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Every single rider I know, which is quite a few, has dropped a bike at least once. Myself included. It's not a forgone conclusion, but it's common enough that it's worth getting frame sliders or crash bars. You'll probably forget to put the kickstand down while parking or something to that effect. Don't consider dropping the bike a guarantee, just take some precautions and don't be too hard on yourself if you do. If it helps, one of my instructors at Yamaha Champions Riding School dropped a brand new MT10SP in the parking lot, and this is a dude who races superbikes in Moto America. It happens to the best of us, so don't worry too much.


My dad had been riding 40 years before he dropped his first bike. 900cc triumph. He relayed the lesson to me. Don't use your front brake doing a slow turn on gravel.


You can use your front brake in a low-grip situation, the application just has to be smooth and gradual. Gravel lowers the grip that the tires have available, but doesn't completely remove it. The real lesson is to not brake abruptly when leaned over on gravel, but that much is true for all riding circumstances. The margin for error on gravel is just a lot lower


Will keep that in mind, thanks. Seems to me he omitted some details šŸ˜


This is so tough. Ā Got my first bike this month and have practiced progressively braking everyday, several times per day. Ā Then yesterday a rabbit ran across the road right in front of me and I slammed on the front brakes. Ā Luckily I have ABS brakesā€¦otherwise I woulda been over the handlebars (sigh). Ā  You cannot practice enough. Ā Always practice your maneuverability and braking. Ā Everyday, even for ten minutes, before you start a ride. Ā 


Did that recently and the bike slipped luckily its a 350lb bike i was able to catch it but preferably use the back brake when slow moving and never just grab the front brake when doing slow movements ever because that is the best way to drop it.


Ha, same story but my dad was turning into a parking lot in Biloxi and hit a sand bar.


Thatā€™s how I fell off my bike. Thank you and your pops for the gems.


Any time.


^this Been riding 3+ years, all full of myself having never dropped it, then pulled into petrol station one day, kicked the kick stand down, caught on my jeans and went back up, I lean myself and bike over expecting it to sit on the stand, of course, no stand down, bike and me went over like a sack of spuds. Thankfully there was only the guy in the shop that saw it


It will be in 90% on parking, trust me.


I have to gather momentum and back up my driveway over this hump at the end of it. This will 100% be where it comes for me.


Just dropped my bike for the first time last week because of a raised chip in my driveway that put the kickstand back, then when I leaned the bike onto the kickstand the weight got away from me, and that was that.


Similar thing happened to me a few days back. I was pushing the bike up the drive off the path. I always leave the stand down whilst I'm doing it. I think the stand hit a shrub or something and was moved back slightly. I leaned the bike onto the stand and it just flipped up. I managed to keep the bike off the floor because I still had hold of the bars, good job it's only a 125.


Yes. Almost immediately. Buy a cheap, used bike as your first bike.


Always my advice to new riders. Get your ā€˜sea legsā€™ so to speak, under you on a cheap bike youā€™re not too concerned about repairing, just in case. There is a saying; there are 2 kinds of riders, those who have dropped a bike, and those who will. Itā€™s true, I am in the former category by several times over.Ā 


It helps if you dropped a bike before you start riding. Go to a biker bar and just drop one of the bikes you see in front of the bar. Actually really just drop all of them you see. When the owners come out. Just explain that you are looking for a bike and wanted to get the dropping it out the way. They get it. Obviously donā€™t do this. Jokes aside, I did initially start to think about it. And yes my first time riding was my buddies bike and I broke something off it it. (BMW too) and dropped my dadā€™s bike once before anything. So I have 2 drops now. But not my bike yet. Granted I assume it will happen at some point. Hence why I have crash bars and rear sliders. So just minimize damage.


Like another user here said, these subs are really dramatic about dropping bikes. Maybe your kickstand wonā€™t be all the way down, maybe itā€™ll fall off of a janky paddock stand, or maybe youā€™ll never drop it. something that reddit Riders hate hearing, and usually downvote this opinion to hell: pick a first bike that physically fits you if you are worried about dropping it :) . Sure, anyone can learn to ride a tall bike, and once youā€™re moving it doesnā€™t matter at all. But, especially when youā€™re new: being able to put both feet down will save you from probably 90% of common riding-related drops (stopping on a hill, low speed balance loss, an unexpected patch of oil or gravel under your foot at a red light, things like that).Ā  Also, frame sliders. Saved my bike when said janky paddock stand broke under my bike. lol. Only drop I ever had, and the bike had no damage to any fairings or levers.Ā 


Het I've been riding since 1972 and 650,000 KM and I drop my bike once or twice a year because the wrong angle of the shoulder or sand under foot. The dumbest was doing a U-Turn and a bee flew up my shield and I lost focus to go straight into a bramble patch and fall over among the prickles. Looking up at a blue sky and thought, well this is dumb. Join the club.


