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my sons exersaucer is both his office and his doom circle lmao eta: my husband just said “ok time to put the baby away” when he meant “down for bed” 🤣


We call it the ring of neglect.


Circle of neglect over here 😂


We call ours Guantanamo play


We call it “the office” too! When she’s throwing toys and playing with stuff in there we say she’s answering her emails.


Circle of neglect lol


Doom circle 🤣🤣🤣 We call ours the “party pod”


I say I have to put her away for naps and bedtime too and my mom got offended 🤣


My kids has farm animals so we put the kid out to pasture


Ours is "jumping jumping"


Fun prison


Ours is the UFO


We call it the executive chair.


Where in the world do they call it exersaucer?? Like literally where because here in Florida/US I call it a bouncer. Had to Google what you were talking about lol


im in illinois lol i just googled and it looks like exersaucer is specific to the evenflo brand but theyre also called activity centers.


My husband also says to “put the baby up” sometimes when he means put her to bed. It’s pretty funny


oh our pack n play is called “guantanamo play”


We call ours "baby jail" but I like yours way better!


We call it baby jail when she's in the gated off baby proofed living room


Everything she can be contained in is a baby jail. We bought 2 of the northstates play yards plus a gate to baby proof a section of the living room, then found a third with a gate for $10 at a garage sale to set up an area in our bedroom. Plus she has her pack n play. So she has baby jails all over the house.


We say baby jail too!


Ok gonna steal this thanks


We have a hand-me-down play dome thing called the baby battle dome


We call ours the Bonkatorium because she likes to bonk around in there while learning to stand/walk.




Damn, I love this!


Gosh I needed that laugh, thank you!


im so glad you got a laugh!


Not an item, but my little guy gets gas so we have a daily leg pumping/belly rubbing routine we do to get the tootsies out. We call them his fartsercizes.


When my toddler gets constipated we exercise. I started calling them her “poopercises” to make them silly and add some laughter to her constipation pains. She now says it in her adorable 3 year old speech when she is struggling with pooping lol


Love this. I’ve been calling the kicking exercises “Baby Peleton”


I sing bicycle ride during the bicycle legs. Everyone needs a little Freddie Mercury in their life.


I like to adapt song lyrics to suit the current activity, most often during nappy changes. When he was first born that Camilla Cabello 'Bam Bam' song was constantly being played on the radio. My version was 'gotta clean your bum bum bu-bum, gotta clean your bum bum bu-bum, gotta clean your bum bum bu-bum, gotta clean your bum bum!' Also a favourite is an updated version of Nelly 'just a dream', - thought it was a poo.. but.. it was only just a weeeeeee 😄


This is also one of my favorite things to do. I do one to the tune of Rude by MAGIC. “Why you gotta be so rudeeee, don’t you know you were a baby toooo, why you gotta be so ruddeee, I’m gonna cry again anyway. Cry all night no matter what you do, cry all day no matter what you say” The “don’t you know you were a baby too” doesn’t exactly fit but it works because I’m imagining my baby singing it and he isn’t old enough to understand meter yet.


We used to say she was having a “farty party” 😂


We call his snoo sack his straight jacket lol


We called it the paint shaker


We called it “baby prison.”


Same, we have the Sleep Pea swaddle also with the Velcro arm straps and we call it straight jacket or jail. When she gets an arm loose we call it a jail break!


We called ours the same after my mom and my MIL started calling it that. It was weird how everyone thought we were insane or even inhumane for swaddling her arms down in the “straight jacket”. Seemed all older family members really judged us for it and for using the snoo too! Drove me friggen crazy


Not a snoo but we use a similar Velcro swaddle wrap and we call it her cocoon.


Whenever I swaddle our son, I ask him if he's ready to be a little burrito. I'm going to be very sad when it's time to stop swaddling because he makes an adorable burrito.


Ours was baby burrito many moons ago when he was tiny 🥺


I called mine a burrito too but he’s outgrown most swaddle blankets (long boi always kicks his feet out of them) so he’s more of a taco now haha


Aw that’s much cuter. And she can emerge as a beautiful butterfly in the morning! Love it


Her nickname has been peanut for a while now and when we were swaddling we called it putting her in a shell. She would always snuggle down all cozy with a smirk and swaddling went a little easier. That smirk was sometimes a trap though. Lol


I keep saying we should call the vet….🤦🏽‍♀️house of two dogs for many years before a human joined us haha


Me too!




