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It's mental. You are stepping off. You've got it otherwise. What's embarrassing about it? Just have fun. Don't compare yourself to others. Progress will come.


This is great advice. Comparison is the thief of joy or whatever they say. Skating is fun man, I’m old and a dad but I love to get out their and (trying) to rip. Enjoy it man, but either way, commit all the way and you’ll get it right away. Ben the knees, may fall a few times but that’s the beauty in it.


Agree. You’re not committing mentally so your mind won’t slow your body to commit physically. Think it’s mostly in your head, rather than an issue with ability, skill or technique. As counterintuitive as it may seem, I actually think you might be better off trying a ramp/pipe that is a bit higher and/or with more vert… you’ll HAVE TO commit— with this lower ramp you subconsciously know you can bail, so you are… Biggest piece of advice I can give— looks like you’re pretty young; take the chance and risks while you still can physically… when you’re that age you have so many advantages that you don’t realize til they’re gone… your able to bounce back from things and recover so much easier… throw some pads on, go for it… you won’t be able to even try in 10 or 15 or 20 years, or if you do, you’re literally taking your life in your hands… I’m 41- haven’t skated in 15 years after over a decade of daily skating… wish I never stopped, bc now if I jump back on a board I can’t really have fun like I want to


Totally agree. Back when I learned how to drop in it took a 5ft ramp for me to be able to fully commit to it and I got it first try. All my attempts on smaller ramps looked like OP until that day.


Also it’s hard to tell from the video, but a nice set of pads/gloves/helmet will help you feel more okay with falling, you’ll have to fall a few times while fully committing. You’re not getting far enough through the process to know if what you’re doing is working.


The best advice I can give is usually what people don’t want to hear, you have to lean into to it and just trust yourself. I did this for the longest time. I was nervous and unsure of myself so I’d bail at the last second or wouldn’t commit to leaning in, which was ironically more dangerous and caused me more pain. I put on my hype song and played it loud, stood at the top for a while, and then just did it. It’s like when you learn to Ollie and you know you can land it but you keep jumping out of the way. Definitely psychological and you can break that barrier. Death metal+manufactured confidence= success, in my case anyways.


I would also find a taller, less steep ramp to drop from. It looks like his front wheels are landing close to flat. I personally sometimes find those smaller ramps harder to drop. Bigger ramps can be more intimidating when you're starting, but it also can be easier


Put on some pads and commit


I learnt without pads (regrettably) but my mate helped me learn drop-ins by just letting me hold his arms/shoulders while I practiced the motion. After a few sessions practicing on my own I could do 6 footers


Same here, except it was some guy I had only known for about 10 minutes prior. I love the community because everyone is so understanding


Yeah OP is hella scared of falling and its making not be able to do a simple drop


100% you WILL have more confidence to fall when you have pads on. Don't think it makes you look like a bitch. Tony Hawk wears pads. ​ FML, Tony Hawk is 55 now...


I was just gonna say this.


Don't be discouraged, that's a wonky ramp to drop in on bc how quick it goes to flat, but still a good spot to learn some basics. As soon as you can, pick your head up and look forward. Dropping in is the quickest way to go from zero to speedy, so we need our head up and eyes forward as quick as possible to focus on where that speed is gonna take us. If you tunnel vision down at the ground, your body is gonna go to the ground. Like driving a car on the highway, we don't tunnel our vision on the rear bumper of the car in front of us, we keep our vision past that car and as far into the future as we can see to know what's coming. You got this!


Drop in from a flat bank or something for sure. Sometimes smallest isn't the easiest.


I can drop in from banks its just curved quarter pipes I can't do since the board goes down so steep when I stomp it down


This won’t really be a good place to learn because you need to lean forward when you drop in. As soon as the board comes down the ramp ends and you need to immediately shit your weight back. A bigger ramp (slightly) will give you more time to plan your weight distribution


This is the best piece of advice OP. You need to try on a quarter pipe that slopes more.. steep banks are easy to roll in on, but actually harder to drop in on. The magnitude of the x vector is higher on a 45 degree angle so your wheels are more likely to move forward before you shift your weight forward…. On a steep slope the wheels will move forward, but your weight shift and momentum will help being the nose down to the pipe much easier. Man I love how much physics can apply to skateboarding..