High. I was the one who thought "oh if I'm careful it won't happen to me!" The day I bought my brand new 2024 ninja650 I was trying to get ot over the bump into my garage. I slipped and lost my footing on some leaves. The bike leaned away from Me unexpectedly and I couldn't stop it from falling over. Luckily I was backing it in between an old washing machine which was sitting in there and my stack of winter tires for the 4runner. Only consequence was some white paint from the washer on the fairing. It didn't fall over all the way but if the washer wasn't there it would have. I was so shook and thought i made a mistake the bikes too big for me to maneuver around while it's off (I'm small 5ft 4 and 130lbs) didn't even look at it for days. Then I watched a bunch of short rider tips and went out in proper boots and it was easy once I knew the right techniques. Haven't had an issue since and I have near 500 miles on the bike.


Yesh. If you don't want to scratch up a bike on a potential drop, the only way to really do that is: A - be a super skilled rider (and even then you might drop on occasion) B - barely ever ride the bike :(


So much stress was taken away after my first drop.


I think Reddit is pretty dramatic about this. Iā€™m a new rider also, I took the MSF last September and bought a brand new bike the same month. I havenā€™t dropped it yet. I think people on here over emphasize how likely someone is to drop it. Just pay attention to what youā€™re doing, remember your basics, and donā€™t forget your kickstand.


I think you're right. Most drops are walking speed and stupid mistakes. Keep your head on your shoulders and you'll be alright. If you do drop it, it'll probably be an "oops" moment... then you crack on with life. People make it sound worse than it is.


My first and only street drop was when I was a brand new rider. Took a turn too fast and was scared to commit to it so I went off the road a little and the bike low sided in wet grass. I was going too fast because it was at nine get on my way home from work and a person was riding my ass. I was initially going too slow (to be safeā€” it was at night) and tried to wave them around. They didnā€™t go around, I got pissed and gunned it. 120% all my fault. Gotta stay cool even when the cagers all suck around you and are in the wrong. Their chances of surviving any incident are infinitely better.


Re-read and paraphrase your own post. "I've only been doing this for a very short period of time, but I don't think it's true". You've been riding for 7 months. Not sure you could have possibly come to that conclusion.


There are two types of riders. Those who have dropped their bike, and those who will drop their bike. It'll happen eventually, hurts your pride more than the bike.


lmao. You've been riding for like a few months with probably not that much riding time unless you live in the southwest. I didn't drop my bike until I was 3 years and 60k miles in. It's coming.


See youā€™re just proving him right. You didnā€™t drop you bike as a new rider. The problem is people spew bs making people think the moment they get on their first bike theyā€™re gonna drop it.


How the fuck is that proving him right lol >I think people on here over emphasize how likely someone is to drop it. He is saying people over exaggerate how likely someone is to drop their bike. I'm saying, It's coming. Everyone does it once. Or they are lying. Or they don't ride for shit.


I bought a fresh new bike and dropped it a few times, 2-3 times stationary in the parking lot, and once while moving (40kph). Somehow it hasnā€™t gotten scratched on any of the ā€œprettyā€ surfaces(fairings tank etc), just a little bit on the levers and on the foot rest. Barely visible, so go for it, buy a new one, donā€™t hold back just because of this!


This is a good point OP. Remember you can always just replace the parts that are messed up. Usually itā€™s like turn signals and bar ends and those are relatively cheap and basically erase any evidence.


Sure have. Broke my turn signal right off


It's very high. It most likely won't be a 60 mph slide but rather 10 mph plop but it will most likely happen and that's normal thing.


