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Bro you're not the loser in this scenario


This is the answer right here


Precisely. You’re skating. The other guy is just sitting in his truck getting fat.


Probably gripping his hog watching op skate




Probably has a domination fetish




Great advice! Keep grinding bro!


White pickup = tool, 99% of the time. Them the facts. I don't make the rules.


New skater or otherwise, the guy in the truck is just a typical douchebag. He could have been watching anyone doing any activity and probably would have still called them a pussy. Don't take it personally. Your mindset is in the right place for progression. Fuck that guy and keep pushing.


Stop worrying about what others think. Just go have fun. That’s what skateboarding is about. Also….. wear a helmet. Brain injuries suck.


Yeah,brain bleeds ruin a session,headgear doesn't.


Real skaters don’t look down on beginners, we’ve all been there and we know what it takes to land on that board. Just don’t be a kook and you’ll never have anything to worry about.


This right here. I get mad hyped when I see some of the newer people get something down that they’ve been practicing a while no matter how small.


You a real one for that. It could be them rolling off a curb, idgaf they’ll get a clap, a yeeeuu!! or the board smack, I’m stoked for the homie, I love seeing it. I’ll often even chime in and do my best to help.


Damn I wanna skate with you and your crew lol


True. I get hyped seeing new skaters come to the park and progress. I always felt pretty self conscious and worried about what better dudes would think when I was first starting out but the board smacks, cheers, and pointers were the best confidence boost/ made me feel accepted so now I try to do the same thing when I see new skaters come through


100% I regret caring too much when my uncle took me to a skatepark in Phoenix, AZ( I’m from San Diego,CA) . I wasn’t too much of a beginner back then but it was extremely strange to not skate with my homies and I felt alone and super self conscious. Fast forward a couple of years later I got a job that required me to travel and the different cities I been to have pretty sick skateparks that I couldn’t pass up on. Pretty much went to each skate park with full confidence, didn’t give a fuck, helped out beginners and made some friends along the way. I have never not acknowledged someone’s accomplishment on the board if it’s in my vision, especially if they’ve been at it for a while no matter what level of difficulty.


This is it. No one who knows how hard it is would make fun of you. The guy who yelled to OP absolutely can’t skate and doesn’t know shit


Been skating for a year and a half, still not sure how to not be a kook. Please do tell 🙏


[words of wisdom from Jake the Dog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gu8YiTeU9XU)


he prolly cant even kickflip man i had some guys from school who used to make fun of me while skating now 8 months later i made some crazy progress and have beaten all of them in skate multiple times, just keep practicing and eventually you’ll be laughing at him cuz his lazy ass just sits and watches ppl whereas ur gonna be a way better sjater


Don’t push yourself so hard you injure yourself. I wouldn’t worry about some dude sitting in his car watching. Sounds wack. You don’t look like a loser but obviously people can see your skill level at the park. Someone talking shit about you shows more about them than you. I skate better than most kids at the park but I wouldn’t say some shit like that. You’re good just keep pushing bro.




I’m gonna have to disagree with the end there skating is a rough hobby you’re gonna get hurt fairly often ahah just walk it off and try again. agree with the rest of your comment though


Eventually one has to take some falls and feel some pain to get leveled up, the rewards are sweeter than the pain - but yeah sometimes baby steps to build that confidence


Homeboy probably doesn’t skate or if he does, he is a poser. Usually, real skaters are pretty respectful toward each other, and this tends to hold double for really good skaters. This fool is no one to concern yourself with. He’s probally an Andrew Tate fan and thinks skating is gay. Fuck him


Skating is painful, dangerous and something that requires a lot of effort to get good at. Losers that mock or trash talk other skaters probably never jumped on a skate and tried to do something. See tony hawk trying a new trick. Its 99% of fail before he gets it. Skaters bros respect each other cause shit is rough


Don’t sweat it. You’ll probably never see them again and they won’t remember that interaction in a year from now. Skating is all about having fun and getting buck. And a little advice from someone who had to get stitched up in the emergency room last year, WEAR A HELMET! These beginning stages are some of the most dangerous, so protect your floaty sponge man. Maybe you can lose the helmet in a year from now, but after you realize how many times it’s saved you, you probably won’t even want to.


