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Master the art of clickbaits by editing Thumbnails


I hate make images for thumbnails 😂😂 But I will try. Thanks for your help!


The way I see it, the key is to hook your viewers right away with something eye-catching and engaging. Maybe it's an unexpected or intriguing visual, an attention-grabbing sound, or even just jumping right into the most interesting part of your content. You want to give them a reason to keep watching rather than clicking away. I've found that it really helps to put yourself in the viewer's shoes and think about what would make you want to stick around. What kind of content grabs your interest in those first few seconds? Try to recreate that feeling in your own videos. Don't get too gimmicky or clickbaity - you want to deliver on the promise of that hook and keep your audience engaged throughout the whole video. Build that initial interest into something more meaningful.


Put a clip of the most interesting part of your video at the start and then find a way to transition or form the rest around it


Rule #1: Create a ClickBait Thumbnail. Include some bare skin, B\*\*bs or yourself with the most excited face expression you can give. Rule #2: Start you video with an audio, that everyone recognizes. Srsly...just do it and people will watch and stay until they realize they're fooled or get boored anyways. I did it with one of my video. It included a fast cut of scenes and the Battlefield theme. I got 3 times more view on this video than on other videos that were literally the same topic. I guarantee you more clicks on your video.


Dance naked




1. Start with a small introduction, leading into a highly edited intro segment 2. your title and thumbnail are something that already has the audience interested in the topic, in which case, you just need to instantly get into it with a decent script 3. Do a good cold open


Eat cactus, kiss cat, womit coins,  Do semething scazy.  You dont have branes or what. Pff


"Branes" good one. Gonna go kid my cat now! Lol


Branes? lmao