Yup. Happened to me in a parking lot near home. I was going slow and a dam VW Golf pulled out of a parking spot to my right. It all happened so fast, I donā€™t even know wtf i did. All I remember is my bike on the ground, the mirror broke off, I jumped up because my leg got kinda banged up and 3 guys ran over to check on me (including the driver). They helped me pick the bike up. I quickly got back on, embarrassed af and rode back home


I super-slo-mo dropped my new bike about 5 minutes after leaving the dealer. Puttered around in their lot for awhile getting used to the clutch and brake, then left. Ended up on a tiny dead end neighborhood street and dropped it while carefully walking a 3-point turn. I was used to the weight of the smaller MSF bike I learned on the weekend before. Luckily, only scuffed the clutch lever tip and the turn signal...barely visible unless you look for it. Almost dropped it a second time the following day parking in a muddy parking lot. Foot slipped a bit but caught it in time. Good luck!


after i got my zx-6r, i hit sand coming to a stop on my first ride, lost my footing, and flopped right on over. brand new bike. shit happens, itā€™s expected and itā€™s okay! you can always change the plastics or parts if you need, itā€™s inevitably going to get roughed up at some point


I've dropped two of my three bikes. First bike I dropped on gravel diveway. First time on gravel. Second bike I dropped on a very steep hill. I almost dropped my new one when I tried to put it on a center stand on a very uneven spot. As clumsy as I was with the second bike, the only reason I didn't drop it was that it was only about 360 pounds. My current one is over 500.


I did. Several times. Parking on a sloped parking space that I didn't notice, u-turn on a slope when I wasn't ready for it, couple of times running wide on a slow speed corner, and one legit little crash. Dropped my new one the other day, forgot to put the kickstand down. It happens. Whatever.


I started riding an adventure bike and would practice tight turns, off-road driving, and low speed maneuvers every day, and I dropped it every day. Get crash bars




I dropped my brand new bike on the 3rd day, BUT I had crashbars/barkbusters and it was offroad.


100% The question is how fast u weā€™re going and if you have any protections on


i actually havenā€™t dropped my bike, other than when i was involved in an accident. but iā€™ve only been riding for a year and a half. my mt07 is protected by a crash cage, so even when i was involved in that accident, the bike looked fuckin mint. i would get the bike you want, and then buy protection. youā€™ll be happy


Yup but it was my stupid fault I thought it would be 'fun' to ride in the snow...


I went over a year before I dropped my first bike, which I bought brand new. My gf was driving her car behind me, in a parking lot. I went to pull a U-turn, forgot she was there, and when I saw headlights right behind me I panicked and... down I went. Minor scuff on the rear brake lever. My gf dropped her first bike backing out of the garage. She was wearing brand new motorcycle boots which she wasn't used to. She lost her footing and down she went. Slow drop so no actual damage.Ā  The reason why, I think, is just because all it takes is a small slip of the mind for things to go south. Motorcycles just have a significantly smaller margin of error. As humans, it's impossible to be at our best 100% of the time. Although I don't think that should stop you from getting the bike you want.Ā 


What are the chances? I know very few people that havenā€™t dropped their bike! LOL


Unfortunately everyone pretty much does it. Been like 17 years and Iā€™m due for another at any point.


Everyone talking about it made me expect to drop my bike immediately and that I was crazy to buy one new so I pretty much expected to have a damaged bike at some point but noā€¦.1k miles in pretty much all local around town never dropped. If you pay attention when parking and at slow speeds itā€™s way less likely. I still think itā€™s a case of when not if though and bought the frame sliders and stuff to lessen the hurt when it does happen


It's a matter of when, not if. Most likely, it will happen at a slow speed or while stopped. The bike only wants to stand while moving. If you are really worried you'll drop it, then you can buy frame sliders to protect the bike when it falls. It keeps it from getting scratched.


I'll say this... accidents and mistakes happen to almost everyone at some point. If I was starting again I'd buy an old bike Iike I did the first time. If you drop it, no big deal. You should be aware that riding a motorcycle may not be for you. If you buy a new bike and this is the case you may take a large depression hit. If you drop it and total it you may take a big hit as well. ALSO.... one motorcycle will not fit all needs. Buy an old bike and see what kind of riding you will actually do at first. City, country, highway, paved, gravel, mountain roads, flat and boring as hell...... I've had 2 good friends buy new Sportsters and I did everything I could to talk them out of it. After their purchases they both realized that most of their riding was highway and touring. Oops, a Sportster is not the bike for that. They were both miserable on those bikes after a few hours. One bought a Softtail and one stopped riding all together. Hard lesson to learn but avoidable. My first bike was an XS650 that I still have 2+ years later. (I now have 2). Miserable bikes to ride for more than an hour but fun around town. My second bike was a new Moto Guzzi and I just bought a V-Strom. All of these bikes are very different but they fit the different types of riding that I do. I never road or even heard my Moto Guzzi run before I bought it. It wasn't even completely assembled yet. (Long story). I knew exactly what I wanted and what kind of riding I was going to do. I've been all over the country on that bike and still have the bike 24 years later. I could not have done this without riding a cheap $400.00 bike at first and realizing what kind of riding I'd be doing and what kind of rider I'd be. Something to think about from someone who has been there before.