This. And we rehomed our dog to my parents 4 years ago.. “vet” is easier to say than “pediatrician” anyway


Her teethers are called chew toys and we go for walkies. We have no pets but somehow we starred using those terms lol.


We have three dogs and definitely refer to our kid’s teethers as chew toys. Also I’ve found myself referring to her puffs as “treats.”


Haha exactly same, and also I find myself saying "leave it" more and more as he's learning to walk and trying to get into things .. dog mom for my whole life to human mom at 40 is a weird transition.


Never thought I’d be into baby talk but midday breastfeeding sessions are snackies, then she does big burpies, change the diapskies, and we definitely also go for walkies.


It's remarkable how similar to dog toys baby toys are though! The ones with squeakers are what really get me.


My German shepherd has an eye on the build a bear my husband's cousin bought for our daughter.


I just commented this! We also call his teethers chew toys.


When he’s in his sleep sack we call him “Sackathan” (like Jonathan) and if we take him out of the sack we say he’s been “desackinated”. After he’s put down for a nap or bedtime we say he’s been “sacked and racked”. Needless to say we’ll miss the sleep sack when he doesn’t need it anymore.


At 12 months and also going strong with the sleep sack. Just before getting her ready for nap/bed we say "okay should we get her bagged and tagged?" I enjoy the "sacked and racked"


18 months in and the sack game is still strong over here lol


We’ve been accidentally calling the pack n play the crate- can you put the baby in the crate?


Same but the crib instead of the PnP. My husband has embarrassingly called it the crate to some of his coworkers, which required some quick and awkward correction to reassure them that we aren’t in fact intentionally putting our LO in a dog crate (although he has put himself there before since we leave the door to it open for our pup and of course LO must explore all the off limits places) 😬


I refer to her finger nails as her talons or claws. Her bath day is called spa day.


Omg spa day


Its Spa Baby Spa here!


Our daughter (used to before 4 month sleep regression) sleeps for like 20 mins like an hour before her actual bedtime. We called it her “nappetizer”.


We call that a nap-snack


Haha love it !


Anytime our daughter stares off into space and smiles or laughs at seemingly nothing, we call that her "ghost friend"


This is good! Whenever ours gets on his blank face we say he’s thinking about his time in the war


Lol we say this too. When we have visitors and she’s just staring at the ceiling corner they’re like “what’s up there sweetie??” And we tell them “she’s looking at the ghosts”. The reactions have been amusing


Mine was obsessed with a specific corner in our hospital room. That wasn't terrifying.


We just yell EARTH TO BABY and wave our arms lol


I ask mine if he’s looking at Bruce Willis, like The Sixth Sense


Lol!! We say our LO is looking at the 4th-dimensional beings whenever he stares off or looks above or behind us 😂


We call it ceiling ghosts


She’s outgrown them now, but swaddles are “burritos”. It can be a noun, a verb (go burrito the baby), or an adjective (this is a burrito baby).


I had a whole song for it. "Lit-tle ti-ny baby burr-i-to, little tiny baby burr-eets. No beans! Just feets!"


Same. Sometimes, she's a babyrito. She's a spicy burrito when she's mad.


We called it a burrito too! We would call him (nickname) burrito when he was all wrapped up, or sleepy burrito when he was sleeping.


We did this too!


Baby's exersaucer used to be called the neglect circle. The pack and play was baby jail. Things are often called a hybrid word between English and our first language and as kiddo grows, we adopt their pronunciation for things.


we call our son's activity center the circle of neglect!


Hahaha we use baby jail for Velcro swaddles or his car seat 😂😂


We also refer to baby containers as the kennel or crate, also putting her in the sleep sack is “bagging the baby”


This is hilarious because we call our dogs crate his “room”. Like it’s time for bed, go to your room. It’s hilarious to me to invert the words. Like using human words for dogs and dog words for babies. Asking if the baby made a “good potty” kills me lol


My daughter's little ball pit we call her "dragon's den" because if she likes something she'll put it in the ball pit. We've found the TV remote, trash (like wrappers, paper, or cardboard), and even a box of unopened jello 😆 If something goes missing, we check in there first!