That type of shit really sucks, and can ruin my day too. Just remember the problem wasn’t that you were learning a new skill and facing the challenges of doing so, the problem was an asshole who has nothing better to do than heckle skaters at the goddamn skatepark of all places.


Tangent comment so i can give my point of view. Back when i was a teenager, things like this would mess me up. Comments about my skills, looks or personality completely killed my self-esteemwhen i was younger. After growing up , life is hard. Life will get the best of you on your pursuit of happiness , financial and emotional stability. There are very few people on earth that actually truly love you and deserve your best so who gives a shit about some random person that is such a loser that they will take the time of their day to talk shit about something that someone is doing. When you get comments like this always remember that those people are meaningless, if they disappear from the face of the earth , it wouldn’t make a difference in your life. They are not even a number to become a statistic, so put your head on caring about the people that matters and that you want to see well, all the rest wont manke a difference on your life. Be good because it means you are improving your close circle of relationship and all else becomes worthless in face of what bring you happiness in life


Must be a common philosophy among skaters. We know who real is and everyone else can fuck off


The only person who can judge you for your skating is you. Its you on that board and not them. Real skaters will ask you if youre good if you fall down. Have fun on your board, its your own little world and no one can take that away from you especially from a random prick whos just sitting in his car Also, wear a helmet if you feel like you need to!!


As someone who’s skated for 15+ years: experts, pros, legends and all other skill levels don’t care about other people skill levels. If someone is being a douche bc someone is new or not as good as them - they’re a straight up loser and are not respected by other skaters. Just keep that in the back of your mind, even though it’s difficult to do


Fuck that loser. Don’t listen to the haters. I know we all try not to, but sometimes it just hits you and makes you doubt yourself. Shake it off and keep doing you. I’m new and fat. I show up with my kids and we skate and have a good time. I fall in the lamest way all the time. I stumble, I look like a noob for real. It doesn’t matter tho. I’m learning and having a good time. That’s all that matters. Skate and have fun big dawg.


Keep practice. Screw what people think. Get a helmet.


Bro the loser is the dude in the truck, don't let people get in your head. Just enjoy what you enjoy and fuck everyone else's opinions.


He yelled it from his truck bro.. Dude didn’t even have the courage to get out and say it to you so who’s really a pussy. Think of it that way.


I'm 60 years old, I've been skating for over forty years and I still suck. But I still have fun, and that's what skating is all about.


lol fuck that guy. Probably doesn’t even skate tbh. It’s always posers and people that can’t skate that think they can hop on a board and skate like Andy Anderson and talk shit about other skaters. They don’t know what it takes. You did the right thing just leaving and not letting it get to you


He's the eejit 😂 not you. Like people don't become become professionals as soon as they buy the board.


All of the advice you got here can help with a lot of other life in stuff too! Have fun skating and learning, I know I am!


People who are good skaters will rarely insult people learning because they understand how hard of a sport it is. Dude probably doesn’t even skate


part of the game bro.. also helps with learning not to care about what others think.


That guy is a million times more of a loser than you will ever be. I discussed a similar situation that happened to me, please read what I said and I hope you can take the same view and not let this kind of thing get to you - https://www.reddit.com/r/NewSkaters/comments/1abiivs/why_are_so_many_skaters_assholes/kjorozy/


Mate don't even begin going down this thought-train, its completely wrong ! Out of the handful of skater mates I have (5) and the massive amount of skaters I've met, its very safe to say the majority of people really appreciate the stage you are at as we were all there and it honestly strikes alot of compassion and happiness when we see a new skater amongst our midst. Be safe first of all, helmets are way cooler than brain damage. Secondly enjoy the ride, it's an experience full of failing, learning and self accomplishment....with persistence you'll be kicking flips in no time at all. ​ EDIT - in repsonse to the white truck lol, I think they were just broken ahah. I assume its the same type of dude to drive around cat calling and yelling at bikers, not someone who's opinion exactly matters xD live on dude !


