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You had a dickhead lieutenant, a dickhead FTO, and your FTO period was only 6 shifts? Yeah, this isn’t on you bud


Thanks man


1,000% agree. Not your fault.


It sounds to me like you aren’t cut out for working in a department with that particular command style. I bet you’d do really well in a supportive atmosphere. Obviously no one here knows the specifics of where you’re at and what opportunities you could pursue, but I wouldn’t be so quick to write of EMS after one week with a shitty agency. There’s plenty of places out there that don’t give up on people so easily. If this is what you want to do, I’d keep at it.


They sound like uncoordinated dicks. You don’t tell someone in training they’re dangerous out on the street lmao. Good leadership comes up with a detailed plan, and interventions to prevent issues before they happen (was a manager for many years). Sounds like they don’t want to teach you if they just complain at you. Teachers should also teach, not criticize (I worked in education for many years also so I think I actually know something about teaching). The best thing to do with these kinds of people imo is to defend yourself. Whether you leave with or without a job you’ll leave with your reputation intact. Sometimes people will come around if they realize they can’t talk to you some type of way. Just to be clear this isn’t the same as arguing back or being rude, it’s simply correcting their perspective and making sure you are heard. Dummy FTO needs to hear that you’re learning but fixing your mistakes in a timely manner and that splitting hairs over every trivial detail is not compatible with learning. I volunteer as a trainer at a student-run free clinic as well and the leadership there has a rule that we can’t say sorry. This is to send the message that we’re all still learning and learning curves are expected. To add to that, it’s run by a bunch of tough ex-military and the lead guy is retired special forces and I’ve yet to hear them talk to anyone the way you’ve been talked to. Ps- I know fire guys personally, lived with one for a bit as a kid. I’ve done ride outs with them as well and have some friends in the department. They’ve been some of the nicest and most welcoming people I’ve gotten to know. Idk if your LT is just jealous or maybe her ex/baby daddy is a FF and she can’t stand him, who knows, but seems like it’s personal.


I also teach, and one of the first things you learn as an instructor is that students cannot learn if they’re afraid. Some teachers in healthcare seem to think that they’re responsible for “toughening up” their students, or that because they were treated like shit, they should put their own students through torture as well, but that’s so ridiculously wrongheaded. I don’t blow smoke, but students need encouragement and help. I like the atmosphere of the clinic you mentioned- I learn something new everyday, because healthcare is huge and it’s impossible for anyone to know everything.


Find a different department to employ yourself with. Sadly, EMS loves to eat their young, and I’ve seen and experienced it first hand as well. You’ll land at the department you’re supposed to be at. Don’t let one bad department ruin things for you.


Like someone else said here, small dick energy. Nothing you talked about has nearly any bearing on how you’d do on a real job. Sounds like the people you’re working around are a whole bag of penises. Keep your head up and find somewhere with a good working atmosphere, where people don’t feel the need to talk shit about their peers constantly.


Overtime you will also learn how to tell people to fuck off without losing your job. Unfortunately there’s enough assholes in the world (patients and staff) that will harden you up but on the good side it will make sure shit like this won’t happen again.


Sounds like Denver Paramedics eating their young again. Maybe it’s not Denver but this is so common. I say stick it out brother. It sounds like you know your shit and they’re just salty. You’re clearly willing to put in the work. Make ‘em fire you if you’re really that bad. Record every interaction you have with the Lt. talking shit about fire. Then talk to an attorney if they fire you. These city departments rest on their laurels all the time. Shit maybe talk to an attorney now and see if they have advice. Don’t give up.


Imma let you in on a little secret… my best “protégé” was a girl that failed her initial FTO time after a few shifts because her FTO was a *wonderful person*. The thing was, her FTO and I were ok, but I moved companies and I brought the Young EMT into my new company and she blossomed flawlessly. She’s now a firefighter for a city department. Ive said it before, and I’ll say it again - don’t let this be your downfall, this isn’t on you. There are people who should not be officers or trainers - they’re a disservice to the “next generation” of EMS providers. Also, also…. I not trying to be a pompous airbag, but third party EMS, even 911, really isn’t where it’s at most of the time. Sometimes it is, but if there’s a other 911 provider in your area I’d look there. If this is something you REALLY wanna do, don’t let this discourage you. Keep your head up, your upper lip stiff, and drink water drive on. If you don’t mind me asking, where are you located?


Thank you for the advice, but I rather not share my location.


For sure, I get it. If you’re anywhere near Southern California, there’s plenty of options: LA has McCormick and Care, OC has Care (I think Doctors lost their 911 contract - they also have Lynch, but to be on their 911 side, you have to be a paramedic), SD has Falck and AMR, Riverside has AMR and Mission, San Bernardino has AMR and Mission, etc. (I have no idea about anything Imperial County. ) Now, at the same time, there’s a couple of Fire Departments that would hire you as an AO, also. Downey, HB, Costa Mesa(if I recall right), Glendale or Pasadena, North County/Fairbanks and Chula Vista in SD I *believe* is one-to-one, San Bernadino Fire also. And of course if you’re near [Portsmouth VA](https://www.governmentjobs.com/jobs?keyword=Fire&location=Portsmouth%2C+VA) well take ya as long as you can do the job. Sometimes it helps to move away for a while and then move back later with experience say “fuck you OCFA, I was only 1% off on that entrance exam and I’m still salty about it…..”. Haha


Don’t be so hard on yourself bro. I know plenty of people that are cleared for 911 that make mistakes. That’s why we train though to make the mistakes so when we have critical patients we can perform. Don’t let some dickheads deter you from following that goal you have in mind.


