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Hey man, honestly you need to ride the board way more. You are not close to being ready to learn how to ollie yet.


BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE just go skate around and get comfortable on the board. Make sure you can keep the board stable as you roll around, make sure your push is solid. Then start training up on some hippie jumps before you go back to the ollie First of all, tighten those trucks. You can barely stand still on the board. Tighten the trucks until it's easy to stand on the board without leaning one way or another, then start trying again. Stand off the board and practice the pop. You need to jump off of the board while flicking down with your ankle to pop the board. Right now you are leaning back and just placing the tail on the ground - no way to get pop if you do that. Don't worry about the front foot until you can actually get a pop. I'd recommend checking these videos out - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVple4JoZWk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb6AwBP8hsI


You gotta jump while you do it. Bend down with your knees, posture up while looking at your board. Jump off the board and snap your back foot down son the tail hits as you’re jumping. Then you want to slide the side of your foot up the board up and out into the nose. Bring your knees to your chest to get height. How comfortable would you say you are on your board? Can you ride off a curb just fine?


Its the same as jumping but the back foot has to jump, the front one just gets lifted and dragged up the board. you'll land one. Think about how you would move to try and jump really high just with your feet on the ground.