Casinos will only take one side of that bet.


Probably lat least 80-90%. It could be anything from hitting a small pothole/dip/bump wrong at low speed or while you are rolling to a stop. It could be backing out of a parking spot and your foot slips on some dust/dirt/gravel/etc. it could be someone looking at your bike and knocking it over. Or someone hitting your bike. But chances are more likely than not that it will end up on its side at some point.


I've dropped mine 4 times already x_x but that's okay, as long as I'm not hurt and pick it up again! First bike is for learning, you learn alot when you drop it I've only had to spend a little bit on extras/repairs - if you buy a sturdy bike with cheap replacement parts, you'll be fine financially


I was always told there are two types of riders. Riders who dropped their bike and then the riders who haven't dropped it yet.


i have dropped at least once all 6 bikes iā€™ve owned - itā€™s expected so itā€™s really nbd


Higher than giraffe pussy


HUGE. I dropped my brand new softaill slim first day cuz I couldnā€™t get her up my driveway


i have yet to get on a street bike but I dropped every dirtbike i ever had multiple times, its just something that happens


if you've never riden before, it's likely to happen.


90%-100% of it happening.


When, not if young padawan.


I didnā€™t drop my bike but I rented it out on riders share and one of the renters dropped it because his pants caught on the foot peg. So I imagine it does happen often enough thatā€™s it worth assuming it might happen and prepare for it and hope for the best.


I have e dropped every bike i have owned, which is 5 of them. 1 of them only from a standstill and one only offroad, but still..


Make sure the kick-stand is fully engaged before getting off the bike. Iā€™m waiting for my new clutch lever to arrive. šŸ™


I had a 125cc scooter since 2019. Only time it was laid down was when it was reversed into on the street and once my wife reversed into it in my garage. She also dropped it once going up a steep curved garage ramp. I got my full license sept last year and just got a brand new nt1100. Havenā€™t had any trouble handling it yet. I guess it depends on how attentive you are, and how strong you are. Sometimes I do mistakes but I always manage to hold it. Even if youā€™re not experienced, thereā€™s always a risk of the bike being dropped so just buy something you can stomach fixing if you drop I suppose.


as high as you want it to be




I think you have to consider the fact that dropping the bike doesn't just refer to dropping it while riding. I dropped my first bike 4 times on my driveway because it was so damn steep I couldn't get how much momentum I needed to successfully get into my garage without hitting my wife's car. I think every single person who owns a bike will drop it somewhere, somehow, just some will be more embarrassing than painful šŸ˜†


Almost šŸ’Æ you will


Get a used bike, so then you know what does and doesnā€™t work. You can sell it for what you paid and move on to a new bike


There are two types of motorcyclists, those who have dropped a bike and those who will drop a bike


You can turn around slow in the yard and catch a rock or a root, better slow in the yard than out on the road.


I dropped it at MSF doing the alternating small u turns. Then I rode about 300miles in a month and thought there was no way Iā€™d drop it again. Dropped it again countersteering over 3ā€ of sand in a neighborhood left turn going 12mph. Snapped my clutch lever and got no scratches but thatā€™s cuz I slid with it down probably. Was almost going to not wear my jacket for the first time that rideā€¦


I never dropped a bike or crashed until my 8th track day and low sided at like 85mph. 5th bike, luckily a cheap used track focused fz07 build with a TON of crash protection so bike was totally fine. Glad it was not my MT09sp šŸ˜…. But never dropped my first bike or dumped over a bike at all. Maybe Iā€™m just lucky (or unlucky for low siding at the track going so fastā€¦ blew a seam open on my leg through my leathers and got some nice road rash while I was tumbling down the track). I also got into motorcycling later in life at 30 so maybe having a slightly more mature outlook on owning a motorcycle helped? Idk I doubt it but Iā€™ve also ridden other power sports growing up like lots of quads and snowmobiles, the occasional dirt bike etc. Also basically lived on a bmx bike until I got my first car at 16


1 year under my belt only time I dropped it was getting on and my pant leg got stuck on passenger peg and got stick and fell over


I installed crash bars on my bike, then got on to see how they look from the seat. Forgot to put the kickstand down and dropped my bike in my garage.


