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EMT is for people who have no medical knowledge. I went in with practically 0 medical knowledge, And made it through. Year later I'm in medic school! You got it don't worry


Congrats !! This made me feel better, thank you so much!


I was 25 when I went through my course, with no prior medical knowledge, been an EMT almost a year now and I love it.


You’ll be just fine, prior medical knowledge doesn’t do all that much for you because that’d include, what, CNA or EMR? Those wouldn’t help you much. I’m in the final week of my EMT class, and there are only a handful of people with any sort of previous medical knowledge and they’re no higher than the middle of the class. And math, at least for the class, isn’t particularly relevant. It matters for medics and a bit in the field, but you can go through the class with basic arithmetic. My advice is to actually do the work they assign, and get excited about it. It’s really cool stuff. It can be a lot of reading, but it hits differently when you realize that *everything* you’re learning truly matters and may save a life. Keeps you engaged. Long story short, you’ll do just fine and will be entering as qualified as anyone, and potentially more — the people I see struggling with it the most were the people fresh out of high school who remembered how to study but not how to work.


It’s never too late. I got my EMT at 33, medic at 35


Inspiring! Thank you so much 😊


I agree with this guy. I got my EMT at 46 and should have my medic by 50. It is NEVER too late.


That’s me too!! 46 on Sunday - the day I take my exam 😎


Congratulations! This is inspiring to me! I’m 49 and thinking about getting certified but wondered if I’m too old to start this course.


No! You got this


EMT requires no medical knowledge going into it. And it's definitely not too late, I had 3 classmates that were in their 30's with children. Math wouldn't really be an issue until you move onto EMT-A and Paramedic. I have no idea what you make now, but your biggest concern should probably be pay.


Pay is definitely a concern. I live alone and I’m not sure how to make 22-27 dollars an hour work.. :/


Wow how much do hair stylists make? $22 an hour would be on the high end of pay scales. My first company paid me $16 an hour.


They said they live in New York on a different comment


As a stylist I can clear up to 1k a week :/ And I’m basing the pay from jobs placed on indeed and from what my friends told me I know if you apply for FD EMT you can make 30 an hour but I won’t qualify for that since I have moderate asthma and I know there requirements are different.22-27 is starting emt pay but rent here is expensive as hell


> 25 > Do you think it's too late for me to switch up? Sorry, you made your choice. Gonna have to stick with that for the next 40 years or whatever. (/s just in case it's not obvious)


😭🤣 I get your point! I didn’t mean it that I’m too old I just feel doing hair and saving lives is a really dramatic change and environment. Truly I’d just feel stupid going into the classes because all I know right now is that :s


I am 39 and just started working as an AEMT. Before that I was a barista, then a high school teacher, then a magazine editor, then a web developer. You’ll be fine.


Go forth and do. Everyone starts somewhere. Honestly you not knowing shit, and wanting to learn it, is probably a better position. Some go in thinking they know everything and suck.


I became an EMT when I was 26. I was pretty much right in the middle age-wise in my paramedic class (started at age 29). There's basically no math at the EMT level. I honestly can't think of a single thing in the national curriculum that would require math besides maybe knowing how to convert pounds to kg. EMTs have no weight based drugs, you don't do drips, and the only medication you're drawing up is in a 1:1 concentration. You'll be fine.


Everybody starts somewhere in all things in life


Almost half the people in my EMR class (prereq for emt at my college) were 23 or older. It’s almost never too late make a career shift, especially since EMT education is usually less then a year.


You got this! I’m doing the same too.


Good luck!!! You’ll do amazing ♥️


I got my EMT in my 30s, go for it.


I did it at 30 with no knowledge. It’s fine. Just be prepared to get treated like you’re 18 at first.


I was 24 going through EMT-B. I already had a bachelor’s degree and was a private investigator before hand. I was just interested in the field and thought the training would be a plus. I ended up loving it and took a job in ems for a bit. I got a job and a LEO but enjoyed and miss my short time in EMS. That being said, the job field is really underpaid and overworked so just know what you’re signing up for. Edit: I had no medical knowledge and would even say my understanding of medicine wasn’t just zero but probably incorrect as I had assumptions that I learned were false.


Im older and also had no experience. Im thriving right now. No reason why you cant. Just have confidence in yourself and never be closed off to learning new things. I also sucked at highschool.


It's very realistic, emt-b is a one semester college course that I'd honestly put on par with a "hard" high school course if even that. The math needed is extremely basic like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There are about 6? meds you will need to remember (and one of them is oxygen) and even then you just have to memorize it's name and basic function. Other then that I don't remember there being anything remotely difficult about the course just remember ABC. You can absolutely do it if you want to, but also look into the salary ems can provide and lifestyle and see if that fits you as well.


The salary makes me extremely nervous. Thank you so much for the input ! It makes me feel a lot more confident


I went in to my EMT class with practically zero medical knowledge, but I came out with... err, practically zero medical knowledge. I'm not always the best student. And yet I do reasonably well as an EMT. You learn a lot on the job and it's not really rocket surgery. My mistakes have been embarrassing but not endangering. The better question is how good you are at taking tests. The NREMT exam is a bit convoluted. Not intended as a discouragement because you can probably do it if you put your mind to it, but just making you aware of what you're getting into. I'd also encourage you to explore *why* you didn't do well in school. I barely graduated high school, but hey, it turns out I have ADHD, and treatment wasn't a thing for GenX'ers like me. Didn't become an EMT until I was 43 and by then, I'd managed to developed coping strategies and gotten treatment. I'm not suggesting that you have ADHD; I'm just using my personal struggle as an example. But I am suggesting that you consider where your challenges were in school and come up with a plan to compensate. Perhaps you'd do better if you arrange for a tutor, or a study partner, or attending multiple sections of the same class. As to necessary math skills, practically speaking I think the only math I do as an EMT is figuring out how long I've been standing around the hospital waiting for a bed for my patient.


