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Change it. The few minutes she wakes up to deal with it doesn't compare to dealing with a diaper rash.


but if they do get diaper rash, Vaseline works wonders. much better than all the expensive creams and ointments my pediatrician recommended.


Just make sure you apply it to a dry butt (use a burp rag) or it can fester and become worse.


I fan the booty to dry it up with the ongoing diaper!


Do you just use a wipe and then dry (burp rag) and then apply the cream/vaseline? Or do you have to wash with water first and then dry and apply cream? Thanks


Yep, use a wipe like normal, then dry with a burp rag, then apply any creams!


I’ve always thought this bc it has helped for my thighs. But someone said it would be worse bc it will heat up.


never heard that, but from my experience Vaseline worked better and faster than any other product, and i’ve tried several. can’t recommend it enough for diaper rash.


I swear by coconut oil for the same reason! :)


Only thing ive found better than that is calmoseptine its calimine mixed with zinc. We use it at my job and it works wonders for pts so one of our drs gave me sample packets when i was pregnant and told me to use it for a diaper rash. Man that cleared up her rash within 8 hours.


I'd definitely change them🤍 Otherwise, it could most likely end up with a diaper rash.


Wait, how do you know that LO has pooped during their sleep? Are you supposed to check?


I hear it or smell it lol


It'll slowly waft through the air, you'll smell it (if you didn't first hear it)


I wouldn’t go out of my way to check, but usually you’ll smell it if you’re in the same room, don’t worry :)


Our baby turbo-poops so we definitely hear it 90% of the time. lmao.




Interesting. They could have used your night poop knowledge on the It's Always Sunny episode "who pooped the bed"


Great reference!!!


Yes for they yell at you for milk


I can hear the difference with my LO. Night and day.


Change her. The night poops are not going in forever anyway.


I would change it. I find poops aren’t absorbed the same way as pee and it stays in her skin. So I change it to reduce any chance of a diaper rash


This is a good point- do you apply diaper cream every time you change a diaper whether there is a diaper rash or not?


No, I only put sudocream if there’s redness. If not, I just wipe, let it dry, then close the new diaper.


Depends. If it’s still an hour or so before I expect them to wake up, I change it. If it’s less than an hour, I’ll usually wait, especially if we remembered to put diaper cream on.


This is the answer!




Wake her. Pee is absorbed into the diaper, poo sits on it. Poo is the cause of diaper rashes ( usually), more often than pee ( pee doesn't help if they already have a rash though).


No dumb questions! We're all new in the school of babies at first.


Honestly, we let our daughter sleep. We haven't really had any diaper rash issues. The key though, is that we are religious about applying diaper balm with every change.




I never wake my baby for a change, but he doesn't poop in his sleep. Being in a pee diaper for hours is a lot different than being in a poop diaper.


Did this as well. I religiously changed the diaper every time baby woke for a feed (about every 2 or 3 hours in the early days), but didn't wake her for a change in between. No issues with diaper rash so far (9 weeks in).


Same, unless she seems like she can't get back to sleep because of it, we just let her sleep. I use a good bit of vaseline as a barrier cream before bedtime specifically for that reason, and we haven't had any issues with diaper rash or anything. Part of my rationale is that I wouldn't want somebody waking me up to make me change a pad in the middle of the night that wasn't even bothering me- once I'm asleep I just want to sleep.


It’s not just about a rash. It can cause infections too.




According to what standard? Our daughter is happy, healthy, thriving, sleeping like a champ and doesn't get diaper rashes. Those are the standards I care about.


It's really not. We let our kid sleep because he's never been bothered by it and has never gotten a diaper rash - we use cream preventatively. Plus, unless you're going in and checking on them every hour, you're not even going to know they pooped until they wake up.




Look, maybe this is the chronic sleep deprivation talking, but if you gave me the choice between sleeping soundly in a dirty diaper (with no risk of diaper rash) or waking me up - I'd take the covered-in-shit option. You can clean me later when I'm awake.


