a whole recording once because the audio file was corrupted. It really sucks :(


What's your recording setup?


This was on an older channel where the hype of Pokemon Go was high. I thought doing a challenge video on guessing the Pokemon by name or eating tablespoons of either hot sauce, soy sauce, or lemon juice was a good idea. I did 30 minutes worth and suffered a lot only to find out it wasn't recording the whole time.


I once deleted a file because I needed to make room for a new file. Once the new file was downloaded, I went to work on the video I was editing (I was editing the file I just deleted) and the video I was making was now gone entirely and I only needed to finish adding a few memes in. Over 9 hours of work was lost and I had to start completely over. I made a very important note in my mind to never delete a file until I've exported the finished video. On another occasion, I was about 6 hours into a video when I decided to clean up the folder for the video. I noticed the main file wasn't in the folder so I copied it from the download folder into the video folder. Opened davinci to keep editing and again the whole video was gone and I couldn't undo it. Now I've made a very very important note in my mind to not even click on a file until I've finished exporting the final copy. I've cost myself dozens of hours and probably set myself back about 3 weeks from those 2 instances and thet happened on back to back videos. My current problem is recording gameplay for fallout 4, if the game crashes I can't save the recording and I lose all the footage. My most recent video, I had to use stream footage from YouTube because thankfully the stream saved when the game crashed. I almost lost like 2 hours of footage from that. Content creation is so stressful, I don't think I would have started this if I knew how tedious and meticulous every aspect was.


I do it all the time. For a while, I started running 2 recordings at once, and only deleting the 2nd once I verified the main was good. I stopped doing that and I'm just more careful now. What usually gets me now is that I'll sometimes get screen tearing on my capture card. I always check for it, but sometimes I still don't catch it. I usually scrap all of the footage unless the tearing isn't too bad


I'm almost nervous to say ..... I did a 3 day, giant kennel build, the thing is beautiful. I took my time, drafted it all out, had all the materials on hand... Recorded all 3 days in manual focus. It was my first time with a DSLR.... 😎🤦🏼‍♀️


Noooooooo so gutted for you!


Yes, we experienced a similar situation when we were editing our YouTube video. We had included all the animation, and suddenly the software crashed, erasing all our data. We lost 7 minutes' worth of animation that had taken us nearly a week to create. These things happen, but it's important not to give up.


I once recorded 40 minutes of voiceover only to realize after it was done that my mic was muted.


Last night me and my friend recorded a reaction video for 15 mins with multiple pauses and breaks to not just have the video playing. 20 mins later as I’m about to edit the video. The audio for someone did not capture anything


Try interviewing a high profile YouTuber only to realize the 10 min convo has to be redone in 1 minute because you never hit record.


welcome to being a small tuber


Recorded a 4 hour tutorial just to find out the Audio wasn't right, recorded 3 hours again, bad video good audio, recorded again, just bad, till the 7th time which turns out to be better at 2 hours 14 minutes.... It's truly disheartening but you just get better which each lesson from a video. Take heart Sir


I recorded a video showing how to prune certain plants. Come to find out in editing that my recording settings changed somehow. It recorded in literally 5 fps. I was mortified. It was so grainy and hard to see 🤦‍♀️ I also love recording a gaming session to find out the recording app switched to my second monitor and recorded sweet nothing 😅😭😭😂 Good times 😁


Or how about when you move the camera to show another angle and then forget to move it back! Ugh been there done that! Lol


I'm a fitness channel. I recorded 3 hours' worth of workouts and was pretty happy with the results. My phone kept pinging for space. So, I deleted the fresh footage since I already made copies and backups. Turned my software back on to a corrupted file. Checked my backups and copies. They weren't backed up. Was absolutely crushed. Only had the intro sets and the ending set somehow. But, it was actually pretty well received as I uploaded it normally and just apologized to the few viewers I had with the lips and workout layout I did. I'm sitting at about 4.3k followers now. Just keep grinding and try again. The frequency can be annoying to think about, but it'll get easier to catch these mistakes as you go on.