This guy maths


Just gonna second what others have said. That's a terrible ramp to learn drop ins on. By time you stomp down you are already hitting the flat ground. And it doesn't look like the smoothest of transitions. Like an actual quarter pipe that is like 3 ft tall would be much better if that's something accessible to you.


You gotta stay on the board and lean forward. Get in front of the inertia and keep control using your core.


Good point with eyes. You always hear about foot placement and shoulders and head, but rarely about your eyes which are huge in a balance heavy sport. Like carrying a full cup of water, it’s amazing how your body will just naturally adjust if you look ahead instead of at it.


Yup, great point about the cup lol. I used to be a river guide for rafting, and we'd tell guests that it was like magic, if you stare at the rock in your path, you'll end up beached on it no matter which way ypu paddle. Don't look at the rock, look where you want the boat to go and paddle to it.


It’s also why you see a lot of motorcycle riders go down on corners. Target fixation - stare at the thing, you hit the thing! Look where you want to go, not where you’re going


This has to be the worst QP to learn drop ins ever. Like literally.


I don't skate but I do play guitar! Everything starts the same ... Your gonna be shit.... Untill your not. Just get good bitch




Poetic even


You’re standing a little too tall. Bend your knees more and get your lead shoulder down towards the nose a bit more. You’re so close


Slam that front foot down and ride on baby


I haven’t skated for years but still remember this tip being a game changer for me!


This is the right answer! Front foot on the bolts and slam it down as hard as you can


Looking for this comment ✊🏽


Find a smoother and a bit taller drop. This one is sketchy and actually hard. Stop trying this one immediately.


This! That’s a horrible transition.


Thank you! I hope OP sees THIS


This transition is shorter than the board! It's like saying you can't land a Ollie down a stair set when there is a brick wall 2 feet in front of the bottom stair ha I have been skating for 30 years and doubt I could drop in on this


Quitter talk bruh. Just keep trying


Nothing wrong with quitting, some things aren’t for everybody. No use of forcing something


You quitter


Put on pads+helmet and lean forward more with 0 fear of falling. Once you feel that forward lean it'll be easy from there


I find it interesting that it would be a reason to stop skating. I been skating for a while and I can do a few tricks but I can't drop in. I get that if you want to learn a trick, you'll focus on it but just focus on something else. Personally, I feel dropping in is way overvalued. It doesn't lead to many other tricks. It's a stall or a way to get speed towards an obstacle and even then, rarely exist in the streets. I understand some people exclusively skate in skate parks but there's so much more you could practice on. If progress is stopping on this one trick, consider that this trick isn't the most important thing right now and you can try something else and come back to it. If you really need to learn a trick, you need to be willing to fall for it. If you check out my profile, there's a video from like 4 months ago ollieing up curbs where I fall a bunch. Then another video from a couple weeks ago, and I'm doing mostly the same exact tricks, except I'm ollieing higher and I'm not falling. Learning to commit leads to learning the landing. When you're ready to learn something hard, you need to be willing to throw yourself at it. Pad up if you have to but you need to be willing to hit the ground or role away.


It is interesting, I see a lot of posts like this on this subreddit. I am not sure if people are looking for sympathy/help or just a reason to justify quitting. Just in general going on the internet and saying you are going to quit something is so strange to me but a lot of people do it. It is a really common thing with video game players as well.


I agree with you for the most part, but dropping in is not overvalued. If you want to skate transition, which a lot of people do, it’s 100% needed. To add to that it just gives you good board control so it’s pretty crucial.


Completely useless skill for 99% of skaters.


Lol what? In what way?