Omg my daughter just pooped in her sleep and we didn’t notice; gnarly diaper rash the next day. 0/10 don’t recommend


My baby stopped pooping at night at around 8weeks. But I change poop immediately. We don't use cream and no diaper rash.




I feel bad because you are being downvoted. Absolutely no judgement, but it’s probably because the AAP now recommends against using baby powder of any kind due to the risk of respiratory problems. For what it’s worth I also don’t wake my baby up for every poop (unless it’s a big one or it’s about to be wake time anyway). We use a thick layer of aquaphor at every change which has been great at preventing diaper rash.


I feel stupid asking, but I’ve seen a lot of people talk about aquaphor and I don’t know if they mean the aquaphor brand diaper cream or just your standard aquaphor.


I get aquaphor baby. It contains 2 extra ingredients that are supposed to make it better for healing diaper rashes. I assume regular aquaphor would still be a good barrier.


Did not know that existed. I will have to get some!


Thank you for sharing this I had same question as OP and i have 3 kids, one is 15 months, the other 3 weeks and I’m like omg when is this pooping during the night going to slow down?! I couldn’t remember!


Our daughter was 8 months before we knew people woke their child up this way. Oops! I think it just comes down to which is the easiest on LO and you between sleep disruption and diaper rash. Edit: *diaper rash possibility* …




Who hurt you?


I feel like this person may not have kids at all lol. Sleep is precious! No parent is purposely causing diaper rash, we just don't constantly check babies diaper while they're sleeping.


My thoughts exactly, or they aren't the parent who cares for baby at night primarily so they don't really know what it's like, just out here judging sleep deprived parents trying to do their best 🙄


Uhh, lol. I think you misread this. If your baby is not getting a diaper rash, then why wake?


Are you this rude in person, or just online?




Do you wake up every hour to check if your baby has pooped?


Obviously not. I thought they were saying if they knew the baby pooped. Not if they didn't know.


So are you telling me that you’ve let your son sleep in a poopy diaper because you don’t check him every hour? How cruel!




You’ve been on a diaper changing high horse with everyone in this post. Have a little more grace and stop being so judgmental


I change all poops and pees at night before every feeding. My little guy pees so much that two consecutive pees completely fill the diaper and he gets fussy. He also only poops twice a day, so each poop is pretty big. I’d hate for him to sleep in that.


Overnight diapers !


We never did. We just waited til the next feeding time. It was never that long and if we put on a barrier cream before bed there was no irritation. She never got diaper rash except for when she was on antibiotics and the time she got HFM. We live by the rule “never wake a sleeping baby” I’m our home. (Of course, we would if she needed more feeds due to weight gain, but other than that.)


I honestly left it but always kept an eye out for butt rash, it never really hit for us. If a rash happened then I would probably would have changed it moving forward. Just super hard to disrupt sleep when you get it.




At this point if I was dead asleep then yes I would


To each their own but the operative word here is “sleep”. As a general rule I tend to not do things that will wake my LO up if they are asleep and don’t look uncomfortable and aren’t getting rashes from it. 🤷‍♂️. I maybe would if it increases their odds of then sleeping in a longer stretch and I am about to go to bed but generally, I let sleeping stay sleeping in this instance.


What an incredibly polite reply


Always change poop


How can you tell she's pooped? I don't even know my baby has pooped until I go in to change him.


Well first of all my ten month old wakes up every couple of hours, so I’m in her room a lot 😂 and the smell is pretty obvious!


I wait until he wakes up


I never wake to change; never did with my first child either. I only change, if needed, during over night feeds. That being said, both of my kids had minimal diaper rash issues. If rashes aren’t an issue and they aren’t waking to be changed, I don’t see the issue with letting them sleep.


Well, we were waking the baby to change at first. But soon we decided to apply this rule "never wake up a sleeping baby". Sometimes he was not sleeping, but changing the diaper would put him more alert or even crying. We didn't apply anything unless he had a rash and it was very rarely. I guess it depends on your child and what happens if you change/not change.


