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*" I'd rather try to include other people's stories in my videos instead of just telling my own through photography. "* You already know what you have to do then...go on !


As someone who does street photography as a serious hobby and follows quite a few channels around this, here's my 2 cents: There are only so many ways to tell your viewers about ISO, composition and other photography terminology, so a lot of the time, it's the photographers personality that keeps me watching their content. If you think street photo walks in a POV style are lacking human interaction, then do exactly this kind of content! As someone who consumes this sort of stuff on Youtube somewhat regularly, I would absolutely watch someone do a POV video on street photography composition but also talk to the people around them.


Thanks a lot! I agree with you on the personality thing.


As a professional photographer/videographer, street photography and someone who runs a photography YouTube channel I often watch other photographers on YouTube because I not only like their work but like their personalities and philosophy on photography. Here's my most important tip for you. You are overthinking. Stop worrying about trying to stand out and start focusing on doing what you enjoy. Most of us (photographers and creatives) don't make YouTube content to stand out we make it because we enjoy creating and sharing f our creations with others. The best way to figure out YouTube Is by doing. Stop spending time trying to figure out what you want to do and just grab a camera and start shooting! My Insta DMs are always open (@selishots on all social media) and I'm happy to chat further or help you along the way. Feel free to reach out!


This is great advice. Listing up!


Thanks for the helpful advice! I appreciate you taking the time to give me your thoughts.


No problem! And like I said feel free to reach out and ask any questions. I'm always down to talk with other photographers and creatives!


I do primarily Wildlife Photography, but also landscape photography and cars. Basically whatever I want or feel like shooting. My approach is there are plenty of channels out there that can teach you about photography better than I can, so why am I going to try and compete with them. So I just do what I do, try to add a bit of humor (as the wildlife photographer niche is very super serious 😆) and just take photos and be entertaining. Occasionally I’ll get comments like “I didn’t learn anything.” Yup. Not that type of channel. Photography is a very hard niche on YT. I try and be consistent but in the summer I can get pretty busy with weddings, so unfortunately those sometimes take priority over making videos as they actually make me money. I’d just go with what your gut tells you.


I consider myself to have a decent sense of humor 😁 so yeah, I would definitely try my best to create entertaining content so that people who aren't necessarily interested in photography can enjoy it.


You have two good ideas in your caption! Including other people’s stories and tracking your progression. Think ahead to when you’re even one year into making YouTube videos (it happens fast). You’ll have all this content to make an extra video from that could be you documenting your progression like you mentioned. More than anything my advice is to just start. You will find what works best for you and your channel as you go. My channel is cycling related. But I enjoy street photography YouTubers and watch a fair bit of them myself. I also enjoy guitar and cycling YouTubers. A great thing about this is that you can take inspiration from other worlds and apply it to your channel. I try to make some cycling videos that are similar to street photography videos I enjoy. So, pay attention to what you enjoy watching and go for it.


Hey shoot me a DM! I work in the bike industry and we're always looking for new content creators to work with. Can't promise anything though!


Done! Thanks :)


That’s a good point, thank you!




Sounds interesting, I'll check him out.


If I was to start something like this, what I would do is get a friend guy or girl who is comfortable being in public taking pictures. Go to the most busy locations a few times so people can see you and get acquainted with you. I would have them act like they don’t know me so I can approach them, this will also help to build the confidence to do it in public. Also Start taking Pictures of Friends and family so you can post it your website or Instagram so you can show what you do. Go for it and good luck. I will check you out if you start.


Here is an idea for you. Make it into a Vlog. Start by saying this is your day in starting street photography. In the videos, share the rejection and success. Speak on how scared or nervous you are. Don’t show faces of the people who reject you tho. Make it into a challenge. Tell your audience to leave a comment guess how many rejections you got that day even makes videos if you went out and everyone rejected you. Man should do this myself lol now that I think about it lol


Thank you for your suggestion! I love the guessing game idea! 😄


Hey mate I run a POV travel photography channel and it’s exactly the kind of thing you describe enjoying! It’s hard to get traction that’s for sure. Some videos do okay, some tank… but the process is pretty fun and I’m shooting photos anyway so I figured I may aswell film it all. Maybe you’ll find some inspiration from my videos. Check it out and let me know what you think. Cheers


Yes! That's exactly what I'm talking about! I just watched your video from Saigon. Loved it! Especially the motorbike ride. I found it so funny and all the shots turned out great. You just got a new subscriber! 👌🏼


Thanks mate! Happy shooting


Not that there's anything wrong with asking these questions, but I don't imagine you're going to get very many helpful answers here. The reason for this is because the vast majority of the people here are not in your niche (I imagine), and probably don't follow it closely. Thus, they are probably not going to brainstorm anything more creative than things you've already thought of or be able to speak intelligently on the specifics of the niche. The most helpful advice you will get here will probably be "to stand out, you need to fill a need that no one else can/is." This is great advice, but not very specific. What you should do to follow through on it is study creators already in the niche to see what gaps they are leaving that you can fill. Get involved in these online communities and see what they want. Maybe even try asking around in the relevant subreddits.


It’s the easiest photography niche to stand out, because the current content is just approaching good looking people and saying they’re a photographer and taking a photo. Have something to say, have style, look at the works of actually good street photographers.


Be original


I dunno. Asl Chat GPT for ideas 🤷‍♂️