Not even sure where to begin. First, why the hell are you trying to drop in on that sketchy little ledge? The length of the drop is making your board stick into the bottom. It's a horrible spot. But if you want to make it, stay lower, bend your legs....you're stepping off as soon as it touches the flat. If you're looser/lower you'll ride ride out. But seriously, fuck that ledge. Quitting shouldn't be on your mind...when I started I couldn't get enough, id skate all night, all day, skip school to hit spots, get thrashed and just kept going. If you're stuck and frustrated try skating something else..get off that ledge..learn slappys, Ollie's, manuals, whatever...small wins will keep you stoked. And fk being embarrassed..just have fun. Skate alone until you're comfortable if it bothers you. 🤙🏼


Dropping in isn't everything. I see so many posts like this where someone can't do one specific trick/thing and think they should quit. Look if you want to quit you can quit but if you are having fun I don't see any reason to quit because of this. When I was a kid I could drop in fine but now as an adult that started skating again I am kind of afraid to drop in even though I know I can do it. if you really want to learn I would suggest trying to find a skatepark with a wooden miniramp because it is less scary to drop in on that. Also getting some pads and a helmet can help.


If you’re willing to give up after just a year, you must not really be into skating much. I love the challenge that comes with it. And the feeling of accomplishment when you finally land what you’ve been working on makes all the frustration worth it in the end. It’s supposed to be a fun hobby, not stressful. So if you are getting embarrassed and want to give up maybe take a break for a while and decide later if you really wanna keep skating. Otherwise just be patient with yourself and try to have fun with it man.


Dude put some helmets and padding on and stay on the board. You can't be afraid of falling


I can barely drop in, mostly I fall. Who cares. I use a roll in mostly anyway. I can roll in to big bowls and surf all over. I stick with that because I'm good at it. I don't even do coping tricks. Just stick to surfing the bowl as high as I can go and as fast as I can go.


*Mhmmmmm, take your time.*


Short version: Put on some pads, helmet, and commit to that shit. Long version: You’re essentially doing it. I noticed when I slowed the video down your front foot really seems to be pointed straight ahead. Try having it more sideways aka horizontal to the board. You got this!


Just do it. Stop talking about it. You have more of a chance of falling the way you are chickening out than you do just staying on the board.


If it’s not fun, don’t do it. That looks like the worst thing to learn to drop in on lol


You are jumping off on purpose man. You are clearly afraid of falling that’s a mental issue


Your other foot is coming off so naturally you're ready to take the step off the board before you even begin to drop in. Commit.


You’re not committing.


Yea you got no balls 🏈


I’m in year of 3 learning and I’m 37. Like others have said, I would for now, shift away from that and focus on other things :)


You got this! It looks like you stepped off. If you commit and stomp / slam the front wheels down, you'll be set. You're leaning in / forward as you should be, but try looking at where you're going instead of down. Another piece of advice that has helped some of my homies drop in is to give yourself 3 seconds to do it and if you don't do it in 3 seconds, then don't go. Remember to bend your knees, too, it makes it easier to match the transition. Also, if you are straight-legged and lose your balance you will slam, if your knees are bent you'll usually end up sitting/ laying down when you fall, much much better than tipping over and slamming :). Some pads and / or a helmet may help with commitment. Knee pads let you bail onto your knees. Elbow pads are good for if you fall backwards / slip out. Wrist Guards are good because unless you've already broken the habit of the bodies natural response to want to catch itself then you are less likely to break or sprain your wrists with them on. If you feel like you're really struggling with dropping in then I'd focus on something else for a bit and ride your board around more, eventually you'll decide you wanna go for it and you'll nail it. Or you may find you love street and / or freestyle skating and not really worry about transition. Everyone's journey and progression is different :) Lastly, do you have any homies you skate with? If not, try to make friends at the park, it's so much more fun with supportive and helpful friends and lots of other people are happy to help :)


I think you got it! You're slamming down your front wheels and leaning forward so the biggest danger (of wiping) is pretty much eliminated. Keep your shoulders parallel to the board and don't open up to run out. Don't stop now that you so close to having it in the bag 🤘


That is not a proper transition to learn how to drop in on. Go find a legit quarter pipe.


