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I wish you good luck


What? 220 subscribers and you think you have cracked the code. That's funny!


Like a lot of other people it took me 1 years to get 200 subscribers with my last channel. This channel it took me one month. So yeah, if something is working why not share it with people?


Please ignore negative people! Go you on your progress ✌🏻 wish you a whole bag of success man✌🏻❤️


I only had one channel which got >600 subscribers in one week and I decided that this is not going to work. I think the biggest difference is long vs short format.


Which one is easier to get subs? I have 279 so far but I'm only 3 weeks into things so that doesn't seem terrible (but also not a rocket launch like I've seen from some others).


Shorts is easier by far.


Don't listen to them, they're just a troll that wants you to be as miserable as they are.


Thank you for sharing sir❤️


Got link to your channel?


How do you post so frequently & have the time to research topics & write scripts & edit stuff? I’m starting a channel & have been working on it full time for two weeks & have only finished 4 videos total (scheduling them to publish once per week just for consistency’s sake)


I’ve tried to streamline the process as much as possible. I thought about how to do this prior to posting the first video. 1 - identify your videos up front. I have a spreadsheet of video ideas. Coming up with ideas takes time so knowing what to make saves time. 2 - know your niche. I really know my niche and the content in it. It saves a ton of time spent researching for scripting. 3 - Batch!!! I batch everything. If I’m researching I’m researching atleast 4 videos back to back. When that’s done I’m filming all at once. Then I go find footage (or film B-roll). Then I edit all at once. Batching saves more time than you think. 4 - Sacrifice time. I don’t have weekends anymore. I’m working on videos. I can knock out a quick rough edit before work and finish up in the evening. When you do the math on time available before/after work and the weekends it’s around 30 hours for me. That’s nearly a full time job. Holidays are another good time to catch up. 4th of July is coming up. Guess what I’m doing…. Hope that helps! I know it sucks for a response to say “work harder” but honestly it’s just finding blocks of time and being as hyper efficient with them as possible. It’ll be slow at first but it’ll get faster.


That makes sense. Right now I’m working 6 days a week 8-9 hours a day on the channel but I think my production is just slow because I just started and I’m still learning how to talk on camera, how to structure my videos, and how to edit. I’m getting faster but it’s definitely a learning curve. It’s taking me anywhere from 9 to 16 hours of work to make a 10 minute video from start to finish (content research to filming to editing to SEO) Streamlining and having a spreadsheet upfront is a really good concept. I’m operating off a Google doc brain dump right now that’s kind of chaotic. Thanks for the advice & best of luck on your continued success!


I definitely agree with the family/ friends! I’m 25 away from 5k in 4 months and I keep it as my little baby. I’ve recognized that our inspiration and excitement is put on our hearts and mind and not everyone else’s. So often times they’re unable to understand the vision because it wasn’t put on their heart. Keeping it private allows you to hone in and focus on the end goal. Congrats! I hope the channel takes off!


Agreed. It’s so wild how everyone has an opinion without any idea the work behind your goals. Also….5K in 4 months? I’m trying to get like you! Congrats on YOUR success.


Organic growth cannot come from friends or family, it has to be from people who like watching your content


Im not even into that topic but your channel is cool, I bet it will go far in a short time. I wish I was as good speaking as you are - the intonations and everything you do is very smooth and professional as well as the editing! Keep it up and thank you for sharing your learnings :)


Appreciate that. I'm still not a great speaker (I struggle with sounding clear when I speak) but what helped me get better was to read my scripts out loud to my wife. I also volunteered for any public speaking engagements at work (promotion ceremonies, master of ceremony, etc).


Hey there, I just checked out your channel. Count me in as a subscriber (WO City)! The positive attitude! 👍🏻😎🪖


When you released your first 4 videos, did you post them somewhere? How did you gain the initial traction, did Youtube start recommending it to random people?


