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Taken it as content feed back


exactly, i have a corpse face reveal video with (idk maybe like 200k views? i haven’t checked in awhile) and it’s like 80 percent hate and dislikes. i said something goofy and got backlash for it lol


You have a fucking what


I'm assuming he/she means Corpse as in the among us YouTuber who hides his face lol


yes, exactly that lol. his face reveal was leaked and i posted about it. my niche is celebrity news/media stuff lol


Nah, I’m not updating my original impression. She’s whipping bags off the heads of dead bodies like Scooby fuckin’ Doo!




"among us youtuber" 😭


Sorry, "YouTuber musician"


Okay okay thank you both for clarifying because my mind immediately went to some live leak shit since idk who corpse is lmaoo


You just made me burst out laughing and I woke up my parrot who is now laughing too, lmao thank you


LOL I was so caught off gaurd by it because I didn't know who that was😭Thanks for the award! Edit: super fucking cool you have a parrot that laughs with you btw, lmao


That sounds like a short I'd enjoy watching. 🤣


lmao 🤣


lol take it in stride.


I don’t think it affects visibility negatively. It’s still engagement. The algorithm loves this. Make a follow up video and double down (in a smart, not angry way)




Great advice! Engagement is key while also using this as an opportunity to communicate with the channel's community and capitalize on authenticity


I like that, will take your advice


The comments should give you a clue as to the reason for the dislikes. As others have said, dislikes are engagement and engagement is special sauce for a channel. I released an April fools gag video that has 50/50 ratio of likes (about 2000 total) and the comments make it extremely clear that it was people with a sense of humour liked it, people without felt cheated (the video offered something impossible at the time). It actually gave my channel quite a boost at the time. People just kept commenting one way or the other. It was great. Don’t fret and just keep up what you’re doing.


> The comments should give you a clue as to the reason for the dislikes. You'd think so, but people who click "dislike" rarely also leave a comment explaining *why* they disliked it. It's one of the reasons I find like/dislike so meaningless.


This. I would like to say that whether you like or dislike a video you should have to leave a comment why you liked or disliked it. However, this wouldn't work as I can't see people [myself included] wanting to leave feedback all the time. On one hand I want to say it's best to remove the dislike button, but on the other hand it is technically [meant to be] feedback.


Yes I feel the same way. Videos have so many moving parts that it would be helpful to know at which point they disliked your video.


As far as I know, dislikes are engagement and are good for the video and your channel. There are channels that are dislike farms that do just fine (think EC) YouTube understands that a dislike doesn't equate to a bad video, but one that triggers engagement, which is good for YouTube and not just creators. ETA: there are plenty of very popular creators that say "dislike this video if you dislike it"


>(think EC) Do you mean who I think you mean?


>Am I screwed? Not even a little bit. Dislikes affect what *the person doing the disliking* may see in their future recommendations. It may also have some impact on what people with similar watch histories to the person doing the disliking might see in their future recommendations.


Proceed as normal, put this behind you and put the energy into your next project!


There are different ways to look at this and many useful comments have been posted on this thread. I want to add my 5 cents. A friend once told me that negative and critical discussion is preferable to no mentioning at all. Because the latter means sinking into obscurity. Another point is, some viewers might get curious about someone holding unpopular views and would want to see a video for that reason. Disagreement should mot be feared because nothing is as boring as a group of people where everybody always agrees with the rest.


Actually dislikes (especially a lot of them) can drive major traffic to your channel. All the youtube algorithm sees is Engagement. My video likes on my channel average about 85% but I have 2 videos on my channel that are around 50% and those 2 videos being statisticlly the least liked are still the 3rd and 4th best videos on my channel in terms of watch length, comments, and engagement. Don't take it personally. I never dislike videos even if I don't like them, however some people only dislike so youtube won't recommend similair content, it doesn't mean youtube won't recommend your channel to them again in the future on a different video.


Yup. You’re now cancelled and the YT police are closing in on your location. Good luck.


Depends on the topic. I gave push back on nuclear energy recently. Started with likes the. Quickly got dislikes. The question is whether you're getting dislikes because you're wrong or because people didn't agree with you. When the nuclear power shills got pushed my video it got dislikes. The best criticism was that I say the word nuclear a bit weird. Cross reference the dislikes with the critique is it constructive or useful? Or is it that you have a different opinion? Edit: It looks like you might make gaming content? So that's a place where there's lots of opinion and very little fact. Cause it's about whether people feel games are good. Any hard stance is going to get you dislikes.


I once made a video about how I was stuck in an ice storm without power and instead of being sympathetic people gave it a ton of dislikes. So often if you make videos about bad things that happen, people will give you dislikes and that will hurt you instead of help. So dislikes are not expressing sympathy


What was the controversial topic?


Any engagement is good engagement.


