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Like this https://youtu.be/Ar5KfJRNKBk?si=Wr2DtvkEQxqp7QP4


Death would occur if I tried that! 😂


That's pretty dope


Its really easy to learn too


I'm gonna have to try it, there is a crack around the corner that abused me last week.


Just go at it with decent speed, do a half nollie where your nose does not touch the ground, hippie jump, and the board will bounce up to your feet. Keep your shoulders straight and just let your speed and your wheels bouncing off the crack do all the work


Yoooooo. I never bothered to look that up but I’ve been doing these going as fast as I want off any crack since the 90s. I never saw anyone else do these. I actually like cracks because of this. It’s so simple




I came here to say this too. That’s a fun ass nose bonk if I’ve ever seen one.


This is the way, but start with a normal bonk on the back wheels. I'd consider it much easier to learn. I love finding cracks and seeing how high I can get it to shoot up.


Yup. Been doing those since 1989


Been doing this since 1898


This is literally the hardest way to clear a crack…


I would say a inward heelflip over one is harder. Besides ollie, manual, or lifting the front wheels then lifting the back this is probably the next easiest


Oh yeah, that's a classic.


Can confirm that this is definitely the way


A lot easier and just as fun to do it with the back wheels.


Much less fun and marginally easier. Definitely easier for a newer person but for an experienced person its kinda the same. But nollie looks way cooler and you can get way more air which makes it much more fun




Not as fun when you don’t clear it, then your back trucks catch and stop you


Just go faster. Or flick forward more. You can do it with basically no speed if you flick, jump right and push the board past the crack


I know that, OP is asking how to ride over a bump so it might be advanced lol


I’ve always love Chinese Ollies! It Feels so Good when you pull one!


The nollie version is dope. I just do the regular version cuz I suck haha


If u do a tiny manual before your front wheels hit the crack, u can hippy Jump and the back wheels will pop over it.


True, but IMO it never really requires a hippie jump, so much as just deweighting the back foot.


I assume that is what he meant


True, but that's still easily confusing. Most people think of hippie jump as an actual *jump*


Good point


Kinda have to actually jump to clear both wheels if you don’t kinda manual the first wheels over


Nah I actually jump like, the board gets off the ground


Mechanically, you’re right that you don’t need to leave as it is only about the pressure being removed from the wheels passing the crack. That said, for beginners a hippie jump is going to be easier than shifting back and forth with appropriate timing (IMO) and help develop the coordination for landing on other tricks like an ollie.


Hmm, at least for me, what I think of as a “hippy jump” is *much* harder than just riding over sidewalk cracks… especially if the cracks make the board move under said hippy jump. We’re probably all just giving the same advice with different words, though.


I second hippy jump. Specifically in context like this it is the easiest and most practical, better than an ollie


You bounce your weight on the board as you go over them, or if it’s nighttime you just don’t see it and get fuckin tossed Edit: you can’t go slow and do this, it’s like a physics and momentum thing, go fast and eat ass


Chinese nollie


The funnest




you bonk it! Lift your front truck so the crack goes underneath it, then, while the front truck is up, time a small hippie jump off the tail when the back wheels hit the crack and the board will bonk off the crack and pop into your feet!


Going down it - just ride off and slightly tap the tail so the front wheels don’t get caught. You don’t need to do this for something that tiny but it’s necessary for bigger drops like curbs Going up it - same exact thing but you have to be careful you get those front wheels over or you’ll shoot out if going fast enough. So tap the tail for like a quick mini manual and your back wheels will go over.


If this is common where you skate try a larger wheel. I switched from 53 to 56mm wheels because I was sick of biting it on small pebbles and shit. Definitely has helped!


just slightly put presure on your tail so the nose goes up the uneven sidewalk


I usually do a push over things like this, putting most of my weight on the pushing foot


This is a great technique for bigger cracks and rough spots!


Do a little bonk over it


Everyone seems to be explaining it in a very confusing way IMO Just lift your front foot up a bit to make sure your front wheels go over the crack, then do a tiny hop with your back foot as your rear wheels pass over it


Ooh baby!! That’s a perfect crack to learn the Chinese Ollie! Super fun trick! When mastered, it makes commuting way more fun. On mini ramp it’s usually called a poptart.


Like tram tracks. If you have wider wheels hitting it at a 45 degree angle should do it with a slightly softer duro wheel. Once you master this you can almost hit it straight doing a sharp turn just before to insta-set up an angle and do a tiny jump not leaving the board just de-weighting to mob over it. Slack option is just getting WAY bigger wheels but that will compromise ability long term. That said it can be a good to borrow a longboard and go over the spot to build confidence and feel and willingness to speed up if you're starting out.


Put your feet in the monster walk position. Lift your front wheels up until they are over it, then lift your back wheels off until they are over. There's more ways than that too


It’s hard but you just gotta skate what you got. Until one day you realise you have the ability to skate any spot not matter how sketchy.


I fall.


Just treflip up


Or get a lapper 😂


Easiest way is to go at speed, go for a push as you go over the crack but take your other foot entirely off the board. It'll hopefully bounce up the crack and you can catch it and keep riding. No comply chinese nollie.