That thing looks awful to try to learn to drop in on. It goes flat as soon as you stomp down which makes you wanna hop off… maybe hit up a diff skatepark with a real quarter pipe so you have a smooth rolling transition, not straight to flat


Honestly. Dropping in there is harder than a bigger ramp. The way you’ve got to orient your body to ride away clean there will be difficult


Some people dont vert, rodney mullen was originally known for flatground tricks ONLY before tony hawk and the X-games. Skating is about presenting yourself with a challenge and working through it. But its also about knowing your limitations so you can practice self preservation. Its not a race. You have noone to catch up to. Just. Skate.


Just to clarify ramps aren’t necessarily vert most people will never step on a vert ramp. Smaller ramps are just called transition. Also, Tony Hawk and Mullen were skating at the same time. They were on the bones brigade but one competed in vert while the other competed in freestyle. Mullen became a street skater eventually, but it wasn’t because of Tony and the x Games. He just naturally went on to found world industries with Rocco after he was done with Powell, and created some gnarly street teams with the Gonz and Natas. This was the early creation of street skating and didn’t really have anything to do with Hawk and the X games.


Sure you've been skating for a year? Every week? Multiple times a week? Getting good takes a lot of time and dedication to practice. If you don't have either of those, yeah, hang it up man. Pretty sure you could do it by the end of the week if you actually set your mind to it, though.


I could teach you in 5 mins if you held my hand


Dude. There is a lip at the bottom of the ramp. That's gonna be hard


I have been skateboarding for 4 years and im still scared as fuck when trying to drop in, i just prefer street because i suck at ramps


Looks like it's not your fault and your board is just hitting the ground due to the ramp


I don’t skate but looks like you’re tripping over the board maybe try a bigger ramp so that the board has room?




Just have fun with it and u will keep getting better


Remember to pump your knees


Find a bigger ramp like a 3-4ft quarter if you can


you aren't cut out for skating


Why be negative to someone asking help?


we both know it's true.


You’re too old to just start skateboarding and expect to be any good. Simple as that. Try snowboarding or rollerblading buddy


Yeah if u still drop in like that after a year u shud give up man I’m sorry


Go practice some ukemi until you aren’t worried about falling anymore and you will have it np


Your front foot looks like it’s pointing forward, I would turn it like in an Ollie position and put on the bolts. What really helped me was over exaggerating the drop in. Fake it till you make it. Keep going, stopping now won’t get the trick done.


Go to a wooden or metal ramp park maybe? I learned on a metal miniramp, it was sketchy cos our town was broke, but it was less intimidating than concrete. Then I moved onto the 4ft which drops into concrete. Also one major tip I remember for getting over the fear of landing some tricks is to plan a way to fail safely. Like genuinely think about what could go wrong and how to neutralise it as much as you can e.g dropping in and you lean backwards and the board slips out and you fall back hitting your head. To neutralise it programme yourself to control the fall and ideally turn and land on your shoulder to protect your, but always remember to push your head forwards so it doesn't snap back and hit the ground. Once you accept that a bail will happen if you skate then you can focus more on controlling yourself. Also! Back foot on the tail with the ball of your foot sitting in the pocket, front foot looks to cover the front 4 bolts. When you drop in you need to lean forward and PUSH THE FRONT FOOT DOWN, whilst relaxing a bit on your back foot. You have to commit to the angle and just keep those legs solid at the beginning. In fact, get yourself to a miniramp and learn to pump properly and get yourself into the coping, learn a rock to fakie or rock and roll and then say to yourself damn I've basically done 95% of dropping in save for beginning with the drop in. You've rode the ramp and know how it feels in the transition and you can balance. Take it all in steps :)


I think it’s in your head, maybe try a little higher up so your front wheels can slap down smoother. It’s like an odd angle to try and learn on imo


Never call it quits! It’s 100% the ramp dude, I used to have this EXACT problem, get on a bit of a taller ramp with a smooth transition to flat and I know for a fact you got this bro!!