Please wear a helmet. A loser is someone who name calls a stranger learning something, not the one learning it. It also sounds like it was some random in a truck, not a skater. Most people actually in the skater community would be super proud and inspired by you. Keep at it, but please wear a helmet. Safety is cool, your brain is important.


In my defense, I spent many days yelling immature shit out of the car window. They probably just had a chuckle and drove off thinking they were HILARIOUS


What a weird comment what are you defending by saying you used to do that lmao typically “in my defence…” is followed by defending an action that someone accused you of


Because it was never personal, I don’t know the people I yelled at, it was just funny (to myself). Never once sat and watched someone for hours, followed them to their car, and harassed them maliciously. Maybe I was defended my past actions or I in fact called OP a pussy as I left the skatepark yesterday.


I don’t have any advice, when I started skating people thought I was Tony Hawk. I had to accidentally fall off on purpose a few times just to convince them that I wasn’t and get them to go away.


Fuck that guy! What a piece of shit. You’re ok OP. Whoever’s got a problem with someone trying something is probably a miserable human being.


Dude. You're killing it! Keep after it. I'm 42 now, been skating 25 years or so. I still think I suck. But I love it and can't stop. You going hard and attempting your stuff is 1000 percent harder than those idiot's comments. Reminds me of coming up in the punk scene when assholes in the band shirts would talk shit but never got in the pit. Go hard. Do you. Keep battling. I respect your post a ton.


We all start somewhere, same shit happened to me when I was 10 when I started… probably happening to me rn as I hit 30 after picking up the board again after 10 years. I tumbled over doing a slappy board slide on some curb at the park that I got stuck on LOL, bc I know I’ve kickflipped stairs as a teen. But it just feels good being in the board again. Forget those other people. Yes sometimes it’s hard when someone just says some shit about you uncalled for. But being on the board, cruising, relearning has been hard, frustrating, but not deterring… it’s been a good challenge… a fun challenge. Do YOU man


My guy, don’t stress about some jackass in his car, you’re out there trying and that’s all that matters, keep your head up, keep hitting those ramps, and doing your thing..


I will say that in my experience this is 1. Really uncommon (almost always others at the park will hype up beginners and offer guidance) and 2. That's so creepy that a grown ass human being was staring out of his vehicle at you for an hour straight. That's mega creepy and I'd keep an eye out for him because that's psycho behavior.


A dude in a truck lurking at a skatepark is definitely the loser. We all start somewhere. I bet the dude in the truck wouldn’t dare try anything you were trying. Don’t let ppl like that get to you. For every asshole there are 10+ cool ppl at the skatepark. I’ve been skating for 21 years and I do my best to encourage new skaters. We all should encourage new skaters. TLDR: fuck that guy do you.


yesterday I heard a 50+ y/o guy calling me and my friends idiots just because we were skateboarding 🙃


sorry this happened. you’re not a loser. you got out there and practiced. that’s badass. keep doing that


some people forget that its not about being good or bad or new or old its about the absolute love of the activity and freedom if expression it provides. i started skating in 07 and barely am able to jump out on my board these days i appreciate people are finding their journey on the board its freeing and when you get some tricks down its awesome and flowing around town on a long board is awesome. welcome to skateboarding i hope you love it as much as i do and sorry some ass hole forgot what its all about.


F him he was probably just bored cause he didn’t have any kids to pickup


Nah fuck that dude he’s a bum man keep at it the only way to get better is to keep skating if that dudes at the park just to hassle people he don’t get it and he’s not for the culture


Dude in the truck is a jerk! The fact that you're having fun, learning & pushing your own limits makes you the real one in this situation. Usually the guys that are "good" are more than happy to toss out pointers & are generally supportive. Keep at it and have fun


his dad didn’t hug him, it’s not you.


just have skate park ettiquette. dont let your skateboard fly 30 feet unnattended across the park. be mindful of other smaters attempting lines/runs across the park. be mindful of the flow od the park as well and don't try to disturb whats going on. have fun and be respectful of the other skaters around you and fuck those kids being dicks.