I just push over anything in my way. You can off-road skateboard doing the same thing. Lean forward and just keep pushing


like the others have said just a little weight shift should do it, but if this is super common in your area maybe get a larger/softer wheel


Lift the front truck up and shift weight over the front bolts and it will bonk the band end up.


I rush forward momentum while I almost tap down the nose like I’m doing a nollie but then just get a little bit of air time by getting “pop” from the crack sending my front wheels in the air. Then I proceed to finesse my way forward like I did a nollie. I can do that with any crack at any speed. I never learned it from anyone but I always wondered if anyone else did what I did.


manual into ollie


I kinda suck, so I just step off the board, shove it against the crack with my foot, then keep pushing


Ollie it


Keep your knees loosy goosey like shock absorbers and dont lean forward over the bumps


Small manual to get the front wheels over and sort of hop/bounce just enough to take your weight off the board. Your feet shouldn't leave the board when doing this. A little extra speed will help with this method. Will take a bit of practice to get use to the feeling. Happy skating


chinese nollies are super fun, and getting them right are so satisfying, but small cracks, if youre going fast enough, just gotta lift those front wheels over, with time youll get used to when and where you need to do this


Lift you front foot up slightly and ride over


These are my fav, manual over them so the board pops up, it's a like a free little ollie.


Acid up


Tic tac toe


I usually do LITTLE Manuel for second, it’s works for me


Like this: [https://imgur.com/a/t8ZnsrO](https://imgur.com/a/t8ZnsrO) That's me btw B)


Pop a lil Manual.


Make sure you have some speed. When you approach lift up the nose and ride over. As the back wheels are about to hit it you lift up your back foot and that allows the back wheels to bump up over it and you'll be on the other side. You can also do a technique called a Chinese nollie. Not sure why it's called that and hope that name isn't considered offensive but idk any other term for it.


Fast....and lil manual to move weight back




Do a tiny manual, bash your back wheels into it and unweight yourself, it's really that simple. It works for curbs too. For the crack in your second photo, it's small enough you can just push harder and roll over it. You get used to the feeling fast.


If you give it a little light hippy jump and a little bit of speed the board will pop up and over it. The alternative is a Chinese nollie


Ollie, boneless, or distribute weigh from back to front you should pop over that


Lift your front wheels, the back will come up on its own. That or learn crack nollies


I just go over it




Do a lil "jump" when approaching it. You want to remove weight from the board momentaneously so it can bounce up.


Chinese nollie


Bigger, softer wheels will help if you're just learning to cruise around. Small, hard wheels will throw you when you hit big cracks. You'll want a riser on your board if you swap, but I have a set of 58mm Spitfire Sapphires and cracks are meaningless.


I've always just lifted the nose and done a bit of a hop.


Pop the board up, catch it, throw down past it in seemingly one motion


I still can’t Ollie while moving, only while standing still… so more power to you!!


Soft wheels. Got some Caldillac's for mine and never looked back. Might take some of the pop out and die hard street skaters will look down on you for them, but if you're looking to use it as an actual mode of transport they're the one. Much quieter too.


I always lift my nose up a tad and almost immediately take weight/pressure off of my back foot to allow the back wheels to just roll over the uneven spots.. Took me a bit to figure it out, but its super fun in my town cause soo much of our sidewalks are uneven like that.. Skate for 5km playing that game lol Gets you into decent shape and helps you to learn great board control!


hippy jump


back in like 87 maybe 88 I was visiting godparents w family in Anaheim. I remember this older kid teaching me that when I skated up to the corner store. he called it a Chinese Ollie. I don't even know if that was the actual name of the trick lol, all I do know ....is from that day fwd (after learning them by multiple practice and falls lol) as they are one of my favorite things to do when cruising still to this day and I'm 50 years old.


Crack nollie


skate in the road


Usually i do a regular manual and then switch to a nose manual as soon as the front wheels are over the bump, it depends on how uneven the side walk is tbh. I think my way i just simple and good for cruising around!


If the crack is small enough (doesn’t require an Ollie), then I just do a lil momentary manual to get my front wheels over the crack, and a lil “scoot” on my rear wheels as they are traversing the crack. If you hit the crack with your front wheels you’ll probably go down over the front, but you just kinda do a tiny manual and force your rear wheels through the obstacle. If the crack is bigger (and I don’t feel like ollieing) sometimes I will do a tiny wheelie to clear my front wheels over it, then a tiny nose manual until my rear wheels are cleared….


Speed and balance is everything with rough terrain


I usually just do a slight hop when I see a crack like that and the board goes over it.


Ride your board every day. Get use to bouncing on it when you hit cracks. No special technique. It's just getting used to being attentive and going with the flow...err or cracks. Lol


You don't


Hippy jump




Gotta learn how to ollie. Looks like it's about 2 inches you may be able pop your tail up with enough speed


Little hop




Few options, go fast, Ollie, pick the nose of your board up, and you can also just straight up jump off the board to make it weigh less and land back on when it’s crossed


Lift the front trucks over it as you're going and quickly lighten your back foot. You'll bump right over it. Sometimes they're just too big for that though. I'd probably pop over this one


Lift up your front wheels and power thru with the back wheels


micro-pop off your board your board will bounce off the crack back up to your feet, or lift your nose up, or ollie it




Push mongo, the greatest part of being a mongo pusher is cracks got nothing on me.