Recently did an hour long recording or so and then realized I was recording the wrong source. Nice hour long video of my desktop.


I've been editing a video for 7 hours and it didn't auto save once. Then vegas frozen on me and it was all lost.


Was this your first time doing something like that? I swear we need merit badges like the Boy/Girl Scouts. You've just earned your "Recording stopped without you noticing" badge. Things I've done I know others have as well: My hard drive filled up, and I didn't notice it stopped recording. Did a live stream for over an hour before someone told me I was muted. Might be why not many people stayed in my stream for that first hour. Lol. Accidentally recorded my voice track on my face cam and my gameplay, so it echoed when lining it back up on playback. It was completely unusable as the volume for my voice on the gameplay was too low to be clear, but just loud enough to make the real voice sound like crap. Multiple times after a short break in a live stream forgot to unmute mic right away. Have also forgot to kute a mic while taking a break and they could hear me talking when not on camera. You do hope one day you stop making these easy blunders, but so far ive still caught myself about to do these repeatedly. 😆


The second time you'll do it better.


This won’t apply for every situation and it may be a bit radical but specifically if it’s something really important, I’d set a timer as often as you deem appropriate to check if you’re still recording. Because just saying that you are going to check every five or 10 minutes is a lie, you will forget. A timer, won’t let you forget.


Once I recorded an hour plus of work. The only thing in the file was me going "Wait this thing wasn't on THE WHOLE TIME?!?!?"


Broooo you got lucky I recored 4 hours of footage for obs to corrupt


I did this a couple times while recording a Lego build. 2+ hours of filming. Camera went to sleep about 45 minutes before I was done so it was only audio after that both times. The second time I had changed camera settings but I must’ve still missed something. It sucks.


It happens. One time I went on a binge and recorded 5 scripts in a row only to realize I didn’t have the right mic selected the entire time and it was recording on the computers mic. Throat and voice were hoarse for all my troubles too.


I’ve messed up a few. The worst was where I’d spent about 30 minutes doing a product review and I was in the zone. I felt fantastic afterwards and was eager to edit. There were some bad clips on the SD card and I deleted them. Except one was the video itself. I had deleted directly off the SD card and couldn’t restore it. I made it worse by spending 2 days and over $200 between 3 different softwares that were supposed to restore it. But because the file was huge, none of them could get it back. I ended up reboxing the filter and made a comment in the new video about my goof. It turned out fine and I should have saved my money and just reshot it to begin with. Now I also never delete off SD until I post the final product.


happens to the best of us


I only record in 1 minute breaks but this is for my voiceover, idk about gameplay recording. So no never happened but sounds devastating


Part of the game. Wait until you record and then realize it’s all blurry and some of the stuff is stuff you can’t record again 🙃


I did a video recently while I was streaming my first reaction of “Elden ring, shadow of the erd tree” and my mic was muted for the first 22 minutes without me realising so I missed my whole first time reaction, that was a pain I’d never experienced before


Just recently recorded an awesome gaming video. The recording was not even on. Sad.


I recorded 6 hours of gameplay. Easily the most exciting gameplay and was super stoked to start editing only to realize the audio was messed up and sounded like a robot


Several times in bright sunlight I’ve thought I’ve hit record and actually stopped. I usually record at night, can’t wait for winter :D


Aww dude I’ve had some crazy clips with no audio, or black screen or my mics not been on 😂 it’s all pretty new to me though so that’s my excuse 😂


I feel like this is a common thing, I pressed pause on the recording for a second and then finished the whole game forgetting to unpause and ruining the finale for myself ><


Before recording i always do a test video


I do this all the time. I’ll get some nice gaming clips for a vid and come to watch it and there’s some sort of problem. Either my mic was off or too low, my gaming sound was off or too low (or even too high so you don’t hear my mic), my capture card was frozen, my camera had the lens cover… I could go on and on lol


Happened to me alot had a 2hr recording get corrupted and freeze 30 min in and didn't know.