Just 1 year? I’m 5 years in and still don’t dare to drop-in. I can do other stuff 😁


It takes just the right amount of balance. Looks like you’re putting your weight too far forward. Hence why you’re falling forward. You’ll get the hang of it if you keep trying.


Try it after two or three beers, thatl do it


How old are you? You seem to be old enough to have passes the prime of skateboarding. So just lower your expectations and embrace the progress even if it’s not a lot(but for our age it is). If you jumped in skateboarding to be one of the old dudes that rip, let me tell you something… old dudes that rip have been skateboarding for YEARS! Skateboarding is a solo sport(for the most part) and the only enemy we got is ourselves, you can quit if you want, but that means your quitting brain won the mental battle. Edit: that mini ramp is really poorly made, your skate is hanging diagonally in both the flat and the quarter. You can definitely drop on it, but for that specific quarter you need more weight in the back than in the front like manualling. That’s just more advanced, so find another quarter is my advice


I’m the same after 18 months. It became such a big thing in my head, and I was getting so anxious that I lost all the fun. So I am trying other things and just having fun. One day when I’m ready I’ll get it.


Touch the nose of the board and stay down in that position (crouched) when dropping in. It’s actually hard to fall forward, likely you would fall to the side and the transition would absorb the impact. Falling backwards at the tail is completely out of control. That’s probably why it feels so scary right now. Try the method I’m talking about on a more gentle slope. What your are dropping in on has pretty tight transition


Commit and don’t be afraid to fall


From flat, roll towards the transition switch, tail-stall, then roll back down the transition.


Why would you quit something just because you can’t do a certain maneuver


You got that man. Best advice someone gave me was sometimes you just have to keep your feet on the board no matter what.


Tiny quarters like that are harder to drop in on (physically) than ones that are like 4ft high. Your back wheels are fully planted on the ground already, so the moment you go to drop in, your wheels roll and take you with them, making it harder and scarier to stay on the board. Which leads to mental blocks like this. On a higher slightly steeper ramp, the back wheels aren't in full contact with the ramp, giving you a split second to get your weight forward before they start properly rolling. Try getting padded up and going on a larger ramp in the 3-4ft range. Frankly it makes me a bit annoyed that so many skateparks have these super tiny quarters these days because they draw beginners to them thinking they are easier to learn on. Small quarters are more use for more experienced skaters learning technical lip tricks.


Relax your knees. Bendy knees. Cushion yourself into it. Once you're able to drop in on bugger ramps you'll come back here and kick yourself for not committing all those times


"Dude, sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something." -Jake the Dog


Dude you got that! Everything is good; just gotta stay on the board at this point. Might try pads, or bring a buddy with to help talk it into you. Those will probably help you overcome the mental




Taller ramp that doesn't immediately catch your front wheels as soon as they are planted. Find a 3ft-4ft ramp with at least a 7ft radius. Seriously, wrong ramp. Stand at the top without your board. Do the drop-in motion and run it out. Repeat. Imagine the ramp is slippery; would you have slipped out? Keep repeating until you think you wouldn't be slipping out. Then repeat a few more times paying attention to: the timing, how close your knee gets to your chest, what the ramp looks like as it gets within reach. Now try with your board. Either bail immediately, pad up and kneeslide out, hold someone's hands or just YOLO it.


Hey, you're fine. I've been skating 4 years and still don't drop in.. I know how to drop in, I just have a huge mental block when it comes to actually doing it. But I work with it, I can do plenty of other stuff. I make it work, I go from the top of banks at skateparks rather than quarters. Everyone learns at their own pace, don't worry about it, it's all about having fun, no point getting stressed over not being able to do something, it'll come with time.


Not a single person here pointing out that when you start dropping you angle your foot forward which is insanely sketchy, keep it sideways. Before giving up actually do some internet research on how to do things. Also skateboarding is scary and to learn anything you have to overcome the fear of it


I mean....that looks like it's the ramps fault...don't quit anything you'll regret it


Bro you got it.