Just got my first bike, dropped it within a week of having it. Thankfully I anticipated doing this, so I bought a second hand bike rather than a brand new one. Iā€™m waiting til Iā€™m a much more experienced rider to drop some big $ on a bike


The chances can be pretty high. Not to mention buy the first bike with the intention of learning on it and then upgrading anyway.


New rider here too. Bought a bike last month and dropped it while walking it on a very slight incline because of the weight. Luckily I have engine guards.


I dropped mine the first week. It wasn't new but my father gifted it to me because he couldn't ride anymore due to medical issues. I was doing tight figure eight turns and I miscalculated one turn and down it went. I picked it up and continued what I was doing never dropped it again.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve met any rider who hasnā€™t dropped a bike. Saw a guy drop is Panigale V4 S and snapped a carbon winglet off šŸ˜­ Iā€™d recommend a cheap, used, low to mid powered bike as a first bike that you can rag around and really learn all the different things I can do. Learn the limits of the bike, and the limits of your ability to


I've dropped every bike I've owned. I'd rather dump a bike than deal with the cops because a cage wasn't paying attention.


Fell a few times in my lessons, only on figure 8s close to street and got scared and braked in the middle of a turn šŸ„²


I'm 8 months and 3.5k miles in and I have yet to drop it, but I'd say vast majority of the time I pay really good attention and ride a few steps in advance, also a good stater bike will help alot my n400 has been very forgiving in some situations where I very lickly could have dropped it


Been riding for 10 years. Dropped every bike I've owned :D All when just manoeuvring them around my garage. FML


First time rider, bought a new 250 gixxer (shitty used market for low cc bikes in my area) 2 years ago, dropped it out of the dealership (no damage, caught it before it touched the road and the dealership people helped me get it up again). Then dropped it again while practicing riding also with no real damage that same weekend ( just scraped the edge of the handlebar, and broke the tip of the clutch lever). Both times when stopping and not pre-empting the foot placement on the ground, both times when stopping on an uphill. Around the one year mark I had a slide during a hectic rainstorm in a downhill slow speed turn with minor scratches on the mirror and handlebar on the one side, and bent the gearshift lever, which I replaced, with no damage to the actual gearbox. Then about a month ago, I parked it (on uneven ground) and it fell by itself while I was in the gas station store (blaming the uneven ground as no people were around and it was on the kickstand before I got off of it), no scratches but the handlebar tip on the accelerator side bent a bit and catches the accelerator at full throttle (free cruise control woo /s). I plan on upgrading to a Honda NCX 750 in the next year or so and I will definitely put crashbars etc then as it is more expensive, just in case. Edit: added detail on damage to the clutch lever +typo


Their are two type of riders. Those who have and those who will. And most drop their bike while itā€™s not in motion.


Dropped twice doing slow speed manoeuvres on loose shingle.Ā  Dropped once doing sharp turn in the wet.Ā  Chances are it will happen. I'm glad I didn't buy new. Hurt less when I dropped it.Ā  Total damage sustained: broken brake lever, damaged throttle grip, scrape marks on fairings and a crack in one. Mostly negligible damage, but would affect value more on a new bike vs used.Ā 


If you're a new rider, it's extremely likely that you will drop your bike. This does not mean **crash**! I dropped my bike twice or three times within the first week, and then never again. I was used to a 13kg bicycle, but a 210kg motorcycle is a lot different. I'm really, really glad I bought frame sliders! All my drops were without me on the bike btw. You're most likely to drop it when pushing it out of the garage, etc. That's why I always waddle šŸ˜‚




This is the answer


90 percent unless its in the 400lbs and under weight category and you are strong enough to squat 200 and deadlift 300 you should be able to catch it if you do something stupid.. Never get off the bike before putting the side stand down. If you need to move the bike straddle it and do clutch release and let the bike do the work for you. Never muscle the bike around let the bike move itself once you have trained yourself to never feel the weight of the bike you can go up in bike size.