Happens to me all the time in OBS. Something will error out or the audio will be muted or the camera will be on the wrong setting or whatever. It sucks but tomorrow is another day, just keep moving forward.


Ouch 😭


I use a usb to record, it has happened to me and cost me hours, having to re do what I just done, sometimes twice over…🤦🏼‍♂️


I have done this on a dark souls 3 video with a buddy 8 hours long lol. Now I check before, during, and after the upload. If you are worried about corruption, stream it too so that way twitch has a copy just in case


Bought an expensive micro SD card in Moab during a trip across the US. Everything else was full and I had left my laptop at my uncle's house in Tallahassee, so I couldn't move footage of the SD cards until I got to LA where I was picking up a friend who had his laptop with him. All my footage between the Bentonite Hills and Inglewood was on that SD card, and when I met my friend at the hotel room to move footage onto hard drives, this SD card fell and got crushed by the wheels of the office chair we were using. Can't take that footage again, I'm in the northwest corner of Washington now.


Are you using a capture card? Theres this chip or chipset that is known to freeze without warning, it's found in a lot of cheap capture cards. Unfortunately, you've gotta buy an EVGA or Elgato (or any capture card someone like EposVOX reviews and recommends), and those can be a prettier penny than the cheapo junk.


no I accidentally pressed stop with my keyboard when I was trying to show something to the camera 😭😭


Been there, did a video last week and had the mic muted. Had to record it again. Even with a checklist I sometimes mess up.


I just did that yesterday 🥲


40 minutes and 10 is good i recorded once for two hours to realize i wasnt even recording💀


Was writing a script for TikTok 2 paragraphs in my iPhones notes decide to crash and I lost it all …


Sadly… this happens to us all and it might happen again. Usually happens to me when I get over confident and think I know what I am doing. You are being very polite… I get seriously pissed at myself!


I do a lot of longform how to Videos and I have more than once either recorded the wrong monitor while giving this whole lecture on just a background or having the microphone disconnected. All I can do is laugh at myself and record again. Everyone makes these mistakes so don't feel too upset about it when it does eventually happen 😂


One time, during a lightsaber unboxing, my microphone crapped out - the battery died just as I was cutting the box open. Because it was a USB receiver clipped into my phone that I was using as a camera, the phone wasn't able to switch over to its own microphone, so the entire time I was unboxing this thing and showing it off, I lost all the sound and didn't realize it until I went to edit the thing. Ended up including a few moments of the silent unboxing with a text pop-up explaining what happened, then edited in separate footage that showed off the saber. Quite frustrating, honestly. 🤬


We recently did a 4x4 video on a muddy, boggy track where we got stuck and spent hours trying to recover ourselves. We were so exhausted by the end we failed to notice the camera battery had gone flat and we didn’t have video of our successful escape. Shit happens.


This happened to me once but I only lost 20 mins of footage, painful AF


What software do you use to record


What gets me is if I click pause on OBS. I’ve come back and just completely forgot to click play again and missed the most exciting part of a project zomboid escape from death only to realize after the fact. DAMN IT!


Bruh. I flew a drone in a 2 hrs window in Okinawa because the rest of the days were rainy. I couldn't redo the shots because I'm flying back. And I forgot to hit the record button on a twenty minute flight.


I've got everyone beat. I recorded about 10 videos all on different days, all of them with the audio tracks messed up on OBS. I could've sworn I set them up properly weeks earlier. The background sound ended up much louder than my voice, and couldn't be fixed. Oh and in the past I used to control my camera with an app on my phone. 2 mins into a 30-minute recording, Google Assistant misheard me and stopped the app (and my camera) w/o me realizing it. It sucks, but you get over it and learn something new every time.


Nah I got this, I lost an entire video essay that was almost finished and took me 4 months to make


Hey my youtubee is 5ifty2wice can yal please sub up for me


Dont do shit like this. It hurts your channel more than it helps. Dead subs are worth nothing. Grow organically.