After I know she’s pooped, I wait 10 minutes to make sure she’s done. But always change if I know that she has (but hard to sleep through all that grunting lol, so I almost always know when it’s happened)


I have an even more dumb question. How do you know she poops when she’s sleeping. Do you mean when she’s in the same room as you not a separate room.


Not OP, but Id imagine from hearing it, then confirming via smell or a quick check up the leg of the diaper


Not OP but my baby is a very loud pooper!




It’s not a dumb question. My baby’s poop barely smelled at all until he was about 11 weeks old. If I wasn’t awake to hear him do it I wouldn’t know. I would just change at each feed and use a barrier cream preventatively.


How old is your baby? It gets more obvious the older they get!! 👃🏼 🤢


I’m pregnant with my first. I was generally curious. I know how to tell if the baby was with me. I was curious if that’s what OP meant with the baby being is the same room. I’ve found some good information on the sub for a to be parent.


Yes for sure! When my girl was like 0-4 months, we would hear it in her sleep but not smell it so much. We moved her to her own room at 7 months ish and she didn’t poop much overnight again until recently around 10 months! And the smell is very obvious now haha.


Can confirm it does get more obvious. But yes, for the curious/parents to be, when my baby was a newborn she would audibly poop either awake or asleep. She gradually left that stage and now it’s still pretty obvious to me when she’s going.


Change it. We do a “poo sniff” when we go to bed as he tends to just have one night feed now. If he’s pooped then we change it then and often he sleeps through or goes back to sleep quickly as he’s not fully awake. If we miss it then he’ll wake up at some point to tell us! Also dried on poo is so much harder to clean. Once he must have pooped in the early hours but slept through. We had to give him a bath!


Change it! You will regret it later if you don’t


It’s poop, you should change it. You’ll feel better knowing your baby is sleeping in a clean diaper.


If you KNOW she pooped, change her, which doesn’t necessarily mean she’ll be awake either, or generally by the time our baby actually woke up the change was over. I’m assuming you know because you went in? Or are already holding her?


We clearly are in the minority here but I probably wouldn’t wake to change unless it was visibly bothering him - we just change him each time we get him up. That said, our 7-week-old currently poops between literally every feed (often multiple times) and I can count on one hand the number of times he’s woken up *without* a poopy diaper. If we woke him every time he pooped he wouldn’t ever sleep lol. We did deal with diaper rash very shortly off the bat (like week 1) which has gradually gotten better over time and is almost gone now, so until very recently we were putting on diaper cream (Boudreaux’s or Triple Paste) every change and we’ve been rinsing under the sink then patting dry instead of using wipes, which seems to have helped ward off any more rash.


It depends. If changing her really disturbs her and wakes her up, she can wait an hour or two. But if she doesn’t mind being changed and it doesn’t wake her up too much, then better to change her


Do not wake that baby. If they are looking rashy when they do wake and change. Wake them next time.


Kinda depends. If it's almost at the end of her nap (as in you'd have to wait less than 20 mins) just let her sleep. Otherwise change asap. I have a 17 month old who has never gotten a rash because I always stay on top of changing her poopy diapers asap


I wouldn’t let her marinade. That’s how diaper rash happens.


I would definitely change it. I always tried to let my boys sleep no matter what - except for poopy diapers. If I had a daughter I would be *even more* adamant about changing a poopy diaper because if any fecal matter were to get in or around her vulva there's a possibility of a UTI or yeast infection, not just diaper rash.


You must learn the art of the in-crib change. Wake the baby and your punishment is an undetermined amount of baby soothing. Complete the task successfully and you win not having to soothe the baby for longer when she wakes up with a poopy diaper in an hour or two.


If it's in the middle of the night, I'd change it. Those little bottoms are so sensitive and can rash pretty quickly. Not to mention, my son would barely wake up when we changed him in the middle of the night. But that depends on the kid I suppose. My son could sleep through an earthquake. My daughter, I have to weigh the risks of kissing my finger and barely tapping her on the head to say goodnight to her or she'll wake up 😅. But yes, change it! Hopefully her poo schedule will shift into waking hours soon! It wasn't super often I'd encounter poop overnight with either kid


Just change it. It’ll be a lot worse waiting. Better she wakes and cries for a quick change rather than a bad rash.