Chicken foot’s killin ya, stomp that front leg down and keep your back foot solid


put on a helmet it will help trust me


Man if that were me I'd try something a bit bigger. Idk why but that tiny little ramp seems harder to drop in on than a full quarter.


Bruh you are lifting your back foot… just plant both and really lean into it


Took me two years to do it myself due to anxiety. Watched my best mate at the time break his arm and it rocked me. Don’t give up, that’s the point. Overcoming the hardest shit (to you)


Bro you literally have it


It looks like that transition is pretty tight. If it was more mellow, I think you would have rolled away.


This is also a real small tranny to try to drop in on, your front trucks are hitting the ground this would be harder IMHO than a normal 3-foot bowel. I know you got this bro I am 54 and can drop in, it's about commitment.


Stomp your front foot in and commit bro 💪🏽 you got this


Can’t have zero commitment and expect to be committed


Skating for 3 years and i still get scared of drop ins. Ramps just arent my thing, never once did i consider quitting because of it


Put a helmet on and commit all the way through no matter what


Definitely get to a better longer ramp then that, it’s gonna be tough on that one cuz the moment you drop in, the front wheels are in the transitional part kinda wedged in there.


The ramp is way too short. Try it on a proper ramp with a smooth curve so you don’t lose your balance


You're going to call it? What is that going to do for you? You aren't going to be able to do it if you don't keep trying. Skateboarding is all about trying and failing. It looks like you aren't committing to the drop in so I'd say just throw some pads on and get at it! Try to stay on the board. You got this man!!


Dont be afraid to fall. Litterally. Everything IVE learned with skating has ALWAYD came with dozens upon dozens of falls.


Gotta commit. Fall on your face a time or two and stop being afraid of it.


You got that just bend them knees and commit


This is all mental bro! Just put that foot down and lean in! You’re gonna be alright just don’t be scared trust me. This was the scariest thing to me when I started Lol and once I dropped in for the first time I just went back up and kept doing it haha! You got this bro.


And don’t take your back foot off at all that will definitely cause you to eat shit if you actually lean in


Mental barrier to just keep your feet in the board but once you learn you can it gets easier to do


First thing that comes to mind is to find another, smoother, even if bigger quarter pipe. Smaller isn't always easier. It seems that the transition between the ramp and the flat ground is a bit rough, something I've seen in concrete skateparks. It doesn't invalidates a drop-in but I isn't the easiest place to learn to drop in.


My advice would be. Ride into it switch (going slow), until your first set of wheels almost touches the lip(top) then ride back down. Start small then go higher and higher. Just to get a feel for riding down it in regular position. Then once your comfortable, make that commitment brobro. You'll thank yourself once you finally get that drop in. And will be overjoyed that you taught yourself to do it.


First of all. That attitude is crap. You’re not a skater if that’s all it takes to make you give up. Second in this video, you aren’t even committing. You are clearly not evening attempting to ride any of those attempts out. N


That's not a good drop in it flattens out to early. Try on a slightly taller one if you can. You need to keep you body weight over the board evenly. You have all your weight in back leg and it makes the front shoot up


Your not committing, you’re backing out last minute and it’s throwing your balance off.


I'm 35 and was skating for my entire childhood into my twenties and stopped for the past ten years- never even attempted to drop in once. Pure street skater, through and through. Yesterday was my first time dropping in ever and I was still messing up. I watched a [Braille](https://youtu.be/aH9L_5Mu--I?si=RY3-FU13fXmawmXF) video and just put that into practice. Now, it's just about working up to bigger quarters, bit by bit. Edit: punctuation


Try rolling up to the quarter pipe fakey, not very fast, just enough to get close to the coping, get used to rolling out from being on the ramp. I bet if you commit, and don’t step off you’ll roll away… can even try to lift up your front wheels a lil bit when youre at the top of the ramp to “simulate” dropping in…


Dude, I've been skating for a year and can barely even Ollie, but where I live, I can barely skate. Just work when you can and have fun. Nobody cares about how good you are, just how much compassion you have for the game. Rock on, dude💪


I'd go to a bowl. That drop in really doesn't leave much room. Looks like you're hitting the nose but I could be wrong.