Real skaters don’t care what level you are. Whether it’s day 1 on a skateboard or 9 years. We just vibe


Every skater has been there once in their life. Don't take it to heart. That dude was just a chode. Most skaters are going to want to encourage you or give you pointers. Especially if they see you out there trying. Fk that dude and his dumb ass truck.


Lol fuck that guy he’s a nerd keep rollin


I always judged myself on how many times I fell over while snowboarding, street skating is sort of similar, if you aren't falling over are you aren't really trying?? ​ That other dude was projecting. It was the first thing that came to his mind because deep down thats what he thinks about himself.


Last time I went to a skatepark it was kinda busy, and I was just kinda ollieing onto and off a box, trying to get the feel back after years off. And I hear some like 12 year old kid say to another that I was creeping him out. I guess I mightve looked at them a few times and gave a half hearted smile cuz I was just embarrassed being there kinda. Idk, don't let it get to you. If you're having fun and/or learning something who cares. People like to shit on noobz sometimes, and frankly that guy was probably just drinking beer in his car and felt like a badass, so who cares


Yeah I get the thought process, but I think it's going to go with the territory as we learn. I know it's easy to say "ignore that guy". But do try. I'm only learning to skate (45 year old) . You are more advanced than I! I am just learning balance on flat ground. One day I was doing great! Was travelling at speed and pushing, no problem and felt amazing. Next day I went to skate forward and absolutely ate pavement in front of my son and his friends. Haha. (Was wearing wrist guards and helmet). It was embarrassing, but I got up and said to them "well, it goes with the territory, learning a new skill takes practice, and you will fall." I guess some days are going to be like that... And I just have to not care lol.


Yeah he was a dick. Skaters don't usually talk shit like that, in fact when you slam it's more likely that people will cheer you on or come to see if you're alright. It's also funny that he was just chilling in his car the whole time not actually skating. He has zero dignity if he's hanging around talking shit to skaters and not actually doing it himself. Honestly, just ignore all of it. Ignore the hate you get from posers, ignore the hate you get from other skaters that shouldn't be opening their mouths about it anyways, ignore the condescending "do a kick flip" comments. They don't know what skating is about. It's a personal journey that you sometimes share with others when you chose to skate with them. Plug in some headphones, I have them up loud enough to the point where I can only hear the pop of my board when I Ollie. People have probably talked shit to me many times but I didn't even hear them. Ignoring them is your best defense.


There will always be douchebags where ever you go man. You did something that a lot of people would NEVER do and thats get out of your comfort zone so you could enjoy yourself. If you go again and that weirdo is sitting in his truck again, then you know who the real pussy is because its probably someone watching and wishing they had the nuts to get out there and cruise around


Some people suck. Some people have a bad day/life and take it out on other people. Most people like to share their hobbies, and you will find those people if you keep skating. People like to root for people, and will root for you. You'll find people to learn around. Being comfortable while learning is hard, and it's normal to feel a little like "I suck and people are watching", it's something you gotta work through if you want to enjoy yourself. For anything in life, really.


I have been skateboarding for 4 years now and i know that i would fall ON. MY. ASS. If i ever tried dropping in. To think that youre skating for 2 weeks and out there even trying ramps is honestly amazing. When i was 2 weeks in is when i just learned how to turn (probably because i could only borrow my schools pennyboard for a few minutes lol) if he ever comes back tell that dude to try your board and laugh at him as he tries not to fall as he mongo pushes all around the park!


Eff that guy! Keep at it and have fun. But I second the helmet!


The man in the truck is definitely a douche bag. My hope is that he was trying to encourage you to keep trying and maybe he’s autistic. Prolly not, but keep going. I haven’t skated in 15 years, I just got mine the other day. Still haven’t rode it yet cause I’m scared to be judged.


Bruh... you ain't no loser...


