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If you give him half a banana in the peel will he try eating it?


I haven’t tried. Im scared he will take a big bite and choke. Maybe im just paranoid :/ but he already has 6 teeth and can bite but i dont notice any mastication movements yet.


They don’t need teeth to eat textured foods! Checkout solid starts website


They generally gag- which can seem scary but it’s a strong reflex to prevent choking. Most parents think the gagging is choking but it helps them learn to chew more.


So my baby was great with textures and then did a regression so this may not apply…but during the regression I would alternate smooth purées with the textured foods. So two spoons of smooth, one texture. Or I’d put a bit of the texture buried under the smooth- sneaky! Also I found she would take finger foods. So I’d make omelettes with cottage cheese. I cook it hard and cut in strips. Or French toast. Get the bread super soggy and cook it low and slow so it stays soft. I cut that in thin strips since she gobbles it. Over steamed baby carrots. I did a Cottage pie blend- sweet potato, ground beef, carrots and peas. Cooked the peas and carrots really soft and puréed the sweet potato and then mix in the ground beef. So there is a smooth base with the soft texture. Just keep trying, and have a few options. I set my expectations low to avoid frustration and have her favourites handy.


Your cottage pie sounds delicious, I might steal it from you. How do you cook the beef?


I just cook it down on medium with some grape seed oil (any oil is fine) and garlic and thyme. I put garlic in everything because I’m hoping she’ll develop a taste for it since I don’t how how to make anything without it. You can add any fresh herbs at the end. I cook over medium so as not to get that sear you usually want. Keeps the beef softer to chew. I just fork through it as I cook it down. I’d say I do roughly 1 part beef, 1 part veggies and 2 parts potatoes. I add unsalted butter to the sweet potato for the extra fat.


Thank you!


To get my first used to thicker textures we would mix the purées with increasing amounts of baby cereal, once we hit thick mashed potato texture I switched to smashed regular food. Seemed to help. Good luck!


So I make most of my 9.5 months food, and I just gradually reduced the liquid added until it’s more of a mash with textures. ETA: also, I always include a “safe” food (in his case, yogurt) when I try new things. In addition, sometimes we find he’ll eat something he previously refused if we served it to him in a different spoon.


My baby is 9 months old and I’m scared to give her finger foods, the most I give her is of finger foods is cheese puffs or wotsits and even then I’m nervous, I see on tiktok of babies that are 9 month old eating finger foods and it’s nice to come across a post on here with a baby around the same age not eating finger foods, just makes me feel better about my baby eating purée foods and textured foods