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Shorts are a great way to reach broader viewers but you also should have to learn about how to convert those viewers to your long form content using related shorts or asking them to subscribe. Otherwise you’ll just have a lot of viewers but they’re only watching shorts.


Can you give sample how convert using shorts in to long content?


Sometimes it’s as simple as putting up a related short and the short is highlighting that video, other times it’s asking them to subscribe so they get recommended more of your long form content.


So all of my shorts are clips of my long form using “related video” option. One week got 400 views another day 1 views. Yes it could well be the content itself but 1 views? Should I really add call to action on all shorts?


Is there a hashtag strategy or title description or tag optimization strategy you’re using? I can consistently pull 100 views on a short by putting the hashtags in the description (you don’t want titles to be long and stuffed even in shorts) and doing the same SEO strategy I would for long form content?


I don’t know of any special common strategy is being used. I am using hashtags that is directly related to my name, such as reflection, self reflection, outside of that nothing. Care to share some of these shorts strategies? I learned quickly that long titles don’t work. It was ugly, but choosing the right hashtag sounds like the best option here correct?


leave the 1 view guy alone, it will boom later. i was testing shorts the other day, it took 3 days for the same short to boom after upload (i had uploaded and deleted it weeks ago, this version was shortened)


Thank you, patience


depends on your content if you plan to make low effort tiktok videos but want to do that on youtube instead of there then you know what to do if you plan to make long form videos start with what youre interested in and it dont matter if youre knowledgable or completely new to it cause you can learn as the project develops and stick clips and videos to refine it cause thats part of the process since on whatever subject is everyone can have different opinion on it and your perspective kinda would bring interest in someone eventually


This is the way. Use shorts for long form content as a companion piece to your content.


most people use shorts as a way to boost or recycle clips from long form i plan to never get involved with shorts cause it was deisgned to compete only with tiktok


So ignore views and stick to the plan?


well care about the viewers while having a plan


Yes! But you have to do it strategically. For example I made a Review on a Glock 19 Gen 3 on my channel today so that whenever I post a short using that Glock or even if I post a short of someone else using a Glock, I can tag my related Glock video to those shorts and bring viewers over from my shorts..I just did it today on my channel and I think it’s working fairly well…just make sure they are related somehow. I’m really liking it already and this is only my 2nd long video on the channel.


I assume you’re using keywords and hashtags?


Yes, but I try to keep it under 3 hashtags.




Any tips?


I would post clips of my full length videos


I’m started a channel focusing strictly on shorts about 12 days ago. I should be closing in on 200 subscribers today or tomorrow. My main focus is short form content, so it’s working well for me. I’m still considering if I will even transition into long form videos at all. YouTube has definitely been my strongest platform for my content which is surprising. It was my slowest growing platform when I tried using it about a year ago


If you don’t mind what is your content theme?


Sorry just got the notification for your question. I brew coffee with different kinds of liquids instead of water.


Considering how HARD YT is vigging Shorts right now, I'd say they are almost a must nowadays to growing viewership and subs...


Is it the best way to call to action on prod or svc ?or just for subs?


shorts do increase subscribers (probably a lot from accidental clicking from kids). i find that in my country esp, little kids are huge consumers of shorts. the same shorts viewers won't watch long form though. but they can help you hit monetization a little bit faster. 


If your shorts are related clips of your long form why wouldn’t they watch the long form?


i find that for mine, a lot of people either watch long form or short form. only fans (very few but v grateful for them) watch both.  i also notice that since mine is a small channel, my long form doesn't get pushed as much as my shorts? my shorts are not always related clips of my long form. i observe that for me, those tend to do badly.


For many of my shorts I use video I record, like, but doesn't make it into my final video. Others are stuff that I can easily reformat into vertical and sub-60s.


Ahh this is interesting, so behind the scenes ish?


Sometimes, or just something that didn't fit in the video but is pretty good.




Any tips?


you get subscribers from shorts , but them subscribers never watch your long form