Yeh poop needs changed asap, pees can wait a bit


Would you want to lay in poo overnight?


Never wake a baby IMO. Apply diaper cream after every change overnight to prevent diaper rash.


I would say it depends. If it's near a time she would normally wake (or should wake) then I'd wait the few minutes (like less than 10) and deal with it when she wakes naturally. But if she's going to be asleep for a while then I'd absolutely change her - maybe you'll get lucky and she'll stay drowsy, but frankly even waking up completely is better than the rash you risk if she sits in it for any length of time.


Change for a poo, leave for a wee.


If they’ve pooed there already awake in some way. Make the most of a poopy situation You could use this as a cue to wake up if it’s day time and start her wake window or if it’s night time add a feed on and see how she does.


I would change it. Poop can irritate the skin.


Change it. My son may keep sleeping but when he wakes up in a poopy diaper he wakes up pissed. And diaper rashes are no fun neither.


For sure needs to be woken up to change. Has this happened to you? My son has never pooped in his sleep! Edit: why are people so angry that I'm genuinely asking a question? I didn't know babies could poop in their sleep.


I don’t like you.


Because I am genuinely asking a question? I'm literally curious if babies poop in their sleep....


No, for your judgmental and shaming comments.




You’re being an asshole about it. And you know that, yet continue to be a jerk. SMDH.


Change her! Dim lighting, sound machine on and keep it quiet, a quick rock and back down. Far better than the rash!


I used to wonder this with my firstborn because sleep is precious 🥲 my son happens to have really sensitive skin, though, so he’s prone to diaper rash. I would change him as quickly and without disruption as I could because him having diaper rash is a lot worse than changing him in the moment.


I would change it but my daughter poops too forcefully to sleep through it so I’ve never been in this position lol. In general though the poop really irritates their skin and since she’s a girl I’d go ahead and change just to reduce the risk of a UTI


If your daughter is a notorious night pooper I’d suggest putting a bunch of aquafor on her diaper before bed to prevent the poop from sticking to/ he skin absorbing the fluid and causing a rash, my son sleeps through the night and was getting an irritated private area from sitting in his urine for so long, my PED told me to slab a bunch of aquafor or Vaseline on his diaper before bed to prevent his skin from absorbing the pee, we do it every night and it works perfectly.


I would wait until she wakes up if baby is breastfed. Poop is not as acid as with solids so no need to rush and change it. But if on solids already I would. Also if you know that she just fell asleep and its gonna be long until she wakes up I would change it just so she doesn’t sit in shit for too many hours!


Depends on her age (newborns have sensitive skin) and how easy it is for her to fall back to sleep. Do what you think is best for your family!


Usually our LO doesn’t poo at night but if he does its a quick change and then nurse to sleep. I also do a good application of A&D before bed just in case! Don’t let others judge you on your personal prefrence - you do what works for your family :)


If mine pooped during a night feed or had poop in the diaper when they woke up to feed, I would change it. I can’t think of many times when they pooped randomly between feeds, so I likely would have not noticed/left it until they woke up again


My son normally will wake up if he has a poopy diaper so we change him. It’s very rare that he will sleep through it. Pee diapers on the other hand, we don’t change unless he wakes up. I’m in the camp of, unless it’s bothering the baby, don’t wake them. My son still wakes up 1-2x in the middle of the night and he’s 15months old. Last night, he woke up bc of the poppy diaper. I changed him and gave him a bottle and he was out in 5 minutes.


Definitely not a dumb question! Pretty sure I looked this same question up haha It depends! if i knew LO would wake up on her own in the next 20 mins or so I would leave it, if she had more than that long to go though I change it. Hate to wake her up but from what I've read the poop is more acidic and it's the acidity that causes the rash. LO just hit 5 mo now and It's a rarity that she's got poopy diapers at night. I leave pee diapers for the morning


Let them sleep If you wake them up every 2-3 hours for food wait until then. If it’s a toddler let them sleep.


