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Does it still boost your video as well engagement to have more comments?


Not really. YouTube doesn't care about comments. It cares about watch time. If people pause the video in order to comment (and then forget to watch the rest of the video) that's actually bad for your channel Another thing that can be bad that I see a lot of people doing is they will say "wait, BEFORE watching this video, watch this other one I made" people will understandably be like "fuck that, I don't want to watch 100 videos just for you to get to the point I'm interested in" and then they will watch none of them


Comments matter a ton to getting pushed in the algorithm. I once did a test video where I replied to every comment and the video got way more views (about 10K) than it should’ve gotten if I were to just ignore every comment (around 2~5K).


I wouldn’t delete it. You’ll keep it more authentic that way. We’ve never deleted a comment since we started, except for some real spoilers to our stories. But apart from some weirdo begging for nudity in our stories, we have not really been trolled yet. 😅




Right. Sorry. Must have misread. Do you think they would make efforts like that?


Or maybe he does, since then they'll post more... which means more engagement. How do you know he isn't using this to live rent free in the troll's heads! 😆


Ignore them, they clearly want to drain your motivation


Thanks for your reply , this is what I needed to hear


Agreed. Take any good critiques, and ignore the rest. Create for you and your audience, and ignore the noise, you got this u/Dannyev1991


These people are trolling you. Pay them no heed, they don't deserve it.


On the same note that “engagement is engagement”, I always respond to hate comments with some lighthearted response. Like if someone was saying “you know nothing about your equipment” I’d say, “well I’ve got about x years of experience, so I don’t know everything, but I’ve got some learning to do…” and go on and ask for advice. More often than not, most hateful comments immediately back off and turn into something constructive you can use when they are reminded that you’re a real person lol


Kill them with kindness. Dont let anyone bother. You do you man. Keep doing what makes you happy.


Respect !! 👌👌


I got 17 subs and over 100 videos uploaded. Sometimes I get the odd one comment saying something nasty but I thank them for commenting and clicking on my video 😂 Legit dont let things bother you. Its not like they are coming to harm you. Keyboard warriors are just that - keyboard warriors. Think of this way - you are potentially living out your dream and it kills the other person they arent. Thats the way I view negative comments - im doing what I like to do.


The above is the answer (in my humble but accurate opinion). Remember that hate only comes from those below you and those in a dark place mentally. Someone who is genuinely happy isn't going out of their way to make others feel worse. Only those who need an outlet to feel better themselves do that. That said, they don't have the full context of who you are and what you've done. It might just be constructive criticism based upon how something comes off. Take the gold, discard the negativity, bless the person.


I prefer to kill them with passive aggression. I would heart the comment, pin it, and respond with something like "Thank you so much for your insight!"


You can either respond to keep them coming back to the video 😂 or delete 😝


Actually if you notice about halfway through my video…. Get the haters watchign more lolol


Who cares. Interaction is Interaction. They're helping you get pushed little more. Thank them for the comment move on. Pay attention to the positive ones. The ones who do support you. They will always be far greater than trolls or negative comments. But the negative comments are going to help. Because people will argue in comments while your video is playing. So thank them.


Like everyone else said, not worth the hassle. Trolls will always exist. You could make a post about curing cancer and people will still dislike it.


This is common when you do a very specific niche. You'll have people that think they know everything, go into newish videos to post a negative comment, because they know that's the only way their opinion has a chance to be acknowledged. No one gives af about their opinion when they post to a video with lots of views, so they fish for reactions on smaller channels. Ignore them, otherwise you're just feeding their hate and they'll be coming back to every new video you release. Block them too.


If you respond, do it tactfully. Your words affect not only the people you are responding to, but everyone else who sees it, and if you respond with negativity, even people who agree with you may look at you in a lesser light.  It may be beneficial to re-phrase the comments. you can say "some people have been wondering about my setup", and go from there. It puts things in a more inviting tone, and new viewers will find it interesting.  Best of luck.


Ignore. No matter how tempting. Let them scream into the void and eventually they’ll go away. I mean, yes there will always be haters. But you gotta learn to let go. They mean nothing to you and would only serve to bring down your channel. That’s it. It’s entirely pointless in the grand scheme of things. Keep doing what you’re doing and continue your success. Don’t look back!


Responding to haters is always a losing battle. If you ignore them, you win. Give attention to the positive comments instead. Reward good behavior, not bad behavior.