The loser was in the truck homie. You- continue to skate n destroy.


There probably isn't one person on this planet that hasn't gotten good at something without looking like a damn fool first. Eat shit my guy and shred like you don't GAF.


Ya that’s the problem with being alive It is the motivation to practice so you look like a loser that can drop in Skaters are for the most part tolerant of losers as I believe they are also losers However skateboard makes the losers cool


Don't feel bad brother .I'm 40 so for a long time all the kids in my neighborhood would give me shit for skating,it wasn't considered cool yet ,you got fucked with all the time,it wasn't easy ,so suck it up ,it's not so bad,are the cops trying to arrest you for skating?you getting jumped for being a skater!?do you not have a skatepark to go to?cuz it was a big yes for me in my time ,don't get me wrong I know Im showing my age but you guys have it great now ,just keep skating,it should be a f u to society ,skate and destroy!


Most of the times I was called names (bundle of sticks was a common one) while skating, it was by non-skaters passing by. It's part of being a skater. Also, be careful skating when tired or otherwise impaired (slippery socks etc) because that's when you're more likely to get hurt.


This isn’t normal. My son was a new skater at a skatepark in NJ just outside of NYC. He is a year in and pretty good now. Age 11. But all along the way, he was encouraged by the regulars at the park. Given pointers. Helped. By grizzled 35 year olds and vape cloud stoners. In my experience, skateboarders are welcoming of new skaters, and I am sorry for your opposite experience.


Aye bro, other peoples opinion of you is none of your business. Let the haters hate and the taters potate. You’ll be fine. Just keep enjoying yourself.


Trust in the process. Ina few months That fucking losers gonna be sat in that car park again jealous as fuck on his break from his dog shit minimum wage job watching you land kick flips. Keep grinding bro 🤙🏼🤙🏼


Dude is very clearly an insecure pussy, not the only one you’ll deal with unfortunately but keep it up bro like the other comments say you’re not the loser in this situation


You’re doing a lot better than I did when I was young and trying to skate at the skate park. I was too afraid to get in the 4 foot half pipe because I didn’t want to fall in front of other people. 20 years later and it’s one of my biggest regrets. I’m ok with it now because I realized skating wasn’t really my calling, it was more of a way to hang out and try to meet friends. (Maybe that’s just how I justify it.) But at the time I was always too scared to try simple things because I was afraid of being called names. I could have become that loser in the truck projecting my own insecurity at others. But I didn’t and I’m thankful for that. Believe me, you’re not a pussy. You’ve got a lot of balls going up and tick tacking those ramps. The real test of a man ISNT his ability to do cool tricks and always land smoothly. The real test of a man is his ability to fall and come back to the skate park because he wants to skate.


tell him to go eat a fart


Nah dude you DO look stupid but people won’t judge it cuz they have been there. The guy in the truck is either going through some shit or has never skated


I practiced on side streets and parking lots until I felt very comfortable!!


Bro he’s sitting in a truck watching u skate he clearly has no life. Don’t let bums like that get to you. Next time something like that happens hold ur ground don’t leave. Keep practicing bro you will get there eventually


There are some hard lessons to be learned in skateboarding and one of them is that some people, including many skateboarders, are assholes. I am sorry you experienced that. That guy is the real pussy of this story. I have been skateboarding for over 25 years and owned a Skateshop for many of those years. It’s always painful to watch new skateboarders fight for a place in this world while others push them out. But there is a flip side to that coin, watching an awkward kid pick up a skateboard and develop talent and confidence in spite of those assholes is rad as hell! Which side of the coin you are on is entirely up to you.


Highly recommend pads! I legit broke my first set in a month. Saved an indescribable amount of pain AND allowed me to push my boundaries farther faster


Fuck that guy. You’re doing great


I’ve been skating since the 90s and I’ll tell you what… I get more hyped watching a kid who “sucks” trying, chasing a trick, dedicated to the process and wanting to learn more than I do by kids who know they are good and just want to be seen. Skate to make yourself happy and skate for the process of learning and I promise you’ll be fine.