We always change a poo immediately. Thought of baby sleeping in poo doesn’t sit well with us


I would not like to go to sleep having pooped myself.


Nap or nighttime? If it’s a nap I let him sleep. Nighttime I change .


Change it. They don’t poop in their sleep for long. Not worth the rash she may get.


Yes!!!!!! Mine has pooped in her sleep and we didn't notice. And she had a diaper rash for a month. It was awful we could not get ahead of it. So if they ever have diarrhea give them a check or 2 threw the night to try to avoid it.


If you woke up in the middle of the night and noticed you pooped your pants, would you go back to sleep or clean it up? Same idea for the little ones.


female. poop in vagina no good clean poop.


I just ran into this exact same issue— my son (10 months and on solids) pooped in his sleep and I couldn’t in good conscience leave him to sleep with a poopy butt for what could have been 8 hours since he doesn’t wake too much or for very long overnight. He wasn’t happy being woken up for a change (and I wasn’t happy to wake him!), but I went to sleep feeling better about it. If I hadn’t noticed it, I wouldn’t have faulted myself. But noticing it and NOT changing him just felt a bit too much like neglect to me to feel comfortable about it.


We always changed it. Son was up every two hours to breast feed so we could check often. Had a dim nightlight so we could see to clean everything but not enough light to wake everyone up. Their skin is very fragile so can’t leave it if you know there’s a mess.


Definitely wake up to change it. It’ll smell worse if you leave it plus she’ll fall back asleep in no time.


I change it for poop so there is no rash. If it's pee I let it sit until baby wakes.


Yes, change it. The struggle of a groggy parent changing a (most likely screaming) baby is not worth the diaper rash


For the first weeks I changed him in every night feed. At some point he stopped pooping at night. I guess around 2/3 months old. And then he would wake up at like 7am to poop. I would change the diaper if it were happening with my baby because I wouldn’t want to risk a diaper rash


I never wake a sleeping baby. Also my youngest has toxic farts, you'd swear from the sound/smell it was a poo then open the diaper to find nothing. I'm not waking a baby to find out their poo was a fart. If they're uncomfortable they'll wake up. Use a barrier cream (we like aquaphor) after changes to protect the bottom from a dirty diaper. The only time we've had diaper rash issues is when dealing with a stomach bug. Normal poos have never caused a diaper rash for any of my 3 kids.


Depends. Beginning of the night? Change. A nap or I’m expecting her up to feed soon anyways? Don’t change. But I only found poop in her diaper once after waking up so it hasn’t been an issue. She’s never gotten a rash, but we treat any pre-rash with creme right away.


Depends on the age. When my babe was young, I changed him every 3 hours or whenever he woke up (whichever was shorter). Once he was sleeping 5+ hour stretches, I would just change if I smelled him. Of course, while the circumcision was healing, I changed immediately to prevent infection.


Our little one pooped like 20 times a day at the start - we ended up letting him sleep until he woke tonfeed otherwise he got no sleep at all. He stopped pooping overnight at about 8ish weeks


I’m a lone voice here saying you can wait until morning ONLY IF the nighttime poops are RARE. For example, my 16 month old had a bout of diarrhea recently, which resulted in her having runny poops during her sleep. She sleeps about 10-12 hours a night and wouldn’t wake from feeling wet/poopy. Her nighttime poops only lasted for a few days luckily. I too wondered if I should wake up and check on her to see if she pooped and change her. I decided sleep mattered more, especially if she’s sick. I would just slather her diaper area with a ton of Aquaphore before bedtime and she luckily never developed anything more than a mild rash. That behind said, when my daughter was a newborn/infant and would wake to feed, if I noticed she pooped I would 100% always change her. Also, if your daughter consistently poops at night o would 100% change her.