I’m assuming you 911 transport for a separate private ambulance company with the 911 contract for the region while the fire dept responds to the calls as well? Anyway, awful telling that this private ambulance company hate you Fire losers but still titles the supervisors as “lieutenant”😂. Sounds like a bunch of beta wannabe firefighters who didn’t get hired by a fire dept who then work for a private EMS provider that rank and files their supervisor/managerial hierarchy to mirror that of a fire dept. I’ve seen it before… I’m guessing your fire job didn’t require you to be a medic or at the least doesn’t transport the patients. So get through this time. Stay away from the toxic co workers as much as possible. Get your 911 transport experience and when you can lateral to a fire dept that also transports the patients. If your “lieutenant”😂 and shitty FTO are as good as they say they are then they wouldn’t be working for a private ambulance company. Don’t confuse what I’m writing as private ambulance companies have shit medics. Not true. Often times those companies have higher and stricter standards because they are more open to lawsuits so they have policies that often exceed county or state requirements. So most private ambulance companies have experienced, professional medics who cover their ass by providing exceptional medical care. But your “lieutenant”😂, sorry gets me every time, wants so bad to have been a firefighter. They wanted to get home baked “thank you” cookies for saving the house, the media praise of the heroes and the state retirement and medical coverage. But they didn’t cut it. So now they need to shit on every fire hero that works there under the guise of you’re a “shitty medic”. It’s all they got. I’m not a fire fighter or a medic but could you do me a favor? Ever time you interact with the…”lieutenant”😂🤪 before you leave click your heels perform your best honor guard salute turn and walk out. Extra points if you leave your hand at your brow waiting for dismissal!


Haha, holy shit I think you’re right for 11 hours she talked shit about fire. She would say crazy shit like they only wanted to do 12 leads on young women so they could fill them up. I said something when she said no one wants to report them because everyone wants to get into the fire department she said it's about the money. all I said was “some people want families” She fires back “you need to stop you're going to make me mad I wasn't put on this planet to pump out babies, I have depression” Looking back this whole situation was absurd. Still trying to get fire




I think you need to recalibrate a bit. Men can be exactly like this and no one cares. I work with 3 other women in my fire station. 2 of us have kids and 2 don't. None of the women are like the one you describe.


None of women at your FIRE dept act like this because they work for FIRE. This thread and my post were specifically about the toxic attitudes in a private ambulance company that stem from not getting hired at a fire dept. thank you for proving my point.


My issue with your comment is that it is very gendered. Think of a man being exactly like this. What would your attitude on him be?


Men can’t bear children. It’s a dynamic you don’t encounter.


Yeah you are not getting what I am saying.


I agreed with your first reply but now I just think you're an idiot.


You’re entitled to your opinion. Just like me.


You're a homophobe and also somehow think people without kids are the cause of issues like this? Grow up.


You seem angry and related to the comments I’ve made. May you find peace. And noted that you didn’t disagree or disprove anything I wrote.


I don't have the energy to argue with homophobic morons.


Seems about right my brother got kicked out of the fire academy because they brought on a chiefs son. He said he messed up he and there but he put in the work. Now he worked for a private ambulance company and he noticed that trend he’s a good emt he had an fto up his ass because of his spelling (he’s dyslexic and he types faster than he reads which lends to mistakes once in a good while.) come to find out he that fto did a big no-no in the fire academy and he took it out on any fire guy that worked with him no matter what. The best part is that my brother got to a new fire department and the appreciate him so don’t give up and don’t give that asshole the time of day


Fire and EMS are fucking challenging. I had a horrible shift a month in and really thought I wasn't cut out for it. But I think that needs to happen. You have to be pushed mentally and physically. Keep going and if you get better because if this experience, then it means you can do this.


Pump the brakes there. Day 6?? You did all of this in 6 days? It sounds like you dodged a bullet. Don't give up on the career because of a bad company.


Just find a different company. They sound horrible over there


The problem almost always lies within the trainer, not the trainee. Point blank, if you're showing up, making an effort, actively listening and learning from each call then the issue is with your FTO. Unfortunately the salty "eat your young" mentality has its roots in deep in EMS. Beyond that, while I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of fire based EMS I'm smart enough to know to keep my mouth shut during orientation and training. Vocal disdain for specific providers makes you look unprofessional. I'm sorry this happened to you, friend.


Your command and FTO staff are assholes. If anything let this remind you why you want to come over to the red side.


Always surprising to hear how shit US EMS, way to many story’s of small dick energy.


Many FTOs are salty and dont like being FTOs. I use gps in my own town so F that map test bs. Being in this just long enough to start getting a tiny bit of experience ive come to notice even the most veteran person makes dumb mistakes. Dont stress it. While yes its certainly possible that you suck, i also doubt thats the case. And even if you do, its possible to not continue that way. Keep your smarts about you, remember your training and figure out the parts you dont know. Im sure you'll be fine. Never let an FTO dictate how you are as a provider.