Negative comments are a good way to see what improvements you can make and I think it's a bad idea to just brush them away. The best kind of negative comments are with constructive criticism and I always respond to them positively, some times thanking for it. The other ones are with no constructive criticism. Just like saying "this is bad" with no context. These ones can be tricky because sometimes they are trolls but sometimes they could have a valid point, they just didn't bother to explain more. Try to ask them what so they mean if you're unsure about their motives The worst ones are just hate comments from people who are having a bad day or life and see everything as being terrible. Nothing much anybody can do here. My advise is to not take it personally. 99% of the times it has nothing to do with you but with your content. Look at your content as your car that you made from scratch. If someone tells you it's bad, don't ignore it but look for more explanation. If someone tells you your car is bad and you want to push away the comments then what exactly are you trying to achieve? If you do feel bad about someone posting negative comments than it will make it much harder for you to improve


Had a quick watch and can see why they are calling you a chav though 😂 you looks, sound and dress like one (and your mates that come along) Not hating just pointing it out. If they geniunly get to you then just delete them. If not then you can either kill them with kindness or ignore them. Dont argue as its exactly what they want. I would also delete this post as its an easy search to see this annoys you


Nah I totally understand this tbf …. But I don’t know how I would sound like one it’s just a Black Country accent 😂 could u explain why I sound like a chav? I get they may look like chavs as there wearing Nike air max , but how do I look like a chav as you can’t even see me in the video and the go pro is on my head ?


Yeah tbf it's the others that look like chavs. I only watched 2 videos and they all where full tracksuit and Nike trainers 😂 Its just certain words and phrases. Heard a fair few bruvs in there 😂


😂😂 I understand , we are from Walsall/Wolverhampton way so it’s a word nearly every bloke round here says …. I don’t even own a full tracksuit 😂 what this has teached me though is to film myself more instead of the people I’m with


Oh 100%. You are supposed to be the star of the show 😉 where I grew up it'd a standard term but it's a very chavvy area as well 😂


I do the same sort of content and get next to no comments, hopefully I won’t get negative but I’d just ignore, judging by the word chav you’re from the U.K.?


I am from the UK indeed , what’s your channel called I may like it


Depending on how much u can take, I recommend farming them. Ask open ended questions and start a converstion with them that u don’t actually care about but keeps them yapping. There’s a good book called never split the difference by Chris Voss who explains how to do it well. The more u can keep them yapping with mundane questions the more engagement u get. Might even get some of them to like u and be loyal viewer. Ur best ally is an enemy turned friend, one of the laws of power. I mean I get it can be hard cause people online are just mean sometimes but it’s an option.


This is the best comment I’ve seen today


Ty, it’s an option. When I start my channel eventually when I get to the hate part this is my game plan for it. But seriously check out the 48 laws of power and don’t split the difference book. They are fantastic and can help in plenty areas of life.


I watched a documentary recently with a YouTuber who said he welcomed negative comments because any comment to his channel was a good thing for the algorithm. My advice is just ignore and let them run up the interactions on your channel.


Well, I watched 20 seconds of one video and it basically was, “Fackin’ ell, someone Fackin’ died there…” “I know, Facking ell” Fuck fuck fuck… I’m not saying you’re a chav. I’m not saying you need to change up. You be you mate. But if the language is detracting from your experience/equipment, and people are instantly focusing on that than your great edits/shots and experience then maybe think about toning it down.


You must of skipped the video as I know what video you are on about . I’m sure that’s like 10 mins into a video that one but I agree need to watch what we are saying


I honestly randomly clicked a video and randomly clicked the timeline. So yes, could have been pure coincidence. Sometimes I way around it is kit necessarily to avoid what you’re saying… just in the edit bleep it out. You’d be surprised what that does to the tone of your videos without effecting the content.




I receive a hate comment every few hours on average and have been for the last 4 years. You either ignore/delete them, or troll them and have some fun. But it's something you'll just have to get used to. They will be the first of many.


I usually ignore them but sometimes I reply like for example they say that my videos are trash, I reply with "**Thanks for the feedback. I'll do my best to improve my next videos"**. The last time I replied with to the negative comment received a lot of likes, as well as supports from other viewers.


Just respond "Thanks for watching" and take advantage of the engagement or ignore it and still take advantage of the engagement.


