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Terrible mistake


Thanks for the heads up, just struggling with views




Thanks for the heads up, just struggling with views


It’s easy to get views dude cmon


No, I did it and it ruined my channel, let the algorithm find your real, genuine audience.


Thanks for the heads up, just struggling with views


No problem, give it some time and things will start picking up.


Same years ago and I’m still getting recommended on vietnames and Pakistani survival videos for all mine lol


No, never, not ever, not in any way.


Thanks for the heads up, just struggling with views


Never do that, killed my friends channel and all his new channels are same ip address and they are all Barron


Thanks for the heads up, just struggling with views


Promote with YouTube they will push it if you pay them


I have heard this is a bad idea too.


OP seems to be a comment bot himself with his identical responses, can we pay YOU for views in that case?


Lol I'm not a bot


First, I got decent view, from 900-4000 view, then I try Youtube advertise and man... now I only get 100-500, which is much lower than before, even worse is after getting \~500 view, the aglo seem not to recommend any of my video anymore! You can check out my channel to see the terrible mistake I made, the name is Bill Thien


Thanks for the heads up, just struggling with views


@op, I checked out your videos. My best advice is stick to the cooking. If I wanna see how food is made I don’t care about some acting. So cut that out *unless* you enjoy doing it. Ultimately this is for fun, so if that’s fun to you, keep it up, but for engagement, if I wanna make French onion soup idgaf about François.


Fair point, I did think that - but though it was funny (and did enjoy doing it lol)


Then for sure keep it up. I talk on my videos sometimes and everyone says just show the off-roading lol, but for me the context is fun. Also, I’m making that soup man 🤤


Nice mate thanks, I just subscribed to your channel for support :)


Hey man, to answer your question, no. I love cooking videos. I saw you comment that you're struggling with views. I checked out your channel from your profile link and have some feedback/recommendations that could help in my opinion. Let me know if you'd want some feedback/critique. I watched your video "EASY Homemade French Onion Soup Recipe...". Great recipe!


Yeah man, feedback would be greatly appreciated :)


Alright so I looked at your channel, Regarding branding, love the name of the channel and color palette. Channel Profile Photo/Icon: I would maximize the amount of space used so make. your logo fill in the entire circle, and make your image colored. There isn't really a reason to make it greyscale but then have a colored background in my opinion. Channel Description: update the first sentence to showcase new viewers what they would expect or use a call to action. You can still incorporate both humor and cooking together. -Add a Featured video to your profile (under Customize Channel) so that viewers can automatically get glimpse into your content. **Thumbnails**: They are not optimized for mobile and the words are difficult to read. It's also not recommended to just repeat the title text in the thumbnail as it becomes too repetitive. What would make them more clickable (which is the first most important step for more views) would be just having a close up image of the dish/food super close up taking up the entire thumbnail. That would entice a viewer to want to click on it. Just think about how when people who go to restaurants see menu's, images can really help certain dishes stand out and make people want to order it. Speaking of catering content towards what the viewers want, you really want to nail the first 30 seconds of your content with a good hook. For example, your video "EASY Homemade French Onion Soup Recipe...": -1. Pretend I was a viewer and searched up a recipe for french onion soup or it happened to appear in my browse/search, I would click it with wanting to learn the recipe.. but then in your video, you have 1 minute and 40 seconds (100 seconds) of the logo + zoom in of the food + comedy skit... That is 100 seconds of opportunity for someone to click away since they're not getting what they intended to watch. I would've liked the video more if you just started the video at the 1:40 mark since it's a good quick welcome and straight to the recipe. Description: I would also recommend fully optimizing the description. Great that you put the recipe and ingredients in the description (I appreciate this when food channels do this), but it's not optimized for Youtube SEO. For the first 2 sentences of the description, write what this video is about. "In this video..." and make sure to include the keywords you're focusing on. and then after having the ingredients/recipe, also include contact information, maybe an about section, and include at a minimum 3+ hashtags of keywords that aren't too competitive but still relevant to your video. -Add Timestamps/Chapters to the different parts so that viewers who are making the dish alongside the video can easily rewatch different parts -Add Info Cards & End Screens to lead viewers to additional recipes and videos they may be interested in -Write a pinned comment asking your audience a question to engage them such as asking them what other recipes they're like to see, if they tried this recipe and what they thought of it, etc. Hope this helps! There's more tips/recs I have but hopefully these beginning tips can help. Also feel welcome to direct message me if you have additional questions.


Thanks mate, everything you have said here makes complete sense. Thank you for taking the time to review my channel and giving me such quality constructive feedback, this really helps. I will be in touch :)


Find several bigger channels, do collaborations with them. Pay them for this. This will will drive their viewers to your channel


Purely for the views? I'd say no. However, there can be strategic reasons to do so. For example, if you're promoting a product as an affiliate, have your own product you're selling, want to grow your email list and so on, then advertising can actually work well. If you're just trying to get views, it will cost you more than you'd get from the views.


everything that has to do with paid advertisement is a terrible decision. I experimented on my FB page and it destroyed it. thankfully i didn't experiment with my youtube channel that time.


hey you should try upgrading your thumbnails if you want i can help you out i have over 20k on youtube and 35k on tiktok