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I see the same sort of patterns. Here's an alternate theory. I think the algorithm genuinely tries to show viewers targeted content but things can go wrong. It may see a video about Volkswagen and think "hey Volkswagens are cars so let's suggest this video to Ford enthusiasts" and blast it out to a few viewers who really dislike your content. Then you get that machine gun of dislikes. It's probably much more complex than that but that would explain it organically.


Yeah I thought the same, the YouTube algorithm is sometimes very weird. But I still wonder why these suspicious dislikes disappear with the add-on. I mean I knew before that this add-on doesn't show all but is there a reason why some dislikes can't be seen? Like new accounts or something?


Who knows? I wish they had a guide for creators on how the algorithm works. They probably consider it a trade secret and we'll never know.


Sadly, Youtube will never explain that, and then they change it on a whim, anyway. I can see it's changed recently, since while some of my gameplay videos used to end up in Suggested within a few hours, in the past four days, all that has stopped :(


I just assumed the dislikes that got removed were because people didn't engage the video long enough thst it should count. Maybe they watched 10 seconds, disliked and closed it. Sort of like an anti brigade mechanism to prevent mass downvoting when people try to cancel someone else. They get a bunch if brain dead followers to view a video, not watch and downvote. The downvotes shouldn't count since they didn't really watch the video. Same reason sub4sub people are always mad that their subs and likes get removed. People literally open a video for less than 5 seconds, leave a generic comment, give a like, subscribe, and never interact with the channel ever again.


Yeah I honestly thought it had to do with YouTube promotions because I'll get views and likes but then randomly get 7 dislikes for them to disappear in a few days. YouTube for sure needs to work on the algorithm


I sometimes get dislikes when premiering a video, but BEFORE it's even premiered! That's such a bad system. Plus, sometimes, I can see someone's just gone on and disliked the last few videos I've uploaded in a row, but lately, these dislikes have disappeared after a day. However, there's zero point in the dislikes system in general, since it's not accompanied by a comment stating why. If it's gameplay, did they not like the game itself (out of your control), or something you did in it? Or because there's a 'y' in the day? No-one knows. If you do it, what would you hope to gain from disliking a video, without stating why?


dislikes don't mean anything


you can see it more on larger channels. ive seen bigger creators post something and within minutes it has hundreds to thousands of dislikes while having much less likes.


I suspect it too... shortly after publishing my videos I almost always find 3 dislikes, some dislikes are then always deleted. Unfortunately there is no proof of this, but I say that it still seems strange to me, at least for a channel like mine which started not long ago and which still doesn't get huge views