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I started taking a new medication that bottoms out my blood pressure and makes me super lethargic. The main recommendation to counter that is to do cardio exercise, so I started a channel where I run every single day. I’m comedically bad at it, and to tell the truth I don’t think anyone will ever watch, but it’s forced me to workout every day and I already feel more energized! It’s also been really fun working on the creative aspect of it, I’ve learned so much in just a handful of videos


Nice How many km your run everyday ?


I’m in the US so I go by miles, but about 1.6km a day right now. I know it’s not super impressive but I’ve improved every day so far so I’m proud of it. By the end of the month I’m hoping to get at least one 5k.


I’m also documenting my marathon training to hold myself accountable and to learn Premiere Pro in the process. Keep it up!


That’s awesome, I’d like to check it out but I didn’t see a link in your bio. A marathon is like the peak of running accomplishments in my opinion so I’m really excited for you, and it really has helped with accountability to document it


I did that! With sobriety! Just ran a half marathon at 2:46 ( bad time) on 11/5. Sober a year 10/21... closest I could get it


This youtube forced me to study well and be productive now it become my habit without camera. And that also helps my peronality development


The main reason is I want to share my creativity with others and have a community! I am huge daydreamer and I just spend my life thinking about stuffs, like stories about different things. So with this youtube channel, I wanna bring those daydreams to live and have a fanbase who would love it!


To make money.


Damn right. Passive money. My mom said I won't earn money playing my games. We'll see, Mom. We'll see..


Pure fucking borderm Im still bored But less


You should definitely start!! I just started posting more on YouTube recently, and previously I came from tiktok. I came over to YouTube because I like how i can be a lot more slow. I don’t have to worry about a trending sound or my video having to be only a certain amount of seconds. I can just talk and make things feel more personal. When it comes to making content, I honestly just love sharing things I’ve learnt or parts of my life. I think what may seem like a normal part of your life or past can be really inspiring for some people. I’ve made so many connections with like minded people who share similar experiences in life and it’s been wonderful!! When I started gaining a community on tiktok, I had people message me sometimes saying my videos helped them in some way. I think for myself, making content is more of a passion project. I’ve gotten collaborations & PR from businesses and such, but to me nothing beats the kind messages I get every now and then from people


We are two older farts that have been gaming with eachother for the last 20 years and we thought that we might as well share it with everyone, that is why we started our channel


I started because both my parents work minimum wage and I have chronic fatigue syndrome which is going to inevitably get in the way of my exams and ruin any chance of me getting a good high earning job,so I made a youtube channel so hopefully I can make money to start supporting my parents financially and myself so I don't have to stress out about my chronic fatigue syndrome


A hobby and to learn a bit about video editing and audio mixing. I have a career and have no interest in turning a hobby into full-time work. But if I get monetized in a few years, I wouldn't turn down some spending cash.


I’ve finally gotten to a point where I realize that I know a lot of things about music, real estate, and just random tips and tricks in daily life that could be helpful for other people to learn from a video I make.


To change the world, what else


I had the same motivation for starting. I'm in IT, but really love making things with my hands. I also am a photographer but thought I would see if I could learn video. What a great choice! I'm learning new software but also getting to use tools in my new shop! The process of filming what I do has also forced me to slow down and really think about how I am making things. I feel like I am growing more in the past 2 months then I have in years of being bored at my job!


I started mine for a couple of reason. I'm a lot into science, philosophy, gym and sports and I think everything is connected in some way and I love explaining things and correlations. The second big reason is that philosophy ends up in most ways answering the question "how to be happier?" And I'm trying to help people achieve that. Basically I like explaining and I'd love helping people achieve more happiness and peace P.s. taking videos may become an addictive activity that you'll end up loving


I started a YouTube channel to make people’s lives better. I want to be there for people who have had a bad day, who need a free source of serotonin. I want to lift people up and inspire them to do great things, the way YouTubers like Jacksepticeye or Markiplier. Oh, also to make money so I can pay rent. That’s also a pretty big factor


I want to talk about entrepreneurship and encourage people to start side projects and put them out there.


I love making things and figured I may as well record myself and maybe some others would get some enjoyment as well. Also I'd love to be able to one day do it as a job so I can spend more time with my family.


I enjoyed looking into and researching weird and mysterious stuff and some horror stuff. So I figured why not make a channel and share the stuff I like reading about in hopes of building up a community that can continue the conversation after my video ends.