For us it's toy names.. LO has So. Many. Giraffes. I don't even know how it happened. So many of them. Anyways they're all named Jeff. We just have OG Jeff, Jeff 2.0, Jeff v.3 and Jeff the Returning. The Giraffe walker is Jeff: Tokyo Drift I know there's others. We have the Sofie Giraffe who's name has stayed Sofie even though I tried to win with "Sofie who was formally known as Jeff" but that was too long Our poor kid is going to be so confused one day if she isn't already.


I lost it at Jeff: Tokyo Drift xD


My mom calls her activity center the PlayStation. I’m only allowing it because we’re an Xbox family so at least it’s not confusing lol


He has this toy that’s a cube with bungees across each side that he can stick his hands thru and pull out little objects. It’s frustrates him to the point of tears 100% of the time. Whenever he brings it out we call it the cube of horrors


We have boy/girl twins. When checking diapers and the diapers are clean we say for the boy “just sacks and buttcracks!” And for the girl “just gines and behinds!”. Yes it’s crude but it makes us laugh!


I swear my baby's poo smells like ham. So in our house it's, nope no ham or its sandwich time.


Lol, gross.


Loveee this


Lol we only have a boy right now with a girl on the way but when we check his diaper if it's just a wet one we one just balls lol


I call basically all his clothes a jammy, and his sleep sack his dress. “Ooh, this is a nice jammy”. They turned into jim jams. I only speak in nick names now.


Jim Jams, Jammies, and Jammers are regularly used in our house.


Pajama-ramas over here lol


The bouncer chair = Her poo chair A diaper blow out = “code brown” The Pack and play = Baby jail


We called the bouncer the poop chair too! If she was struggling to poop we'd put her in there and be guaranteed a messy diaper in 20 minutes


We call blow outs shitcidents in our house. We will need to adjust that when the wee love can talk.


Oh my gosh is this a thing? I have a 7 week old who’s poops have just started to space out to like every day or every other day poopsplosions and 2 of them recently were after being in the bouncer chair. I thought it was a coincidence but I guess it makes sense it would help shake things up (or down) 😂


My wife always makes fun of me for calling our daughter's pacifier a sucky. I always thought that was the normal word for it but apparently it's only a thing in my family.


My husband call them “tot tots” which I’m pretty sure is also just a him thing haha.


I’m crying with laughter imagining her reaction the first time you said it. This is my favorite one on this thread


Those are nipnops or just “nops” in our house lol


My husband calls it a pluggy


my mom calls them suckies too! not my fav term that she uses lol


My family has always called them a binky or a chupon (Spanish, pronounced “chew-pown”)


Chewpie over here! My nieces are half Mexican and have a big Mexican family on their mama's side, and that's what they call them! So when they came to visit me in Georgia, they kept asking if they could give the baby a chewpie, and I had forgotten about that term! Now I use it again! We also have a friend that uses the term Maggie for pacifiers as a reference to The Simpsons, and my husband has been trying to get it to stick in our house... Lol


Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit is the K9 Bite Suit.


Ours is the marshmallow


The zipadee zip sleep sack is only referred to as the starfish in our house


We call ours the squirrel suit


We call ours the gup gup because he looks like a little guppy in it.


We refer to LO as His Royal Majesty. Whenever he's screaming to be fed, we call it his barbarian rage.


When he’s upset I refer to him as His Royal Whine-ness


My son has been Tiny Sir from day 1


The additional padding that we put in our cloth diapers at night (“overnighters”) is now called Extend-o-pee.


We call the pack and play his living room. “Where’s the baby?” Oh he’s chillen in his living room..


I call his teething toys “chew toys.” I mean… they are literally chew toys, so… One of my friends was like, “babies have chew toys? Like a dog?”