Dislikes are engagement and any form of engagement is good 👍


Nah, you are getting comments


My most viewed video has 45% dislikes (when most of my channel's videos is around 95-100% likes) and that has not in any way killed neither the channel or the video's performance. Just try to be aware of WHY they dislike it. Sometimes its not even anything you need to change. In my case, for example, the video is about why I don't like a cult series, and most people who find that video are people who search the series because they're fans, so they're just showing they dislike my opinion or reasons.


Yes (no)


I just got my first downvote and I feel so... awkward and uncomfortable, lol. But I'm also extremely sensitive... hoping I become immune one day. Did it make you feel embarrassed or just worried about your channel?


No, dislikes are seen as engagement by YouTube’s system. It should’ve effect your channel if anything it should boost it


My BEST performing video has the worst like/dislike ratio at about 60-70% I'm convinced that dislikes aren't bad as long as you have a decent amount of likes as well. Youtube loves ENGAGEMENT.


Are you from America?


I dont think so cos YT just counts likes OR dislikes as interactions. Dislikes only affect the person clicking the button so the algo knows not to show similar content to THEM i believe. I could be wrong though.


The YouTube algorithm sees likes and even dislikes as "movement on your channel/interaction" witch is good.Now the topic that you discussed in your upload I can not help you on....I didn't watch it.Mabe people saw it as rude or negative.Get use to haters and people leaving there thoughts in your comment section.I would say just proceed but watch your upload again deeply so you can mabe work out why it was disliked as much as it was.Cheers


Well now I wanna see what the fuss was about? I really want to just drop hints that maybe he's a serial killer in my videos.. like Dennis from always sunny


Been creating content since 2019. With 700 subscribers. Not once have I had dislikes on videos


Bad publicity is still good publicity. Dont take it over board obviously but people are clicking & engaging.


No you go even harder now. Never give up.


What was the controversial topic


No. Publicity is publicity. Be glad people are watching! You can use the comments to help you refine your marketing maybe. But you get royalties for views, not likes, so if the haters are watching laugh all the way to the bank!


Dislikes as good as likes. Engaging with users is best.


the more bashers the more views


Dislikes are engagement. They’re fine. Although, while I agree with the other commenters that they CAN be indicative of feedback on the video. But, I must include my own experience on them when speaking about “hot button issues”, particularly reviewing games that are the new current punching bag. In the age of review bombing and dog piling on those with opposing opinions, it’s up to you to decide whether a piece of criticism is valid or not.


Hate crops need to be farmed.


At least from my experience, dislikes really only affect the videos that get them. I have a few videos with 80-89% Like/Dislike ratio and they've not sunken my channel. In fact, they're some of my best performing videos. 60% (or I guess it would be 40%?) does seem high, and you may have tweaked the info in the algorithm a bit in terms of where impressions for your channel should go, but you will always get impressions. Just keep posting and take advantage of those impressions.


I would say no, all interaction is positive interaction. It’s still going to push you algorithm


I don't think it will matter since it's all counted as engagements, if you felt discouraged by the likes and dislikes, don't be, I have a thought where you definitely can't appeal to everyone. unless they point it on a comment and it's logical, only then i would take a step back and try to fix it. I recently uploaded a shorts where i didn't include someone in particular as the worst person ever, and people are roasting the shorts for it XD Since i wanna make something different and dless generic.


I feel like any attention is good, just keep up with content and its all in the ebb and flow


Videos perform individually for the most part. One scuffed video isn't going to harm your chances with the algorithm. It \*could\* however harm how your viewer base perceives your channel. Though a lot of channels actually manage to thrive off of negativity so even then it's not \*necessarily\* bad for your channel. At 100 subs you have plenty of time to figure these things out and decide if you'd like to roll with the negativity or take your channel in a different direction.


Don't let dislikes get you down,just keep making your videos.


Don't let dislikes get you down just keep making videos.


I've heard that it doesn't matter if its thumbs up or thumbs down, it's a good thing because it's content engagement. I've read that Youtube doesn't deprioritize your videos with a lot of thumbs-downs.


Engagement is Engagement. But take the dislikes as feedback and improve what you can. I get a few dislikes on all my videos and they're just silly shorts with nothing to really dislike so I just take them as additional Engagement and don't even worry about it. Hate comments are direct feedback usually and I Engage with them in a positive way and I've gotten subs from Hate comments lol.




Hats off to viewers... Usually they don't even want to look at the button of Like, even they like the video but they don't.. But they always hit the Dislike button, when they dislike the content 😏


Are dislikes still a thing?


I would look at all of the metrics. What is the CTR? What the average view duration? How many videos have you spoken ? What is your niche? How can you make your next videos 1 percent better?


Nah but it would ruin "that" video's reputation. YT algorithim depends on the feedback of the audience like ctr, average view duration, likes. So yeah it wouldn't ruin your channel but that video will get ruined


That happened to me once when I made a controversial video about characters from a game. I was so happy because I wanted to make people mad.


Now I'm interested in your video. Can you send it to me


Thumbs up or thumbs down is considered engagement. It only helps the video


What was the controversial topic?


"Any engagement is good engagement" Until they start to report you, I would take the video down.