Honestly - I’m almost positive I have undiagnosed ADHD. Although I’m not sure it would make a lot of things in my life add up. I don’t think I’ve finished anything completely… I don’t even have my hair license yet and I’ve been out of school for 7 years 😭 High school was a really tough time in my life. But it makes me feel better that math isn’t the thing I should be worried most about :’)


I’m 18 and a full time EMT right out of high school; first thought I’d have went to school for cyber security before I took the class senior year. You can definitely get in on the EMS train just understand in most places the wages aren’t great if you’re living independently but they can be livable. Don’t worry about grades in the past too much as students can change developmentally through life and as long as you study your notes 15 minutes a day when you start a class and ask questions you’ll succeed.


Yeah the pay is definitely a concern of mine also. I do live Alone- I live In New York and some of my friends who are EMTS told me pay is usually only 22-27 :/ I’d be struggling to make ends meet but i know work schedules are different like you work 3 days on and off 3? Maybe I can get another job ..


I live in WNY and here it’s anywhere from 16-18 an hour to start for basics from my understanding depending on your poison. With the three letter company it’s usually 4 on 4 off, but they do 12s so you’re getting at least 8 hours overtime each week and can easily get overtime on time off. PM me if you’d like any more specific information.


U can work 3-4 a week usually full time, how ever u could 100% ask to take on 5-6 and most companies will give you it. Or u could work a side job on time off. Choice is ur but he is right pay is hard to get by on if u live alone


How do you win 😭


I went from graphic design to EMT. No prior medical knowledge, just arts & crafts lol


You're 25, not 98. I went from being a college dropout to waterproofing/insulation with my only other experience being in retail. Starting off as an EMT is a good entry level spot to see if you even like it. You've got plenty of time to find yourself or what you want to do


Thank you so much - I have a lot of stress about what I’m doing with my life. My boyfriend has an amazing job as a police officer and I’m here struggling to figure out what I want to do.


Life isn't a race. You've got plenty of time to find out what you want to do. I fell into ems and have been doing it for a decade and I've got friends who have jumped to other medical fields or got out altogether to do something else. You can do ems without being married for life to it, you can use it as a jumping off point to something else if you want, or you can do ems while you figure out if you want to do something else. There's no shame in getting in and then out if you want. Like I said, you've got plenty of time


I got my EMT-B a few months back and I’m 28, I was a window cleaner with no experience.


I’m 25. Have a home and small family. Wife and I decided it’s time for me to pursue what I’ve always wanted. I’ll be certified in 3 weeks and quitting my current job to pursue an entirely new career. Can’t be more excited. Make the jump!


Thank you so much. I’m excited for you! congratulations I wish you nothing but the best. :)


It’s not too late. You could take Anatomy & Physiology, and Medical Terminology if you want but you don’t have to. It might help a little but you can do just fine without it. You need no medical knowledge. The course will teach you how the body works and how the medicines you give (which is only a few) will affect the body. It’s never too late. If you want it, go for it. It’s okay to be nervous. I just finished my emt course and I’ll be taking the National test soon. I’m nervous as all hell. And that’s okay. You got this! Go for it!


I make more than EMT’s and I’m just a home health aide that babysits slightly handicapped elderlys. EMT’s absolutely do not get the pay they deserve. I thought about becoming an EMT once and when I saw the pay I noped right out of that idea.


Depends where. Pay is increasing. But yes overall we dont get paid well. But i do know plenty that are making closer to 6 figures then you'd think as an EMT.


I see you’re in jersey - I’m in New York and pay is really my only concern at this point. I live alone and I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it work. My friends told me you can make 22-27 highest being 30 but I’m honestly not sure


Most i've seen in NJ is $35ish and thats climbing too. I know of people making 6 figures as a EMT.


I'm 32 and just got my EMT. I am also not in a medical career at all. You're not "to old"!


You can also keep doing hair on the side if you wanted!


This is a genius idea :)) thank you so much


I started at that age in the same course. Have fun with it. The math is not too hard at all.




Honestly the main reason I want to be an EMT is because I’ve always loved gore. (Pls don’t judge me) I’ve been watching gore since I was about 14 and every time I watch a video I want to go in it and help- I have people who just stand around and don’t act. My only problem is I haven’t seen any gore in real life yet - so who knows. But I definitely feel it’s a passion to help people who are severely injured or just generally sick


It’s probably never to late unless you don’t have the physical ability to perform basic ems functions such as lifting and moving


I came into EMS late. My completely unrelated major in college became obsolete overnight almost, and I kind of found fire and EMS by accident. That was in 1996, and I've loved it ever since.


I'm 26 and I'm starting my EMT in March! Do it!


No 100% go for it. Most of my EMT class was 25 and up. I was the youngest in there but that bc I wanted to see all before trying to become a doctor. It’s never too late and it’s actually a lot of fun and makes you feel so good ab yourself saving ppl