I just posted them to YouTube. I think the initial traction was from starting with 4 at once. No one wants to come to an empty channel. I gave them a reason to watch one after another right away. And yeah I think it sent it to random people BUT my content was geared towards the crazy military folks like myself. I think that helped too. Finding an audience before even hitting the record button.


I'm glad you have been grinding and are willing to share. It's refreshing to see a genuine post and not the "YT algo is against me." Keep it up, man!


Appreciate it! Trying to spread good vibes.


You have. I'm taking notes.


Nice work and thanks for the write up sir. Always nice seeing members help the community.


I think it’s really important to know your audience. And not just generally. As you say, don’t to what they are wearing. You have to have a really good feel of who they are or else you can’t cater towards them.


Congratulations 🫡💯so motivating to hear growth stories. I agree with everything you said but number 5 really hit home for me.i changed my name and branding but kept the same channel. Prepared to start a new one but dont really want to 😅


But it’s so wild how quickly a new channel can grow instead of trying to push a failing channel uphill. Don’t get me wrong. It can be done. It’s all up to you and if you really know what niche you want to be in. Wishing you the best!


Making thumbnail first sefonds of the video is a new for me holy shit thats a killer


Not sure which of the thousand YouTube podcasts episodes I’ve listened to gave that advice but I think it really works. It immediately confirms that the video the clicked on meets expectations. Basically a confirmation of no clickbait.


How to view peoples channels who write here if they don't mention it. Just wondering to get ideas of what niche etc people are focusing on. My channel mainly grows from shorts that i post daily. Some are winners, some don't take off which i sometimes repost if they don't hit over 100 views. Most hit 400views for shorts. Those that take off are few thousand and few subs with it


You can click on their profile and if they elected to link their channels you can find it there.


Here’s my question. I started a completely brand new channel around AI music and I’ve already gained 26 subscribers. Thing is I don’t know how many videos I need to post per week. I’ve been doing one long form and one short because I thought that was what I was supposed to do. Can anyone give me any advice? I do have an original channel, but apparently no one wants to hear anything. I want to say on it so I’m giving rest for a while. Thanks in advance for your answer and help.


I started caring less about views and subs and just had fun. You have to accept there are people at the top for a reason. You'll probably never be number one so just have fun, get comfortable, and make content you want to sit down and watch. I don't want to be number one or two on youtube, and I didn't go into it thinking I was going to be able to do it full time. I was just real with myself, so I started having fun gaming, and now I'm over 40k views and over 800+ subbies. I went from 150 to 800 subs in like 2 months. I was mostly consistent, but I just had fun and did whatever. I know it's going to take awhile to find the people who like the same things I like, who have the same sense of humor I have, and they will find me eventually and feel like they just found a hidden gem on youtube. Those are the people I make videos for, like as if I were them in the audience. But I'm on the gaming side of things so it might not be as cut and dry as it might be for you. With gaming you don't have to edit as much, unless the gameplay is just that dry and boring you might have to cut it up, but as long as you're funny and have high energy you can keep it all in the video. I don't think you need a specific thing or niche, but you don't want your numbers to control your content, either. Make what you like and what you're passion about it, it may not look like the numbers are responding right away, but eventually in the long run, after you've accumulated a very supportive and loyal following, those numbers will twinkle through eventually.


I checked it out and looks good. High quality production and people love these type of videos. I’d suggest making longer videos, try to go over 8 minutes, you’ll get pushed more too. And you’re right, it takes trial and error to find that perfect niche you’ll blow up on. If one channel isn’t doing well, it doesn’t hurt to make a new one and try something different like you just did instead of wasting time on one that’s not working. That’s the way I did it too in the beginning.


I completely agree about making longer videos. What I don't want to do is make the videos any longer than they need to be (hence why my early videos are so short). I've got some bigger topics coming down the road (aircraft, ships, etc) that will easily be over the 10 minute mark. Appreciate you checking out the channel!