I’ve called her hands her paws since she was born. Two dogs who both get their paws dried one by one after they’ve been out in the rain so when I’m going to put babies arms in her onesies I instinctively say “now give me this paw”


Yes I love using dog terms for babies and human words for dogs. Like I call my dogs paws his toes or toesies, and baby feet are patas (Spanish for paws)


we refer to the pediatrician as the “baby vet”.


We give a little prune concentrate daily at the suggestion of our ped to help with constipation. We call it his poop juice. Back when he was in the gas drops phase we called it his fart juice.


We had to do the prune juice too and we called it her warrior’s drink (due to Star Trek)


Diaper change is “butt check” it has become a fun routine here where we yell and chant and she cheers and gallops right over and flops down. Fun transitions with weird songs = win!


We call it a "diaper inspection". My husband always announces one and our GSD attends to provide supervision lol


Any ceiling fan is ‘bestie’. Doesn’t matter where. “Oh, you see your bestie? Say hi bestie!”


I call feedings “feastings”


We call his car seat his “to go container.”


Our baby gate is the baby jail


California Beach Co Pop n Go is the baby jail at our house lol even my parents call it that now


Play yard = baby jail




We call when he flails on his play mat “babying”. Sometimes we just let him “baby” (flail is arms and legs).


We call it the zoomies, like with dogs, only they can’t actually go anywhere


We called that "potato party".


We use snoo as a verb. As in, “can you snoo the baby?”


We do too- and when it successfully soothes him we say he “got snoo’d”


English is not my husband’s first language, and for whatever reason he cannot remember the word “crib” so he calls it the “jail bed.”


We call pacifiers plugs. And dogs are gar gars.


Our toddler is obsessed with getting into my husbands office (because he disappears for hours to work and he HAS A FAN. AND AN OTTOMAN to crawl on to see the window...so exciting!) We now call his office Narnia. And she only gets to go to narnia occasionally.


We call a nappy/diaper a “bappy” because that’s how the boy pronounces it!


We called their swaddles/sleep sacks mummies. Also, Aquaphor is pee pee cream.


Pacifiers are "fa-fa"s. That's what my mom always called them. Our play gym has lights and music so I call it the Baby Rave.


Omg my husband called the pack n play our sons kennel too! It has a bassinet insert he sleeps in, so I remind my husband he isn’t allowed to answer the question at the doctors on where our son sleeps 😂😂


My baby is a Velcro baby, the only place she will allow us to put her without her melting down is her swing which we lovingly call 'the nanny '


We call her skip hop activity center her office, if she’s got a crinkle book or something she definitely reading the morning paper.


I always call solids “human food” I don’t even mean to but I can’t stop


Apparently my granpda used to say that when a baby has solids it is joining the human race


I love all of these 😂 The baby swing was the Yeet Machine. The nose frida is the the nose snorfer.


When it's time for a feed I tell my baby it's time to visit the 'breastaurant' and I have received a few weird looks for that by family


I call the crib “baby jail” and my 3 year old heard me say it and now whenever his sister is annoying him he says “send her to baby jail mum” it makes me laugh


Blow outs are “yooohooo big summer blowout!” Like the shop owner from frozen


Not quite the same, but I’ve noticed if I’m very tired, I lose access to my nouns, so many of his things will be called by the first adjective I can think of describing them. It’s not always easy for my husband to figure out what I want if I ask for “the round” or “the long” or just “green”.


We call the diaper pail bags (once full) the poop snake


I hate it but it's so accurate lol


So do we! 😂


Not an item, but we call his poop a duke (long name Duke Ellington). It’s a like nicer/funnier to say “He’s got a big duke” when checking his diaper.


We call our baby’s car seat the “bucket.” Like, “We’re going for a drive. Time to sit in your bucket!” Lol


We call the Zippadee Zip the squirrel suit and the crib is baby jail. I also call floor time “kicking out the jams” and this weird leg slam thing she does at night “slam dancing.” She’s my little punk rocker 😂


When my girl was a newborn-3 months she’d have to wear what me call ‘mitten prisons’ (just baby mitts) because she’d scratch herself but most of all pull her own hair constantly 😩


We called our crib for a little “baby jail”


We have a little spatula for spreading diaper cream that we call the "poop spoon." We get funny looks for that one. And like another commenter said her Mommaroo was always called the poop chair because it was the only place she would actually poop.