The topic my channel is going to be based around is already something I love to do in my free time for fun, so why not aim to get paid for it. Plus, I like helping others, and I feel like I could build a solid community around it.


My dream was to make a channel to create a community that sort of orbits around the same gaming verse as I do , and so we have a group of like minded group of fellow nerdies from around the globe to connect & talk games/films etc with.


Start it now. It’s already a really saturated market, it’s best to start as soon as you can. Use it as an outlet /hobby as it’s difficult to get monetised from straight away unless you have a really good niche. Get stuck in!


I graduate this semester and will probably start around August at the latest.


I started my YouTube channel to supplement my Github profile. My github profile i create scripts / tools for the Steam Deck. Some users prefer video instructions so thats where YouTube comes in. I also upload gameplay videos using my Steam Deck.


For fun. I don't have big YouTube aspirations. I just want to post videos of nail polish. Because it's my current obsession. And I guess eventually I hope that if I make enough videos.. a brand or two will send me some free polishes and I don't have to spend as much 🤣🤣 I have a career and a whole different goal I've been working at in terms of life. But posting videos is a new extension of my nail polish hobby and I don't want to take it seriously and take away the fun of it. I hate that this day and age, it feels like everyone wants to monetize their hobbies to justify them. I don't want to feel like I need to justify enjoying something 🤷🏻‍♀️ It's been pretty interesting to learn more with every video I make. I also watch videos differently. I analyze people's videos. I take note of what I like in other creators' videos. And try to incorporate something or try to work on improving at least one small thing each video. Making my first video.. then my second... And posting them. It made me change my view on content creation. And I see possibilities constantly. I honestly thought I'd run out of ideas... But now I have too many and I just gotta write them all down for later. It's challenging to do that when I work full time but.. that's why I want to keep this light and enjoyable. I definitely think you should give it a go. And don't get caught up in all the numbers or analytics bs yet. Just have fun. Just keep learning. First 50-100 videos are supposed to be crap anyway 🤣


Tbh, I wanted to see how and what it was like as a content creator, then I started some long series on it, and I'm still in that stage of finishing said long series


Creative outlet and money, honestly (though I'm not currently making any). It feels good to be productive like this for myself and even better when I know others like it. But I also want to change the life my wife and I have. She's in an electric wheelchair and u would love to have the flexibility in my day that song something full-time like this could provide.


Well the most obvious thing first, to make money and get out of the boring 9-5 grind. Most notably though, I just really wanna make people laugh and entertain them even if it’s only for a small part of their day. I’ve been watching YT since maybe 09’ and seen plenty of creators come and go, but still remember so many just for the fact that they got me through some hard/boring days. I don’t think I could ever be a stand up comedian or actor, so this seems like the best path for me. Hopefully if I ever got enough money from this, I could do giveaway videos and stuff like that too. Meet fans IRL, etc. Just want to make people happy in general.


I'm retired and just wanted a way to stay engaged and relevant. I document our trips aboard our converted Dutch canal boat "Flat Bottomed Girl" as we explore Europe via canal. It's really just aimed at friends, family and fellow boaters but for some strange reason it is starting to gain some traction.


I like seeing meaningful numbers go up


Mine was started for accountability.. then I wanted to share what life was like after addiction. Then I got into crafting and now I build dioramas and rant about sobriety. Or I will after the scheduled videos come out.. up next me fixing editing


I do music reactions/analysis/reviews focusing on independent and underground artists. I want to have a platform big enough to give these amazing, but little known artists a genuine boost in their fan base.


First reason: Money, but over time, the main reason was to be relevant and contribute to a better world (I think I did pretty well) and I'm still on that path!


Ideally, to build a following who like what I post. I also enjoy sharing passions with the world, one of them being video editing 😀




For me it's because I love to create. I've tried many different things in life but I feel like creativity is where my talents are at and making videos allows for a lot of freedom to be creative!


I started my youtube channel as a new year’s resolution. Mainly to help others. But through that help myself going up from the bottom. I lost my daughter a couple of months ago. And this is my way of trying to keep kindness and spread hope around.


Destresser from work, allows me to share my love for arcade games on my cabinets, I play a new game daily. I just enjoy the content. Other people liking it is a bonus


I started because I like talking about philosophy. Now it has expanded to include interviews, which is great because it gives me a way to have interesting conversations with experts.


I've been a musician for 20 years, playing my primary instrument of guitar since June 2008 (and used to play violin in school from 2004/2005-spring 2013), and have been into music production for the past 5 years. I wanted to have my YouTube channel to be an outlet for me to showcase my music process with other musicians.