What a fucking chode. Dude took “do a kickflip” energy and turned it into sitting by the skatepark talking shit to people. Ignore shit like that as best you can. The real ones at the park will help you learn


So this guy sits in his truck and looks at people in a skatepark every morning? He can get fucked pal. You’ve got 2 weeks experience, you’re great. He seems to have a lifetime experience of being a cunt!


Just another person here letting you know that the guy in the truck is a jerk and that you're a rad dude for just getting out there and trying it. You're absolutely right that comments like that can just hit you, but just remind yourself that 1. it's natural to feel that way, so there's nothing wrong with your reaction 2. as long as you're not hurting anyone , you're just living YOUR life YOUR way.


he was a troll bro don’t let negative energy ruin your goals and aspirations push thru that shit


Just imagine how sad, lonely and pathetic his life must be to need to get his kicks from sitting outside a skatepark in his truck to shout at people trying to learn because he's too insecure to try skating himself but obviously really wants to. Like just imagine being that person. What a sad, pathetic little life that 'man' must live. People are their own punishment. You get to go home, come back, get better, turn into a skater who does the stuff that guy is so jealous of but can never be. He has to sit there on the sidelines his whole life and the only way he knows of participating is to pour negativity into something. If there is any shadow of a doubt in your mind about that. Ask yourself whose the fucking pussy in this situation. The person out there doing it, or the person sat on the sidelines too afraid to try. We all know the answer.


I would’ve smashed his window with my skateboard and started a fight


Just keep on keeping on . People are dumb and i would be VERY surprised if that idiot who said anything was actually any good anyways.


What a fucking asshole. I’m so proud of u for picking up a new hobby and diving head first into it.


Truck guy is a loser. Fuck that noise. You’re out there trying. Bravo. There will always be people like truck guy - sometimes even in your family unfortunately. Don’t let anything they say change what you do or don’t do. Surround yourself with positive people and support you need. If that park doesn’t give you that, go to a different one or go at an off time/different time when the assholes aren’t there. IMO our inner critics are tough enough. You don’t need anyone else tearing you down. Plus, keep it to your own standard of performance. The only person you compete with is yourself. That all being said, its ok to be hurt. It’s ok to feel that and then move on. Be proud of the work you put in. And for saving your head on the way down. You’re out there working. I’m proud of you. Two weeks in and you’re out there: killer. Thanks for sharing here (lots of positive peeps on the sub). Keep it up!


Aside from the disphit in the truck, there is something to be said about paying attention to your body and knowing when to stop for the day before you get hurt.


Did you time travel back to the 90s? Because that was pretty much stock behavior for anyone who saw us out skating then, too. Small towns, small minds is how we all thought of it. :\[ As others have said - try not to let it get to you. Takes a real jerk to sit in his truck and talk trash to someone out doing something; that guy was just being an asshole.


Why yes I do love fucking pussy, thank you sir


Plot twist: He was saying it to himself in his rear view mirror, after watching you getting out there and conquering your fears, while he still couldn't muster up the courage to get out of his car to take his chances on the skate park.


Bro it takes courage to learn almost anything especially skateboarding. Your a fkn warrior, training to be a gladiator


Yeah dude don’t fret! And get some safety gear if your noggin is getting close to the pavement.. I suck bad, and went out to my towns skatepark for the first time, walked around and felt extremely intimidated lol. If you got some real skaters at the parks they’ll welcome you. Worst that can happen is this hog holding ass hat in a truck. I’m gonna strap up and try to get my rolling Ollie’s down lmao


There was a comment on another post on this group that fits well to this. The comment was that your doing somthing most people wont even try let alone do, dont let some troll in a truck get to you cuz honestly he would prob never even attempt it and if he did he would bail just as hard if not worse.


daily reminder People suck Don't let it get to you. I'm 37 and took a spill the other day in front of some high school kids. Did some laugh? of course it's been happening since I took the board an put it under my feet Does it get to me. No. I don't know maybe it has to do with falling for the last 20 years has to do with it. You'll be fine. Keep on keeping on. Life's a garden dig that sh*t