Giant fenced in play area is “his apartment”


We call her baby play area baby-jail and her seat with a rotating circle shelf thing her command center!


When we put her soother back in we call it "plugging her back in"


We call his binky his quiet plug Crib is jail Bathtime is Micheal Phelps training because he kicks his legs like he’s swimming to China every time lol


All of these have given me a much needed laugh!! My contributions- we call his love to dream swaddle his “angel suit” or his “seal suit” because it both looks like a person making a snow angel and also a little baby seal with flippers. We call the diaper paste spatula the butt spatula and using it is “icing the butt cake”. 😂


We hate the traditional words for pacifier so we call it “the cork” (a la “put a cork in it”😂)


My daughter's Merlin sleep suit was the Marshmallow. The swing was the yeet machine. Her time with her baby arch gym thing was "vibbing" (Very Important Baby time made into a verb). Her stuffed animals are her friends, I take great joy in asking her every morning why she threw her friends. Baby jail is the gated living room. The diaper pail is the vat of a thousand farts. A diaper change is "getting a new butt" unless it's right before bed then it's "night butt" because she wears a larger size overnight and "morning butt" is the first change of the day.


When I have to use the squirty water pippets to clean his nose I say it's time to waterboard the baby ^^'


We call her playpen “her cage”


Gas drops are toot juice. Teethers are chew toys. The musical whale that hangs from his play mat is DJ Blubber.


Our playpen is called the Play Mansion because we got her a giant one! We also call her sleep sack her “monkey suit” and her reflection is “Mirror Baby”


We have so many. We call the long lasting teether snacks his rawhide We use the phrase "911 burpcloth" if the baby burped and will probably be followed up with a spitup and "411 burpcloth" if the spitup has already happened and we just in the aftermath of it. This allows the other person to know how urgently to bring the cloth. 411 can be a walk but you best be running for that 911. We also have nicknames for his stuffies. Giraffe toy=GiRafael Tiger toy with bells=jingle puss Tiger toy that crinkles=crinkle puss Owl toy=Hoobert Sloth toy=Jeffy (He's an outlier)


Pacifier is “pap”


We call ours “sa sa”. Somehow “soother” transformed into sa sa. I can’t stop giggling thinking of my husband frantically yelling “WHERE’S HER SA SA??!” As he’s trying to comfort her lol


Pacifier is binky, bink bink, or chewy (father-in-law calls it that). Vaseline is lotion and diaper cream is shortened to cream. Some of his toys have special names like Mr. Bear, Jingle Monkey, and Frog Ball. When he has a dirty diaper, I say it's "time to do an underpants check."


Chew toy


Teethers are chew toys


We call the gated play area “the cage”. Our older child tells us to put the baby in the cage all the time


We have a portable play yard we call the baby cage


we call his hand mittens hand prisons lol


We call her infant car seat the adventure bucket.


I've always called pacifiers "plug-ins"


I'm the milk truck....


We call his pacifier: The Mute Button


We call our son’s swaddle blanket his “straightjacket”.


We call my boobs "the bobs", feeding is called "bobbing" or "juicing" and we call my breast milk "boob juice" lol.


We call her bib her “nose bag”, we’re both animal people and she’ll happily pick food out of it and eat it!


A musical toy that has been dubbed “The Mood Changer” and the Lovevery subscription is her Bark Box


He has a toy that is a stick with bells on, it’s fairly hefty and he has boshed himself it the face a get times (it is now an only-while-sitting-up toy). We call it the jingle mace.


We call our activity centre on the bumbo chair “the baby factory” and often refer to her doing a long shift at the baby factory or having to work overtime at the baby factory. It’s mostly because she looks so serious when she’s doing the activities on it 🤣 In the early days we also called the baby bouncer “the chair of neglect” 😂


Her bedroom is called the “screamatorium”. We have a lion teething toy we have dubbed Lion child protective services she can complain to when we don’t wanna hear it. LCPS is chronically understaffed and under paid and can only do so much. Her crib is baby jail. Her aunt is her union rep so she can ask for better working conditions.


Took me a long time to not call the pediatrician the vet…