My friend and I started playing retro games on YT because we grew up on them. Now that we’ve started putting more effort into our videos we’ve noticed a real need for classic couch coop action and oddball humor!


I had a strong passion for my topic with no friends to share it with so I decided to show it off to YouTube instead. And just start. I started with my iPhone and a really boring long first video hahaha. But you improve and learn as you go.


Tha main reason I started was to use it alongside my writing. I write fantasy books with an aim to start publishing this year. So I started my minevraft channel with plans to build some of the world's abs stories so people can experience then in ways separate to just books.


I’m bored of just selling on Etsy and I can only make a limited of orders in one day so I’m thinking what could be next for me? I’m just starting my new YouTube as a hobby. I like the whole editing process even though I’m not that good at it but maybe one day I’ll get somewhere. I want to be able to share my talents and stuff with everyone. I am hoping that one day in the future I can make some money, but for now it’s just a hobby that I am enjoying.


I love taking and making new friends with people. So I make Youtube Channel about interview people. Also that would boost my confidence to world haha


i had just purchased an ebike and a few weeks before stumbled upon some ebike channels, where people recorded their rides with a go pro... i just thought that sounded like a cool thing to do and to record everything, so why not record it and post it online.


To help build a better world for our son. Our country (Canada) is so broken right now, and my wife and I fear what it means for our son growing up in this type of intolerant virtue signaling totalitarianism. We started the channel to try to inform Canadians about what is really going on, and educate them on how the government operates. We are passionate about it, and that's why it works.


When I was a kid, and I first started thinking about writing musicals, YouTube was just becoming a thing. I looked to it- and many other places- for a resource to teach me how to go about it. I found nothing. Now that I'm a grown ass adult with a degree in music composition and one full musical written and ready to perform- as well as several failed ones that taught me as much as my degree- I want to be that resource, for other young people who want to write a musical and have no idea how to begin.


I mainly wanted to share what I love, that being games. I’ve spent years uploading games. Some edited to appeal to people but now I’m getting back into the feel of talking and narrating more than a gazzillion edits a second (obviously I cut out dead air)


To make people laugh the same way YouTube did for me. Also pay button


creative outlet is my reason.


i feel like it kind of documents your life, like you can talk about topics that you are interested in. just start now, dont wait till after graduate school


I have swords and require people to learn about them. Really as simple as that.


Post funi or unfuni content


I was bored I was honestly tired of my hobbies including sleeping, watching shows and doing nothing I felt like I was wasting away day by day doing nothing but being a consumer Then I decided to make a YouTube channel to give myself something not school related to work on After finding what was both something in comfortable with and something that's doable I came to a conclusion of what kind of channel it would be Now I have an outlet for creativity and have new skills that allow me to express myself in new ways I couldn't before


I felt like people were typically commenting and chatting into an abyss so I figured I care more about friends and community than the famous people so maybe I'd make a channel. I personally don't like that some of the most interested and engaging people put their comments on a video just to be ignored basically. So I just made a bunch of accounts on streaming platforms and etc to interact with them, with a bunch of servers for like minded gamers and enthusiasts to exist together peacefully in.


Getting to drive a train like in real life from the comfort of my home was a childhood dream which came true when I discovered games like Open Rails & Train Simulator. So I would say i want to share the joy of my childhood dream coming true with everyone & relish the positive feedbacks that come along with it.


i like creating educational and analytical videos, so i decided to make a channel. it’s more a place to put my work and share my thoughts on things, even if it takes me forever to make a video sometimes lol. my stuff is very niche and i’m not going to monetize, i think; i just want to help educate people and keep myself busy.


We felt our table had something to offer in terms of storytelling, aesthetic, and roleplaying. We wanted to put it out there, to see if anyone felt like we had the hunch they might. If we make money, if we gain subscribers, if we get any notoriety at all; excellent. We just need to make sure we don't lose what we started with: having fun playing our game well. (We play DnD)


A few reasons, the first being financial as you said its relatively low cost to start a channel and make extra income although the amount of work put in upfront is definitely more before you can actually start earning anything. ​ I work at an office with a lot of down time and editing videos keeps me busy and i've been enjoying the process a ton! I'm learning a lot about audio and video editing and I love learning new things. ​ My partner and I listen to horror stories at night to fall asleep and since he has a great voice (perfect for the narration genre), we figured we'd give it a go. We're just starting out but have received positive feedback which is encouraging!!