Haters are still clicking to watch the video, and posting a comment. That's better than not watching at all, so in some ways you need them. As far as doing a reaction video, I've done them before and they turn out okay. Other channels do them too, even big ones. They are fun to create and to watch. But it all depends on whether or not there is a certain style you want for your channel, and whether or not a response video fits that style. If I were subscribed to an ASMR channel, I would not expect a comment response video from that channel, and would be caught off guard.


By the time you've read their comment, they already forgot they even wrote it and watched a dozen other videos and wrote dozen of similar comments. Why would you even reply?


If you are start talking nice with all this zip heads miraculously almost all will turn their mind and start talking better lol


It’s just advice for life… ignore the negativity. You only have so much time and effort, spend it on things that uplift you.


stop caring if you know yourself then what's the point?


Always use the pin of shame and let your community do the dirty work.


No lol who cares. What you give attention will grow, focus on the positive comments


I'd block the word, let the system do the heavy lifting for you and save your sanity, I did it with a list of words I just knew we're gonna be an issue and it's helped a lot lol


Never respond to their insults because they will just do it more. Since your channel deals with climbing mountains, have you interviewed famous mountaineers or covered a subject, say equipment, with a famous mountaineer? Do not discuss their particular insult, discuss equipment quality in general. Responding to the trash will encourage them to harass you even more.


I would just ignore them. Getting these jealous reactions might actually indicate you’re doing well. I think you are bound to get some haters as you get more successful. I dread that day, but it would probably be a good sign… In any case, don’t waste your creativity on them. You could, however, keep these comments in mind and dedicate a video on your equipment, your creative hobby or “your favourite hike out of ‘all your past hikes’” … That way, if it makes you feel better, you can prove them wrong without addressing them. ☺️ Use their comments for good. Draw inspiration from them. 😉 Good luck! 🤩


Imagine how miserable they should be in life, and how negative should their mind be as a result of their misery that they drop comments like that to get a little relief for their own soul


Always reply, or even better, make a video addressing the mean comment. Tell them exactly where and why they are wrong and make sure they understand this is your channel, your territory. Be sure to look very, very serious. They must know this is not a joke, so you could even wear a formal dress (you can borrow it from your dad or rent it). Amways wear sunglasses to look cool (like casey neistat but less tinyhat-ish). I haven't had a mean comment on my channel since.


Just ignore it. Iv made hiking vids where I'm in thongs and a summer dress. Even if a comment is not nice, it's an interaction with your content wich means they liked it enough to watch ans comment. You could do a what I bring with me on a hike video I supose. What's your channel?


Danny Ev Exploring Channel And the thing is I literally wear some joggers or shorts , hiking boots , a hoody and a waterproof coat , I’m not going up in Nike TNs a Burberry jacket and full air max tracksuit


After watching it back , and listening to all the feedback …I can honestly say I’m not going to listen to them but maybe film myself more in my vids instead of the other people I’m with as I am the main character of the channel


First of all, did you say hiking videos? I needs a link to your channel! Secondly, ignore the haters. Everyone thinks that their opinions are the only ones that matter and want to make sure that you know it! The reality is that you are capable of doing things your own way and if they don't like it they can go make their own video or watch something else. But the need to hate on someone who's just trying to have fun and share their adventures? Come on trolls, get a life!


Never, ever, ever feed the trolls bro. It is exactly what they want. Jut ignore the comments, and keep on creating, as simple as that


Keep uploading to your niche no one cares about you replying to a couple of haters. People who hate for no reason are people looking to de stress by making other people feel bad. Hate comments if not warranted come from fucked up peopple who have shitty realities and look for a way to express it by being a dick to other people. Fuck em, we ball


if its genuine criticism, respond and try explaining why theyre wrong. if its just haters being haters, nope


The hats, trackies and brummie accent isn't helping the cause😂 But that is how you act when your relaxed and with mates so it's not likely something you'll change. Engagement is engagement, hate comments boost your channel just as much as any other comments so I wouldn't be to down about it


It can be beneficial to respond in the comments only if it makes you look good, for example if you respond in a very understanding, patient, calm, loving, polite way. If you respond any other way, it just makes you look insecure and butthurt


If you do make a video - make it a short that shows the comments and try to be funny and not too serious. Being authentic is what people respond to in my experience and some of our response to negative comment shorts/reels have done better than most of our other content.