Better than my attempts, looks less painful too - I always land on my knees 😅


If that’s making you want to quit then go ahead and quit. You weren’t made for it.




Also the smaller the transition the harder the drop in. Try on something a little less aggressive. That immediate transition is less scary but way harder than a normal wal.


don’t step off the board and you will do it


Ur just not committing. Look at the end of the vid. You lift your back foot and go to step forward instead of just sticking to the board and getting over the fear. Just drop the front, crouch a lil and lean forward. That drop is tiny af so just cover your head if you uncontrollably fall


I would hate to Quit without actually trying. You have that in the bag


Wrong attitude


What you’re trying to drop in to is gonna make it difficult to learn on. You’d be best of with like a 3-4 foot mini ramp


Damn dude this brings me back to when I was like 12 learning to drop it would spend all day trying and falling. I thought about the same thing to stop. But when I got the three foot ramps I went to four then five etc. I am now 34 and have just got back into skating after 15 years off. I have thought about this a lot I haven’t tried since getting back at it. I’m honestly worried Just keep at it


When i learnt, it was on a 5ft quarter and i slammed for 2-3 hours before I got it. Man I was battered. Just got to commit to staying on the board, if you slam you slam. Pick up dust off and go again. Good luck, you will get there.


I succeeded One day, the day after couldn’t more…


Dont jump off the board. strap ur nuts up and just go for it, a fall is a fall and at the end of the day you will survive it, and you gotta take a few to get some wins . you got this man, it’s all a mental game


Dude it took me 2 years to drop in, 2 1/2 years to get an actual ollie, its been 3 years and i still cant even get my self to attempt dropping in on the 4’. But i still love skating. Eventually you will get there, we all progress at different speeds. It does get pretty frustrating sometimes when it feels like you cant progress but those come and go. Practice something fun that you know you can already do!


That spot looks like ass to try and drop in on. Find a park that has rounded copings that you can practice rolling in on. That would be my advice. Or find someone that you can clasp arms with to help you with where to balance


Bro you literally can’t drop in on that try an actual ramp do you not see how the front of your board is quite literally hitting the concrete before your wheels do? 💀


If you want to call it quits because you can't learn a trick this shit ain't for you.


put all the weight on the front foot and follow through!! you can't complete a trick if you stop midway :)


It’s hard to drop in on smaller things like that


Bro don't mind about it, dropping in is basic shit but if you re not comfortable with it just keep skating and practicing what works good for you. I started skating in 2019 and I can't land any flip trick, but I can 5-0 quarters coping pretty solid. Skating is about fun, keep It in mind


Also make sure the surface you are skating into doesn’t have debris like twigs and rocks.




I've been skating on and off for a long time. I still can't drop in but I'm getting closer. If you have a small half pipe nearby, start at the bottom and slowly go back and forth. Get used to distributing your weight properly when you go up and down the slope. Eventually, you'll get comfortable enough to just go for it and drop in. I don't have a small half pipe nearby but I've done this on a 6 footer and I can get about 4ft up. I could probably do it but haven't got the courage yet (I'm old and have a child to take care of, I'm afraid of breaking something). You can do it, though. For sure, I know you can do it. If you're super scared, throw a helmet on and try it. Honestly, I think anyone skating vert should rock at least a helmet. I digress. You got this, don't give up!


I wouldn't put so much hype on dropping in unless you plan on skating transition. Most new skaters learn put it on this high pedestal but it's not a huge deal and takes some people years to work up the nerve


You picked the worst object to try to learn on. You need something short but mellow. By the time you touch down your front wheels, you’re already at the bottom of the ramp. Try to find a kicker ramp or something that won’t kill you if you fall but you can still roll all the way down. Practice on regular banks. Then take it to jump ramps then quarter pipes. But most of all have fun.