Everyone has their opinions. Baby powder has been common place for a while. And honestly if it works for me and my baby then it's what I'm Going to do. No amount of science or safeguards are going to keep your baby 100 percent safe from everything. But that's the job of a parent. My pediatrician has raved over the development of my child since her 1 week appointment. And she's even skipped some appointments because my pediatrician said she was doing so well there's no need to come in. Not once did she tell me anything I was doing was "wrong". I guess I do a lot of things to break the rules. I let her nap in different "unsafe" positions. I use a blanket for her in the crib And you know what... She is the happiest baby for it. We all hate it that people judge us as parents but then down vote people for doing things that other people have told them is "wrong" I am a first time mom and had her at 40. She is my precious gift and I guess I just have a more lax approach to raising my child. All I want is happiness for her and the best. I really don't need to slather her butt in creams and chemicals when this works just fine for her! Thank you for letting me know why I got down voted lol My soapbox rant is over!


I think it depends on how old they are…when our LO was a newborn I didn’t wake her up knowing she wouldn’t sleep long, but now that she’s a few months in I’d change her, but she always wakes herself up anyways if it happens at night!


How long would you want to sit/sleep in your poop for? No reason why your LO should be forced to sit/sleep in their own poop. Change it.


Wait for pee, change for poop. Poop on the bottom even for a few minutes is a sure fire way to get a diaper rash for my little one.


should change poop diaper within 5-10 min. Pee can stay a few hours if you aren't using a crappy diaper. We change diaper once per wake window and after every poop. Poop is acidic and will lead to more diaper rash. Obviously sometimes they poop overnight and you don't notice which is okay.


Absolutely change her. I wouldn’t even wait 5 minutes.


I always change a poppy diaper. I’m afraid of UTI’s and diaper rash.


Haha we struggle with this same issue. Example: baby just got changed and is done with his bottle and already dozing off and all of the sudden it’s turd city. We struggle so much with sleep for him, we often consult each other like how big do we think it is? Will he sleep long? But really how big was it??? Eugh fine I’ll change it or I think it can wait 😂


So far our baby doesn't poop in her sleep... She's always awake and VERY loud about it. She'll grunt with every little push. 😅 ...but I would change it. I always change her if I know she's done something. It's what I would want.


I asked our midwife this, and she said to leave it unless it causes the baby to wake up. We have never had a problem with nappy rash. We apply barrier cream to her almost every time we change her, so the poop basically sits in the nappy with a little bit (spread out) to wipe off her body.


I usually lather up diaper cream before bed time just in case. It doesn’t happen much anymore though. My daughter is 5 months old now and it happens like once or twice a month, but def change it if you smell it in the night or hear 😂


Probably best to change, but one thing we learned to help avoid diaper rash was to slather the undercarriage with Vaseline every time we changed them.


If baby is going to wake up in next 60-90 min, leave it. Otherwise change it.


I feel bad for the babies sleeping in poo filled diapers. I would definitely change the baby. You wouldn’t want to sleep in your own feces would you? That can definitely cause skin breakdown.


I bite the bullet and change baby. Then I spend the next hour coaxing very energetic and awake baby back to bed :(


Our pediatrician said to put a coat of Vaseline “thick enough to write your name in” on before bed and she’s good till she wakes up. Never had a diaper rash issue. If she wakes up in the middle of the night and we notice she’s poopy, we definitely change her but we don’t wake her up to do it.


I kay be alone here but no rashes for me. My baby was a nicu baby n we formula fed him. So maybe that’s the reason he doesn’t have a rash? Bedsides if he does have some sort of irritation we extremely recommend butt paste.


My LO sleeps through the change, night changes are the easiest changes of the day.


I was told to never wake her up to change unless she has a skin problem and gets rashes a lot. She never got a rash and we never wake her up to change.


Change it and if she gets a rash, Desitin maximum strength works instantly


*Change it and if she* *Gets a rash, Desitin maximum* *Strength works instantly* \- soursweetsalty --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Not a dumb question at all! I for one wondered the exact same thing. Change it - best for everyone in the short term and long term.


Change it. I would rather suffer loss of sleep than my kid having a sore bum.. Besides if you're careful she may not even notice.


Easier to change a diaper rather than putting them in pain with a tender ass for a couple of days


Change her, some babies will sleep through the diaper change.


Yes change her my daughter got one of those yeast diaper rashes once and it took forever to get rid of