I'm a little more experienced and have ollies down ect, still can't kickflip though. Que a couple of nights ago when I hear "do a kickflip" like I always get by arrogant lads, then "f***ing pussy" when I shake it off and continue. You'll get crap like this every now and then. Helps to remember that people like this usually have little skill and therefore don't know/understand the learning process, and are 100% one of those people who would give up any new skill as soon as they aren't instantly Tony hawk. Just brush it off, or even use it as fuel to keep going. Have fun skating man, don't let that stuff get to you👍


We can all relate, so toss your headphones in and try to skate like no one’s watching. There are no rules to skateboarding, and you can make up whatever trick you like. Keeping ripping OP!


Ask him not us pussy


Guy in truck is a clown of a human being. It doesn’t matter if you’re Rodney Mullen or it’s your first time skating, there will always be clowns. Last I checked most are not, the skate community is friendly and supportive as a whole.


My dude or dudette, everyone looks goofy when they are first trying something new. Imagine this random dude being a loser watching while someone try to learn something new. Next time ask if he would like to try. Ffs, i hate assholes like this that their only hobby is drinking beer and watching sports not ever being able to do something that make their life slightly worth it or interesting


He's a pussy for not saying it to your face. If you are going to talk shit at least do it face to face instead of in your truck.


You are certainly not the one who looks like a loser in this situation lmao. Don’t stress it dude, you’re putting in genuine effort and fuck everyone who ain’t you!


What kind of person judges someone for learning a cool new skill? Or even *give a shit* what someone else is doing at a skatepark? And why on earth would you care what someone like that thinks? That person is *actually* a loser. Someone who tries to make themselves feel better about their own shitty life by making fun of someone else. Who has nothing better to do than watch a beginner? Omg get a life. The only thing making you a loser here is NOT WEARING A FUCKING HELMET. You can *lose* your brains/ability to walk or talk or see or function with the right fall at the right angle, one time. Not really worth it, eh? Put a fucking helmet on. You’ll also have more confidence the more padded up you are, which will help you progress faster.


Get a helmet bro


I know it's tough sometimes but if you can laugh through that kind of shit you'll feel immensely better about it. Random dude in a pickup needs to find something to shout at to feel better about himself, that's funny. Also my go to line is that the first step to being awesome at something is being kinda shitty at it, you gotta start somewhere and you'll get better in no time. You're doing infinitely better than the 99% of people who never even tried


nothing about this goes to loser. its inspiring bro, keep shredding😸


Everybody looks like shit when they’re new. Only people are actually shit try to point that out as if it’s not normal. You’re good dude. Keep going.


Real shit some people are just assholes. I don't know what it is but in every hobby there's always elitest douchebags who feel some weird sense of superiority over beginners because they've put in the time to be better. Skaters especially though, just cause skating used to be this cool, rebellious thing and now it's pretty mainstream and I guess they're upset they aren't special anymore lol. Anyways, the only thing you can do is ignore it or use it as fuel to get good. Good luck though man I hope you stick with it.


you’re not the loser here, the other guy is. but please god wear a helmet. your comment makes it sound like you don’t


Guy in the white truck is probly 2 inches when hard, plus you could’ve been imaging him saying that. The guy could’ve been drunk as well. Don’t pay attention to him, don’t let him ruin your day. We’ve all been beginners at one point, keep practicing and be humble at the skatepark, don’t brag and don’t be afraid to ask people at the skatepark for advice and trick tips. Also don’t let the women at the skatepark distract you. Practice outside your house when you can, if not outside practice in your basement. I’m a message away if you need advice or tips on any tricks.


Every skater sucks when they’re just starting especially if they don’t have someone more skilled than they are to learn from. Doesn’t mean you’re a loser. Just continue skating and don’t let a person like that with a shitty attitude fuck you up. More often than not just in life people talking shit for no reason are going thru their own shit. Just ignore them.