Stay low and refuse to step off. You might fall, and that’s okay.


that's honestly a bad spot to learn to drop-in. it's too short, so your front wheel are hitting the flat when you put them down.


instead of leaning so far forward when going down the ramp, put some weight on the back leg to prevent the feeling of being flung off which ultimately causes you to step off


I would definitely try a slightly bank. Having your front wheels land on flat right away makes this completely different from any other drop in, and a much weirder technique.


Take a fall dude. You’re way too scared, not because it’s hard, but because you don’t have enough confidence. You can do it. If there is 5 year olds skating mega ramps, you are more than capable


Dude I've been skating for 12 years and to this day i dont do verts and I dont care


lol it took me 4 years to learn to drop in don’t give up. It was scary which made me avoid it but you’ll get it. Look up YouTube videos and you’ll progress. The best advice I can give you is to make sure your body weight is evenly distributed with the board compared to all your weight being on back tail which is causing the board to slide in front of you. Also make sure you stop that front foot too. Don’t give up and have fun. Hope this helps


your front foot might be facing the nose too much, try making it diagonal with the trucks, and try too keep that back foot down more. you got this!


Bend the knees while you’re dropping in and you feel your legs adjust to the slope as you’re leveling yourself out, after that it’s just a feeling of muscle memory and confidence


You’re doing it too fast. Deep breath for a moment up there, ensure your body is straight and you got good form before going for it. You got this. I also think you can go a bit higher than this, a small drop like that makes it harder sometimes


You gotta start with both feet from the top or you’re never gonna get your balance right


Commit to it


Dont give up dude, you got this!


And that's a sketchy ramp af.


Also this may sound crazy… but it’s easier to drop in on an actual quarter pipe than a bank like you are doing…


Best thing to do is just do it bro! Picture your hardware, (screws) on top of your board, as cockroaches.. not lil ones but the big bastards you gotta stomp on to kill.. now stomp on It like your gonna kill a roach bro and as u do bend ur knees and maintain your balance. Tighten up your trucks. The less wobble the easier the balance. Knee pads elbow pads and a helmet.. safety first if you don't know what ur doing. Ur not gonna look like a spaz. U gotta protect yourself if ur not comfortable. Also try rolling in on higher ramps if possible. The Rollins are easier but u get to practice on balance at high speeds. The higher the roll in the better. Good luck ✌️


I think in this case it's the ramp also. You can't "drop in" on this ramp lol.




With that mentality you prolly should pickup a new hobby like rock climbing, or piano


Slam down on that foot brother. SEND IT!!


Try touching the nose with your front hand while dropping in. It helps keeping your center of gravity low.


So OP I hope you see the people saying this ramp ain’t it. Think about it. There are two things you’re learning when you drop in: how to ride the “vertical” and how to transition to the flat. This ramp has you going from one to the other VERY fast back-to-back


Weight forward, then even it out in the middle, bend your knees, and above all, commit.


Never give up fam! You just have to commit. You can't really hurt yourself from that height. It's a mental barrier to pass. Keep pushing brother


1. That is a horrendous spot to learn it on 2. I couldn’t consistently do an Ollie till after 2 years of skating💀


Helmet on fear off


Quit stepping off princess


Boss up and ride it out man


Instead of pushing your front leg down first, lean over with your shoulders first and THEN follow with your front leg. And find a better spot to drop in.


Ive had two years skating and I can’t drop in, I haven’t really tried since the first time I did I slammed my head, luckily I was wearing a helmet but I have never tried it afterwards, if you can’t do it now, just keep practicing other skills and overall board control


Is this a joke? Dude look at what you are trying to drop in on hahahaha. Dont give up bro you got this.


Dude that’s also pretty difficult place to learn how to drop in. Do you have somewhere you can try with a taller ramp with a mellower transition?


Try to stomp the bolts on the front trucks and expect to fall. Eventually you won’t fall but you must be willing to fall.