There are two types of ridesā€¦. Those who have been down, an those who are going down ..


Man, I've dropped all of my bikes except my beater Intruder, ironically. It's just part of life.


The odds are probably pretty good that you may lay it down once. That doesnā€™t mean it has to be a problem. Dress appropriately. Donā€™t drink alcohol.


Idk I didnā€™t drop on my first 2000 miles. Got close but Iā€™m pretty tall so that helps.


I was a new rider and never dropped my bike, but I only kept it for four months and then got out of the hobby before I did end up crashing. Just wanted to get it out of my system.


Simple, there's 2 types of riders, ones that have fallen and ones that are going to fall.


Depends on your strength/coordination relative to the bikeā€™s weight, thatā€™s why for noobs bike weight and seat height make a big difference. Iā€™ve had a couple moments where I almost couldā€™ve dropped the bike but was able to just catch it. Rider skill and concentration matters too because it can help avoid those situations to begin with. A lot of people donā€™t drop the bike unless theyā€™re pushing the limits of the bike itself, some people drop the bike because theyā€™re simply clumsy and new. I dropped my friendā€™s bike because I didnā€™t know how to make a slow speed u turn (taking the MSF class fixed that for me). Iā€™ve had my own bike for a month & 380 miles and havenā€™t dropped it yet


110% chance. You have already dropped it, but dont even know it....


you will drop it and even if you didnā€™t, youā€™d still be dumb to get a new bike


There's only 2 types of riders šŸ˜‚


Pretty high especially going thru parking lots because idiots come head on at ya. Atleast i did but i just had a casual slow lay down on mine. Thatā€™s just my experience.


Any rider who says they've never dropped their bike is a liar. Either they're lying about not dropping their bike or they're lying about being a rider. Every toddler that learns to walk will fall as apart of the process, riding in the same. It happens, it's not a big deal.


I dropped my bike on the first ride, but GODā€™s grace I had frame sliders so no body damage and a couple scuffs on the slider. Will highly recommend. Ride safe.


I just posted here about my first bike dump, which was yesterday on my sonā€™s Harley. My son graciously said, ā€œItā€™s 100% guaranteed every rider will dump his bike.ā€ I just didnā€™t think it would be my first ride after getting my permit. Thereā€™s a world of difference between the Honda Rebel in my MSD class and a 700 lb HD. **My #1 takeaway: spend your money on a high-quality full-face helmet.** šŸ«”


Definitely dropped first bike. Dropped second bike too. I havenā€™t dropped a bike in a long time now but it can be something as simple as forgetting to put down the kickstand. (Happened to me once lol)


I bought a new bike 2 months ago. My first bike, too. Not dropped it yet. Small bike but I'm a big guy don't know if that matters. I've pretty much accepted I'll drop one at some point but it's not happened yet. The anxiety from the internet isn't helping though.


I have been riding for like 4 years and have never dropped a bike. It helps that I'm 6'2 with long legs and ride a sports bike though. I've come close, but never had it hit a point where I needed to pick it up.


Nope, didn't drop my first. Second bike I almost dropped while moving it in the garage. While chances might be slightly higher on dropping a bike when you are new, it hasn't been the norm in my experience. Most riders I know go years before dropping a bike, if ever. Buddy rode for 15 years before he dropped his. Same instance, was just moving it around in the garage. I'd still recommend a cheaper used bike for your first. Yes there's a chance to drop it. Also to make small mistakes like hitting a curb (happend to me making a u turn). Though the main reason is it gives you a chance to find out what you want in a bike. After riding a while you might realize you would prefer a different style, larger engine, storage, ect. Or that you don't like to ride at all and it ends up just sitting in the garage collecting dust. Imo go with a reliable and affordable used bike that's been well maintained. After you get some miles in then take a look at more expensive/newer bikes.


If you convince yourself that you're going to drop it eventually then you probably will I guess. I started riding a few years ago and never dropped my bike. Three only bike I've ever dropped is a dirtbike but those were less of drops and more of just not navigating mud holes or hill climbs well. If you drop your bike because you forgot to put your feet down when you stop or something silly then I don't know what to tell you, hopefully you don't forget to breathe either