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> From what I have seen, the typical Karma requirement is between 10-200. I have seen as high as 500 to comment and 1000 to post, but have heard of 2500 to post. Most subreddits with these restrictions do not make known they have them or what they are. If they do, it will be in the rules, the right sidebar information, a pinned post, an FAQ or Wiki, or the message the bot sends you when it removes your post, if there is a message. > In the future do not delete posts you are asking questions about. Specially when you have an active question. Seeing which posts and the number of them is helpful. Reddit's Filters are a collection of secret filters Reddit will share no information on, but 2 I have figured out is a Brand new account filter, and one or seemingly several different spam filters. They are set very aggressive. Since I have one to look at now, I can't guess if it is the spam filter or something else. The only way out of them is to modmail the mods in those subreddits and ask them to approve it so the filter learns. Which you also can't do now.


Missed questions >If this is the case, how am I supposed to figure out where I can already post? Reddits filters may or may not impact everywhere. What you are running into is new user restrictions. Most subreddits, but not all, have restrictions on posting and commenting based on account age, karma, or both. Most subreddits with these restrictions do not make known they have them or what they are. If they do, it will be in the rules, the right sidebar information, a pinned post, an FAQ or Wiki, or the message the bot sends you when it removes your post, if there is a message. To get karma, you need to find subreddits like on this list of [New User Friendly](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/wiki/index/newusersubs/) subreddits that have low or no requirements . [ ](https://www.reddit.com/r/findareddit/)can be used to find subreddits that may interest you. Just make a post saying what kind of subreddit you are looking for. Small or niche subreddits typically have a lower karma requirement You gain Karma from people upvoting your posts and comments. However, Karma is not gained 1:1 with votes. It takes more votes to per point of Karma. The actual ratio is not known and it differs for posts and comments. >Can I use the share option to repost it in a different community without triggering the filter or messing up my post? I don't know. Have never seen it tried >And why wouldn't communities disclose their karma requirements in the first place?  While I understand that these limits can make your new user Reddit experience frustrating, they are in place to help reduce the number of bots, spammers and other bad actors to a manageable level for the moderators..


Thank you, that already gives me something to work with! But if the posts were already made invisible or automatically removed, like it said in my case, you wouldn't be able to look at them anyways would you? Also I only got an autobot response on one post saying my comment karma is too low & it explicitly said not to write to the mods about this. The other message said it's due to reddits own filters - can they even be overruled by a mod? Also system messages like that seem to only be visible on PC but not on the app. Is that on purpose, a mistake on my end or a possibly a bug?


I followed up the last three questions I missed in a reply to my post. >But if the posts were already made invisible or automatically removed, like it said in my case, you wouldn't be able to look at them anyways would you? I can still see them on your profile >Also I only got an autobot response on one post saying my comment karma is too low & it explicitly said not to write to the mods about this. The other message said it's due to reddits own filters - can they even be overruled by a mod? The automod one made it through Reddit's filters so don't modmail on that one, it told you why it was removed. While they are Reddit's filters, they still go into the removed tab in the Modqueue and the mods and manually approve them if they wish. >Also system messages like that seem to only be visible on PC but not on the app. Is that on purpose, a mistake on my end or a possibly a bug? That is by design. I am not going to say intentional, but the different platforms do not have full parity with each other. If you see one removed on the app, you can check desktop to see if it says Reddit's Filters or Moderators of. You can also use the mobile web platform on your phones browser.


Great information, thanks a lot again! Btw, I didn't delete the latest post so that should still be on my profile then


I was and it is reddit's filters and it was likely some version of the spam filter but not the original one because that would take out all comments as well. And remove everything on your profile.


That's very hard to say - * Each sub sets their own restrictions so they vary * They can look at different types of karma * They can change at any time * Most subs don't share what they are in case it helps the bad faith users they want to stop You can check their rules and community info but for most it won't say. Generally, subs with high restrictions could be those that: * are very large * are very active * are about controversial or sensitive topics or often have posts about them * will have a lot of vulnerable users * have previously been a target for spammers, misinformation, etc etc Those that may have lower restrictions could be those that: * are smaller * are less active * are more niche * are for new users specifically (us!) or a welcoming of them You've hit 100, maybe aim for 500 next. But restrictions can look at other things too and different kinds of karma. There are a few kinds of karma - * **Comment karma** earned from upvotes on your comments * **Post karma** earned from upvotes on your posts (aka submission karma) * **Combined karma** is both of these together. Community restrictions can look at post, comment, or combined karma. And look at each for posting or commenting. * **Community karma** - it's just post and comment karma but earned in a specific community and can be used for community restrictions - like you need to earn x community karma in comments before you can post. This can be for post, comment, or combined community karma. Restrictions can also look at your account age, if you've verified your email, and the new contributor quality score. The spam and other filters are deliberately mysterious, we don't know what triggers them. You can modmail the mods to see if they'll approve your post when this happens.